Vancouverite Eliza Sam has won “Miss Chinese International Pageant 2010” that took place in Tianjing, China last week.
A kind heart pumped with determination, Eliza always strives to develop her potentials to the fullest. From a young lady who could only speak a word or two in Chinese, she has mastered the language well just within one year. Eliza spent the past twelve months practicing her talents and Cantonese in preparation for the international competition. As an advocate for charities, she has been actively involved in a variety of fund-raising events for the past year including Stem Cell Drive organized by One Match, Canadian Cancer Society daffodil sales and SUCCESS Charity Golf Tournament, just to name a few. She was also named the “Ambassador of Hope” by Canadian Cancer Society earlier this year and has been a spokesperson for the Society on a number of occasions with a mission to help
provide better services for cancer patients.
President of Fairchild Media Group Mr. Joe Chan and Co-Chair of “Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant Gala Dinner” Dr. Tony Yue from Canadian Cancer Society presented a large bouquet of flowers and gifts to Eliza to congratulate her on her tremendous success last week. Eliza expressed her heartfelt appreciation for the support from friends and family in Vancouver and shared with the guests her experience in the past few weeks in Asia. She also wished that the contestants of Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2010 will be able to showcase the best of themselves in the Pageant on December 8, 2010 at The Vancouver Convention Centre.
Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant has been an annual signature event organized by Fairchild Television for the past 16 years taking place at Vancouver Convention Centre. The Final of the Pageant is donated to Canadian Cancer Society as a highlight entertainment for its fund-raising gala dinner.
*Credits to southasianpost
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
"Links to Temptation" Promotional Clip 2
"Links to Temptation". December 13th @ 9:30pm.
Related post: "Links to Temptation" Promotional Clip 1
Personal Note: A continuation of the first promo clip.... Still nothing to translate, but the music is even more ominous in this one....
*Credits to
Saturday, November 27, 2010
TVB Sales Presentation 2011
"Back to the Three Kingdoms"
Supposedly, Steven will be filming three grand ancient series next year, and this is said to be one of them.
"The King of the Phoenixes"
This clip was quite poorly edited. Would have liked to see other Myolie scenes rather than just of her yelling.
This series will film in March, and it will be produced by Kwan Wing Chung. Toby Leung and Aimee Chan are also said to take part, while Leanne Li and Lukian Wang may guest-star.
"Psychological Warfare"
The seems to be quite interesting. Hope it will not disappoint. Wish that Kenny had been shown more....
"Relic of an Emissary"
Michael and Kate's love scene quite resembles the one that they had in the Sales clip of "Monk Wu Jie" from last year.
"Mahjong Flying Southeast"
Raymond and Ruco said in their Weibos that this series has a high chance of filming. Hopefully, Ma Ming will still be in it.
"Only You"
Kevin Cheng said that this series will air in February, which makes sense because it would coincide with Valentine's Day.
"The Truth"
It makes sense that the barristers are the main leads in here. Looking forward to the 'Iron Triangle'! It is quite obvious that Ma Ming was filming "Female Fist" when he did this clip because he doesn't look like this in "The Truth".
"Yes Sir, No Sir"
Ha ha.... Moses and his white pants! Too bad there were no scenes of Ron and Tavia together....
"The Great Eunuch"
This clip was actually done better than expected, but still don't know whether this will be filmed or not. I can only see Chik producing a series like this; if so, then doubt that this cast will be used. Think that they messed up because Bosco referred to himself in the first person....
"Colourful World of Sister Fa"
Sigh! Raymond and his 'chok' look.... No wonder Raymond said that his character will not be likable.
"The Boxing King"
This series will film in March, and it will be produced by Marco Law. I guess this is his male version of "Female Fist"....
"Counter Terrorism Response Unit"
This clip was actually not included in the broadcast version of the Sales Presentation. Anyway, if this series does film, hope that either Alex Fong or Wong He takes part, as they are the most convincing when it comes to members of Disciplined Services.
Variety Programme: "Sleepover with the Stars"
Ma Ming is so cute! Ma Ming is taller than the door, as he had to bend down to walk in. Ha ha.... Loved how he pushed the boy out of the way to play the Wii! Ha ha.... If they actually film this, wonder if Ma Ming will be one of stars.... :)
Related post: TVB Sales Presentation 2011 Screen Captures
Related post: TVB Sales Presentation 2011 Booklet
Related post: Series List for TVB Sales Presentation 2011
*Credits to
Supposedly, Steven will be filming three grand ancient series next year, and this is said to be one of them.
"The King of the Phoenixes"
This clip was quite poorly edited. Would have liked to see other Myolie scenes rather than just of her yelling.
This series will film in March, and it will be produced by Kwan Wing Chung. Toby Leung and Aimee Chan are also said to take part, while Leanne Li and Lukian Wang may guest-star.
"Psychological Warfare"
The seems to be quite interesting. Hope it will not disappoint. Wish that Kenny had been shown more....
"Relic of an Emissary"
Michael and Kate's love scene quite resembles the one that they had in the Sales clip of "Monk Wu Jie" from last year.
"Mahjong Flying Southeast"
Raymond and Ruco said in their Weibos that this series has a high chance of filming. Hopefully, Ma Ming will still be in it.
"Only You"
Kevin Cheng said that this series will air in February, which makes sense because it would coincide with Valentine's Day.
"The Truth"
It makes sense that the barristers are the main leads in here. Looking forward to the 'Iron Triangle'! It is quite obvious that Ma Ming was filming "Female Fist" when he did this clip because he doesn't look like this in "The Truth".
"Yes Sir, No Sir"
Ha ha.... Moses and his white pants! Too bad there were no scenes of Ron and Tavia together....
"The Great Eunuch"
This clip was actually done better than expected, but still don't know whether this will be filmed or not. I can only see Chik producing a series like this; if so, then doubt that this cast will be used. Think that they messed up because Bosco referred to himself in the first person....
"Colourful World of Sister Fa"
Sigh! Raymond and his 'chok' look.... No wonder Raymond said that his character will not be likable.
"The Boxing King"
This series will film in March, and it will be produced by Marco Law. I guess this is his male version of "Female Fist"....
"Counter Terrorism Response Unit"
This clip was actually not included in the broadcast version of the Sales Presentation. Anyway, if this series does film, hope that either Alex Fong or Wong He takes part, as they are the most convincing when it comes to members of Disciplined Services.
Variety Programme: "Sleepover with the Stars"
Ma Ming is so cute! Ma Ming is taller than the door, as he had to bend down to walk in. Ha ha.... Loved how he pushed the boy out of the way to play the Wii! Ha ha.... If they actually film this, wonder if Ma Ming will be one of stars.... :)
Related post: TVB Sales Presentation 2011 Screen Captures
Related post: TVB Sales Presentation 2011 Booklet
Related post: Series List for TVB Sales Presentation 2011
*Credits to
Friday, November 26, 2010
"Links to Temptation" Promotional Clip 1
"Links to Temptation". December 13th @ 9:30pm.
Related post: "Links to Temptation" @ TVB Programme Highlights
Related post: 《誘情轉駁》 "Transferred Connection of Temptation" Costume Fitting Pictures
Personal Note: Like how there was nothing to translate, as the clip just showed mysterious things happening because of a cell phone, which is what the series is about.
Also, there are recent rumours saying that TVB will film two grand ancient productions, and that Steven will take part. Wonder if TVB will really film "Back to the Three Kingdoms"....
*Credits to
Thursday, November 25, 2010
"Twilight Investigation" Promotional Clip 5
Narrator: "A young model investigates cases, and transforms into a weird PI!"
Linda Chung: "He thought that, by cleaning the scene, he could deceive me. I found some evidence".
Wong He: "Don't be so nonsensical!"
Linda Chung: "Raymond Lam! Really want to buy it!"
Wong He: "You're silly and stupid, and all messed up. Drunk driving, and throwing rocks at people!"
Wong He: "Do you even know what 'gwing' means?"
Linda Chung: "This is the 'gwing' expression".
Narrator: "'Twilight Investigation'. Monday @ 8:30pm".
Personal Note: Love 囧! Ha ha.... :D
Once again, here is the meaning of 囧 (gwing):
囧 is a facial expression used to describe one's mood. It can be helpless, shocked, stunned, frustrated, depressed, strange, speechless, etc.
*Credits to
"Show Me the Happy" Promotional Clip 4
(Ching Cheung Kim, a baby products businessman. Kot Yat To, a retired surgeon. Tong Kam Bo, a playboy doctor.)
Narrator: "In order to be admitted into this clinic, there must be something wrong".
Derek Kwok: "Bye bye!"
Benz Hui: "Back in the day, we cousins...."
Paul Chun: "Kot Yat To and Ching Cheung Kim commanded the winds and the clouds".
All: "Very handsome!"
Annie Liu: "I'm getting off work first".
All: "Very handsome!"
Paul Chun & Benz Hui: "Wow!"
Narrator: "A trivial matter becomes a surprise. 'Show Me the Happy'. Monday @ 8:00pm".
Personal Note: The rooftop and forest scenery remind me of the three-second promo clips in "The Four". :P Love Benz and Paul's character names in here. Ha ha.... The last time they worked together was "Life Made Simple". Happy to see them collaborate again. :D
*Credits to
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Ron Ng & Tavia Yeung @ TVB Sales Presentation 2011
Tavia Yeung: "Wow! Can't stand it! You are very handsome today! Why is that?!"
Ron Ng: "Your tongue is very sweet! Today is our annual Sales Presentation".
Tavia Yeung: "Sales Presentation".
Ron Ng: "Today, I am very happy because, out of all these years, I had filmed a short chip in which I like the most".
Tavia Yeung: "Really?"
Ron Ng: "Yes. 'Back to the Three Kingdoms'".
Tavia Yeung: "Applause".
Ron Ng: "In 'Back to the Three Kingdoms'...."
Tavia Yeung: "Hurry! One minute is almost up!"
Ron Ng: "Really? 'Back to Three Kingdoms' is about...."
Tavia Yeung: "Very happy, right?! I'm also very happy! Bye!"
Ron Ng: "Okay. Not done talking yet. 'Back to the Three Kingdoms'...."
Personal Note: Love how Ron and Tavia were pretending to kiss at the beginning of the clip! So cute! :D Ha ha.... Even Tavia says that Ron is handsome! :D
Poor long-winded Ron couldn't finish what he was supposed to say about "Back to the Three Kingdoms". Ha ha....
*Credits to Modizo
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
"Listen to Ma" - Wong Cho Lam & "Garbage" - Louis Yuen
Wong Cho Lam's parody of A-Mei Chang's "Listen to the Ocean". It is so funny and sad at the same time because, with the emergence of different online social networks, people tend to have less face-to-face contact. The lyrics really reflect parents' perspective on the current society.
聽媽 - 張呀妹
(國) 請你fax給我 今天你想要吃什麼
請你e-mail我 今夜你心情如何
Facebook已不能說 沒有人add我
而現在中國 所有的人 都在微博
請你告訴我 今夜 (粵) 點解你會懵咗
上網上得多 行過 乖仔你都冇望我
等我亦上埋線 網上期望可以一見
為何又係我online先 (國) 才可以靠近
聽 媽媽的聲音 (粵) 仲要玩web cam 都三四點 網友大過天
仔女忽略我 (國) 至少我很冷靜
(粵) 望吓媽咪 嗌吓媽咪 呆咗咁算點
(國) 聽 媽媽的聲音 (粵) 仲要玩online game 玩到癲 (國) 你還不清醒
SMS留過 就當最後約定
說你在冷落我的時候 被關注的心情
Louis Yuen's parody of Candy Lo's "Garbage". The lyrics are about plastic surgery. Loved how Louis sang like Candy.
垃圾 - 盧搞音
如果我是個醜女子 就會 太蝕
如果我願去抽吓脂 為你 瘦吓身
被你遺棄 話我面嚡 話我謝晒 像個老太
就要盡快 隆吓胸 變大晒
嫌我像個垃圾 隆隆胸可以嗎
人人都整過啦 個下巴
唯有用五萬八 由頭整過未怕
南韓走轉掂啦 錢再花
被世界遺棄 不可怕 整得怪有時還可怕
沒法再勁削腮骨啦 整多次 就冇咗腮骨啦
不需要 完美得可怕
個下巴 如何招架 庸醫真可怕
舊嘅我沒有 身曲線 豐胸了有時還討厭
遇上佢任意的興建 加多了 令我終於黐線
醫生說 做了幾十年
有意外 完全罕見 而診金可免
邊一塊 肉冇得整呀
我現在 重頭整吓 什麼都不怕
聽媽 - 張呀妹
(國) 請你fax給我 今天你想要吃什麼
請你e-mail我 今夜你心情如何
Facebook已不能說 沒有人add我
而現在中國 所有的人 都在微博
請你告訴我 今夜 (粵) 點解你會懵咗
上網上得多 行過 乖仔你都冇望我
等我亦上埋線 網上期望可以一見
為何又係我online先 (國) 才可以靠近
聽 媽媽的聲音 (粵) 仲要玩web cam 都三四點 網友大過天
仔女忽略我 (國) 至少我很冷靜
(粵) 望吓媽咪 嗌吓媽咪 呆咗咁算點
(國) 聽 媽媽的聲音 (粵) 仲要玩online game 玩到癲 (國) 你還不清醒
SMS留過 就當最後約定
說你在冷落我的時候 被關注的心情
Louis Yuen's parody of Candy Lo's "Garbage". The lyrics are about plastic surgery. Loved how Louis sang like Candy.
垃圾 - 盧搞音
如果我是個醜女子 就會 太蝕
如果我願去抽吓脂 為你 瘦吓身
被你遺棄 話我面嚡 話我謝晒 像個老太
就要盡快 隆吓胸 變大晒
嫌我像個垃圾 隆隆胸可以嗎
人人都整過啦 個下巴
唯有用五萬八 由頭整過未怕
南韓走轉掂啦 錢再花
被世界遺棄 不可怕 整得怪有時還可怕
沒法再勁削腮骨啦 整多次 就冇咗腮骨啦
不需要 完美得可怕
個下巴 如何招架 庸醫真可怕
舊嘅我沒有 身曲線 豐胸了有時還討厭
遇上佢任意的興建 加多了 令我終於黐線
醫生說 做了幾十年
有意外 完全罕見 而診金可免
邊一塊 肉冇得整呀
我現在 重頭整吓 什麼都不怕
Sunday, November 21, 2010
"Men with No Shadows" & "The Rippling Blossom" @ TVB Programme Highlights
"Men with No Shadows"
Humans are naturally kind; however, for fame and fortune, they are willing to be controlled by their inner demons.
Producer: Poon Ka Tak
Cast: Raymond Lam, Bobby Au Yeung, John Chiang, Tavia Yeung, Gigi Wong
Duration: 20 episodes
"The Rippling Blossom"
The romantic snowflakes of Hokkaido. Reminisce the pleasant sights and sounds.
Producer: Chong Wai Kin
Cast: Julian Cheung, Michael Tse, Damian Lau, Tavia Yeung, Myolie Wu
Duration: 20 episodes
Personal Note: The title "Men with No Shadows" sounds quite mysterious.... Also, hate how TVB always messes up John Gor's Chinese name!
Don't know why they placed the partners on the opposite side....
*Credits to chau1239 @
"Twinz" - Johnson Lee
Johnson Lee's parody of William Chan's "Taxi".
Twinz - 的士陳
成棚麻甩佬 齊齊來起舞
但遇著Twinz 即刻吹BB
好女子 仆親都冇事
結過婚 我最冧
我有樣 佢有金
襯到爆 人都走晒音
*I love you Twinz
My angel baby
無晒face (叫佢慳啲)
Sa Sa係honey Sa Sa係得意
Sa Sa係cutie 慳啲啦baby
日日係咁谷 日日放三篤
猛咁郁 要吸引她 操fit拜拜肉
佢餵貓 我餵狗
佢去街 我劈酒
醉到爆 埋單喺佢手
Repeat (*)
I love you Twinz
Personal Note: So funny! Loved the lyrics because they are so true! Also, Johnson sang way better than "Taxi Chan"!
Johnson should be careful because you never know if another 'flashlight' incident will happen! If anything happens to Johnson, we will know who did it! Ha ha! :P
Twinz - 的士陳
成棚麻甩佬 齊齊來起舞
但遇著Twinz 即刻吹BB
好女子 仆親都冇事
結過婚 我最冧
我有樣 佢有金
襯到爆 人都走晒音
*I love you Twinz
My angel baby
無晒face (叫佢慳啲)
Sa Sa係honey Sa Sa係得意
Sa Sa係cutie 慳啲啦baby
日日係咁谷 日日放三篤
猛咁郁 要吸引她 操fit拜拜肉
佢餵貓 我餵狗
佢去街 我劈酒
醉到爆 埋單喺佢手
Repeat (*)
I love you Twinz
Personal Note: So funny! Loved the lyrics because they are so true! Also, Johnson sang way better than "Taxi Chan"!
Johnson should be careful because you never know if another 'flashlight' incident will happen! If anything happens to Johnson, we will know who did it! Ha ha! :P
Clips from TVB 43rd Anniversary Gala
TVB 敢作敢想 繼續發放快樂力量!
Anniversary Lucky Winners
1st: Ronald Law ($1,000,000 in prizes and $200,000 credit card)
2nd: Sherry Chen ($200,000 in prizes and $30,000 credit card)
3rd: Susanna Kwan ($100,000 in prizes and $20,000 credit card)
4th: Jack Wu ($50,000 in prizes)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Natalis Chan
"When Lanes Merge" Raymond Wong & Kate Tsui
"Every Move You Make" Bowie Lam, Kristal Tin & Lai Lok Yi
"The Mysteries of Love" Tavia Yeung
"Can't Buy Me Love" Moses Chan & Charmaine Sheh
"No Regrets" Ngo Ka Nin, King Kong & Wayne Lai
Ha Yu, Shek Sau, Chun Wong, Al Wai, KK Cheung, Joe Junior, Susan Tse, Rosanne Lui, Mary Hon, Chan On Ying & Celine Ma
Eight dancers were supposed to lift Chun Wong up, but I guess they took that part out. Mary and Al Wai were the best dancers! Surprised that Chan On Ying danced so well. :) Go, 傻姑!
Louis Yuen, Wong Cho Lam & Johnson Lee (featuring Wayne Lai, Lee Heung Kam, Susan Tse, Kiki Sheung, Wayne Lai, Lo Chun Sun, Wong Wai Tak & Nancy Sit)
Six-pack Wayne!
Mona Lisa's Fake Overbite Lee Heung Kam!
"Ugly Betty" Susan!
The 15-year-old Kiki! :D
"If Evergreen made it big as an idol singer, then Raymond Lam would not exist today! Raymond shouldn't be so happy because ten years from now, he will look like Evergreen!"
絕世巨聲Super Voice
"To Sir with Love" The Voice
至少還有你 - King Kong & Alfred Hui
你把我灌醉 - Evergreen Mak, Victor Chen & Penny Chan
聽海 - Kiki Sheung & Hubert Wu
A.I.N.Y - Mag Lam
你是我的眼 - Eric Tsang & Mag Lam
Always knew that Kiki can sing, but was surprised that she could sing so softly. Good!
Natalis Chan, Sin Ho Ying, Turbo Law, Oscar Leung, Vivi Lee, Oscar Li, William Chak, King Kong, Carlo Ng & Vincent Wong
Enjoyed this martial arts segment a lot! Loved how they showcased each artiste in their own specialty. Derek Kwok was originally supposed to lead the group, but he had to film "Show Me the Happy".
鼓舞激情Let's Get Wet
Jack Wu, Jim Tang, Joe Yau, Lai Lok Yi, Marcus Kwok, Vincent Wong, Jason Chan, Otto Chan, Sire Ma, Lily Ho, Michael Tse, Matthew Ko, Edwin Siu, Benjamin Yuen, Jack Hui, William Chak, Ronan Pak, Stephen Huynh, Nancy Wu, Grace Wong, Janet Chow, Vivien Yeo, Kayi Cheung, Jess Sum, Yoyo Chen, Leanne Li & Sherry Chen
Dancing in water was done two years ago, so nothing special. However, Nancy has improved in her hip hop though! :D
Eric Tsang, Louis Yuen, Carlo Ng, Moses Chan, Michael Tse, Wong Cho Lam, Lee Heung Kam & Koni Lui
Love how Eric was making fun of Virginia Lok! So true and so funny! :D
MC Jin, Moses Chan, Raymond Wong, Kenneth Ma, Susanna Kwan, Lee Heung Kam, Linda Chung, Kara Hui, Charmaine Li, Wayne Lai, Fala Chen, Ngo Ka Nin, Nancy Wu, Evergreen Mak, Elena Kong & Ben Wong
Loved how Ma Ming used the golden pig prop to cover his face at the end of the dance. :D
Lee Heung Kam was the best 'rapper'! Wayne was off-beat, while Ka Nin forgot his line. Don't understand why Linda was in here since she didn't even say a line.
Moses Chan, Carlo Ng, Wayne Lai & King Kong
King Kong's Seung Joi Sam stole the show from Wayne and Moses in this part! Ha ha.... :D
I don't have all of the clips, but I will update this post if I find them.
Anniversary Lucky Winners
1st: Ronald Law ($1,000,000 in prizes and $200,000 credit card)
2nd: Sherry Chen ($200,000 in prizes and $30,000 credit card)
3rd: Susanna Kwan ($100,000 in prizes and $20,000 credit card)
4th: Jack Wu ($50,000 in prizes)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Natalis Chan
"When Lanes Merge" Raymond Wong & Kate Tsui
"Every Move You Make" Bowie Lam, Kristal Tin & Lai Lok Yi
"The Mysteries of Love" Tavia Yeung
"Can't Buy Me Love" Moses Chan & Charmaine Sheh
"No Regrets" Ngo Ka Nin, King Kong & Wayne Lai
Ha Yu, Shek Sau, Chun Wong, Al Wai, KK Cheung, Joe Junior, Susan Tse, Rosanne Lui, Mary Hon, Chan On Ying & Celine Ma
Eight dancers were supposed to lift Chun Wong up, but I guess they took that part out. Mary and Al Wai were the best dancers! Surprised that Chan On Ying danced so well. :) Go, 傻姑!
Louis Yuen, Wong Cho Lam & Johnson Lee (featuring Wayne Lai, Lee Heung Kam, Susan Tse, Kiki Sheung, Wayne Lai, Lo Chun Sun, Wong Wai Tak & Nancy Sit)
Six-pack Wayne!
Mona Lisa's Fake Overbite Lee Heung Kam!
"Ugly Betty" Susan!
The 15-year-old Kiki! :D
"If Evergreen made it big as an idol singer, then Raymond Lam would not exist today! Raymond shouldn't be so happy because ten years from now, he will look like Evergreen!"
絕世巨聲Super Voice
"To Sir with Love" The Voice
至少還有你 - King Kong & Alfred Hui
你把我灌醉 - Evergreen Mak, Victor Chen & Penny Chan
聽海 - Kiki Sheung & Hubert Wu
A.I.N.Y - Mag Lam
你是我的眼 - Eric Tsang & Mag Lam
Always knew that Kiki can sing, but was surprised that she could sing so softly. Good!
Natalis Chan, Sin Ho Ying, Turbo Law, Oscar Leung, Vivi Lee, Oscar Li, William Chak, King Kong, Carlo Ng & Vincent Wong
Enjoyed this martial arts segment a lot! Loved how they showcased each artiste in their own specialty. Derek Kwok was originally supposed to lead the group, but he had to film "Show Me the Happy".
鼓舞激情Let's Get Wet
Jack Wu, Jim Tang, Joe Yau, Lai Lok Yi, Marcus Kwok, Vincent Wong, Jason Chan, Otto Chan, Sire Ma, Lily Ho, Michael Tse, Matthew Ko, Edwin Siu, Benjamin Yuen, Jack Hui, William Chak, Ronan Pak, Stephen Huynh, Nancy Wu, Grace Wong, Janet Chow, Vivien Yeo, Kayi Cheung, Jess Sum, Yoyo Chen, Leanne Li & Sherry Chen
Dancing in water was done two years ago, so nothing special. However, Nancy has improved in her hip hop though! :D
Eric Tsang, Louis Yuen, Carlo Ng, Moses Chan, Michael Tse, Wong Cho Lam, Lee Heung Kam & Koni Lui
Love how Eric was making fun of Virginia Lok! So true and so funny! :D
MC Jin, Moses Chan, Raymond Wong, Kenneth Ma, Susanna Kwan, Lee Heung Kam, Linda Chung, Kara Hui, Charmaine Li, Wayne Lai, Fala Chen, Ngo Ka Nin, Nancy Wu, Evergreen Mak, Elena Kong & Ben Wong
Loved how Ma Ming used the golden pig prop to cover his face at the end of the dance. :D
Lee Heung Kam was the best 'rapper'! Wayne was off-beat, while Ka Nin forgot his line. Don't understand why Linda was in here since she didn't even say a line.
Moses Chan, Carlo Ng, Wayne Lai & King Kong
King Kong's Seung Joi Sam stole the show from Wayne and Moses in this part! Ha ha.... :D
I don't have all of the clips, but I will update this post if I find them.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
"Show Me the Happy" Promotional Clip 3
Narrator: "In order to be admitted into this clinic, there must be something wrong".
Narrator: "Sometimes there is not enough blood flowing to the heart".
Roger Kwok: "The devil child has finally appeared!"
Narrator: "Sometimes there is an excess of cortisol".
Roger Kwok: "I never want to see your face again".
Bernice Liu: "Yes, sir".
Narrator: "Causing troubles has side effects".
Michelle Yim: "If this were Louis Koo, would you push him away?!"
Benz Hui: "Heh heh...."
Narrator: "Laugh until asphyxiated".
Dai Yiu Ming: "Mister, are you all right?"
Derek Kwok: "Ha ha...."
Narrator: "November 29th @ 8:00pm. 'Show Me the Happy'".
Roger Kwok: "The show is insane. Don't even know whether to laugh or not".
Personal Note: Ha ha.... Louis was mentioned instead of Raymond Lam or Andy Lau. :P
Love Benz! :D
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
hyn5 Publicly Shows Affection for Ron Ng
Ron Ng has been recently rumoured with Mainland artiste Viann Zhang. In the Next Magazine article, they published a Weibo update that I posted of Ron. Next titled the picture as her "showing public affection" for Ron, but it was actually me! Ha ha! Next said that she publicly praised him for being handsome, and accompanied it with a heart; however, I was the one who had that in my update! In her update, she only had a clapping symbol, and said that he was a cool, pretty boy.
hyn5: "Ron Ng is really too handsome! [handsome] [heart]"
Caption: "The two of them frequently pay attention to each other on Weibo. Previously, he injured his hand, and she was immediately worried and asked how he was doing. Last week, after she saw Ron Ng, she flew to Beijing for work. She, yearning for love, publicly praised Ron as being handsome, and accompanied it with a heart--very sappy".
Thanks to Mare for notifying me that I was mentioned in Next Magazine. Ha ha....
*Credits to
hyn5: "Ron Ng is really too handsome! [handsome] [heart]"
Caption: "The two of them frequently pay attention to each other on Weibo. Previously, he injured his hand, and she was immediately worried and asked how he was doing. Last week, after she saw Ron Ng, she flew to Beijing for work. She, yearning for love, publicly praised Ron as being handsome, and accompanied it with a heart--very sappy".
Thanks to Mare for notifying me that I was mentioned in Next Magazine. Ha ha....
*Credits to
"Gun Metal Grey" Theme Song MV
"Grey Accusation" - Super 4
灰色控訴 《刑警》 主題曲 - Super 4
作曲: 葉肇中
填詞: 宋沛言
未辨認到 就站在分岔路 是罪是好 亦賣力去追捕
扭曲規則變數 撕開灰色控訴 暗角裡判入治罪領土
感情密佈 是幻象在內心的透露 奢求做到 在道義上逆轉的惡補
人藏著秘密情報 計算裡偵測不到 駁火一刻感應到
瑣碎證據案情卻未癒合好 似傷口般疤痕兩道
離情若已沒回報 性格缺失的消耗 程度大概估計到
堅持定數 自我一套 抹走灰色的領土
願望目睹 辨別是非之路 若未做到 亦盡力跳一步
扭曲規則變數 撕開灰色控訴 暗角裡判入治罪領土
感情密佈 是幻象在內心的透露 奢求做到 在道義上逆轉的惡補
人藏著秘密情報 計算裡偵測不到 駁火一刻感應到
瑣碎證據案情卻未癒合好 似傷口般疤痕兩道
離情若已沒回報 性格缺失的消耗 程度大概估計到
堅持定數 自我一套 抹走灰色的領土
人藏著秘密情報 計算裡偵測不到 駁火一刻感應到
瑣碎證據案情卻未癒合好 似傷口般疤痕兩道
離情若已沒回報 以我法則的宣告 榮辱令我不跌倒
堅持定數 自我一套 抹走灰色的領土
FYI: Super 4 consists of former "The Voice" contestants Ryan Lau, Auston Lam, Alfred Hui, and Victor Chen.
*Credits to
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
"Twilight Investigation" Promotional Clip 4
Narrator: "This place is full of elites exploding with talent".
Shek Sau: "The target is on the move. Everyone, stand by".
Narrator: "Kung fu seems victorious".
Raymond Wong: "Don't force me to make my move. Wow! Really hitting me?!"
Narrator: "Remarkable beauty".
Kingdom Yuen: "This part seems to very fat. See if it is".
Woman: "Wow! Very firm!"
Narrator: "Professional investigation".
Shek Sau: "Can you guys use science to analyze this case?"
Narrator: "Following people, eavesdropping--good at everything".
Wong He: "With such suspicious behaviour, I suspect that Ho Lai Ching has something to do with Seung's death".
Linda Chung: "Are you a private investigator or a paparazzi?"
Wong He: "When did you get in the car?!"
Narrator: "'Twilight Investigation'. November 29th @ 8:30pm".
Personal Note: Ha ha.... Raymond's butt got slapped! :P
*Credits to
"Twilight Investigation" Promotional Clip 3
Linda Chung: "Investigating cases so randomly, who will give you face?"
Wong He: "No matter what kind of cases...."
Oceane Zhu: "Missing persons, following people...."
Raymond Wong: "Cases involving fraud, murder...."
Johnson Lee: "Cases within cases...."
All: "We are able to investigate it!"
All: "With weird PIs, the cases will be cracked!"
Linda Chung: "Hello, is this TVB? When is 'Twilight' going to air?"
All: "'Twilight Investigation'. 1129, 830!"
Personal Note: Ha ha.... All of the kelefes have lazy sounds! So 囧, yet so funny! :D
*Credits to
"Show Me the Happy" Promotional Clip 2
(Chai Chuen, a capable nurse. Chai Sam, a gynecologist.)
Narrator: "In order to be admitted into this clinic, there must be something wrong".
Michelle Yim & Annie Liu: "Ying Hung, come help me".
Annie Liu: "Are you the doctor or am I the doctor?"
Michelle Yim: "Are you the elder sister or am I the elder sister?"
Bernice Liu: "All done!"
All: "A trivial matter becomes a surprise".
Narrator: "'Show Me the Happy'. November 29th @ 8:00pm".
Personal Note: Have a feeling that "Happy" is going to be very similar to "OL Supreme".
*Credits to
42nd Ming Pao Awards Results
42nd Ming Pao Awards Results
Most Outstanding Album: Eason Chan 《Time Flies》
Most Outstanding Male Singer: Eason Chan 《一絲不掛》
Most Outstanding Female Singer: G.E.M. 《A.I.N.Y.》 (愛你)
Most Outstanding Behind-the-Scenes Expert: Jason Choi, Hanjin, Alex Fung & Keith Leung 《Faith》 Producers
Most Outstanding Movie: "Echoes of the Rainbow"
Most Outstanding Male Artiste: Simon Yam "Echoes of the Rainbow"
Most Outstanding Female Artiste: Fiona Sit "Break Up Club"
Most Outstanding Behind-the-Scenes Expert: Sammo Hung "Ip Man 2" Stunt Director & Pang Ho Cheung "Love in a Puff" Director
Most Outstanding Television Programme: "Fun with Liza and Gods"
Most Outstanding Male Artiste: Moses Chan "Can't Buy Me Love"
Most Outstanding Female Artiste: Charmaine Sheh "Can't Buy Me Love"
Most Outstanding Behind-the-Scenes Expert: Mui Siu Ching "Can't Buy Me Love" Producer
My Most Supported Artiste: Charmaine Sheh ("Can't Buy Me Love")
愛心動力大獎2010: Sammi Cheng
Ming Pao Weekly Tribute Award: Leon Lai
Related post: 42nd Ming Pao Awards Nominations
*Credits to mingpao
Most Outstanding Album: Eason Chan 《Time Flies》
Most Outstanding Male Singer: Eason Chan 《一絲不掛》
Most Outstanding Female Singer: G.E.M. 《A.I.N.Y.》 (愛你)
Most Outstanding Behind-the-Scenes Expert: Jason Choi, Hanjin, Alex Fung & Keith Leung 《Faith》 Producers
Most Outstanding Movie: "Echoes of the Rainbow"
Most Outstanding Male Artiste: Simon Yam "Echoes of the Rainbow"
Most Outstanding Female Artiste: Fiona Sit "Break Up Club"
Most Outstanding Behind-the-Scenes Expert: Sammo Hung "Ip Man 2" Stunt Director & Pang Ho Cheung "Love in a Puff" Director
Most Outstanding Television Programme: "Fun with Liza and Gods"
Most Outstanding Male Artiste: Moses Chan "Can't Buy Me Love"
Most Outstanding Female Artiste: Charmaine Sheh "Can't Buy Me Love"
Most Outstanding Behind-the-Scenes Expert: Mui Siu Ching "Can't Buy Me Love" Producer
My Most Supported Artiste: Charmaine Sheh ("Can't Buy Me Love")
愛心動力大獎2010: Sammi Cheng
Ming Pao Weekly Tribute Award: Leon Lai
Related post: 42nd Ming Pao Awards Nominations
*Credits to mingpao
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
New Series 《大話情人》 "Lying Lover" Info

Temporary Chinese title: 《大話情人》
Pinyin title: Dai Wa Ching Yan
Temporary English title: "Lying Lover"
Producer: Lee Tim Sing
- 20-episode pre-modern romance.
- Raymond Wong and Niki Chow will have an amnesic love story.
- Raymond will play a vengeful villain.
- Raymond and Niki were orphans. When Niki was young, she lost her memory in an accident. She was later adopted by the owner of a sauce manufacturing factory, and became in charge of the factory. When she grew up, she meets Raymond again. In order to exact revenge, Raymond enters the factory. Later, they fall in love, and Niki regains her memory, only to discover her childhood friend on the road to evil.
Personal Note: In the article, it said that this series will be Raymond's first time playing the first lead, so that means he is indeed not the first lead in "The Truth".

Temporary Chinese title: 《大話情人》
Pinyin title: Dai Wa Ching Yan
Temporary English title: "Lying Lover"
Producer: Lee Tim Sing
- 20-episode pre-modern romance.
- Raymond Wong and Niki Chow will have an amnesic love story.
- Raymond will play a vengeful villain.
- Raymond and Niki were orphans. When Niki was young, she lost her memory in an accident. She was later adopted by the owner of a sauce manufacturing factory, and became in charge of the factory. When she grew up, she meets Raymond again. In order to exact revenge, Raymond enters the factory. Later, they fall in love, and Niki regains her memory, only to discover her childhood friend on the road to evil.
Personal Note: In the article, it said that this series will be Raymond's first time playing the first lead, so that means he is indeed not the first lead in "The Truth".
Jessica Hsuan NG Scene @ "Gun Metal Grey"
This is the scene where Michael Miu places a mop in between the door handles to prevent Jessica Hsuan from chasing after him. Jessica eventually frees herself by rapidly pulling on the door.
In this first take, Jessica was able to finish the scene successfully; however, the second time around, she opens the door and the mop handle hits her in the chest.
Jessica Hsuan: "Aiya! Oh my god!"
Crew member: "Are you okay? You hit yourself. You really hit yourself".
Jessica Hsuan: "Wah! It really hurts!"
Personal Note: Ha ha.... This is quite funny! :D Poor Jessica!
*Credits to
In this first take, Jessica was able to finish the scene successfully; however, the second time around, she opens the door and the mop handle hits her in the chest.
Jessica Hsuan: "Aiya! Oh my god!"
Crew member: "Are you okay? You hit yourself. You really hit yourself".
Jessica Hsuan: "Wah! It really hurts!"
Personal Note: Ha ha.... This is quite funny! :D Poor Jessica!
*Credits to
Saturday, November 13, 2010
《TVB Weekly》 Issue 699
This is the list of the 43 artistes who were randomly drawn at the press conference for the awards presentation. They received a lucky pocket worth $1000 HKD, and they are also eligible to win prizes at the anniversary gala.
01. Annie Chung
02. Emily Chung
03. Leo Ku
04. Lau Tin Lung
05. Natalie Tong
06. Tammy Ho
07. Peter Lai
08. Felix Lok
09. Claire Yiu
10. Argus Ip
11. Ram Chiang
12. Ken Wong
13. Milkson Fong
14. Oscar Li
15. David Do
16. Sammy Lee
17. Tavia Yeung
18. Him Law
19. Benjamin Yuen
20. Gigi Ho
21. Gordon Liu
22. Candy Yuen
23. Yeung Ying Wai
24. Maggie Shiu
25. Miki Yeung
26. Wan Si Pui
27. Law Lok Lam
28. Niki Chow
29. Mikako Leung
30. Jeffero Chan
31. Poon Chung Yeung
32. Cheung Wing Hong
33. Leanne Li
34. Lau Kong
35. Elena Kong
36. Astrid Chan
37. Bak Yan
38. Brian Chu
39. Wendy Lee
40. Kerry Chan
41. Janice Ting
42. Chan Wing Chun
43. Raymond Cho
Personal Note: So, Evergreen didn't get a lucky pocket....
*Credits to 法拉城
01. Annie Chung
02. Emily Chung
03. Leo Ku
04. Lau Tin Lung
05. Natalie Tong
06. Tammy Ho
07. Peter Lai
08. Felix Lok
09. Claire Yiu
10. Argus Ip
11. Ram Chiang
12. Ken Wong
13. Milkson Fong
14. Oscar Li
15. David Do
16. Sammy Lee
17. Tavia Yeung
18. Him Law
19. Benjamin Yuen
20. Gigi Ho
21. Gordon Liu
22. Candy Yuen
23. Yeung Ying Wai
24. Maggie Shiu
25. Miki Yeung
26. Wan Si Pui
27. Law Lok Lam
28. Niki Chow
29. Mikako Leung
30. Jeffero Chan
31. Poon Chung Yeung
32. Cheung Wing Hong
33. Leanne Li
34. Lau Kong
35. Elena Kong
36. Astrid Chan
37. Bak Yan
38. Brian Chu
39. Wendy Lee
40. Kerry Chan
41. Janice Ting
42. Chan Wing Chun
43. Raymond Cho
《TVB Weekly》 Issue 699
Personal Note: So, Evergreen didn't get a lucky pocket....
*Credits to 法拉城
'10 Anniversary Time II
Best Supporting Actor: Evergreen Mak
It is evident that the major contenders for 'Supporting Actor' are Dominic Lam, Ngo Ka Nin, and Evergreen Mak. Dominic received the most praise for the role of Wing Tak; however, "A Fistful of Stances" was aired too early, and he has not personally tried to garner votes. Dominic also does not seem to place much emphasis on awards, so he may not even go to the awards presentation, which makes him an unlikely candidate to actually win the award. As for Ngo Ka Nin, he made a great impact on the audience for his performance as 'Spare Rib' in the first few episodes of "No Regrets". Although Ka Nin received much praise for his performance, he does not have much screen time. Evergreen has also come in from behind, and has become more noticed for his role as Leung Fei Fan, and has gained much popularity. Evergreen should be able to gain more support as the series progresses as well, as his role is quite prominent. Evergreen has always performed well, but he has not had much recognition in the past. It would make sense for Evergreen to win because he has been with TVB for 23 years, and with his rising popularity, TVB may want to finally give him some recognition for his service and efforts.
Best Supporting Actress: Kara Hui
Kara Hui has this award in the bag, especially since Susan Tse, who was seen as her biggest competitor, did not even receive a nomination. In the past year, Kara received seven major film awards, and since she just became a TVB-managed artiste, TVB will most likely reward her for her television work as well. TVB's nominations tend to be based on ratings, such that higher rated series tend to be nominated. However, since Kara was nominated for her stronger performance in "Fistful" instead of her performances in the more highly rated "Can't Buy Me Love" and "No Regrets", this will make her 'Best Supporting Actress' win even more convincing.
Most Improved Male Artiste: Raymond Wong
It is quite evident that Raymond Wong is winning 'Most Improved', since his fellow competitors are not even of the same status, as Raymond has more prominent roles than the others. Many of the series that he participated in also received high ratings. In particular, with the good ratings of "When Lanes Merge" and the positive feedback regarding his performance as Turbo, it would make sense for him to win this award.
Most Improved Female Artiste: Selena Li OR Natatie Tong
The competition for 'Most Improved Female Artiste' is obviously between Selena Li and Natalie Tong. Selena is the better actress and has shown more versatility; however, Natalie's sympathetic role as Ngan received a lot of noise during the broadcast of "Fistful", and it was Ngan's rape incident that propelled the ratings of "Fistful". Selena had always been nominated in 'Most Improved'; however, she did not receive a nomination in this category last year. The fact that TVB nominated her in this category again may be an indication that there is a leaning toward Selena, especially since she has a higher status than Natalie in TVB. However, Natalie has been recently getting more prominent roles, and she slightly edges out Selena in audience votes. Thus, it is difficult to predict who will actually receive 'Most Improved Female Artiste'; however, I personally would like Selena to win.
Related post: '10 Anniversary Time I
It is evident that the major contenders for 'Supporting Actor' are Dominic Lam, Ngo Ka Nin, and Evergreen Mak. Dominic received the most praise for the role of Wing Tak; however, "A Fistful of Stances" was aired too early, and he has not personally tried to garner votes. Dominic also does not seem to place much emphasis on awards, so he may not even go to the awards presentation, which makes him an unlikely candidate to actually win the award. As for Ngo Ka Nin, he made a great impact on the audience for his performance as 'Spare Rib' in the first few episodes of "No Regrets". Although Ka Nin received much praise for his performance, he does not have much screen time. Evergreen has also come in from behind, and has become more noticed for his role as Leung Fei Fan, and has gained much popularity. Evergreen should be able to gain more support as the series progresses as well, as his role is quite prominent. Evergreen has always performed well, but he has not had much recognition in the past. It would make sense for Evergreen to win because he has been with TVB for 23 years, and with his rising popularity, TVB may want to finally give him some recognition for his service and efforts.
Best Supporting Actress: Kara Hui
Kara Hui has this award in the bag, especially since Susan Tse, who was seen as her biggest competitor, did not even receive a nomination. In the past year, Kara received seven major film awards, and since she just became a TVB-managed artiste, TVB will most likely reward her for her television work as well. TVB's nominations tend to be based on ratings, such that higher rated series tend to be nominated. However, since Kara was nominated for her stronger performance in "Fistful" instead of her performances in the more highly rated "Can't Buy Me Love" and "No Regrets", this will make her 'Best Supporting Actress' win even more convincing.
Most Improved Male Artiste: Raymond Wong
It is quite evident that Raymond Wong is winning 'Most Improved', since his fellow competitors are not even of the same status, as Raymond has more prominent roles than the others. Many of the series that he participated in also received high ratings. In particular, with the good ratings of "When Lanes Merge" and the positive feedback regarding his performance as Turbo, it would make sense for him to win this award.
Most Improved Female Artiste: Selena Li OR Natatie Tong
The competition for 'Most Improved Female Artiste' is obviously between Selena Li and Natalie Tong. Selena is the better actress and has shown more versatility; however, Natalie's sympathetic role as Ngan received a lot of noise during the broadcast of "Fistful", and it was Ngan's rape incident that propelled the ratings of "Fistful". Selena had always been nominated in 'Most Improved'; however, she did not receive a nomination in this category last year. The fact that TVB nominated her in this category again may be an indication that there is a leaning toward Selena, especially since she has a higher status than Natalie in TVB. However, Natalie has been recently getting more prominent roles, and she slightly edges out Selena in audience votes. Thus, it is difficult to predict who will actually receive 'Most Improved Female Artiste'; however, I personally would like Selena to win.
Related post: '10 Anniversary Time I
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