Saturday, May 30, 2009

"Where the Legend Begins" Seven Steps Poem

My scrapbook featuring the most famous scene in "Where the Legend Begins", Cho Jik's 'Seven Steps Poem'.

Cho Pei requested for Cho Jik to come up with a poem in order to spare his life. The poem must be about brothers, it must not mention the word 'brother', and it must be completed in seven steps.


豆在釜中泣: 「本是同根生, 相煎何太急?」

English Translation:

Beans are boiled by the fire of beanstalks.
And beans cry in the pot:
"We both came from the same roots,
Why burn me so unrelentingly?"

The scene was filmed in two days, and overseas audiences watched it before it was aired in Hong Kong. Gigi Wong Suk Yi watched it in Canada back then, and she also praised the series for being one of TVB's representative works.


  1. Ah, I remember this scene.
    It is the most memorable scene to me out of
    the whole series, haha. :) It was also in a
    preview too. I remember. ^^ It was when they
    had to take steps & say some poetry, right?

  2. You are correct, sugar! I cried watching that scene. :D
