Monday, June 20, 2011

"The Other Truth" AOD Opening Theme Video

"Hidden" - Ryan Lau

潛伏 《真相》 主題曲 - 劉威煌

作曲/編曲: 葉肇中
填詞: 鄭櫻綸

場地配人選與事情 前後配合給你合適的反應
潛伏眼淚掩蓋實情 誰犯錯誰都會辯駁擾人視聽
有一雙眼做證 錯覺作弄眼睛 誰看清

記憶各種層次 連貫著更多懷疑
猶豫像不止 將傷痛劃破展示
哪一層次 情結讓痛苦蔓延
誰又在飾演 真相交錯未顯現
內心的碎片 沒有誰看見

Personal Note: Love how the four lawyers are introduced with business cards...very creative! :D

Quite evident that this series is case-driven, as the various cases are heavily featured throughout the theme video. :)

*Credits to fat_peg888 @


  1. I also love the business card introduction! Ruco, Ta, and Louis are barristers and Raymond is a solicitor. I am really looking forward to this drama!

    @hyn5: Why was Raymond wearing a lawyer wig in the promotional clips if he is a solicitor?

  2. omg , you get me so excited , monday just come already!

  3. Excellent theme video! I'm excited! Considering the popularity of the Files of Justice franchise, I think this drama will do pretty well.

  4. Wow, I really like how the themevid was put together, very nice, and the song sounds good too =)

  5. the song is way too short for this 90 second theme video spot.

    Wish they could extended to 2 mins like the old days... :(

    Its a ok song.... better theme song video then Ghetto Justice by a billion miles!

  6. To Guru:

    My sister did some reading on that, and it seems that, a number of years ago, solicitors started having the option of wearing a wig.

  7. I read on wiki that starting in 2008 solicitors were also require to wear the wig during court but not sure if it applies to all places that uses the British system.
