To sehseh: The one you have might be from TVB Weekly. This article was from Ming Pao Weekly's "Home Sweet Home". The article in TVB Weekly should be newer because his collection of Donald is way bigger compared to his collection shown in this Ming Pao article. Ha ha... Do you have a collection of Donald Duck stuff, too? :)
Oic... they used similar pictures in TVB mag :) I do collect Donald Duck stuff in the past, but now I don't because my mum complaints that I collect stuff but leave it for her to clean up. Lol...
One of my wish is to visit Disneyland and take pictures with Donald :D Move aside, Mickey @ Minnie! :P
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i was rewatching "Better Halves" and Ma Ming was there, around ep 16, he was on screen around 1 min :)
ReplyDeleteYes, he was one of those "chest breaking bricks". Ha ha...
ReplyDeleteOh boy, oh boy I forgot where I kept this TVB mag copy... Kenneth's collection is so cool - I love Donald Duck too!
ReplyDeleteTo sehseh: The one you have might be from TVB Weekly. This article was from Ming Pao Weekly's "Home Sweet Home". The article in TVB Weekly should be newer because his collection of Donald is way bigger compared to his collection shown in this Ming Pao article. Ha ha... Do you have a collection of Donald Duck stuff, too? :)
ReplyDeleteOic... they used similar pictures in TVB mag :) I do collect Donald Duck stuff in the past, but now I don't because my mum complaints that I collect stuff but leave it for her to clean up. Lol...
ReplyDeleteOne of my wish is to visit Disneyland and take pictures with Donald :D Move aside, Mickey @ Minnie! :P
I have always liked Goofy! Ha ha...