Monday, October 6, 2014

"Tomorrow Is Another Day" Sub Song


"The Chain" - Alfred Hui

枷鎖 《再戰明天》 片尾曲 - 許廷鏗

作曲: Wendyz Zheng
填詞: 楊熙
編曲: 韋景雲/Wendyz Zheng
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲

逆流俗世裡 誰又能 自由地喝采
為何但求別人認同 偏不敢說出愛

*或者如何不該 但有太多過後不再
地球上如若有你 誰又眷戀桃源世外

誰要你分開 誰沒將來 隔膜鐵壁 也隔不到愛
如為你 無形枷鎖都可以 破得開 無障礙
無論有低谷 還是深海 挽住你手 就能行出來
所以 仍在這裡 仍然靜候 你回來 (再被愛)*

為何在乎別人流言 不敢灑脫地愛

Repeat (*)

讓你走 才沒將來 下半生 無人可愛
而為你 重重關卡都可以 照衝開 無障礙
無論有一天 人面都不再 關於你的 沒誰人可掩蓋
所以 仍在這裡 仍然靜候 你回來

FYI: The sub song has the same melody as the theme song, but with different lyrics.

Related post: "Tomorrow Is Another Day" Theme Song (Full Version)

Personal Note: TVB couldn't figure out which set of lyrics is better?

*Credits to LovingTBB


  1. i'm so confused why its the same melody as the theme song and even have some of the same lyrics!

  2. Can anyone tell me what's the title and singer of the song whereby Vincent dedicated to Jose over the radio? Was it an Andy Lam song?

  3. can you post english translatioon
