Tuesday, August 8, 2006


Yoyo Mung and Tavia Yeung kiss under the circumstance that no male artiste would give them birthday kisses.


事後﹐壽星女楊怡及Yoyo異口同聲表示不介意兩男拒絕獻吻,其中楊怡更抵死表示:「拍o野同佢地都咀夠﹐唔介意佢地唔咀我地﹐我覺得咀蒙嘉慧更加有味道 ﹐死啦!唔知係咪潛意識鍾意女仔呢?」此外﹐當記者要求緋聞男友黎諾懿吻賀Yoyo時﹐前者聞言即雞咁腳走﹐而Yoyo就表示:「平時都唔會叫細佬(即黎 諾懿)咀我,佢好怕醜。」

Personal Note: It's so funny! Yoyo and Tavia kiss, while Bosco and Raymond kiss. Yoyo and Tavia are both 玩得之人. Two years ago, when they were promoting "Twin of Brothers", it was also the month of August, so they had a cake for Tavia, Ron Ng, and Nancy Wu. At that time, Christine Ng and Tavia kissed each other. After the kiss, they both jumped apart, and Tavia ran away because they didn't know that their lips were actually going to touch. No wonder Tavia joked and questioned if she is 'brokeback' this time. It was hilarious! It's also funny that they keep asking Yoyo about Lai Lok Yi; they are managed by the same manager, and they are friends who like to do sports. Now, they are rumoured as an 'older female and younger male' couple.

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