Sunday, June 7, 2009

"Iron Horse Seeking Bridge" Behind the Scenes with Kenneth Ma, Tavia Yeung, and Kevin Cheng

A PA on the set of "Iron Horse Seeking Bridge" encountered this funny incident of Ma Ming, Tavia, and Kevin Cheng.

After Tavia finished filming her first scene with her stomach pad, she would take it out and use it as a pillow during her break. When Ma Ming saw this, he said surprisingly, "Mom, how can you use 'me' as a pillow?" While practicing his martial arts, Kevin calmly said, "That is Shirley [she's sleeping on]". Tavia refutes, "No, Shriley and Jazz [Lam] are twins, so 'it' should be bigger. I'm positive this is Kenneth!" Thus, the three of them checked the script to see whom 'it' really was.


  1. haha, Hyn, i cant stop laughing. So Cute!!!
    Tavia and Kenneth have good time together during this series. Frist was blog vid and now this, more r coming???
    i dont like Kevin much, should say i dont care anything him, but how cool it is that he join this as well.

  2. I surely hope there would be more funny stuff about the filming of this series. Ha ha...
