Friday, August 3, 2018

Griselda Yeung Teaching Tavia Yeung the Secret to Having a Daughter?



"Scoop" Clip

"Scoop" Clip

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Artiste Tavia Yeung and her elder sister, Griselda Yeung, attended an infant formula event as a sisterly partnership. When Tavia was asked whether she had good news to announce, she laughingly said that she hopes that there would be soon, but her husband, Him Law, is busy with work, so there is no time to make a baby: "He was not in Hong Kong previously...went to film a movie for three months. Just came back. After resting for a bit, he has to leave Hong Kong for work again. I also have things to do. We may not necessarily be able to match our schedules, but cannot rush these things. (Already ready to become a mother?) Yes, mentally, but letting nature take its course. (The both of you matching your resting schedules?) Hope to have some time later. We have to match our schedules".

Tavia Yeung Has a Skin Allergy

When Griselda was asked whether she would teach [Tavia] what she has learned about having a baby (son) from her own experience, she, who already has a daughter, laughingly said, "I know how to have a daughter. Don't know how to have a son!" Seeing the spots on Tavia's face, she explained that it was a skin allergy: "Have already gotten a lot better. Before, was sensitive to the point that my entire face was red. Cannot go about. Cannot even visit (my husband) on set. Skin allergy problems require a lot of time to solve".

Griselda Yeung Wants to Film Ancient "Who Wants a Baby?"

In addition, regarding the series "Who Wants a Baby?", which Griselda takes part in, having its finale tonight, she expressed, "Hope that the ratings surpass 30 points. Already very happy. Even better if it's 35 points. If it surpasses 50 points, eating dinner with all the people of Hong Kong; everyone pays for his or her own dinner...ha ha! (The series has a happy ending?) Don't know! (In the series, you and Tsui Wing will be together?) Nothing is certain". Regarding whether she wanted to film a sequel, she frankly said that she wants to film another theme with the original crew, and even suggested that it might be an ancient version of "Who". She would have to go from being a doula to a nanny? She laughingly said, "Be a nanny then. Can make the chest bigger [when acting], or perhaps be a maid".

*Credits to, Hannahtahim, mingpao, appledaily, eastweek, bastillepost, moreforms, youku, and gztv

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