Sunday, May 6, 2007

Melissa Ng Is Seven Months Pregnant

吳美珩7月做豬媽 承認已婚6年


吳美珩的感情生活一向神秘,縱使多次傳出已婚消息,均一概拒絕回應。她的丈夫王華麟(Jerry)是金融才子,旗下公司資產有數十億元,令她過籲闊太生 活。她在訪問中表示,與丈夫相識於96年當選華裔小姐亞軍之後,當時彼此已認定對方,有The One的感覺。01年,Jerry向她求婚,因對方是台灣人,同年年底於台北舉行婚禮,筵開60席。由於她覺得結婚是私事,所以低調處理。

去年,美珩自內地拍攝劇集《太極》返港,突然好想生小孩子,終於如願懷孕了。在這段期間她推了多部劇集,BB出世,她亦會有一段時間以BB為先,照顧孩子 是一生一世的。對於被指過闊太生活,她笑說太抬舉了,在她眼中,Jerry是上進、聰明及有理想的人,不單是好丈夫,亦將是好父親。

[2007-05-06] 吳美珩承認已婚待產

從未承認與基金公司老闆王華麟是已婚關係的吳美珩,今年三月,被本報率先影到她肚凸凸與朋友在金鐘行街,還刻意以手袋遮肚。昨日35歲生日的美珩,終於承 認已婚六年兼懷孕七個月。無線製作資源副總監樂易玲證實吳美珩懷孕及待產,並指本於下月開拍的《橫眉女子》,先後找來陳慧珊和吳美珩演出,但她們同樣因懷 孕而不能接拍,而美珩分娩後則仍會繼續拍劇。

Brief Translation:

Melissa Ng finally admitted to the press that she has been married for six years and is seven months pregnant. She has been married to Taiwanese native Jerry Wong Wah Lun since 2001. Jerry Wong is an investment company boss; his company assets are reported to be over several billion dollars. Their wedding was held in Taipei and had sixty tables at the banquet. Since Melissa believed that marriage is a personal affair, she felt best for the wedding to be handled in a low-profile manner.

After filming "The Master of Tai Chi" last year, Melissa suddenly had the urge of having children. Melissa said that her baby will be her first priority; however, she will continue to film series.

With indications that Melissa will be having a prosperous life, she smiled and said that people think highly of it. In her eyes, Jerry is very hardworking, intelligent, and is a person with ideals. Not only is he a good husband, he will also be a good father.

TVB executive Virginia Lok also confirmed that Melissa is pregnant and is currently on leave awaiting the birth of her baby. She also indicated that the two prospective female leads for TVB series 《橫眉女子》, which was to start filming in June, were Flora Chan and Melissa, but they both turned down the role because of their pregnancies. Miss Lok expressed that the series will be shelved until further notice.

Personal Note: Congratulations to Melissa! I never once doubted that she was married, but I was a little surprised when they suspected her to be pregnant. However, not such a shocker as compared to Flora's marriage to Mike Chung and carrying his baby. Melissa must have experienced something in Mainland China when she was filming "The Master of Tai Chi". Whatever it was, it made her decide to become mother. For some reason, I think Melissa will also have a daughter. What I find funny is that, can it really be a coincidence that both of my favourite female artistes are pregnant and were both considered for the female lead in 《橫眉女子》. Now, I really hope that this series will be shelved until they return.

*Credits to mingpao

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