Thursday, July 11, 2019

Bosco Wong Returns to the Recording Studio to Parody "King of Karaoke"


Bosco Wong was previously in the music industry. Many netizens still remember the classic scene when he was randomly drawn to take turns singing 《K歌之王》 with Eason Chan at the "J.S.G. Best 10 Awards Presentation 2008". At the time, he sang to the point that he was out of breath and out of tune, which became a hot topic. Since then, he faded out of the music industry and focused on acting.

Ever since Louis Koo won 'My Favourite Male Singer' at the "Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation", there have been netizens who laughingly said that, after Louis, the music industry owes Bosco an explanation. Bosco, who has been teased for ten years, seems to have gotten back up from where he had fallen, as he has finally entered the recording studio again, recording the parody song 《發夢之王》 for a commercial, and even shot an MV.

The 《發夢之王》 MV shows dark humour, with a mental institution as its background, talking about dream chasers from different fields of society. Although they are ridiculed, they never give up. Bosco plays a 'Dreaming God of Songs'. Because of one performance mistake, he was sent to a mental institution, where he met other dream chasers. With everyone's encouragement, he overcomes everything and steps on the stage to sing again.

Bosco accepted Ming Pao's interview, saying that he did not mind poking fun at his own singing ability in the MV. He laughingly said, "In order to win others, you must first poke fun at yourself!" When he was asked when he would be making a real return to the music industry, he said, "Singing is for entertaining everyone. Acting is still more suitable for me"."

發夢之王 - 黃宗澤

作曲: 陳輝陽
原詞: 林夕
改編詞: 陳詠謙
編曲: 李一丁/Siugwai@groofmusic

我把聲比較特殊 你別皺眉
你別要咮我 這樣惡死
我已經失去自由 禁絕唱K
觀眾叫澤仔聲帶切除 盡快處理

如何談夢想 郁吓就鬧用語兇狠
魂遊外太空 小毒男只想變身
如何談夢想 要是太偏鋒不是人
電競的天才 卻被勸覆診

人人亦知我 低兩個key似足講對白
其實無天理 要翻唱巨人陳奕迅的歌
仍然未叻過 十年前勁歌關心妍
才令我轟你 再呼天叫地志偉也說無得頂

嘔了十幾兩血 唱金曲不怕面紅
唔係垃圾 唔該當我行過
掌聲支持 贈我

人人亦知我 聲線太差唱腔不夠滑
仍舊送給你 叫幾百萬人奚落我的歌
從來未驚過 十年磨練表演多一輪
人類我忍你 再呼天叫地唱唱唱唱那麼多


無人及我 你怎麼竟然說
K歌之王 是我

我咁都肯唱現場 你話我傻
誰試過挑戰自己都明白 傻嘅唔係我

Full Song

發夢之王 - 黃宗澤

作曲: 陳輝陽
原詞: 林夕
改編詞: 陳詠謙
編曲: 李一丁/Siugwai@groofmusic

我把聲比較特殊 你別皺眉
你別要咮我 這樣惡死
我已經失去自由 禁絕唱K
觀眾叫澤仔聲帶切除 盡快處理

如何談夢想 郁吓就鬧用語兇狠
魂遊外太空 小毒男只想變身
如何談夢想 要是太偏鋒不是人
電競的天才 卻被勸覆診

人人亦知我 低兩個key似足講對白
其實無天理 要翻唱巨人陳奕迅的歌
仍然未叻過 十年前勁歌關心妍
才令我轟你 再呼天叫地志偉也說無得頂

嘔了十幾兩血 唱金曲不怕面紅
唔係垃圾 唔該當我行過
掌聲支持 贈我

我唱歌 整個樂壇 眼淚已流
馬上有群眾 要撳我走
比渴望紅館開show更簡單 賣晒都有

人人亦知我 聲線太差唱腔不夠滑
仍舊送給你 叫幾百萬人奚落我的歌
從來未驚過 十年磨練表演多一輪
人類我忍你 再呼天叫地唱唱唱唱那麼多


無人及我 你怎麼竟然說
K歌之王 是我

我咁都肯唱現場 你話我傻
誰試過挑戰自己都明白 傻嘅唔係我

*Credits to mingpao and BroadwayHK

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