Thursday, March 28, 2019

Gives Ant-Man a Rooster! Jessica Hsuan Joins S.H.I.E.L.D.: An Important Page in Life


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Hong Kong Disneyland Clip

Hollywood star Paul Rudd, who plays Ant-Man, Kevin Feige, the president of Marvel Studios, and Peyton Reed, the director of "Ant-Man and the Wasp" specially went to the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort to host a launch ceremony for the new attraction 'Ant-Man and the Wasp: Nano Battle!' Artiste Jessica Hsuan has become the first Asian artiste to take part as a new character, a S.H.I.E.L.D. engineer, in the Marvel games, and she also appeared on stage at the launch ceremony.

Anticipated for a Few Months

On stage, Jessica happily said the she has always been a Marvel fan, and is excited to be able to take part in this game as one of the characters. [She] frankly said that [she] has already anticipated it for many months. Doing a demo this morning, the feeling is very exciting and shocking; however, because [you] have to keep shooting a gun while [you] play, it hurt the arms a lot, but will also ask to play again later.

Already Satisfied to Have Been Able to Take Part in the Game

After the ceremony, Jessica accepted an interview again. She excitedly said that her dreams finally came true: "To be able to take part in Marvel, being whatever character doesn't matter. Because I am an actor, to be able to act as a superhero, even if it is a small character, it doesn't matter". She said that she was already very excited when she received the notification last October, but [she] could not say it out because it had to be kept a secret. Regarding having just seen 'Ant-Man' Paul, she highly praised him for being very nice and even revealed that he had done his homework, as [he] knew that she had studied in England. She also demonstrated courtesy as the host; [she] knew that he was born in the Year of the Rooster, so [she] bought a cup with the Year of the Rooster for him, and even gave him egg rolls and salted egg potato chips as souvenirs. As for being able to take on a character in the game, she described it as 'an important page written in life'. When asked whether she had hoped to take part in the movie, she said, "Will not think that much. Already really satisfied to have been able to take part in the game!"

*Credits to, mingpao, appledaily, stheadline, moreforms, gztv, and

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