Wednesday, August 29, 2012

No Sleep for Roger Kwok and Joey Meng Due to the Rush of Filming


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Joey laughingly said that, having Roger as a partner, extremely happy even if filming series is labourious.

Roger hasn't slept for 48 hours...looks weary.

Joey, who hasn't filmed series for a long time, enjoys working.

TVB artistes Roger Kwok and Joey Meng went to Disneyland Park to do location filming for the series "Cousin, You Are Good", attracting a large group of tourists surrounding them to take pictures. The storyline was talking about Roger and Joey bringing a group of children to the park to play. It could be seen that Roger and Joey looked weary when working, as they haven't slept for many days due to the rush to film the series. After finishing all-night filming, would then immediately follow with location filming...considerably labourious.

Not Enough Sleep for Joey Meng: Playing Drifting

Yesterday, after finishing all-night filming in the early morning, Roger Kwok and Joey Meng immediately went to Disneyland Park to continue filming for the series "Cousin, You Are Good". Roger and Joey looked weary. Roger actually hasn't slept for 48 hours; he frankly said that, in the past ten years, hasn't experienced such tight filming. When asked whether he has complained to the producer, he said, "Yes. Actually, the producer is already very considerate! These few days, couldn't even make it in time to return home...couldn't see my son. Recently, he would ask when seeing me, 'You're going to work again tomorrow?' The weather is hot, and there are many action scenes...really very tiring and labourious. This morning, after seeing the sun, almost fainted! Do not dare to tell my son that I'm going to Disneyland to film...afraid that he would make a fuss about wanting to come!"

As for Joey, she has only slept for 45 minutes in the past three days. She laughingly said that, when walking, legs are also if they are drifting: "Now, have been trained to sleep wherever [I] go. Rushing to film this week, so more labourious. Before, it was okay. Filming is like this. Can handle it...also happier having Roger as a partner!"

Personal Note: This series should be wrapping up soon, as Joey has to film "A Good Heart Goes Haywire".

Roger does looks tired in the pictures, but he still looks young.

*Credits to the-sun


  1. Joey only slept for 45 minutes in three days?! That's insane! Does that mean that she and Roger will be off the next couple of days?

  2. TVB torturing their artists again?

  3. That's the life of working for TVB! Unless it's a series with alot of main leads such as Healing Hands, Triumph in the Skies, the filming would be very harsh. At least with TVB investing in more on-site filming it shows they are noticing the competition CTI and are improving. Hopefully they will follow CTI's work schedule of only have aristes work 12 hours a day! I doubt that though with their factory style of producing series.

    1. To sport3888:

      Yes, Chi Lam said that he only has to work for two days, and then gets the third day off.
