勇敢的香港人 (2001)
台慶做得到 (2002)
輝煌成就 高瞻遠矚 (2003)
奀枝慾孽 (2004)
隆重一叮 (2005)
翡翠紅人館 (2006)
翡翠40星光廊 (2007)
家好月圓之店長招募 (2008)
超級巨B (2009)
超級無敵美容院 (2010)
登登登對獎門人 (2011)
Personal Note: Too bad myTV didn't post the skits from the '90s, as those were much better.
*Credits to Albrechtsen
Watching these skits bring back so many recollections of TVB, so thank you TVB for being a part of my childhood!