Best Actor - Kevin Cheng
Best Actress - Charmaine Sheh
Best Supporting Actor - Kenny Wong
Best Supporting Actress - Shirley Yeung
My Favourite Male TV Character - Steven Ma
My Favourite Female TV Character - Charmaine Sheh
Most Improved Male Artiste - Kenneth Ma
Most Improved Female Artiste - Linda Chung
Best Host - Sammy Leung
Best Series - La Femme Deperado
Best Variety Programme- Beautiful Cooking
Best Creativity Programme - On the Road
Best Foreign Programme - 阿笨與阿佔
Best Promotional Clip - Miss Chinese International
Most Admirable Production - On the Road
Lifetime Achievement Award - Chung King Fai
整晚頒獎禮共頒發十六個獎項,鄭嘉穎憑《天幕下的戀人》奪最佳男主角獎,台上他有多謝拍檔周麗淇(Niki),Niki聞言即時忍不住眼泛淚光。鄭嘉穎提 起十三年來一直都撐他的阿媽時,已開始想喊,他說:「如果無阿媽的支持,唔會支持到今時今日。依家可以同阿媽講一聲,你個仔無入錯行。」他亦指現在所有不 順利的人,只要努力及奮鬥,夢想是可以成真的。
佘詩曼憑《鳳鳳四重奏》獲「我最喜愛的電視女角色」,領獎時她表現得不是太開心。司儀「嘟嘟」鄭裕玲隨即訪問台下的胡杏兒是否立即感到「安樂晒」,杏兒只 一臉難為情地說:「我驚我無獎_呀!我唔知呀!」及後頒發最佳女主角,阿佘得悉再獲獎,才即時露出喜悅表情,激動得掩面喊了出來,拍檔兼緋聞男友馬德鐘亦 上前擁抱道賀。她邊喊邊說:「我真係以為_完頭先?個,無機會再_呢個?!」她表示由最初被指「雞仔聲」不懂演戲,到現在得獎,真是很開心,也沒有令家人失望。阿佘更說:「我想暈呀!我會繼續努力,一定會記住今日。」
前日拍劇右眼受傷的馬浚偉,憑《鐵血保鏢》獲得「我最喜愛的電視男角色」。他表示以往都被指為黑馬,前日拍劇被一隻馬撞至受傷,原來是想告訴他今次他會跑 出。馬仔坦言真是十分興奮又開心,因為每年都有提名入圍,但每年都是黑馬跑走,今次得獎為他打了支強心針,但因為眼球郁不到,所以好痛,他亦指這個獎好重 要,得到這個獎已好夠。
馬國明與鍾嘉欣分別獲得「飛躍進步男、女藝員」獎項,馬國明得悉獲獎時一臉驚訝,上台領獎時也有點口震,他表示心情十分緊張,但不是緊張_獎,而是因為要 表演跳舞。他亦特別多謝與他合作過的郭晉安。馬國明事後接受訪問繼續口震,被取笑為「修哥(胡楓)上身」,他表示得獎是bonus,十分開心。
憑《火舞黃沙》一劇人氣急升的黃德斌亦憑此劇獲最佳男配角,他亦特別多謝劇中的蔡少芬、佘詩曼及邵美琪,他又特別多謝傳媒,獎項會放在家中。憑《隨時候 命》獲最佳女配角的楊思琦多謝經理人時,有點眼濕濕,她坦言其他前輩對手演得好好,沒有想過會得獎,亦覺得戲中的傷殘人士角色很有意義。以前在街上,也有 傷殘人士指自己的經歷好似她,她都希望再做這些有挑戰性的角色。她又會與男友慶祝嗎?她表示都可能會,或者會與家中的狗仔慶祝。談及台上忘記多謝男友,她 笑言台上忘記,台下也忘記。
收視高企的《美女廚房》大熱獲得「最佳綜藝資訊節目」,而「最佳節目主持」為《15/16》的森美,無線派人送獎到商台給正在做直播節目的森美,令他十分 驚訝,他特別多謝在不開心時,陳志雲先生扶了他一把。至於鍾景輝則奪得「萬千光輝演藝大獎」,最佳劇集則是《女人唔易做》。
Right when I got off work, my sister opened the door for me and said, "It's the end of the world". At that moment, I knew that Kevin Cheng had won 'Best Actor'. Ugh! How can TVB just give Kevin Cheng the award? He's not Gallen Lo or Roger Kwok material for 'Best Actor'. "Under the Canopy of Love" was just a cheap love story. His character in there was nothing extraordinary. Good luck to TVB next year because nobody is going to watch Kevin Cheng series. They are just going to boycott him just like the year audience members did to Gigi Lai when she won 'My Favourite Actress'. This is a bigger controversy because TVB gave it to their "son". This is a very big upset. I can't believe Bobby didn't make it into final top five. That is disrespectful! I bet they didn't put Bobby in there because they didn't want Kevin Cheng to win over Bobby. TVB gave Bobby a little face by not nominating him in the final five. When Kevin Cheng went on stage to accept the award, he was very calm and a bit arrogant. He knew that TVB was going to give it to him. I am so mad! I'm going to explode! I don't know what TVB was thinking. They love him, so they must give him the award. What TVB doesn't know is that loving him will only destroy him! With Kevin Cheng winning, I can tell that this will be the talk of the town for a very long time.
I am most happy for Kenneth to have won the award for 'Most Improved Male Artiste'. He was in total shock when he heard his name as the winner. During the whole event, everybody was most hyped when Kenneth won. Kenneth received the most applause and everybody was happy for him. That is because he has worked very hard and he most definitely deserved it.
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