Monday, March 17, 2025

"Anonymous Signal" Opening Theme Video & End Credits

"Anonymous Signal" Opening Theme Video

"Moving Forward" - Rock Ho

前行吧 《奪命提示》 主題曲 - 何晉樂

作曲/監製: 劉易昇
填詞: 楊熙
編曲: Freddie Lo

前方很多變卦 無人一早知變化


明天不顧忌那麼多 前行吧
面對槍風彈雨連起手 永未放下
明天不顧慮那麼多 前行吧
未到終點都要連起手 繼續上吧

"Anonymous Signal" End Credits

"Still Wanna Believe You" - Shiga Lin

仍然很想相信你 《奪命提示》 片尾曲 - 連詩雅

作曲/編曲/監製: 劉易昇
填詞: 楊熙

你 又再度拯救我絕地
在暗黑中緊抱你 溫暖的手臂
不會再逃離 還明示你已預備
即使拋開 生死

我 但我未可以往事不理
即使過去能處理 還明白怪你無道理
那片陰影用力抹去 仍會再次浮起

仍然很想相信你 然而實在又會記起
被放棄 流淚中等有人救起
很想相信你 然而實在害怕哪天沒有你

其實很清楚你 不可選擇
我偏未可以放開 原諒你

仍然很想擁抱你 然而實在又會記起
被放棄 無藉口一個人遠飛
很想相信你 然而實在習慣已經沒有你

我 若以後可再豁盡地
若再可安心愛你 一秒都想愛你
不要再逃離 緣和份永遠無道理
老去之前 只想捉緊你

Promotional Event 1 @ TVBE Clip (031025)

Promotional Event 1 @ "Scoop" Clip (031025)

Promotional Event 2 @ TVBE Clip (031725)

Promotional Event 2 @ "Scoop" Clip (031725)

Dinner @ TVBE Clip (031925)

Dinner @ "Scoop" Clip (031925)

Related post: "Anonymous Signal" Theme Song (Full Version) & Sub Songs
Related post: "Anonymous Signal" Theme Song MV Preview

Sunday, March 16, 2025

"Anonymous Signal" Theme Song (Full Version) & Sub Songs

"Anonymous Signal" Theme Song (Full Version)

"Anonymous Signal" Theme Song MV

"Moving Forward" - Rock Ho

前行吧 《奪命提示》 主題曲 - 何晉樂

作曲/監製: 劉易昇
填詞: 楊熙
編曲: Freddie Lo

前方很多變卦 無人一早知變化
離開偏低氣壓 重投新一天進發


#明天不顧忌那麼多 前行吧
面對槍風彈雨連起手 永未放下
明天不顧慮那麼多 前行吧
未到終點都要連起手 繼續上吧#*

前方很多變卦 無人一早知變化

Repeat *

離開偏低氣壓 重投新一天進發
強風吹不會怕 懸崖險壁不會怕

Repeat #

"Anonymous Signal" Sub Song 1

"Still Wanna Believe You" - Shiga Lin

仍然很想相信你 《奪命提示》 片尾曲 - 連詩雅

作曲/編曲/監製: 劉易昇
填詞: 楊熙

你 又再度拯救我絕地
在暗黑中緊抱你 溫暖的手臂
不會再逃離 還明示你已預備
即使拋開 生死

我 但我未可以往事不理
即使過去能處理 還明白怪你無道理
那片陰影用力抹去 仍會再次浮起

仍然很想相信你 然而實在又會記起
被放棄 流淚中等有人救起
很想相信你 然而實在害怕哪天沒有你

其實很清楚你 不可選擇
我偏未可以放開 原諒你

仍然很想擁抱你 然而實在又會記起
被放棄 無藉口一個人遠飛
很想相信你 然而實在習慣已經沒有你

我 若以後可再豁盡地
若再可安心愛你 一秒都想愛你
不要再逃離 緣和份永遠無道理
老去之前 只想捉緊你

"Anonymous Signal" Sub Song 2

"All Open Up" - James Ng

一切豁開 《奪命提示》 插曲 - 吳業坤

作曲/編曲: 徐洛鏘
填詞: 楊熙
監製: 劉易昇


*是我不要得斷絕你 拋於荒野外
一千日只有後悔 給你十年未平傷害 如何負載
就算分隔多遠但我 永遠放不開
當天失去了 還有多少可愛


Repeat *

一句是絕路太短 難共你走出將來
但我信我這天 可帶著你再看未來
前面已沒有了海 風光都不再

Repeat *

在我心裡一個位置 不可給替代
當天未可照料你 給你諾言未彌補意外
難承諾太多 不過可以為你 一切豁開
只想失去了 還有一次可愛


Related post: "Anonymous Signal" Theme Song MV Preview

*Credits to TVB Music Group

Thursday, March 13, 2025

《俠醫》 "The Chivalrous Doctor" Costume Fitting



Date: March 13, 2025

Temporary Chinese title: 《俠醫》
Pinyin title: Hap Yi
Temporary English title: "The Chivalrous Doctor"
Producer: April Chan

Attending Cast: Moses Chan, Kelly Cheung, Timothy Cheng, Elvina Kong, Karl Ting, Mason Fung, Zoie Tam, Moon Lau, Gary Chan, Eva Lai, Rosita Kwok, Mark Ma, Angelina Lo, Albert Cheung, Agnes Lam, Patrick Lam, Krysella Wong, Kingsley Lam, Tracy Chung, Henry Chan, Anson Choi, Lam Chik Tung, Chloe Law, Wong Kin Fung, Noah Lau, So Lai Ming, Liam Fung, Skylar Lo, and Jason Ip.

Time: 12:30
Place: Tseung Kwan O INNOPARK 77 Chun Choi Street TVB City Studio 13

TVBE Clip (031325)

"Scoop" Clip (031325)

ontv Clip

Ming Pao Clip

stheadline Clip

stheadline Clip

am730 Clip

am730 Clip

More Forms Clip

More Forms Clip

More Forms Clip

More Forms Clip

More Forms Clip

More Forms Clip

More Forms Clip

More Forms Clip

- The series is expected to film in Hong Kong, and it will release in September or October.
- The series is more lighthearted.
- The series is based on the charity medical clinic of Professor Wong Tin Chi, a famous Chinese medicine practitioner in Hong Kong.
- The series is focusing on patients with autism and cerebral epilepsy, as well as correspondingly addressing the needs and emotions of the patients' families.
- Moses Chan will play Wai Man, a chivalrous Chinese medicine practitioner who helps the world and is committed to improving disadvantaged groups, passing on the culture of Hong Kong's Chinese medicine. He has received a Western education and is determined to inherit his father's spirit of helping the world, promote his family's medicated oil, and change the bad habit of urbanites abusing Western medicine for pain relief. Due to the acquisition of the tenement building 「騎樓581」, he meets real estate agent Kelly Cheung. In line with his original intention of the 'art of healing benefiting the people', he opens a medical clinic in 「騎樓581」 to provide medical services and medicine to the neighbourhood. However, this touches the nerves of his maternal uncle, Timothy Cheng, Elvina Kong, and Karl Ting, stirring up trouble many times. After many struggles, he overcomes all difficulties and develops his career. With Kelly's help, he carries out 「向日攜行動」 to provide free medical consultations. With the benevolent spirit of doctors, he gains the title of 「俠醫」. The performance this time will not particularly highlight the technical aspects, but will mainly talk about the spirit of helping others and helping disadvantaged groups. He has to do Tai Chi and archery. He and Kelly are a pair. Angelina Lo, Albert Cheung, Rosita Kwok, Mason Fung, and Agnes Lam are his family. His character is based on Professor Wong Tin Chi.
- Kelly will play a real estate agent. She has a beautiful appearance, but her life is a mess. She is a typical career-oriented urban woman who is under a lot of pressure from work and her family, and she does not know how to relax, so she often suffers from pain. She always walks in high heels, so she has the habit of twisting her ankle, and she always has headaches. Thus, she relies heavily on Western medicine and painkillers to help herself. It is only until she meets Moses that he uses his method to persuade her. For example, she is initially resistant toward medicinal oil, but she slowly discovers that she can be helped through the angle of Chinese medicine. Her performance will be more playful. Moon is her frenemy, snatching Moses and her buildings. Gary Chan and Eva Lai are her parents, while Zoie Tam is her younger sister.
- Timothy will play Moses' maternal uncle. He and Karl are father and son. They are family and competitors because their family also produces medicinal oil. They are kind on the surface but are secretly covetous toward Moses, even using extreme measures to deal with him. He is the baddest person in the series; there is nothing good about his character.
- Elvina will play Karl's mother.
- Karl will play a rich second generation who has done all kinds of bad things. He has many girlfriends. He entices many girls to like him and pursue him, but he would use these girls as his chess pieces. He wants to fight for the family assets. He, Elvina, and Timothy are a family; his entire family is villainous. He is Moses' younger cousin. He challenges Moses' family to see how he is able to help his own side. He is a smart guy such that he sees his father having an affair, but he would not tell his mother and would help his father keep it a secret, knowing that he has leverage against his father.
- Mason will play Mok Ka Chun, a hidden youth who has been staying at home for a long period of time. He is addicted to gaming. He is Agnes' son; while he is hidden, she is his only financial source.
- Zoie will play Law Wing Yan (羅穎茵), a person with autism who lives in her own world. She has a low mental capacity. Sometimes she speaks slowly, but she would talk non-stop about topics that she is interested in. She likes colourful things, so she likes to draw and dolls. She has a great family, and everyone takes good care of her and accommodates her. She is Kelly's younger sister, while Gary and Eva are her parents.
- Moon Lau will play Natalie Sam Yi Ting, an unscrupulous and scheming real estate agent. She is full of cunning ideas. Kelly is her bestie; however, apart from competing with Kelly for business, she even snatches Moses, creating many obstacles in their relationship and careers. She has relations with different men, including Timothy, Patrick Lam, Karl, Moses, and Mark Ma, using different tactics to deal with different people. She will seduce Moses, but it does not really work on him, so she uses other tactics. She has a serious illness.
- Gary will play Law Ming Tak, a retired high school principal.
- Eva will play Cho Lai Suen. Her husband is Gary, and they have two daughters, Kelly and Zoie.
- Rosita will play Ling Man Yi (凌敏儀), a swimming athlete. She is Moses' younger sister. Because of some illnesses, Moses feels that he is unable to cure her; thus, because of her, he almost did not become a Chinese medicine practitioner.
- Mark will play Yin Cho. He admires Moon; he is a pathetic guy who would do everything for her. He only likes Moon and Moses.
- Angelina will play Moses' loving mother. She is virtuous and kind and very quiet. She would not often get angry or yell at people. She is very tolerant and is completely friendly.
- Albert will play a doctor. He is Moses' father; he was more strict toward Moses when he was young but gave him freedom to develop when he grew up.
- Agnes will play Pui Ha, an accountant in the company, but she does not have much of a presence. She does not take any sides because her son, Mason, is the most important to her. She is Angelina's youngest sister.
- Patrick will play an executive of a real estate company.
- Ching Ho Wai will play Moses' neighbour. Moses wants to buy her old house to turn it into a medical clinic. She has a granddaughter who has some illnesses and cannot really walk; thus, as old neighbours, her granddaughter asks Moses to help her health get better.
- Henry Chan will play Derek.

Personal Note: Thought that the producer was no longer in TVB....

The series is going to release this year?!

Zoie is playing Kelly's younger sister?!

Moon is listed quite far back despite having gotten Malaysia's TV queen before....

*Credits to, mingpao, stheadline, am730, and moreforms

Sunday, March 9, 2025

"Anonymous Signal" Theme Song MV Preview

"Moving Forward" - Rock Ho

前行吧 《奪命提示》 主題曲 - 何晉樂

作曲/監製: 劉易昇
填詞: 楊熙
編曲: Freddie Lo

前方很多變卦 無人一早知變化


明天不顧忌那麼多 前行吧
面對槍風彈雨連起手 永未放下
明天不顧慮那麼多 前行吧
未到終點都要連起手 繼續上吧

*Credits to Event Shot HK

Thursday, March 6, 2025

"Lo and Behold" Sub Song 3 (Full Version)


"After Grown Up" - Andrew Chan

大個之後 《愛.回家之開心速遞》 插曲 - 陳浚霆

作曲/編曲: 葉澍暉
填詞: ⿈厚霖
監製: 莊冬昕/葉澍暉

大個之後 到處遠走
忙碌是永久 累積千個傷口

回答我 掛念到底怎會躲得過
我問什麼 永未出錯
為何讓我到過去 從沒法協助

期待重聚 發夢也可*

為我驕傲 對我最好
從小當我寶 付出不怕得到

唯有你 錯犯再多不撐一口氣
我獨個飛 從無想你
而其實已錯過你 無辦法再飛

Repeat *

仍想可再跟你唱著歌 明瞭麼
如若可 重頭做過

Repeat (#)

沉默容易 我認我知
能否給我空間珍惜 愛意

Related post: "Lo and Behold" Sub Song 3 (Live Version)
Related post: "Lo and Behold" Sub Song 3 Preview 4
Related post: "Lo and Behold" Sub Song 3 Preview 3
Related post: "Lo and Behold" Sub Song 3 Preview

*Credits to Andrew 陳浚霆

Monday, March 3, 2025

"Anonymous Signal" Promotional Clips 1-5

"Anonymous Signal" Promotional Clip 1

"Anonymous Signal" Promotional Clip 2

"Anonymous Signal" Promotional Clip 3

"Anonymous Signal" Promotional Clip 4

"Anonymous Signal" Promotional Clip 5

Related post: 《奪命提示》 "Death Hint" Blessing Ceremony

*Credits to tvb

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Ada Choi and Athena Chu's Comeback Project May Fall Through at Any Time, Tavia Yeung in Discussion for Another 'Big Female Lead Series'


ontv Clip

Last year, it was said that [Ada Choi] would be returning to the company to film the new series "Behind the Queen of Yarn" with Athena Chu, collaborating with Liza Wang, John Chiang, Bosco Wong, et al. Unfortunately, it has recently been said that, due to various reasons, including issues with the progress of the script, etc., the start date of filming has changed. Since Ada has taken on a lot of work, her schedule may not be able to be accommodated, so the collaboration may fall through at any time!

A reporter asked Ada's manager for confirmation on this matter, and she admitted that it is still not known whether the shoot will be taken on: "The series will indeed commence later. As for whether we take it on or not, don't know yet because [we] need them to confirm the schedule. (Is there any word about how long it will be postponed?) We are still in communication". Since Ada is one of the key characters in "Behind", if [she] is unable to accept it in the end, this series may not be filmed!

There are uncertainties in Ada's 'comeback project'; on the other hand, Tavia Yeung, who returned to the company to lead the series "Darkside of the Moon" last year, has an opportunity for another project. The other day, she revealed in a recent interview that she has been looking at two scripts. It turns out that one of them is the new TVB series "War of the Roses"! The story revolves around the entertainment industry and the upper class society. It is full of suspense, and there is also a sisterly feud, and it is a 'big female lead series'. The female lead has beauty and wisdom, and there is quite a bit to work with. In addition, it is being helmed by the golden producer Chung Shu Kai, which has given Tavia a lot of confidence, so there is a chance of joining it.

"War" secretly held a blessing ceremony in Mainland last year. Elaine Yiu, Jacky Cai, Ruco Chan, Judy Kwong, et al. were all in attendance. It is said that production was originally set to start this month. Jacky specially 'shut [herself] away' during the Lunar New Year to read the script, preparing to get into position after the New Year; however, because the Mainland investors hope to have enough episodes of the script before filming starts, the script is being rushed into production, so the filming has to be delayed.

*Credits to

Wednesday, February 19, 2025