Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bobby Au Yeung Evaluates Junior Fa Dans


Bobby Au Yeung: "This is my first time collaborating with Myolie Wu...already had a lot of chemistry when filming just started. She has many ideas...gave many useful suggestions. Her 'unibrow' look is very cute. Half of this look was designed by herself. Girls like to be beautiful...her courageous willingness to perform like this is commendable! When filming 'Forensic Heroes', Linda Chung was still a young girl. Now, she is already an experienced artiste. After a few years of training, she has completely changed into another person--whether it's her acting ability or being a person. She originally does not know how to dance. During the filming of 'House of Harmony and Vengeance', had to work and practice dancing. When filming reached the middle, already danced convincingly. Tavia Yeung is already able to take charge on her own. [Her] performance has always been stable. Can collaborate with anyone--whether it's partnering with Raymond Lam, Kenneth Ma, Evergreen Mak, or me, would not affect the execution".

Personal Note: Bobby said that he still has over 20 episodes in his contract with TVB...hope that his next series will be with Yoyo Mung (who is still with TVB and also pairs with him well).

*Credits to ycwb


  1. 主演的《耀舞长安》正在热播,颠覆以往形象变身市井小混混

      羊城晚报记者 郑惟之





      欧阳震华身边的搭档,从最初的陈秀雯、关咏荷、陈妙瑛、宣萱,到近年渐渐换成年龄相差一大截的杨怡、胡杏儿和钟嘉欣。欧阳震华调侃道:“没办法,青黄不接!男演员在这方面比较占便宜,可以维持二三十年,像好莱坞老牌男星迈克·道格拉斯,配20多岁的女拍档都没问题,但女演员变化比较快,这部戏还在做我女友,再过两三年就做了我后母。 ”





      近年来,旧同事一个接一个离开,连老搭档兼好友宣萱也离开TVB北上发展,这让他倍感不舍,“我觉得很可惜,因为少了资深戏骨。我现在回去拍剧,身边都是20多岁的年轻人,已经没有兄弟,倒像是在孤儿院,带着一群小孩,我只能当院长了。”至于自己会否考虑另觅新天地?欧阳震华坦言:“我跟TVB还有20多集部头约。在内地和香港两边走,只要时间、合作对象、心情适合就做吧。 这几年拍了很多内地剧,我想是因为香港演员比较好用。”

  2. oh I miss Bobby with Ester/Marianne/Jessica so much!! wish they can collaborate again if that's even possible lol

    also, hyn, I'm wondering for the Tavia part, did Bobby mean that whether the actor it's Raymond, Kenneth, Evergreen, and Bobby being Tavia's partners, it wouldn't affect Tavia's performance?

    1. Also miss Bobby partnering with Esther, Mariane, and Jessica!

      Yes, that should be what Bobby was saying.

  3. Loved how Bobby praised Tavia for being able to take charge and her performance has always stable!

    Wasn't Bobby a judge for MCI when Linda won? Then be basically watched her enter the industry! :)

    1. Yes, Bobby was a judge for MCI that year. Before the filming of "House", he thought that Linda already knew how to dance because she did well in the hula hoop dance that she performed for her talent.

  4. I think it is safe to say for Bobby.... next year if He has a TVB series, it maybe his last?

  5. 1st - I go on ur blog daily. Faithful follower. I am an addict as well. I love that we share a common interest.

    I love how Bobby broke it down n praised Tavia. For me - she is the leader of the new gen of fadans. She def can lead a drama!!! Myolie is too goofy - I never seen her in a serious-serious role. Linda is too cute n meek. Fala(cute) and Kate(sexy) only got the looks.

    I truly believe that Nancy Wu is a good actress, however based on appearance she loses to the others, but acting-wise shes superior to them. I hope TVB can give her a chance.

    Sharon/Selena are still maturing and blossoming.

    Shirley is good, can be a little annnoying, but shes good.

    For the rest--------pls take ur time and grow. Sometimes I feel like Ada/Gigi/Jessica and etc shud slap all the newbies for their ridiculous acting skills. Myolie won Best Actress - covers eyes/mouth/and ears!!!

  6. I second you on this. To me, however, Sharon should concentrate more on her acting than trying to look good on screen. that's her weakness. She still lets her looks take over her acting ability. Nancy Wu is good also, but she still lacks that "IT" factor to be in the same line with Tavia. To me, Tavia is hands-down number 1 at TVB right now. She's just sooo gooood!

  7. Well I have to differ I think Nancy Wu is the prettier. Just too bad that TVB doesn't want to promote her =/ Maybe she can consider jumping over to CTI if her contract is over.

    I don't want Bobby to stay with TVB they've been giving him crappy series to film after Dicey Business

  8. I agree! I have nothing against Myolie or Kate, but I think that Nancy is prettier than both of them.
