Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ron & Tavia Birthday Party 2008 - 29 Questions


"29 Questions" is a booklet of 29 questions made up by fans in which Ron and Tavia had answered on different days.

Ron and Tavia are so funny. They are so adorable! They remind me of Louis and Jessica. 真係非常之好好笑! 佢哋好可愛呀!

Here is the summary of the clips:

Ron & Tavia "29 Questions" Part 1

Ron & Tavia "29 Questions" Part 2

R = Ron T= Tavia

1.) In your next life, would you want to be a guy or a girl?
(Ron looks over at Tavia's answer.)
R: 識貨! Very amusing! (Ron asks the fans what they think he would choose, and the fans said, "Guy!")
R: Wrong, I really want to be a guy.
(Tavia also asks the fans what they think she would choose, and the fans said, "Girl!")
T: I want to be a guy! He said there's something amusing about being a guy. I really want to know what's so amusing.
R: The feeling.
T: Well, I still have to feel it in the next life.

2.) What day is worth remembering?
T: Today!
R: My birth date.
(Ron explains that when he was moving on to junior high, none of his friends made it to the next grade. They were unable to wish him a happy birthday, so he looked in the mirror and said it to himself.)

3.) Do you believe in love at first sight?
R: Yes.
T: Yes.

4.) Where was your first date?
R: Where do you think OUR first date was? (LOL) (Ron looks at Tavia's answer.)
R: Library?!
T: Yours is in the movie theatre?! It must have been very sneaky.
R: If I don't give her the chance, how would she be able to sneak a touch.
(Tavia steals the microphone.)
R: If you met her in a library, you'd think she is a quiet girl, only to find out that she is loud!

5.) Which season do you dislike the most?
(Ron looks at Tavia's answer.)
R: Why did you pick spring?
T: No reason, I just don't like it.
R: 你都無春天嘅! T: 你無春天呀!

6.) Would you prefer to have a Western wedding or a Chinese wedding?
R: Chinese wedding.
T: I don't know.

7.) In school, what kind of classes did you fall asleep in?
R: I answered math, and she answered all classes.

8.) If you were to take part in a game show, would you pick "Super Trio" or "Minutes to Fame"?
R: I would pick "Minutes" because you don't have to move much.
T: It's because we've played it before.
R: We've never played "Trio".

9.) Where in HK would you like to have a big ad of you placed?
R: Kowloon because every big star has it there.

10.) If you had a million dollars, would you 買車 or 止業?
T: I want to buy a dog.
R: I want to save up money.
T: Yeah, you save up. I want to buy a flat.

11.) Would you rather step on poo or get pooped on by a bird?
(Tavia looks at Ron's answer.)
T: You picked wet poo, and I picked dry poo.
R: I picked "step on poo" because I got pooped on twice by birds.

12.) How many television sets and computers do you have in your home?
R: Four of each.
(Tavia comments on the amount of radiation from all those TVs and computers, saying that radiation causes baldness.)
T: Two of each.

13.) If you were to personalize your license plate, what would it be?
T: 0000 (4 zeroes)
R: HAI902

14.) What do you do when you cannot sleep?
R: Watch DVDs.
T: Is it porn?
R: (Sighs) I'm an adult now. I'm not a little kid anymore.
T: You watched them when you were a kid?
R: I was curious. (Ron points to Tavia's answer.)
R: What is this?
T: Playing with fingers.
(Ron is confused, so Tavia twirls her fingers.)
R: Oh, you playing with fingers, I like it.

15.) Which love song touches you the most?
(Tavia said some song, and Ron didn't say.)

16.) Do you like to film in ancient or modern?
R: I like to film ancient.
T: You wrote "modern".
R: Oh, you like to film ancient. Tavia's ancient look is prettier.
T: No, I wrote "ancient", but I like to film modern.
R: Oh, since you are giving this away, that means you are lying to them.
T: No, "ancient" is right. Okay 㗎喇.

17. What is the first thing you do when you get home?
(Tavia looks at Ron's answer.)
T: You poo?
R: I like to conserve water, so I use the company's bathroom before I go home.
The first thing I do when I go home is go to the bathroom, but it is not to poo.
T: What do you do? R: I wash my face and wash my hands because there are so many germs outside. T: Okay. R: What do you do? Take off your pants? I mean take off shoes.

18.) If you had to film a kiss scene with a co-star with bad breath, what would you do?
T: "Brush your teeth first!"
R: "You chew gum first!"
T: "Brush your teeth first!"
R: I should eat some garlic first.

19.) What movie or concert did you see lately?
T: "Journey to the Center of the Earth."
R: I watched "Mummy III."

20.) What age would you like to retire at?
(Both high five each other.)
R: She wrote 即刻, and I wrote 立刻!
(Ron goes on to say that their manager, Garly, probably wants to see them have a breakthrough within the next eight to ten years, but she probably would not have guessed that they would want to retire now.)

21.) Have you ever had a neighbour ask to take a photo?
(Ron looks at Tavia's answer.)
R: Why did you write, "Go die! No.?"
(Ron said, "Yes.")

22.) Where do you spend the most money on?
T: You look so exaggerating, so it must be on clothes, right?
R: No, I answered "car." For example, tires.
(Ron looks at Tavia's answer.)
R: What is that?
T: Whole-body renovation, from head to toe.
R: That is expensive!

23.) Did you ever be the class president in school?
T: No.
R: I was class president. In school, aside from the class president, there would also be students in charge of each of the rows to pass....
Fans: That's a row president!
R: Oh, then I was never a class president.

24.) What is the most commonly asked question from fans?
R: "What time are you off?"
T: "What are you busy working on?"
R: "When do you start work tomorrow?" "Can I wait for you tonight?" "Can I take a picture?"
T: "Do you remember me?"

25.) Which actions by fans do you dislike?
T: This is not really done by fans, but it is when they see you on the street and "pull" you over, forcing you to take a picture with them.

26.) What kind of clothes do you wear to sleep?
(Ron glances at Tavia's answer.)
R: What do you think I wear? You don't wear anything? Ooh!
T: I told you you're illiterate.
R: I can't see. "Don't wear long sleeves".
T: T-shirt and shorts.
R: I wear pajamas.
T: Really?
R: With "Hello Kitty" prints and I also wear a night cap.

27.) If you had a function tomorrow, would you figure out what you're going to wear before you sleep or wait until the next morning?
T: 一路念一路訓﹐跟住聽朝先襯!
R: Okay 喎!
T: What's your answer? R: The latter one.

28.) Which one do you think is worse, remembering the wrong time or the wrong location?
T: They're both bad...remembering the wrong time and the wrong location.
R: I think remembering the wrong time is less worse.
T: It is still troublesome.
R: Okay then, "remembering the wrong location".

29.) Would you rather have a pimple or a canker sore?
(Tavia looks at Ron's answer.)
T: How come you didn't pick any?
R: I want neither of them. T: I picked "canker sore"
R: It is very painful.
T: Yes, it hurts.
R: Very painful.
T: It doesn't matter.

The End. Aww, they are so cute!

*Credits to taviayeung.com


  1. Can't believe there's no comment on this! Ron and Tavia are hilarious!
    2008 is probably my favorite of the TaRo fan gatherings.
    The best one for me is the retirement one, lol! The way they high-fived each other. :D
    The fans should have questions for them like this again, if they have a b-day party together again. I hope so!

  2. To Pearl:

    I also liked the questions! :D
