She said this outsider's mom is in 幕後 and the dad does 幕後 and 幕前. Also, the dad has a very high status in HK's triads. The main character will be a 50/50 chance between Kevin Cheng and Kenneth Ma.
Personal Note: After all of these clues, it can't be Shaun Tam (he has a very healthy image). With "high status in HK's triads", I can only think of Charles Heung Wah Keung's son, Heung Joh (which means "turn left"), whose original name is Heung Chin Ping.
Now, he would be classified as "oh my god!", "有冇搞錯", and "what's up with that?" I feel bad for whomever is going to be paired up with this guy. 好汗!
wow how weird...um i too agree that i don't want Kenneth in the series... for once...i'm against him being in a series lol..Kevin should take the series haha...Kenenth can get another one lol preferably w/ Bernice haha. I don't care who else is in it..the series doesn't even look promising...!