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Thursday, November 2, 2017

Louis Koo Gets Eight Stitches on Eyeball, Jessica Hsuan: Know That He Has Not Died


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Artists Louis Koo and Jessica Hsuan attended a fashion event. They have collaborated in many series. Louis, who had to get eight stitches due to injuring his right eyeball while filming a movie earlier, attended while wearing sunglasses. He revealed that the recovery of his eyeball is ideal, and his eyesight has not been affected: "Will get the stitches removed later, but lost a stitch when I went for a checkup earlier. Eight stitches, but only left with seven. (Dissolved?) No. This one would not dissolve. Don't know where it went. Haven't found it yet. (Would it affect your eye?) Would. Affects it regardless. (Is your mom very worried?) Certainly. She told me to go thank the gods immediately. (Told you to not film action movies?) I also do not want accidents to occur. Would not find something to stab myself in the eye".

When Jessica was asked whether she had consoled Louis, she said, "I do not dare to bother him. I called his manager. Know that he is okay...has not died, but would not have guessed that [you] could get stitches on [your] eyeball...learned about it this time. Just looked at his eye...really saw a protruding transparent stitch on the white of the eye".

Regarding when the two would be collaborating in a film, Louis said, "Will be soon. Planned it for a long time. Will definitely collaborate. Anticipated it for a long time". Jessica laughingly said that she is waiting for Louis' eye to get better, and also expressed her anticipation but made it clear that they had to play a couple.

*Credits to, mingpao, appledaily, stheadline, bastillepost, am730, moreforms, tudou, and gztv

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