Sunday, June 20, 2010

"Fun with Liza and Gods" Episode 12

"Kids in the City" Episode 5

Joel Chan & Jack Wu

The only funny part in this episode of "Fun with Liza and Gods" was the beginning where Louis, Joel, Jack, and Derek imitated themselves when they first entered the industry.

Joel was 17 years old when he was a singer, and his known song was "ABCD". The dance steps are so hilarious! :D I remember Ron Ng recording the TVB MV of that song on his phone and showing it to everybody during the filming of "OL Supreme". :P

Jack was a newbie singer in 1997, and he sang his song "One Promise". Ha ha.... The only song I know of Jack's is "One Promise", as I remember his name being in the title of the song. :D

Derek Kwok

Ha ha.... Derek did not do the somersault that he did when he competed in the 1985 New Talent Singing Competition.

News Update: 升呢阿哥唱盡女藝人

胡杏兒衰到極 嗰樣有啲招積 奀到極梗係生積.

鍾嘉欣鍾嘉欣撼親嗰頭 鍾嘉欣鍾嘉欣整親隻左手.

如果太多曹敏莉 鍾嘉欣就冇定企 等到鍾嘉欣又返返嚟 曹敏莉又唔爭氣.

咁陳法拉 啲𡃁模被佢搶晒.

楊怡嗰樣皺皮 假髮一郁跌落嚟.

陳敏之 高得嚟又夠底B.

Challenger Sharon Chan as Kelly Chen

Ha ha.... When Sharon first entered the industry, the media dubbed her as a Kelly lookalike. However, Sharon only has Kelly's height. :) Anyway, the number of lazy sounds Sharon has in singing Kelly's "Big Day" is countless. 囧!


  1. I was amazed by Jack Wu's singing. Woa! His voice was good. I didn't know Joel and Jack were singers before.

    True! Sharon, only has Kelly's height. She didn't sound like Kelly.

  2. which episode was that when ron showed joel's mv?

  3. To KLCB:

    Yeah, Jack was a newbie singer in 1997 and Joel was a newbie singer in 1994. :)

    Sharon had so much lazy sounds. I find it really hard to listen to her sing "Big Day".

    To Anonymous:

    Ron should the MV to the cast of "OL Supreme" during the filming of it. It was not in the series.
