歐陽震華(Bobby)、蒙嘉慧、王喜與楊怡昨日為無線新劇《茶煲爹哋》試造型,Bobby與蒙嘉慧十足大細路般嬉戲,Bobby更慘被對方用宣 傳貼紙 封嘴。Bobby笑說:「和蒙嘉慧合作很多,大家都很玩得,宣萱及關詠荷亦是圈中玩得下的朋友。有時工作要輕鬆,我太疲倦也不敢睡籲,怕被她們捉弄。」新 劇有很多小朋友參與拍攝?「我們預了遲收工,幸好對小朋友有點辦法,戲中Jacky仔飾演兒子,他很醒目,在家背熟對白才入廠開工,帶我入戲,Jacky 仔是『男版馮寶寶』﹗」
*Article from mingpao
歐陽震華(Bobby)、蒙嘉慧(YoYo)、楊怡、王喜、黎諾懿昨日為無線新劇《茶煲爹哋》試造型,老友鬼鬼的Bobby與YoYo見面即「開 戰」, Bobby除了取笑YoYo有愛情滋潤,愈來愈靚之外,又笑問她會否北上探伊健班?搞到YoYo哭笑不得,惟有用膠紙替Bobby封嘴。
事後,Bobby表示同YoYo合作很高興,他說:「同佢合作咁多次,唔開佢玩笑點得,同佢合作好開心,其實宣萱、關詠荷都好好玩。」至於YoYo透露將 在新劇中演超級巿場行政人員,經常要周圍格價,而現實中她同樣是格價專家,她說:「邊度食嘢有免費泊車,我最清楚,行街買衫都會_折扣,之前先_特價場 買咗幾條牛仔褲,由原價一千九百蚊折到一百九十蚊,好抵。」
*Article from orisun
Brief Translation: TVB held a costume fitting for the new series 《茶煲爹哋》, and the cast members present included Bobby Au Yeung, Yoyo Mung, Wong He, and Tavia Yeung. Bobby kept poking fun at Yoyo about her relationship with Ekin and asking whether she would go to Beijing to visit Ekin. In the end, Yoyo could only put a sticker over Bobby's mouth to keep him quiet.
Bobby was later asked if this would make Yoyo unhappy, he said, "I have worked with her many times now, how can I not use her as a joke. Actually, it is very happy to work with her. Just like Jessica Hsuan and Esther Kwan are my playful friends in the industry". Bobby also revealed that he is not going to fall asleep on set because he is afraid of people playing tricks on him.
There will be many children in the series, and Jacky Wong will play Bobby's son. Yoyo's character will be a supermarket executive.
Related post: New Series 《茶煲爹哋》 Costume Fitting
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