Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Kenneth Ma & Bernice Liu Filming in Central

Christy from 馬國明國際影迷會 saw Kenneth and Bernice filming "Shall We State the Case" while getting off work. She was able to take some pictures, and was lucky enough to capture the filming of a kiss scene. :)


Personal Note: Ahhh!!!! If I was walking on the street and saw them filming, I would so start screaming, and I wouldn't be able to control myself! Ha ha.... 佢哋嘅狀態唔錯! They both look so good right now! Filming should end in mid-October, but I wonder how many more outdoor scenes will Ma Ming and Bernice film together? Ha ha.... :D

*Credits to 馬國明國際影迷會


  1. dvd- ooh, she is so lucky to witness that scene. Is it me only or does that kiss look pretty sweet? ^ _ ^

  2. Kenneth looks awesome :D So is Bernice. Can't wait to watch this series :)

  3. hey , May I ask ?? After this film ??? How is he shedule ??? Cos He'll preparing the movies next years , right ??? So , He still have 3 months . What will he doing on that time ???

  4. To Anonymous:

    I'm not sure what Ma Ming will film after "Shall We State the Case". Lam Chi Wah "should" be having a series, but I don't know if he will include Ma Ming. Chances should be high because Lam uses Ma Ming often. :) (Nothing is confirmed yet)
