Saturday, February 20, 2010

"OL Supreme" Trailer 1

Narrator: "Queen of the Office!"

Liza Wang: "If you disturb my boss again, I will definitely do something about it!"

Narrator: "Dirty King from the street corner!"

Ron Ng: "Your newspaper will block the view of the driver".

Chapman To: "What do you think this place is? A submarine?"

Narrator: "The meeting of powerhouses are always at odds!"

KK Cheung: "So, you will hire whoever picks up the thumb tack?"

Liza Wang: "Yes!"

Chapman To: "Good morning, boss!"

Liza Wang: "Ah!"

Narrator: "Working for the boss, you are going to be busy for a while".

Denise Ho: "Where did the no-neck, fat guy go?!"

Denise Ho: "I am his boss!"

Liza Wang: "I, too, am your boss".

Chapman To: "Shut up!"

Personal Note: Chapman To was so funny..."Good morning, boss!" Ha ha.... :D

So looking forward to this, as it is actually a "situation comedy". ;D And, it should be similar to "War of the Genders". Ha ha.... :D

*Credits to and chobits216 @ tvb吧


  1. This will be my 1st sitcom since VOH, lol. No translation this time, hyn? Ah, and Ron looks so cute as a geeky guy.

  2. To Annisa:

    I was going to translate it, but it is very difficult to hear. Especially Denise's part. I might give it a few more listens. Thanks for noticing! :D

  3. I wonder if this sitcom will be as famous as "War of Genders"????

  4. To Anonymous:

    "War of Genders" is one of the top rated series. It is one of the few that reached 50 points. So, it is very difficult for any series to do so.

    Also, "War" had Dodo, who did not act for a long time. ;)
