(Left) A picture of Wong He and Jessica Hsuan from the poster of "A Matter of Customs". A poster of "Untraceable Evidence II" and "Burning Flame II".
(Left) A poster of "Take My Word for It" and one of favourite series of all time, "Family Man".
A poster of "Where the Legend Begins".
"Healing Hands II" banner.
"Fate Twisters" poster.
(Top left) "A Step into the Past", "To Get Unstuck in Time", "A Colourful Life", and "The White Flame".
(Top left) "Let's Face It", "A Herbalist's Affair", "Eternal Happiness", and "Find the Light".
(Top left) Year 2000 Miss HK promotional poster, "Seven Sisters," "A Stamp of Love", and Year 2002 Miss HK promotional poster.
(Top left) "Fight for Love", "A Case of Misadventure," and "Gods of Honour" banner.
(Left) "Into Thin Air" and "Healing Hands III" poster.
(Top) "Golden Faith", "The Legendary Four Aces", and "A Step into the Past" banners.
TVB calendars from year 2001.
Artistes Posters
(Top left) Esther Kwan, Flora Chan, Kenix Kwok, Bobby Au Yeung, Ada Choi, and Wong He
Artistes Posters
(Top left) Jessica Hsuan, Frankie Lam, Maggie Cheung Ho Yee, Anne Heung, Bobby Au Yeung, and Ada Choi
Artistes Posters
(Top left) Charmaine Sheh, Gallen Lo, Jessica Hsuan, Lawrence Ng, Bowie Lam, and Kenix Kwok
Artistes Posters
(Left) Bosco Wong, Kenneth Ma, and Louis Koo
Here is mostly TVB Programme Highlights, 2 computer games, "A Conqueror's Story" paper fan, CNY greetings, and 2 key chains with TVB's logo on it.
More Programme Highlights, "Take My Word for It" postcards, Super Trio Season 1 VCD, and Super Trio Musical Drama.
More Highlights plus a "Point of No Return" portfolio.
More Highlights.
More Highlights, a poster of Ron Ng from "Twin of Brothers", a "Gods of Honour" board game, and 2 bags with "Detective Investigation Files IV" and "Armed Reaction II" on it.
My collection of TVB Weekly magazines. I have a lot of these.
This is a portion of my CD, DVD, and VCD collection. In there I have soundtracks from "Old Time Buddy", "Old Time Buddy - Musical", "Old Time Buddy - To Catch a Thief", "A Recipe for the Heart", "Secret of the Heart", "Return of the Cuckoo", "Super Trio", and "At the Threshold of an Era", VCDs of "Untraceable Evidence I & II", "Healing Hands", "Burning Flame", "Return of the Cuckoo", and "Family Man". All 20 years of "Jade Solid Gold Best 10 Awards Presentation" on VCD. Everything else in CD holders and sleeves are TVB series.
Here is an "All About Men" poster, 3 copies of the "All About Men" CD, and Ron Ng's "Fast Pass" and "Fast Forward" EPs.
TVB Weekly Magazines, TVB toy bus, "Beautiful Cooking" DVD, and "15/16" DVD.
This is TVB's 2007 wall calendar and 2007 desktop calendar.
These are TVB series in their original VHS tapes.
The above picture consists of the TVB original DVD copies of "A Step into the Past" and "The King of Yesterday and Tomorrow", six postcards of "The Dance of Passion", and the year of the pig artistes lucky pockets plus CNY card.
(Set One) These are 8" x 11" pictures from TVB's 2007 calendar. (Top: Yoyo Mung, Steven Ma, and Melissa Ng) (Middle: Roger Kwok and Moses Chan) (Bottom: Ron Ng, Bernice Liu, and Raymond Lam)
(Set Two) Can you tell which one is the "better" set? Originally, I was supposed to have Raymond's picture arranged in this set; however, I could not decide amongst the three pictures. (Top: Bowie Lam, Myolie Wu, and Bosco Wong) (Middle: Charmaine Sheh and Gigi Lai) (Bottom: Sonija Kwok, Linda Chung, and Kevin Cheng)
TVB 2008 Calendars.
The picture above consists of the TVB original DVD copies of "Triumph in the Skies" and "Lady Yang", 12 postcards of TVB artistes from TVB Calendar 2008, and TVB novels of "At the Threshold of an Era" and "Forensic Heroes".
Here are some TVB Weekly magazines, 5" x 7" pictures from TVB Calendar 2001, and 2 Taiwan books on TVB artistes and series.
Numerous postcards of TVB series posters.
This is a 8" x 11" TVB promo booklet of 2004's "Twin of Brothers". Including the cover, it consists of 5 pages introducing TVB's next newbies: Raymond Lam, Ron Ng, Tavia Yeung, and Leila Tong.
TVB 2009 calendar and YesAsia TVB desktop calendar.
TVB 2009 managed female artistes pictures (favourites). For some reason, I can't seem to find Selena's picture. I don't know where I've placed it.
TVB 2009 managed male artistes pictures (favourites).
"Wars of In-Laws" DVD box set, "Moonlight Resonance" DVD box set, "Square Pegs" DVD box set, TVB 41st Anniversary Awards Ceremony, TVB 2008 Light Switching Ceremony, and postcards of Charmaine Sheh and Fala Chen from 2008 that I had missed last time.