Saturday, June 3, 2017

Mall Jeh and Gordon Continue Their Romance


"My Unfair Lady"'s Mall Jeh and Gordon have continued their romance. Frankie Lam and Jessica Hsuan have become an onscreen couple. The two filmed a promotional clip for the ice cream brand Dreyer's. In the promotional clip, Mall Jeh and Gordon were eating ice cream cones in the kitchen. Mall Jeh said, "Have you ever noticed that we are very similar to ice cream cones? I am green tea ice cream...sweet but with a bitter taste at the end. As for you, you are like smooth vanilla ice cream...gentle toward me and tolerant of me. We are actually the perfect match!" Gordon pointed out that chocolate is also a match, but Mall Jeh said that she does not allow other women to appear.

Gordon said, "I know that I really don't have willpower. That's why I said to you, 'Please manage me!' Whether you are green tea, chocolate, or almond, all in all, I, this vanilla, will forever be by your side being your perfect match!" Mall Jeh wanted to compete in finishing the ice cream cone first, but ordered Gordon to yield to her. He hugged Mall Jeh while asking, "Yield to you or take care of you?" Mall Jeh sweetly said, "Both are good!" Will "Yield to you or take care of you?" become Gordon's new golden love phrase?

*Credits to mingpao and 雀巢香港

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