Thursday, October 31, 2019
"Forget and Remember" - Juno Mak & Leon Lai
忘記和記 - 麥浚龍/黎明
作曲/編曲: 雷頌德
填詞: 黃偉文
監製: 麥浚龍/雷頌德
吸啖氣 躲於海底裡 逃避
思念很美 這片旱地無法比
當黑髮滲着白 想起你
當街上沒行人 想起你
也不顧身處在 兩地
不用記 思憶都猖獗無忌
鬼魅的你 引我到舊時遠飛
跟她戀愛太乏味 想起你
飛機遭遇亂流時 想起你
就算落力遺忘 你的髮膚氣味
*來年就算沒愛情 日落月昇 總會掛念你
應否將愛 活埋成感情 繼續在回味
或是不應溫暖地 美化這冰冷別離
唯記得你絕情的一刀 痛到以後沒餘地
靈魂被叫喚以前 剩下日子 總會掛念你
跟你那 死水微瀾 依然暗自地明媚
坐在黑房幽怨地 再看跟你做過的戲
難道太愛你 才偷偷想 天與地 重新接起 (再度接起)*
怎樣記 今宵先可以無夢
怎樣想你 這片罣礙才告終
想想 因你我獲贈 心絞痛
想想 剛烈及橫蠻 怎相碰
若愛後患無窮 殺死那點躁動
Repeat (*)
人應記得誰 不應記得誰
科學上誰能 找根據
人應記得誰 不應記得誰
不用問神明 信眼淚
是內心揀掛念誰 無人可干擾反對
未了心願 強迫去淡忘亦 太累 太累 太累
情人就算沒愛情 日落月昇 總會掛念你
相剋相愛但同牀 居然帶著淚回味
用盡苦心優雅地 與你掌心說別離
含笑跨過舊情的一刻 發覺我站在原地
前塵未散落以前 實在未知 有多掛念你
雖說有 深鎖重門 居然每夜沒防備
就像黑房的某地 永遠分個位置 等你
難道我暗裡 求之不得 天與地 重新接起
誰可以揀 忘記或記
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
"Wonder Women" Sub Song 3 MV
"Break Up Before Sunrise" - Joey Thye
天光前分手 《多功能老婆》 插曲 - 戴祖儀
作曲: 張家誠
填詞: 張美賢
編曲: Johnny Yim
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
開心只有自己 傷心只有自己可處理
愛上自由 無須太顧忌
好好擁抱自己 茫茫人海相識你
恕我未能 太過喜歡你
談情像戲 必須演技
長夜太短 頃刻晨曦
承諾太重 看似太美 能忘記不需要記得起
*最好天光之前分開走 未到副歌的前奏
就似一杯香醇的酒 投入剎那享受
抱你到天光之前鬆開手 別了前夜也不想以後
好朋友* 親暱的好朋友 吻過便足夠
應否相信自己 都可找到幸福的結尾
愛會令人 迷失與妒忌
一刻生醉夢死 如何才可捉緊你
承諾太重 看似太美 能忘記不需要記得起
Repeat *
Repeat *
簡單的好朋友 足夠
Related post: "TVB Anniversary Showtimes" ("Wonder Women")
*Credits to 星夢娛樂
Monday, October 28, 2019
Slowly Picking Among Suitors, Selena Lee Admits to Liking a Westernized Hong Kong Person
Artiste Selena Lee was a guest on a radio programme. She expressed that the characters 'Alex' and 'Coco' in the hit series "Barrack O'Karma" greatly increased her workload and income. Although she did not pay attention to how much her pay increased, she extremely enjoys the effect of the series causing her to have a new peak in her career: "Because of this series, there have been jobs in Japan, Beijing, and the US. The most unexpected is that, because of the subject matter, the series cannot be broadcasted in Mainland, but Mainland viewers are also able to watch it through another platfform, and even really like my character. When I was on a Beijing flight, a flight attendant also called me 'Alex'". She said that she has also been affected by the 'effect of the series': "When I was on a Beijing flight, there was a baby who was crying very loudly. I immediately thought of the plane in the series also crashing after the baby cried. At that moment, I was really scared that there would be an accident, so I recorded some words on IG". When asked whether she fell in love with her partner, Joel Chan, due to being so immersed in the role, she bluntly said, "Well, no. Because he has Apple (Joel's girlfriend), and he is really different from his character in real life. In the series, he is slightly stupid...not like that in real life. I have seen a lot of his ugly sides". She also said that she and Joel have a 'brotherhood'. When Joel gets married, will definitely go to congratulate and give a big red pocket.
When asked whether she had even more suitors now, she frankly said, "There are. For one of them, we are both interested (good feelings), but I am very not have the time. (What type of person?) A Hong Kong person but is very westernized. Don't say too much. Afraid of scaring off the the other people. There is not the slightest sign of anything happening yet. I am more free at the end of next year. Moreover, I am still in my 30s. Not in a rush. (Don't make the other person wait too long!) Some things are worth waiting for. Like in the series, Joel also waited until the next life".
[0102819] Selena Lee @ 《口水多過浪花》
*Credits to and wheniwasyoungilistentotheradio
Artiste Selena Lee was a guest on a radio programme. She expressed that the characters 'Alex' and 'Coco' in the hit series "Barrack O'Karma" greatly increased her workload and income. Although she did not pay attention to how much her pay increased, she extremely enjoys the effect of the series causing her to have a new peak in her career: "Because of this series, there have been jobs in Japan, Beijing, and the US. The most unexpected is that, because of the subject matter, the series cannot be broadcasted in Mainland, but Mainland viewers are also able to watch it through another platfform, and even really like my character. When I was on a Beijing flight, a flight attendant also called me 'Alex'". She said that she has also been affected by the 'effect of the series': "When I was on a Beijing flight, there was a baby who was crying very loudly. I immediately thought of the plane in the series also crashing after the baby cried. At that moment, I was really scared that there would be an accident, so I recorded some words on IG". When asked whether she fell in love with her partner, Joel Chan, due to being so immersed in the role, she bluntly said, "Well, no. Because he has Apple (Joel's girlfriend), and he is really different from his character in real life. In the series, he is slightly stupid...not like that in real life. I have seen a lot of his ugly sides". She also said that she and Joel have a 'brotherhood'. When Joel gets married, will definitely go to congratulate and give a big red pocket.
When asked whether she had even more suitors now, she frankly said, "There are. For one of them, we are both interested (good feelings), but I am very not have the time. (What type of person?) A Hong Kong person but is very westernized. Don't say too much. Afraid of scaring off the the other people. There is not the slightest sign of anything happening yet. I am more free at the end of next year. Moreover, I am still in my 30s. Not in a rush. (Don't make the other person wait too long!) Some things are worth waiting for. Like in the series, Joel also waited until the next life".
[0102819] Selena Lee @ 《口水多過浪花》
*Credits to and wheniwasyoungilistentotheradio
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Louis Koo Reveals Sure-Fire Way to Woo Jessica Hsuan
Louis Koo and Jessica Hsuan are collaborating again after 17 years in the film "A Witness Out of the Blue". In the movie, robber Louis and landlady Jessica have an ambiguous romantic storyline. Although [he] and Jessica have known each other for many years and have become friends, Louis frankly said that [he] would not be unable to hold in [his] laughter in all these years of filming emotional scenes together. If an important scene has to be filmed, would have even more time to prepare, but the romantic storyline with her this time is not carved in the bones and engraved in the heart; rather, it is not overdone, and the outcome was even better. He said, "Sometimes it is too carved in the bones and engraved in the heart. May have been seen too much. Not overdone the feeling of quenching the thirst. Can leave a little room for the audience". Jessica laughingly said that she would not want to laugh when working with Louis because Louis' face is very serious, but would not get scared. If one has not done wrong, would not get yelled at. She would not get scared. Regarding not being able to have a beautiful romantic ending with Louis in the movie, Jessica frankly said that, seeing the script, actually felt that it was special. Vague. In the end, there are some things to accompany her...triumphs over a perfect ending.
Unmarked Burial Set Met with Wind and Rain
Louis, who plays a robber, has a lot of gunfight scenes in the movie. One of the scenes was shot at an unmarked burial site, which coincided with the 14th day of the seventh lunar month; however, Louis frankly said that he did not feel scared. On the contrary, during the shoot, there were several days of yellow rain, and there was even black rain. Thus, [we] were not able to enter the shooting site when [we] arrived on the scene because it had already turned into a bad land. Even the car could not enter. He said, "When [I] entered, it was not about whether [I] was scared about the issue of the unmarked burial site. After the rain, there were a lot of red ants on the scene. If bitten by the red fire ants, it would be a pretty big matter! We had to shoot fight scenes and roll on the ground, so [we] were very worried. Every time [we] filmed a shot, had to use a flame gun to sear the ground so that there were no red fire ants. However, using a flame gun to sear the ground, the ground was very wet after the rain, causing the steam that had risen to be very incredible. Although it was the 14th day of the seventh lunar month when [we] went in to film, there is usually a blessing ceremony, and [you] would feel at ease. On the whole, nothing happened". Although Jessica did not participate in the unmarked burial site scene, she believes that there would be no taboos when filming, but would also be well-prepared beforehand. After hearing this, Louis laughingly said, "Spirit medium, Maoshan! Do all of these first! Also, eat the money and candles first".
Small Budget, Big Avenue
Louis, who has always been low-key, spares no effort for film and charity work. In recent years, he is the president of the [Hong Kong] Performing Artistes Guild, and also acting at the same time, shooting movie after movie from time to time, and has not stopped working. Louis frankly hopes to put some effort into the future of the film industry, and be able to produce low-budget films, and also believes that this aspect will be a great avenue in the next few years. New people can also be nurtured in the process. He said, "Thinking as an actor, Hong Kong actually has a lot of topics that can be filmed. For example, this year, [I] appreciated the movie 'Still Human'. I think that there are many topics to explore. The cost of such movies would not be like a co-production that needs a hundred or 200 million yuan. This is a market that needs to be explored and mainly developed in the future". Since the 1990s, Louis went from the TV industry to the film industry, and has been working for many years, taking part in numerous movies. Louis frankly said that the methods of acting in TV series and movies are different. Even a newcomer or a less experienced actor would do more work beforehand, and the staff would explain more to them, usually using the camera to make accommodations so that they are able to do it even more precisely, since there are more TV episodes and details, while movies would be more concentrated". Although Jessica claims that she is not as brainy as Louis, and be able to do take on a lot of work, Louis is also fully supportive of her. However, Jessica also does a lot of charity work. If necessary, would also contribute. For example, visiting children with emotional or mental problems or those with autism. Would also give small gifts every Christmas and holiday. She said, "I feel that [we] don't have to consider the scope, and [we] would still do it. Our influence is using our popularity to bring them happiness. We can do this little thing".
It Is Only Perseverance That Wins
Louis, who has been in the film industry for many years, has achieved remarkable results. In the past 20 years, he has become a prolific actor, and he even won 'Best Actor' at the Hong Kong Film Awards for "Paradox", becoming the goal of many young actors from the new generation. When asked if he could give any reminders to the new generation of actors, Louis frankly said that they must not give up, and they must persevere. He said, "Everyone's turns in life are different. Whether there are more or fewer opportunities really depends on the direction of the big trend; however, the trend of film is constantly changing. Apart from the accommodation of the market, it also depends on the needs of the audience. As the quality of foreign film continues to improve, Hong Kong movies also have to catch up. I feel that the overall change is quite big. Sometimes must look at luck when waiting for an opportunity. For example, a singer having a song that becomes a hit song or an actor encountering a project or a role also requires time and waiting. Thus, an actor must persist and not give up". Although Jessica is not as experienced as Louis in film, and even has a slower pace, she believes that acting is a job that she likes. Hope to be able to try different roles and styles. Also tried performing in a play this year. She thinks that acting is not about doing it in order to get something or to make a certain amount of money. Okay as long as you can enjoy the process. Can be considered rather lucky as she debuted earlier. There were many seniors leading them. The chances for the new generation of actors are relatively less. She said, "I feel that one should not make a fuss about whether there are more or fewer opportunities. Have to know how to seize it. I always believe that one should work hard. If one does not work hard, do not even have to think about it. This industry is very interesting; luck is very important! May work very hard, but there is no luck. When luck comes, have to grasp it. Always believe that it is only enduring strength that wins".
Talking About Each Other's Merits
Louis and Jessica became friends from filming TV series together, collaborating again after 17 years this time in "Witness". Louis frankly said that there was no collaboration for a period of time, and they also did not meet up much, but still highly praised Jessica's merits: "For a female, [she] is rather frank and easy to get close to". He said, "Everyone has a different personality. May also have reservations when talking a little more, but Jessica would not. She is very straightforward and takes the initiative. These are her big merits. We have not seen each other for many years. The biggest difference is that there is no change. There would be changes in personality and would also see things differently. In fact, being yourself is actually the most difficult". Louis, who is known for having many friends, has good relationships in the industry. As one of Louis' friends, Jessica laughingly said that Louis is very serious on the outside but is very good-hearted. She said, "I feel that, if a person likes small animals, he or she cannot be that bad on the inside! Louis is a very filial person. Not many people can do the things he does for the industry. Even if they have the ability, they may not be willing to use the energy to do it. Sometimes I see him not having to be in position for work, but his mind is constantly thinking. I admire him the most when I send him a message, and he would definitely reply. Even if he cannot reply immediately, he would reply later".
Regarding good friend Jessica being single now, would Louis look for a good guy for her? He said, "What?! Just talked about being busy with work". When asked what type of guys are suitable for Jessica, he said, "I think that a suitable guy for her has to have even more things to talk about than she does! Or someone who does not talk at all. Has to be really extreme in order to be suitable, but certainly has to like dogs". When talking about whether a suitable partner for Jessica needs to be like him in the movie, who even donated his corneas to her, Louis laughingly said, "In order to be with her, the first most important thing is certainly not donating the corneas but donating all of [his] wealth to her".
*Credits to stheadline and nowbaogumovies
ViuTV Clip
ViuTV Clip
Hong Kong Open TV Clip
Now TV Clip
stheadline Clip
Louis Koo and Jessica Hsuan are collaborating again after 17 years in the film "A Witness Out of the Blue". In the movie, robber Louis and landlady Jessica have an ambiguous romantic storyline. Although [he] and Jessica have known each other for many years and have become friends, Louis frankly said that [he] would not be unable to hold in [his] laughter in all these years of filming emotional scenes together. If an important scene has to be filmed, would have even more time to prepare, but the romantic storyline with her this time is not carved in the bones and engraved in the heart; rather, it is not overdone, and the outcome was even better. He said, "Sometimes it is too carved in the bones and engraved in the heart. May have been seen too much. Not overdone the feeling of quenching the thirst. Can leave a little room for the audience". Jessica laughingly said that she would not want to laugh when working with Louis because Louis' face is very serious, but would not get scared. If one has not done wrong, would not get yelled at. She would not get scared. Regarding not being able to have a beautiful romantic ending with Louis in the movie, Jessica frankly said that, seeing the script, actually felt that it was special. Vague. In the end, there are some things to accompany her...triumphs over a perfect ending.
Unmarked Burial Set Met with Wind and Rain
Louis, who plays a robber, has a lot of gunfight scenes in the movie. One of the scenes was shot at an unmarked burial site, which coincided with the 14th day of the seventh lunar month; however, Louis frankly said that he did not feel scared. On the contrary, during the shoot, there were several days of yellow rain, and there was even black rain. Thus, [we] were not able to enter the shooting site when [we] arrived on the scene because it had already turned into a bad land. Even the car could not enter. He said, "When [I] entered, it was not about whether [I] was scared about the issue of the unmarked burial site. After the rain, there were a lot of red ants on the scene. If bitten by the red fire ants, it would be a pretty big matter! We had to shoot fight scenes and roll on the ground, so [we] were very worried. Every time [we] filmed a shot, had to use a flame gun to sear the ground so that there were no red fire ants. However, using a flame gun to sear the ground, the ground was very wet after the rain, causing the steam that had risen to be very incredible. Although it was the 14th day of the seventh lunar month when [we] went in to film, there is usually a blessing ceremony, and [you] would feel at ease. On the whole, nothing happened". Although Jessica did not participate in the unmarked burial site scene, she believes that there would be no taboos when filming, but would also be well-prepared beforehand. After hearing this, Louis laughingly said, "Spirit medium, Maoshan! Do all of these first! Also, eat the money and candles first".
Small Budget, Big Avenue
Louis, who has always been low-key, spares no effort for film and charity work. In recent years, he is the president of the [Hong Kong] Performing Artistes Guild, and also acting at the same time, shooting movie after movie from time to time, and has not stopped working. Louis frankly hopes to put some effort into the future of the film industry, and be able to produce low-budget films, and also believes that this aspect will be a great avenue in the next few years. New people can also be nurtured in the process. He said, "Thinking as an actor, Hong Kong actually has a lot of topics that can be filmed. For example, this year, [I] appreciated the movie 'Still Human'. I think that there are many topics to explore. The cost of such movies would not be like a co-production that needs a hundred or 200 million yuan. This is a market that needs to be explored and mainly developed in the future". Since the 1990s, Louis went from the TV industry to the film industry, and has been working for many years, taking part in numerous movies. Louis frankly said that the methods of acting in TV series and movies are different. Even a newcomer or a less experienced actor would do more work beforehand, and the staff would explain more to them, usually using the camera to make accommodations so that they are able to do it even more precisely, since there are more TV episodes and details, while movies would be more concentrated". Although Jessica claims that she is not as brainy as Louis, and be able to do take on a lot of work, Louis is also fully supportive of her. However, Jessica also does a lot of charity work. If necessary, would also contribute. For example, visiting children with emotional or mental problems or those with autism. Would also give small gifts every Christmas and holiday. She said, "I feel that [we] don't have to consider the scope, and [we] would still do it. Our influence is using our popularity to bring them happiness. We can do this little thing".
It Is Only Perseverance That Wins
Louis, who has been in the film industry for many years, has achieved remarkable results. In the past 20 years, he has become a prolific actor, and he even won 'Best Actor' at the Hong Kong Film Awards for "Paradox", becoming the goal of many young actors from the new generation. When asked if he could give any reminders to the new generation of actors, Louis frankly said that they must not give up, and they must persevere. He said, "Everyone's turns in life are different. Whether there are more or fewer opportunities really depends on the direction of the big trend; however, the trend of film is constantly changing. Apart from the accommodation of the market, it also depends on the needs of the audience. As the quality of foreign film continues to improve, Hong Kong movies also have to catch up. I feel that the overall change is quite big. Sometimes must look at luck when waiting for an opportunity. For example, a singer having a song that becomes a hit song or an actor encountering a project or a role also requires time and waiting. Thus, an actor must persist and not give up". Although Jessica is not as experienced as Louis in film, and even has a slower pace, she believes that acting is a job that she likes. Hope to be able to try different roles and styles. Also tried performing in a play this year. She thinks that acting is not about doing it in order to get something or to make a certain amount of money. Okay as long as you can enjoy the process. Can be considered rather lucky as she debuted earlier. There were many seniors leading them. The chances for the new generation of actors are relatively less. She said, "I feel that one should not make a fuss about whether there are more or fewer opportunities. Have to know how to seize it. I always believe that one should work hard. If one does not work hard, do not even have to think about it. This industry is very interesting; luck is very important! May work very hard, but there is no luck. When luck comes, have to grasp it. Always believe that it is only enduring strength that wins".
Talking About Each Other's Merits
Louis and Jessica became friends from filming TV series together, collaborating again after 17 years this time in "Witness". Louis frankly said that there was no collaboration for a period of time, and they also did not meet up much, but still highly praised Jessica's merits: "For a female, [she] is rather frank and easy to get close to". He said, "Everyone has a different personality. May also have reservations when talking a little more, but Jessica would not. She is very straightforward and takes the initiative. These are her big merits. We have not seen each other for many years. The biggest difference is that there is no change. There would be changes in personality and would also see things differently. In fact, being yourself is actually the most difficult". Louis, who is known for having many friends, has good relationships in the industry. As one of Louis' friends, Jessica laughingly said that Louis is very serious on the outside but is very good-hearted. She said, "I feel that, if a person likes small animals, he or she cannot be that bad on the inside! Louis is a very filial person. Not many people can do the things he does for the industry. Even if they have the ability, they may not be willing to use the energy to do it. Sometimes I see him not having to be in position for work, but his mind is constantly thinking. I admire him the most when I send him a message, and he would definitely reply. Even if he cannot reply immediately, he would reply later".
Regarding good friend Jessica being single now, would Louis look for a good guy for her? He said, "What?! Just talked about being busy with work". When asked what type of guys are suitable for Jessica, he said, "I think that a suitable guy for her has to have even more things to talk about than she does! Or someone who does not talk at all. Has to be really extreme in order to be suitable, but certainly has to like dogs". When talking about whether a suitable partner for Jessica needs to be like him in the movie, who even donated his corneas to her, Louis laughingly said, "In order to be with her, the first most important thing is certainly not donating the corneas but donating all of [his] wealth to her".
*Credits to stheadline and nowbaogumovies
Friday, October 25, 2019
Thursday, October 24, 2019
"Lo and Behold" to Air Seven Days a Week, Starting January 4th, 2020
Today, the cast of the TVB sitcom "Lo and Behold" attended a Halloween event where it was announced that, starting from January 4th, 2020, "Lo" will be airing every night at 8pm from Mondays to Sundays.
An hk01 reporter asked producer Lam Kin Cheung whether there would be some hidden worries about broadcasting seven days a week. He responded, "Well, the period of time for studio [filming] is definitely longer and more, and the actors will be having more tight filming. [We] usually do five days of studio [filming]; now, it has changed to seven days. There are also more locations. Other things are really dependent on the operation of studio [filming] in order for it to work in coordination".
*Credits to reiakiryu, hk01, and gztv
J2 Clip
"Scoop" Clip
Today, the cast of the TVB sitcom "Lo and Behold" attended a Halloween event where it was announced that, starting from January 4th, 2020, "Lo" will be airing every night at 8pm from Mondays to Sundays.
An hk01 reporter asked producer Lam Kin Cheung whether there would be some hidden worries about broadcasting seven days a week. He responded, "Well, the period of time for studio [filming] is definitely longer and more, and the actors will be having more tight filming. [We] usually do five days of studio [filming]; now, it has changed to seven days. There are also more locations. Other things are really dependent on the operation of studio [filming] in order for it to work in coordination".
*Credits to reiakiryu, hk01, and gztv
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
"A Witness Out of the Blue" Premiere
Louis Koo and Jessica Hsuan attended the premiere of their starring movie, "A Witness Out of the Blue". The organizer specially prepared cakes for Louis (whose birthday was on the 21st) and Philip Keung, who will be having a birthday, to celebrate their birthdays. During the premiere, a small incident occurred in which a female fan of Louis' kept yelling in Mandarin below the stage, "I am Louis Koo's wife", causing a commotion. However, Louis, who was on the stage, remained calm.
Louis just turned 49 years old. During the interview, he expressed that his birthday wish was hoping to be healthy because [one] is only able to do other things if [one] is healthy. He celebrated his birthday with his family. This year, he did not celebrate with a fan gathering due to being worried about traffic issues.
Jessica laughingly said that she already gave Louis a birthday present, and even guaranteed that he would definitely like it. She said that she would remember her friends' birthdays every year because they would be recorded in her reminders. When it is a friend's birthday, [she] would send a text to wish her friend [a happy birthday]. Louis laughingly said that he also remembered Jessica's birthday; Jessica laughingly said, "But it was a day late. Remembering it for a lifetime".
Louis has expectations for the box office but thinks that the box office cannot be controlled. Hope that everyone watches it happily. Jessica said that there is more pressure for film than TV; hope that there are good results for the box office so that there is an explanation to the investors. Regarding what kind of roles the two hope to play if they were to collaborate again, Louis said that Jessica hopes to play an antagonist so that there is a breakthrough. Jessica laughingly said, "Well, it does not necessarily have to be an antagonist. Also want to try playing a doctor with autism, like in American series".
*Credits to tvb,, mingpao, appledaily, stheadline, eastweek, hk01, am730, moreforms, Yes娛樂, and youku
"Scoop" Clip
ViuTV Clip
Hong Kong Open TV Clip
ontv Clip
Ming Pao Clip
Apple Daily Clip
stheadline Clip
East Week Clip
hk01 Clip
am730 Clip
More Forms Clip
More Forms Clip
StarsYes Clip
Youku Clip
Louis Koo and Jessica Hsuan attended the premiere of their starring movie, "A Witness Out of the Blue". The organizer specially prepared cakes for Louis (whose birthday was on the 21st) and Philip Keung, who will be having a birthday, to celebrate their birthdays. During the premiere, a small incident occurred in which a female fan of Louis' kept yelling in Mandarin below the stage, "I am Louis Koo's wife", causing a commotion. However, Louis, who was on the stage, remained calm.
Louis just turned 49 years old. During the interview, he expressed that his birthday wish was hoping to be healthy because [one] is only able to do other things if [one] is healthy. He celebrated his birthday with his family. This year, he did not celebrate with a fan gathering due to being worried about traffic issues.
Jessica laughingly said that she already gave Louis a birthday present, and even guaranteed that he would definitely like it. She said that she would remember her friends' birthdays every year because they would be recorded in her reminders. When it is a friend's birthday, [she] would send a text to wish her friend [a happy birthday]. Louis laughingly said that he also remembered Jessica's birthday; Jessica laughingly said, "But it was a day late. Remembering it for a lifetime".
Louis has expectations for the box office but thinks that the box office cannot be controlled. Hope that everyone watches it happily. Jessica said that there is more pressure for film than TV; hope that there are good results for the box office so that there is an explanation to the investors. Regarding what kind of roles the two hope to play if they were to collaborate again, Louis said that Jessica hopes to play an antagonist so that there is a breakthrough. Jessica laughingly said, "Well, it does not necessarily have to be an antagonist. Also want to try playing a doctor with autism, like in American series".
*Credits to tvb,, mingpao, appledaily, stheadline, eastweek, hk01, am730, moreforms, Yes娛樂, and youku
Sunday, October 20, 2019
"Wonder Women" Sub Song 2 MV
"Always Wrong" - Jinny Ng
每段愛還是錯 《多功能老婆》 插曲 - 吳若希
作曲: 林家謙
填詞: 張美賢
編曲: 黃兆銘
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
可以閉起雙眼睛 追蹤愛情
可以叫身體放輕 飛出去摘顆星
在最好的風景不要醒 緣份的天空必須任性
*每段愛還是錯 偏執興奮無助
我亦算甜蜜過 開心不必去想太多
我就算難受過 追蹤感覺難道也是錯*
離不開 怪自己太傻
可以閉起雙眼睛 觸摸愛情
投入到 相信聽到心跳聲 漆黑裡頭仍能作證
睡到天光即使總要醒 前夜呼吸聲多麼動聽
如沒有終點 記住這路程
Repeat *
沉溺戀愛值得 別說為何
每段愛還是錯 真心戀愛人生不枉過
我亦算甜蜜過 開心不必去想太多
我就算難受過 縱沒有將來無非享受過
Related post: "Wonder Women" Sub Song 2 (Radio Version)
*Credits to 星夢娛樂
"TVB Anniversary Showtimes" ("Wonder Women")
Part 1
Part 2
"Wonder Women" Theme Song MV Preview
"Destination of Love" - Miriam Yeung
嫁給愛情 《多功能老婆》 主題曲 - 楊千嬅
作曲/編曲: 張家誠
填詞: 張美賢
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
沿路 遇上 世上百萬人
人類 情感 嫌舊並且貪新
每日裡 多少結合再分
懷著少年初心 就算單純天真
我仍然 笑著行 再拾回自我加點信心
無論再獨來獨往 為理想堅定
遊蕩想找安定 誓約多麼神聖
"Wonder Women" Sub Song 3 Preview
"Break Up Before Sunrise" - Joey Thye
天光前分手 《多功能老婆》 插曲 - 戴祖儀
作曲: 張家誠
填詞: 張美賢
編曲: Johnny Yim
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
開心只有自己 傷心只有自己可處理
愛上自由 無須太顧忌
好好擁抱自己 茫茫人海相識你
恕我未能 太過喜歡你
談情像戲 必須演技
長夜太短 頃刻晨曦
承諾太重 看似太美 能忘記不需要記得起
*最好天光之前分開走 未到副歌的前奏
就似一杯香醇的酒 投入剎那享受
抱你到天光之前鬆開手 別了前夜也不想以後
好朋友* 親暱的好朋友 吻過便足夠
應否相信自己 都可找到幸福的結尾
愛會令人 迷失與妒忌
一刻生醉夢死 如何才可捉緊你
承諾太重 看似太美 能忘記不需要記得起
Repeat *
Repeat *
簡單的好朋友 足夠
FYI: The fourth episode of "TVB Anniversary Showtimes" averaged 10.1 points.
Related post: "Wonder Women" Sub Song 2 (Radio Version)
Related post: "Wonder Women" Sub Song MV
Part 2
"Wonder Women" Theme Song MV Preview
"Destination of Love" - Miriam Yeung
嫁給愛情 《多功能老婆》 主題曲 - 楊千嬅
作曲/編曲: 張家誠
填詞: 張美賢
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
沿路 遇上 世上百萬人
人類 情感 嫌舊並且貪新
每日裡 多少結合再分
懷著少年初心 就算單純天真
我仍然 笑著行 再拾回自我加點信心
無論再獨來獨往 為理想堅定
遊蕩想找安定 誓約多麼神聖
"Wonder Women" Sub Song 3 Preview
"Break Up Before Sunrise" - Joey Thye
天光前分手 《多功能老婆》 插曲 - 戴祖儀
作曲: 張家誠
填詞: 張美賢
編曲: Johnny Yim
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
開心只有自己 傷心只有自己可處理
愛上自由 無須太顧忌
好好擁抱自己 茫茫人海相識你
恕我未能 太過喜歡你
談情像戲 必須演技
長夜太短 頃刻晨曦
承諾太重 看似太美 能忘記不需要記得起
*最好天光之前分開走 未到副歌的前奏
就似一杯香醇的酒 投入剎那享受
抱你到天光之前鬆開手 別了前夜也不想以後
好朋友* 親暱的好朋友 吻過便足夠
應否相信自己 都可找到幸福的結尾
愛會令人 迷失與妒忌
一刻生醉夢死 如何才可捉緊你
承諾太重 看似太美 能忘記不需要記得起
Repeat *
Repeat *
簡單的好朋友 足夠
FYI: The fourth episode of "TVB Anniversary Showtimes" averaged 10.1 points.
Related post: "Wonder Women" Sub Song 2 (Radio Version)
Related post: "Wonder Women" Sub Song MV
Friday, October 18, 2019
TVB 52nd Anniversary Promotional Clips
Koni Lui, Stanley Cheung, Mandy Lam, Jack Hui, Pal Sinn & Angela Tong
Vincent Wong
Joe Ma, Ruco Chan, Moses Chan & Wayne Lai
Matthew Ho, Bob Cheung, Joey Law & Arnold Kwok
Grace Chan, Elaine Yiu, Owen Cheung, Raymond Cho & Shaun Tam
Luk Ho Ming, Joey Thye, Karl Ting & Liza Wang
Ben Wong, Ali Lee, Lai Lok Yi & Mandy Wong
Andrew Yuen, Tony Hung, Alice Chan & Pakho Chau
Samantha Ko, Joel Chan, Sharon Chan & Kenneth Ma
*Credits to TVBent, TVBUSAofficial, reiakiryu, 王浩信VW官方國際後援會, and
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Jessica Hsuan Reveals That Louis Koo Does Not Treat Her as a Woman: 'Unable to Control Wanting to Kick Me'
Louis Koo and Jessica Hsuan collaborated in series and have been a couple in series many times, with the most memorable being "A Step into the Past". Afterward, the two worked in separate areas. Louis has been working in the movie industry for many years, while Jessica has been stepping into film in recent years. Recently, the two collaborated again in the movie "A Witness Out of the Blue", reuniting after 17 years but still in harmony. The two accepted an interview together earlier. They talked and laughed. When having their pictures taken, Louis even imitated Jessica's dialogue in a product advertisement, as he looked at her and said, "An eyesore. Eyes blazing with anger". Upon hearing it, Jessica laughed loudly.
Jessica said that she was already full of anticipation before the start of filming. Felt that this partner has matured a lot: "I saw him enter the industry. Saw him change. 'Happy Harmony' was the first collaboration. Went from not talking in the beginning back then, and being very quiet. I always struck up a conversation with him. He would only say a sentence or two. Now, [he] has changed. I am not the one who strikes a conversation with him. He is the one who slowly changed. Back then, as an actor, he was on the quiet side. Then he left the company and developed his own career, and now he has such a big kingdom. Back then, as an actor, he would only joke and play. Now, he does things very seriously. He is able to consider the many aspects of a situation and see many things". She feels that Louis is very focused on his work and has seen his transformation: "Experienced many things, matured a lot as a person, and changed in a good way. From my perspective, think that it would be even better if he can be more relaxed. He is able to do what he likes and help a lot of people at the same time. Keeping the movie industry moving. Also doing charity, good to children, and setting up schools, he would be very busy, but it's okay as long as he's happy".
However, Louis feels that Jessica has not changed much, and has not changed herself because of the world: "Really feel that she is not much different. Not saying her appearance but her personality; this is the most rare because, in this industry, you would lose your own character. It is very difficult to maintain your own personality and be able to survive. Sometime I hear people say, 'How do you survive with such a personality?' However, sometimes it is not necessarily so. I think that it cannot be generalized. The most important is that she has worked in this industry for so long and has not have been polluted by this industry. I think that there would be changes, which are changes while growing, but she is still herself". Moreover, he praised his friend for being virtuous, liking small animals, and paying attention to the balance of life: "She has arranged a well-organized life for herself. Well-balanced in her work and private all aspects! However, seems to travel a bit too close in time".
The two would meet at friends' dinners from time to time but do not deliberately look for topics on their own. Since Louis' participation in film production increased, with multiple roles on the movie set, compared to being an actor in the past, it is very difficult to have time to chat. Louis said, "It is already better for this one. Just finished filming that one ('Back to the Past'), and could not even say one thing. [Was so busy] with that one that [I] fainted. This one is already better". However, they have a lot of memories. Still remember the tidbits of filming series in the past. Jessica said, "Played a lot crazily back then. I also don't treat him as a man. He treats me as a man more than I treat him as a woman. Like I would be sitting on a chair in the office. He is able to kick me off the chair. Seeing me, unable to control wanting to kick me". Louis explained, "At the time, she had just returned from a foreign country. Usually, girls who returned from a foreign country are easier to get along with. I describe her as crazy and does not really worry about minor matters. Sometimes easier to get along with. Would not be divided into men and women. Would not treat a lot of girls in the same series like this; only treat her like this. So busy now, so there is no time to play like this".
In "Witness", Louis plays a robber. While fleeing, he goes to Jessica's house to rent a place. The two become acquainted with each other, but Louis gets shot and killed; however, he donates his corneas, making Jessica, who has vision problems, be able to see again, but they are unable to be together. For the audience, it is inevitable that there is disappointment that the two are unable to walk down their path in bliss, but Jessica really likes this sad and beautiful ending: "This is the successful part of TV. Able to create a lot of couples. Because viewers look at the outer appearance, as long as the series is written very successfully, it will create an illusion to the viewers. Just as I really wanted 'Do Jeh' [Carol Cheng] and 'Fat Gor' [Chow Yun Fat] to be together when I was really young...became embedded in [my] mind". On the other hand, Louis calmly analyzed the appeal of the story from the perspective of a producer: "If a single love line can be like this, the love line must also have tentative elements; however, this movie is not mainly about the love line. Actually, the tentativeness is better than two people being together. I want the audience to still have hope when they leave the theatre. If I am with her, but I died, the audience would be even sadder. Now, I died. Aiya! One step away from not being able to be together would be better. Also better for his ending". Jessica added, "I think that his death is quite okay".
If Louis is not arranged to die in the movie? Louis said that this was impossible: "In the movies now, the bad guys must die. Actually, I can not die but must be brought to justice". Jessica also feels that Louis has to leave in the movie: "When I was acting it out, also felt that this matter was very nice. Left, but the world in which I look at things seems as though it is him. Although the two people did not get together, [the eyes] make it seem as though the two are actually together. I have acted for so long but have not experienced such a plot, so I liked it a lot once I read it".
*Credits to appledaily, mingpaoweekly, am730, moreforms, youku, and gztv
"Star Talk" @ J2 Clip
Ming Pao Weekly Clip
Apple Daily Clip
am730 Clip
More Forms Clip
More Forms Clip
Youku Clip
Louis Koo and Jessica Hsuan collaborated in series and have been a couple in series many times, with the most memorable being "A Step into the Past". Afterward, the two worked in separate areas. Louis has been working in the movie industry for many years, while Jessica has been stepping into film in recent years. Recently, the two collaborated again in the movie "A Witness Out of the Blue", reuniting after 17 years but still in harmony. The two accepted an interview together earlier. They talked and laughed. When having their pictures taken, Louis even imitated Jessica's dialogue in a product advertisement, as he looked at her and said, "An eyesore. Eyes blazing with anger". Upon hearing it, Jessica laughed loudly.
Jessica said that she was already full of anticipation before the start of filming. Felt that this partner has matured a lot: "I saw him enter the industry. Saw him change. 'Happy Harmony' was the first collaboration. Went from not talking in the beginning back then, and being very quiet. I always struck up a conversation with him. He would only say a sentence or two. Now, [he] has changed. I am not the one who strikes a conversation with him. He is the one who slowly changed. Back then, as an actor, he was on the quiet side. Then he left the company and developed his own career, and now he has such a big kingdom. Back then, as an actor, he would only joke and play. Now, he does things very seriously. He is able to consider the many aspects of a situation and see many things". She feels that Louis is very focused on his work and has seen his transformation: "Experienced many things, matured a lot as a person, and changed in a good way. From my perspective, think that it would be even better if he can be more relaxed. He is able to do what he likes and help a lot of people at the same time. Keeping the movie industry moving. Also doing charity, good to children, and setting up schools, he would be very busy, but it's okay as long as he's happy".
However, Louis feels that Jessica has not changed much, and has not changed herself because of the world: "Really feel that she is not much different. Not saying her appearance but her personality; this is the most rare because, in this industry, you would lose your own character. It is very difficult to maintain your own personality and be able to survive. Sometime I hear people say, 'How do you survive with such a personality?' However, sometimes it is not necessarily so. I think that it cannot be generalized. The most important is that she has worked in this industry for so long and has not have been polluted by this industry. I think that there would be changes, which are changes while growing, but she is still herself". Moreover, he praised his friend for being virtuous, liking small animals, and paying attention to the balance of life: "She has arranged a well-organized life for herself. Well-balanced in her work and private all aspects! However, seems to travel a bit too close in time".
The two would meet at friends' dinners from time to time but do not deliberately look for topics on their own. Since Louis' participation in film production increased, with multiple roles on the movie set, compared to being an actor in the past, it is very difficult to have time to chat. Louis said, "It is already better for this one. Just finished filming that one ('Back to the Past'), and could not even say one thing. [Was so busy] with that one that [I] fainted. This one is already better". However, they have a lot of memories. Still remember the tidbits of filming series in the past. Jessica said, "Played a lot crazily back then. I also don't treat him as a man. He treats me as a man more than I treat him as a woman. Like I would be sitting on a chair in the office. He is able to kick me off the chair. Seeing me, unable to control wanting to kick me". Louis explained, "At the time, she had just returned from a foreign country. Usually, girls who returned from a foreign country are easier to get along with. I describe her as crazy and does not really worry about minor matters. Sometimes easier to get along with. Would not be divided into men and women. Would not treat a lot of girls in the same series like this; only treat her like this. So busy now, so there is no time to play like this".
In "Witness", Louis plays a robber. While fleeing, he goes to Jessica's house to rent a place. The two become acquainted with each other, but Louis gets shot and killed; however, he donates his corneas, making Jessica, who has vision problems, be able to see again, but they are unable to be together. For the audience, it is inevitable that there is disappointment that the two are unable to walk down their path in bliss, but Jessica really likes this sad and beautiful ending: "This is the successful part of TV. Able to create a lot of couples. Because viewers look at the outer appearance, as long as the series is written very successfully, it will create an illusion to the viewers. Just as I really wanted 'Do Jeh' [Carol Cheng] and 'Fat Gor' [Chow Yun Fat] to be together when I was really young...became embedded in [my] mind". On the other hand, Louis calmly analyzed the appeal of the story from the perspective of a producer: "If a single love line can be like this, the love line must also have tentative elements; however, this movie is not mainly about the love line. Actually, the tentativeness is better than two people being together. I want the audience to still have hope when they leave the theatre. If I am with her, but I died, the audience would be even sadder. Now, I died. Aiya! One step away from not being able to be together would be better. Also better for his ending". Jessica added, "I think that his death is quite okay".
If Louis is not arranged to die in the movie? Louis said that this was impossible: "In the movies now, the bad guys must die. Actually, I can not die but must be brought to justice". Jessica also feels that Louis has to leave in the movie: "When I was acting it out, also felt that this matter was very nice. Left, but the world in which I look at things seems as though it is him. Although the two people did not get together, [the eyes] make it seem as though the two are actually together. I have acted for so long but have not experienced such a plot, so I liked it a lot once I read it".
*Credits to appledaily, mingpaoweekly, am730, moreforms, youku, and gztv
Few Partnering Scenes in "A Witness Out of the Blue", Louis Koo Hopes to Act with Jessica Hsuan in a Romance Film
The new movie "A Witness Out of the Blue", starring Louis Koo and Jessica Hsuan, is releasing soon. In the movie, Louis is violent toward Jessica, accidentally injuring her neck. Louis said, "The scene tells of me confronting her with the danger of death, covering her head with a jacket, and then slamming her head into the wall. The director wanted to use one shot. Nothing went wrong during rehearsal. Some people become claustrophobic when their heads are covered. I also asked Jessica beforehand; she said that it was okay. I already told her that, if anything were to happen, [she should] immediately call a halt to it and not force it, but she did not call a halt to it". Jessica said that she did not want to affect the progress of the shoot, so she did not ask to immediately be hospitalized. She thinks that filming is like this. She gets injured every time she films a fight scene, so it was expected. The most important is achieving the effect. She revealed that, when she previously filmed "Line Walker: The Prelude", she cut her finger on a stone table; there was a stream of blood, and it hurt so much that could not speak. Moses Chan ran over, looked at her, and said, "Your hand is bleeding!" The director did not yell 'cut'. She would rather bear the pain and finish the scene.
Louis is not hitting a woman for the first time. Fought even more ruthlessly with a Korean actress in the movie "Line Walker". It was so ruthless that [he] could not help but say to the action director, Chin Ka Lok, that it was ridiculous. They are not scared of filming action scenes; rather, [they] are afraid of explosion scenes. Jessica said, "There have been actresses who had injured their faces while filming explosion scenes. Told me to be careful". Louis is most afraid of flying fragments injuring the innocent and being fatal.
Not Scared of Action Scenes, Afraid of Explosion Scenes the Most
The two are collaborating again after ten-plus years. Are the other person's acting skills different from the past? Louis said that he is old now. [His] perspective on every matter and role is different. This time, his screen time with Jessica is not much...hope to collaborate on a romance film in the future; the execution will be even better. Jessica feels that Louis' acting is very stable...handles everything with ease. Is able to do it once [he] gets into position. "He was also able to do it back then. For emotional scenes, able to cry on cue".
Looking forward to filming a romance film? Louis revealed having just completed a film in which they play a married couple; however, it has not been released yet. As for the original lineup filming the movie version of "A Step into the Past", Jessica expressed being very happy. Louis said, "Everyone has changed. Many have gotten married and have children, unlike the unconstrained feeling of the past. Now, there are some burdens".
*Credits to mingpao, topick, and umagazinehk
"Scoop" Clip
"Scoop" Clip
Ming Pao Clip
TOPick Clip
U Magazine Clip
The new movie "A Witness Out of the Blue", starring Louis Koo and Jessica Hsuan, is releasing soon. In the movie, Louis is violent toward Jessica, accidentally injuring her neck. Louis said, "The scene tells of me confronting her with the danger of death, covering her head with a jacket, and then slamming her head into the wall. The director wanted to use one shot. Nothing went wrong during rehearsal. Some people become claustrophobic when their heads are covered. I also asked Jessica beforehand; she said that it was okay. I already told her that, if anything were to happen, [she should] immediately call a halt to it and not force it, but she did not call a halt to it". Jessica said that she did not want to affect the progress of the shoot, so she did not ask to immediately be hospitalized. She thinks that filming is like this. She gets injured every time she films a fight scene, so it was expected. The most important is achieving the effect. She revealed that, when she previously filmed "Line Walker: The Prelude", she cut her finger on a stone table; there was a stream of blood, and it hurt so much that could not speak. Moses Chan ran over, looked at her, and said, "Your hand is bleeding!" The director did not yell 'cut'. She would rather bear the pain and finish the scene.
Louis is not hitting a woman for the first time. Fought even more ruthlessly with a Korean actress in the movie "Line Walker". It was so ruthless that [he] could not help but say to the action director, Chin Ka Lok, that it was ridiculous. They are not scared of filming action scenes; rather, [they] are afraid of explosion scenes. Jessica said, "There have been actresses who had injured their faces while filming explosion scenes. Told me to be careful". Louis is most afraid of flying fragments injuring the innocent and being fatal.
Not Scared of Action Scenes, Afraid of Explosion Scenes the Most
The two are collaborating again after ten-plus years. Are the other person's acting skills different from the past? Louis said that he is old now. [His] perspective on every matter and role is different. This time, his screen time with Jessica is not much...hope to collaborate on a romance film in the future; the execution will be even better. Jessica feels that Louis' acting is very stable...handles everything with ease. Is able to do it once [he] gets into position. "He was also able to do it back then. For emotional scenes, able to cry on cue".
Looking forward to filming a romance film? Louis revealed having just completed a film in which they play a married couple; however, it has not been released yet. As for the original lineup filming the movie version of "A Step into the Past", Jessica expressed being very happy. Louis said, "Everyone has changed. Many have gotten married and have children, unlike the unconstrained feeling of the past. Now, there are some burdens".
*Credits to mingpao, topick, and umagazinehk
Jessica Hsuan Warms and Melts Louis Koo
Louis Koo and Jessica Hsuan's fate began from collaborating in the 1994 TVB sitcom "Happy Harmony". After the series "A Step into the Past" wrapped 18 years ago, they have not collaborated on screen until Jessica signed under his [company] earlier, reuniting in the new movie "A Witness Out of the Blue". The two have an ambiguous relationship in the movie. After the death of career criminal Louis, his corneas are donated to Jessica, who has amblyopia, leaving behind 'love' in the world.
Collaborating again after many years, Jessica laughingly said that she and Louis still have chemistry. During the interview, they made jabs at each other. It was rare to see 'Mr. Cool' smile. He said, "My character has a serious case of insomnia and visual hallucinations. Only had a safe haven and was able to relieve stress after renting and living in Jessica house". Inside and outside of the movie, Jessica's optimism influences Louis, becoming his 'comfort zone'.
Although Louis commits crimes in the movie, he does not allow 'suffering an injustice', trying his best to 'seek justice' for his brothers. He said, "For my character, helping his brothers is more important than his life. (Very similar to yourself?) Rather, there is relative importance and urgency of matters. Would do whatever is important first". He also said that filming the wrap-up scene was unforgettable: "A few days before the shoot, there was black rain. Discovered a lot of red ants. I also had to roll on the ground. Was also worried about the staff getting bitten. Had to use fire to clear the area every time [we] got into position".
Pushing Partner to Be a Bad Person
When Jessica was asked whether she would donate her organs in reality? She said, "When I was 18, I got my driver's licence in England. At the time, a question about being an organ donor was included, so I readily signed it. Although these things are taboo for Chinese people, who feel that the whole body has to be retained, I feel that it is okay as long as I am not [left] cut open. Would definitely be stitched back together". When asked what roles she wants to play in the future, Louis answered first, "She rarely plays antagonists. Give her a bad person to play". Jessica immediately said, "Yes. At most, I have just played the first wife who bullies the second wife!"
*Credits to orientaldaily, hk01, and whizoo
ontv Clip
hk01 Clip
Louis Koo and Jessica Hsuan's fate began from collaborating in the 1994 TVB sitcom "Happy Harmony". After the series "A Step into the Past" wrapped 18 years ago, they have not collaborated on screen until Jessica signed under his [company] earlier, reuniting in the new movie "A Witness Out of the Blue". The two have an ambiguous relationship in the movie. After the death of career criminal Louis, his corneas are donated to Jessica, who has amblyopia, leaving behind 'love' in the world.
Collaborating again after many years, Jessica laughingly said that she and Louis still have chemistry. During the interview, they made jabs at each other. It was rare to see 'Mr. Cool' smile. He said, "My character has a serious case of insomnia and visual hallucinations. Only had a safe haven and was able to relieve stress after renting and living in Jessica house". Inside and outside of the movie, Jessica's optimism influences Louis, becoming his 'comfort zone'.
Although Louis commits crimes in the movie, he does not allow 'suffering an injustice', trying his best to 'seek justice' for his brothers. He said, "For my character, helping his brothers is more important than his life. (Very similar to yourself?) Rather, there is relative importance and urgency of matters. Would do whatever is important first". He also said that filming the wrap-up scene was unforgettable: "A few days before the shoot, there was black rain. Discovered a lot of red ants. I also had to roll on the ground. Was also worried about the staff getting bitten. Had to use fire to clear the area every time [we] got into position".
Pushing Partner to Be a Bad Person
When Jessica was asked whether she would donate her organs in reality? She said, "When I was 18, I got my driver's licence in England. At the time, a question about being an organ donor was included, so I readily signed it. Although these things are taboo for Chinese people, who feel that the whole body has to be retained, I feel that it is okay as long as I am not [left] cut open. Would definitely be stitched back together". When asked what roles she wants to play in the future, Louis answered first, "She rarely plays antagonists. Give her a bad person to play". Jessica immediately said, "Yes. At most, I have just played the first wife who bullies the second wife!"
*Credits to orientaldaily, hk01, and whizoo
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
"Wonder Women" Sub Song 2 (Radio Version)
"Always Wrong" - Jinny Ng
每段愛還是錯 《多功能老婆》 插曲 - 吳若希
作曲: 林家謙
填詞: 張美賢
編曲: 黃兆銘
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
可以閉起雙眼睛 追蹤愛情
可以叫身體放輕 飛出去摘顆星
在最好的風景不要醒 緣份的天空必須任性
*每段愛還是錯 偏執興奮無助
我亦算甜蜜過 開心不必去想太多
我就算難受過 追蹤感覺難道也是錯*
離不開 怪自己太傻
可以閉起雙眼睛 觸摸愛情
投入到 相信聽到心跳聲 漆黑裡頭仍能作證
睡到天光即使總要醒 前夜呼吸聲多麼動聽
如沒有終點 記住這路程
Repeat *
沉溺戀愛值得 別說為何
每段愛還是錯 真心戀愛人生不枉過
我亦算甜蜜過 開心不必去想太多
我就算難受過 縱沒有將來無非享受過
Monday, October 14, 2019
"The Man Who Kills Troubles" Opening Theme Video & End Credits
"The Man Who Kills Troubles" Opening Theme Video
"We Know" - Andy Leung & On Chan
天知 《解決師》 主題曲 - 梁釗峰/陳健安
作曲/編曲: 張家誠
填詞: 張美賢
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
梁:當天色變黑 給孤單追殺
瞬間改寫半生 一個抉擇
陳:直到當漆黑變光 共真相對立
可解決所有的 困與惑
梁:時間叫傷疤 就似雲霧蒸發
陳:從前定格 面對目前這一刻
合:來讓最壞結局變作開始 再努力活過一次
停住最壞佈局讓我開始 再發力撰寫一次
仍揹著往事 全世界不知 天知我知
"The Man Who Kills Troubles" End Credits
"Unaffordable" - Vincent Wong
愛不起 《解決師》 片尾曲 - 王浩信
作曲/編曲: 朱俊傑
填詞: 張美賢
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
天 塌下仍然自信可處理
偏 揹著無能為力的傷悲
心 奢望還原純白刪不去日記
無盡的紛擾 未知解決日期
盡情地愛 早失去了權利
*懷疑我心太灰 未能亮照你
懷疑我手結冰 未能熱暖你
何殘忍 想得太美走得太近又突然失去那滋味
抬頭看天已黑 准我護送你
停留過總要飛 就固守距離
重燃起 畢生勇氣 唯獨愛 不應該發生 負擔不起
盡情地愛 都失去了權利
Repeat **
Vincent Wong & Natalie Tong on "The Green Room"
Natalie Tong & Karl Ting on "Big Boys' Club"
Related post: "The Man Who Kills Troubles" Theme Song & Sub Song (Full Versions)
Related post: "TVB Anniversary Showtimes" ("The Man Who Kills Troubles")
"We Know" - Andy Leung & On Chan
天知 《解決師》 主題曲 - 梁釗峰/陳健安
作曲/編曲: 張家誠
填詞: 張美賢
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
梁:當天色變黑 給孤單追殺
瞬間改寫半生 一個抉擇
陳:直到當漆黑變光 共真相對立
可解決所有的 困與惑
梁:時間叫傷疤 就似雲霧蒸發
陳:從前定格 面對目前這一刻
合:來讓最壞結局變作開始 再努力活過一次
停住最壞佈局讓我開始 再發力撰寫一次
仍揹著往事 全世界不知 天知我知
"The Man Who Kills Troubles" End Credits
"Unaffordable" - Vincent Wong
愛不起 《解決師》 片尾曲 - 王浩信
作曲/編曲: 朱俊傑
填詞: 張美賢
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
天 塌下仍然自信可處理
偏 揹著無能為力的傷悲
心 奢望還原純白刪不去日記
無盡的紛擾 未知解決日期
盡情地愛 早失去了權利
*懷疑我心太灰 未能亮照你
懷疑我手結冰 未能熱暖你
何殘忍 想得太美走得太近又突然失去那滋味
抬頭看天已黑 准我護送你
停留過總要飛 就固守距離
重燃起 畢生勇氣 唯獨愛 不應該發生 負擔不起
盡情地愛 都失去了權利
Repeat **
Vincent Wong & Natalie Tong on "The Green Room"
Natalie Tong & Karl Ting on "Big Boys' Club"
Promotional Event 1 @ J2 Clip (100319)
Promotional Event 1 @ "Scoop" Clip (100319)
Promotional Event 2 @ J2 Clip (101019)
Promotional Event 2 @ "Scoop" Clip (101019)
Interview @ "Scoop" Clip (101419)
Premiere Dinner @ J2 Clip (101519)
Premiere Dinner @ "Scoop" Clip (101519)
"Star Talk" @ J2 Clip (102419)
Interview @ "Scoop" Clip (102419)
Interview @ "Scoop" Clip (111019)
Interview @ "Scoop" Clip (112219)
Related post: "The Man Who Kills Troubles" Theme Song & Sub Song (Full Versions)
Related post: "TVB Anniversary Showtimes" ("The Man Who Kills Troubles")
Sunday, October 13, 2019
"Wonder Women" Sub Song MV
"Free My Love" - Pakho Chau
讓愛高飛 《多功能老婆》 片尾曲 - 周柏豪
作曲: 張家誠
填詞: 張美賢
編曲: 周錫漢/黃兆銘
監製: 何哲圖/周錫漢
無承諾 必須答允 傾講不必認真
如疲累 何用心急想被吻
無期望 走得更近 同樣寂寞敏感
陪在咫尺 纏繞滿腦是疑問 寧願轉身降溫
*#如果想飛不要等 如果想哭不要忍
如不懂相處為你解困 從頭謙遜學愛人#
如果傷口比較深 從此不敢相信真心
容許我 變一個 最絕情男人
讓你飛出去 我在途護蔭*
人成熟 必須試過 損失一些甚麼
曾遺憾 才學懂珍惜下個
前行吧 親手放過 來日拾獲更多
沉默的我 旁邊永遠地留座 仍不知的結果
Repeat *#
如果灰燼可再生 重新開始相信真心
容許我 再走近 縱近乎黃昏
願你都可以 接受我一吻
*Credits to 星夢娛樂
"The Man Who Kills Troubles" Theme Song & Sub Song (Full Versions)
"The Man Who Kills Troubles" Theme Song (Full Version)
"We Know" - Andy Leung & On Chan
天知 《解決師》 主題曲 - 梁釗峰/陳健安
作曲/編曲: 張家誠
填詞: 張美賢
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
梁:當天色變黑 給孤單追殺
瞬間改寫半生 一個抉擇
陳:直到當漆黑變光 共真相對立
可解決所有的 困與惑
梁:時間叫傷疤 就似雲霧蒸發
陳:從前定格 面對目前這一刻
梁:來讓最壞結局變作開始 再努力活過一次
陳:停住最壞佈局讓我開始 再發力撰寫一次
梁:仍揹著往事 陳:全世界不知 合:天知我知
陳:當天色變黑 分岔口掙扎
我堅守不變的 一個抉擇
梁:直到當漆黑變光 夢想會到達
汚迹靠一輩子 去染白
陳:是最痛傷疤 亦有痊癒方法
梁:從前定格 邁向面前每一刻
*合:來讓最壞結局變作開始 再努力活過一次
停住最壞佈局讓我開始 再發力撰寫一次
仍揹著往事 全世界不知 天知我知
陳:來讓最壞結局變作開始 再努力活過一次
梁:停住最壞佈局讓我開始 再發力撰寫一次
Repeat *
"The Man Who Kills Troubles" Sub Song (Full Version)
"The Man Who Kills Troubles" Sub Song MV
"The Man Who Kills Troubles" Sub Song MV (Full Drama Version)
"Unaffordable" - Vincent Wong
愛不起 《解決師》 片尾曲 - 王浩信
作曲/編曲: 朱俊傑
填詞: 張美賢
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
天 塌下仍然自信可處理
偏 揹著無能為力的傷悲
心 奢望還原純白刪不去日記
無盡的紛擾 未知解決日期
盡情地愛 早失去了權利
*懷疑我心太灰 未能亮照你
懷疑我手結冰 未能熱暖你
何殘忍 想得太美走得太近又突然失去那滋味
抬頭看天已黑 准我護送你
停留過總要飛 就固守距離
重燃起 畢生勇氣 唯獨愛 不應該發生 負擔不起
盡情地愛 都失去了權利
Repeat **
Related post: "TVB Anniversary Showtimes" ("The Man Who Kills Troubles")
*Credits to 星夢娛樂 and LovingTBB
"We Know" - Andy Leung & On Chan
天知 《解決師》 主題曲 - 梁釗峰/陳健安
作曲/編曲: 張家誠
填詞: 張美賢
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
梁:當天色變黑 給孤單追殺
瞬間改寫半生 一個抉擇
陳:直到當漆黑變光 共真相對立
可解決所有的 困與惑
梁:時間叫傷疤 就似雲霧蒸發
陳:從前定格 面對目前這一刻
梁:來讓最壞結局變作開始 再努力活過一次
陳:停住最壞佈局讓我開始 再發力撰寫一次
梁:仍揹著往事 陳:全世界不知 合:天知我知
陳:當天色變黑 分岔口掙扎
我堅守不變的 一個抉擇
梁:直到當漆黑變光 夢想會到達
汚迹靠一輩子 去染白
陳:是最痛傷疤 亦有痊癒方法
梁:從前定格 邁向面前每一刻
*合:來讓最壞結局變作開始 再努力活過一次
停住最壞佈局讓我開始 再發力撰寫一次
仍揹著往事 全世界不知 天知我知
陳:來讓最壞結局變作開始 再努力活過一次
梁:停住最壞佈局讓我開始 再發力撰寫一次
Repeat *
"The Man Who Kills Troubles" Sub Song (Full Version)
"The Man Who Kills Troubles" Sub Song MV
"The Man Who Kills Troubles" Sub Song MV (Full Drama Version)
"Unaffordable" - Vincent Wong
愛不起 《解決師》 片尾曲 - 王浩信
作曲/編曲: 朱俊傑
填詞: 張美賢
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
天 塌下仍然自信可處理
偏 揹著無能為力的傷悲
心 奢望還原純白刪不去日記
無盡的紛擾 未知解決日期
盡情地愛 早失去了權利
*懷疑我心太灰 未能亮照你
懷疑我手結冰 未能熱暖你
何殘忍 想得太美走得太近又突然失去那滋味
抬頭看天已黑 准我護送你
停留過總要飛 就固守距離
重燃起 畢生勇氣 唯獨愛 不應該發生 負擔不起
盡情地愛 都失去了權利
Repeat **
Related post: "TVB Anniversary Showtimes" ("The Man Who Kills Troubles")
*Credits to 星夢娛樂 and LovingTBB
"TVB Anniversary Showtimes" ("The Man Who Kills Troubles")
Part 1
Part 2
"The Man Who Kills Troubles" Theme Song MV Preview
"We Know" - Andy Leung & On Chan
天知 《解決師》 主題曲 - 梁釗峰/陳健安
作曲/編曲: 張家誠
填詞: 張美賢
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
梁:當天色變黑 給孤單追殺
瞬間改寫半生 一個抉擇
陳:直到當漆黑變光 共真相對立
可解決所有的 困與惑
梁:時間叫傷疤 就似雲霧蒸發
陳:從前定格 面對目前這一刻
合:來讓最壞結局變作開始 再努力活過一次
停住最壞佈局讓我開始 再發力撰寫一次
仍揹著往事 全世界不知 天知我知
"The Man Who Kills Troubles" Sub Song MV Preview
"Unaffordable" - Vincent Wong
愛不起 《解決師》 片尾曲 - 王浩信
作曲/編曲: 朱俊傑
填詞: 張美賢
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
天 塌下仍然自信可處理
偏 揹著無能為力的傷悲
心 奢望還原純白刪不去日記
無盡的紛擾 未知解決日期
盡情地愛 早失去了權利
懷疑我心太灰 未能亮照你
懷疑我手結冰 未能熱暖你
何殘忍 想得太美走得太近又突然失去那滋味
抬頭看天已黑 准我護送你
停留過總要飛 就固守距離
重燃起 畢生勇氣 唯獨愛 不應該發生 負擔不起
FYI: The third episode of "TVB Anniversary Showtimes" averaged 13.3 points.
Part 2
"The Man Who Kills Troubles" Theme Song MV Preview
"We Know" - Andy Leung & On Chan
天知 《解決師》 主題曲 - 梁釗峰/陳健安
作曲/編曲: 張家誠
填詞: 張美賢
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
梁:當天色變黑 給孤單追殺
瞬間改寫半生 一個抉擇
陳:直到當漆黑變光 共真相對立
可解決所有的 困與惑
梁:時間叫傷疤 就似雲霧蒸發
陳:從前定格 面對目前這一刻
合:來讓最壞結局變作開始 再努力活過一次
停住最壞佈局讓我開始 再發力撰寫一次
仍揹著往事 全世界不知 天知我知
"The Man Who Kills Troubles" Sub Song MV Preview
"Unaffordable" - Vincent Wong
愛不起 《解決師》 片尾曲 - 王浩信
作曲/編曲: 朱俊傑
填詞: 張美賢
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
天 塌下仍然自信可處理
偏 揹著無能為力的傷悲
心 奢望還原純白刪不去日記
無盡的紛擾 未知解決日期
盡情地愛 早失去了權利
懷疑我心太灰 未能亮照你
懷疑我手結冰 未能熱暖你
何殘忍 想得太美走得太近又突然失去那滋味
抬頭看天已黑 准我護送你
停留過總要飛 就固守距離
重燃起 畢生勇氣 唯獨愛 不應該發生 負擔不起
FYI: The third episode of "TVB Anniversary Showtimes" averaged 13.3 points.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
"Barrack O'Karma" Confirmed for a Second Season
The hit series "Barrack O'Karma" is critically and commercially acclaimed. TVB's Deputy General Manager (Programme and Production), Felix To, treated the cast and crew to an appreciation dinner [last] night, which included producer Yip Chan Fai, copy editor Ruby Law, actors Joel Chan, Selena Lee, Kelly Cheung, Candice Chiu, Jazz Lam, et al. Felix also officially announced to everyone the good news about the filming of a sequel.
TVB is striking while the iron is hot by filming "Barrack 2"; however, female lead Selena has already left TVB and has signed a contract with a US management company to advance into Hollywood. Regarding "Barrack" filming a sequel, she expressed being very happy, but it is only a preliminary decision. There are still many matters that are not confirmed, including the story, the fellow actors, the schedule, etc., laughingly saying that she may not be in the sequel. Waiting for TVB to look for her and then slowly discuss it. Selena frankly said that the really likes this series' production team, and she is also interested in taking part. Because different parties have to be taken into account, whether she is filming it or not is not solely her decision.
Samantha Ko Excitedly Waiting for a Notification
Regarding the finale airing [tomorrow] night, Selena and Joel will both die in the series. When asked whether [she] hopes for a reunion and a happy ending in "Barrack 2", Selena feels that it does not matter. The most important is that it is enjoyable to watch. When filming a sequel, it has to be better than the previous installment. It is rare for viewers to like this series. If the sequel destroys this beautiful memory, it is not worth it. Apart from hoping for the original cast and crew to collaborate again, she also believes that the company would strengthen the resources for the production of "Barrack 2".
Producer Yip Chan Fai expressed having just received the good news about filming "Barrack 2". The outline of the story has to be slowly conceptualized by the copy editor. When asked whether there was some foreshadowing in the series, he said that, when filming the series, [he] did not expect the series would be this popular, so there was no foreshadowing. When filming a sequel, it is only enjoyable if new elements are added. If there is no freshness, would be letting the viewers down. He said that the case stories have already ended, so it is necessary to make new arrangements. Temporarily do not know whether there would be new characters or the continuation of old characters; the continuation of old characters would be more difficult because they have already left the Twilight Mansion. The characters in the series are too deeply rooted in the hearts of people, and there is also the worry that it would be difficult for viewers to accept if it were changed to new characters. As for whether Selena, who has already left TVB, would be filming the sequel, he knows that she has a lot of jobs outside. The schedule has to be discussed again, but everyone is willing to take part. It is expected to start shooting in April or May of next year.
When asked whether Felix had mentioned the accommodation of strengthened resources, Yip Chan Fai believes that the company will provide full support. At the same time, [he] feels that there is a lot of room to do better. Can be certain that the Twilight Mansion will be kept because this stage has its life. As for whether 'Leng Po' would be continuing on, he said that something has to be devised. 'Leng Po' is already very big, but [he] also wants to keep the cat element. In addition , he hopes that the boundaries can be bolder. In the past, it was rare for this type of series to be aired during the family viewing time. It was initially arranged to broadcast on Saturdays, but it was later changed to Mondays to Fridays. Due to the restrictions of the Broadcasting Authority, the bloody scenes had already been cut. Some viewers feel unsatisfied; there should be balance between the scary and bloody scenes.
In addition, Samantha Ko played tiger mom 'Chow Siu Wai' in "Barrack"'s fourth case, 'Crow'. Her son, 'Tung Tung', was abducted by the crow, and the evidence of his existence was erased. Samantha's heart-wrenching performance successfully touched many viewers, and even won the praise of viewers. Regarding the filming of a sequel already being decided, Samantha said, "Certainly very happy that a sequel will be filmed! As for whether it would be a continuation of the story or a new story, leaving it to the copy editor and the producer to decide. Because the series is so successful, most of the credit is attributed to a good script. We definitely have to give this important task to them and let them decide. We will be waiting for a notification. Also really hope that I have a part in filming the sequel".
Kelly Cheung Wants to Be a Zombie and Get Beaten
Regarding the filming of "Barrack 2" already being confirmed, [Kelly] expressed her excitement and hoped to have the opportunity to take part, and said, "Don't know whether I would taking part then. Was being myself this time. Would also be good if [I] am being other characters in the sequel, or perhaps be a zombie and get beaten next time. When I usually watch zombie films, [I] would also practice their movements and screams".
*Credits to TVBUSAofficial and stheadline
"Extra" Clip
"Scoop" Clip
The hit series "Barrack O'Karma" is critically and commercially acclaimed. TVB's Deputy General Manager (Programme and Production), Felix To, treated the cast and crew to an appreciation dinner [last] night, which included producer Yip Chan Fai, copy editor Ruby Law, actors Joel Chan, Selena Lee, Kelly Cheung, Candice Chiu, Jazz Lam, et al. Felix also officially announced to everyone the good news about the filming of a sequel.
TVB is striking while the iron is hot by filming "Barrack 2"; however, female lead Selena has already left TVB and has signed a contract with a US management company to advance into Hollywood. Regarding "Barrack" filming a sequel, she expressed being very happy, but it is only a preliminary decision. There are still many matters that are not confirmed, including the story, the fellow actors, the schedule, etc., laughingly saying that she may not be in the sequel. Waiting for TVB to look for her and then slowly discuss it. Selena frankly said that the really likes this series' production team, and she is also interested in taking part. Because different parties have to be taken into account, whether she is filming it or not is not solely her decision.
Samantha Ko Excitedly Waiting for a Notification
Regarding the finale airing [tomorrow] night, Selena and Joel will both die in the series. When asked whether [she] hopes for a reunion and a happy ending in "Barrack 2", Selena feels that it does not matter. The most important is that it is enjoyable to watch. When filming a sequel, it has to be better than the previous installment. It is rare for viewers to like this series. If the sequel destroys this beautiful memory, it is not worth it. Apart from hoping for the original cast and crew to collaborate again, she also believes that the company would strengthen the resources for the production of "Barrack 2".
Producer Yip Chan Fai expressed having just received the good news about filming "Barrack 2". The outline of the story has to be slowly conceptualized by the copy editor. When asked whether there was some foreshadowing in the series, he said that, when filming the series, [he] did not expect the series would be this popular, so there was no foreshadowing. When filming a sequel, it is only enjoyable if new elements are added. If there is no freshness, would be letting the viewers down. He said that the case stories have already ended, so it is necessary to make new arrangements. Temporarily do not know whether there would be new characters or the continuation of old characters; the continuation of old characters would be more difficult because they have already left the Twilight Mansion. The characters in the series are too deeply rooted in the hearts of people, and there is also the worry that it would be difficult for viewers to accept if it were changed to new characters. As for whether Selena, who has already left TVB, would be filming the sequel, he knows that she has a lot of jobs outside. The schedule has to be discussed again, but everyone is willing to take part. It is expected to start shooting in April or May of next year.
When asked whether Felix had mentioned the accommodation of strengthened resources, Yip Chan Fai believes that the company will provide full support. At the same time, [he] feels that there is a lot of room to do better. Can be certain that the Twilight Mansion will be kept because this stage has its life. As for whether 'Leng Po' would be continuing on, he said that something has to be devised. 'Leng Po' is already very big, but [he] also wants to keep the cat element. In addition , he hopes that the boundaries can be bolder. In the past, it was rare for this type of series to be aired during the family viewing time. It was initially arranged to broadcast on Saturdays, but it was later changed to Mondays to Fridays. Due to the restrictions of the Broadcasting Authority, the bloody scenes had already been cut. Some viewers feel unsatisfied; there should be balance between the scary and bloody scenes.
In addition, Samantha Ko played tiger mom 'Chow Siu Wai' in "Barrack"'s fourth case, 'Crow'. Her son, 'Tung Tung', was abducted by the crow, and the evidence of his existence was erased. Samantha's heart-wrenching performance successfully touched many viewers, and even won the praise of viewers. Regarding the filming of a sequel already being decided, Samantha said, "Certainly very happy that a sequel will be filmed! As for whether it would be a continuation of the story or a new story, leaving it to the copy editor and the producer to decide. Because the series is so successful, most of the credit is attributed to a good script. We definitely have to give this important task to them and let them decide. We will be waiting for a notification. Also really hope that I have a part in filming the sequel".
Kelly Cheung Wants to Be a Zombie and Get Beaten
Regarding the filming of "Barrack 2" already being confirmed, [Kelly] expressed her excitement and hoped to have the opportunity to take part, and said, "Don't know whether I would taking part then. Was being myself this time. Would also be good if [I] am being other characters in the sequel, or perhaps be a zombie and get beaten next time. When I usually watch zombie films, [I] would also practice their movements and screams".
*Credits to TVBUSAofficial and stheadline
Friday, October 11, 2019
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Jessica Hsuan Laughs at Louis Koo for Being Taciturn and Strange
When Louis Koo and Jessica Hsuan shot a poster for their new film "A Witness Out of the Blue" earlier, the staff suddenly brought out a cake to belatedly celebrate Jessica's birthday. She was extremely surprised: "Already passed the actual birthdate...did not expect them to do a belated celebration for me. Plus, as one gets older, do not celebrate one's birthday as much. [My] wish is to hope that everyone is healthy and happy". While eating the cake, Jessica said that it was delicious but also said that it was very fattening, saying that [she] was already very happy for everyone to be able to calmly eat cake together.
Jessica, who has not filmed a movie for many years, is acting in "Witness" this time, collaborating with old partner Louis again after 17 years. Jessica laughingly said that Louis' character, Wong San Yuen, in the movie is very strange. Similar to Louis in real life...also does not like to talk. In the movie, the two are playing landlady and ambiguous relationship. Jessica said, "On the surface, they have no relationship, but the atmosphere feels as though something will happen. In the end, a relationship does not develop. In a lot of movies, the romantic storylines are like this. After starting, the happy and special feeling is lost. The ambiguous time is always the most special".
This time, Louis Koo and Jessica Hsuan are returning as an onscreen couple...believe that many fans have been waiting for a very long time! They are not only good partners but are also extremely good friends in private. This time, [Zip Magazine] tested their chemistry index. The responses during the Q&A were also very funny.
*Credits to mingpao and
J2 Clip
"Scoop" Clip
stheadline Clip
When Louis Koo and Jessica Hsuan shot a poster for their new film "A Witness Out of the Blue" earlier, the staff suddenly brought out a cake to belatedly celebrate Jessica's birthday. She was extremely surprised: "Already passed the actual birthdate...did not expect them to do a belated celebration for me. Plus, as one gets older, do not celebrate one's birthday as much. [My] wish is to hope that everyone is healthy and happy". While eating the cake, Jessica said that it was delicious but also said that it was very fattening, saying that [she] was already very happy for everyone to be able to calmly eat cake together.
Jessica, who has not filmed a movie for many years, is acting in "Witness" this time, collaborating with old partner Louis again after 17 years. Jessica laughingly said that Louis' character, Wong San Yuen, in the movie is very strange. Similar to Louis in real life...also does not like to talk. In the movie, the two are playing landlady and ambiguous relationship. Jessica said, "On the surface, they have no relationship, but the atmosphere feels as though something will happen. In the end, a relationship does not develop. In a lot of movies, the romantic storylines are like this. After starting, the happy and special feeling is lost. The ambiguous time is always the most special".
Zip Magazine Clip
Zip Magazine Clip
This time, Louis Koo and Jessica Hsuan are returning as an onscreen couple...believe that many fans have been waiting for a very long time! They are not only good partners but are also extremely good friends in private. This time, [Zip Magazine] tested their chemistry index. The responses during the Q&A were also very funny.
*Credits to mingpao and
"Finding Her Voice" Opening Theme Video
Extended Version
"Santa Lucia" - Bear Music Limited
Santa Lucia 《牛下女高音》 主題曲 - 熊熊兒童合唱團
作曲/填詞: Teodoro Cottrau
編曲/監製: John Laudon
Ram Chiang, Jimmy Au, Savio Tsang & Sam Tsang on "The Green Room"
Hugo Ng, Ram Chiang, Savio Tsang & Jimmy Au on "Big Boys' Club"
Interview @ "Scoop" Clip (100819)
Interview @ "Scoop" Clip (101319)
Promotional Event 1 @ J2 Clip (101719)
Promotional Event 1 @ "Scoop" Clip (101719)
Interview @ "Scoop" Clip (102519)
Promotional Event 2 @ TVBE Clip (103119)
Promotional Event 2 @ "Scoop" Clip (103119)
Interview @ "Scoop" Clip (110919)
Promotional Event 3 @ J2 Clip (111219)
Promotional Event 3 @ "Scoop" Clip (111219)
"Star Talk" @ J2 Clip (112919)
Celebration Dinner @ "Extra" Clip (120219)
Celebration Dinner @ J2 Clip (120319)
Celebration Dinner @ TVBE Clip (120319)
Celebration Dinner @ "Scoop" Clip (120319)
Related post: "Finding Her Voice" Sub Songs (Full Versions)
Related post: "TVB Anniversary Showtimes" ("Finding Her Voice")
*Credits to TVBUSAofficial and reiakiryu
Monday, October 7, 2019
"Finding Her Voice" Sub Songs (Full Versions)
"Finding Her Voice" Sub Song 1 MV (Full Version)
"Thoughts of Love" - Stephanie Ho
我會想念他 《牛下女高音》 片尾曲 - 何雁詩
作曲/編曲: 張家誠
填詞: 張美賢
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
段段亦是真心唱過 一首最愛的歌
陪伴過 寂寂無名的我
做夢或是一起上課 歡笑有這麼多
緣份似 來過又錯過 曾想講未說清楚
*我會想念他 定會相逢嗎
逝去的青春 來抓緊著尾巴
我要找尋他 力竭與聲沙
還在唱 唱出心底念掛 (唱出心裡牽掛)
段段又在心底裡播 一首最愛的歌
人在遠 像未曾離開過
熟練或是一些唱錯 感覺也似當初
誰是我 傻過又笑過 茶杯中那小風波
Repeat (*)
成年後告別童話 習慣向上爬
閉上眼睛 再見回憶中那個他
我太想念他 定會相逢嗎
再美的歌聲 和他總有偏差
夢裡都是他 沒著上婚紗
離別了 卻始終最牽掛
"Finding Her Voice" Sub Song 2 (Full Version)
"Until the End" - Hugo Ng
你比我重要 《牛下女高音》 插曲 - 吳岱融
作曲/編曲: 朱俊傑
填詞: 邱善薇
監製: 何哲圖/朱俊傑
從 没寄望 這生可閃閃發光
而 你經過 換來期望
誰 似你不分晝夜 風雨也伴我
這種温馨感覺 我心窩裡迴盪
誰 用秘技 令陰天都充滿驚喜
如 某齣戲 令人回味
誰 教我不管勝敗 失意也別賭氣
誰令我常念記 平淡故事也變動人 因有著你
*天高海闊 抱住你已抱住所有
繁忙中讓我帶著你 寂靜看宇宙
沿流星出走 看漫天星宿
未懼風雨撲面過* 愛海中漫遊
不惜一切 愛下去有你便足夠
同偕白首 哪管身邊再多爭鬥
世界淪陷未退守 你擁緊我就足夠
生生世世 讓我攜著你手 煩囂中戰鬥
曾 被冷待 委屈只可收進心裡
而 你的笑 緩和疲累
還 教我堅守信念 將我痛傷消退
誰共我同面對 徨亂歲月裡 縱漫長都撐下去
Repeat *
仍願意堅守 煩囂中戰鬥
不畏艱辛愛到盡頭 風雨中緊扣你雙手
今天的我 抱住你已抱住所有
繁忙中共你結伴過 就是我以後
繁華中緊守 再累都緊扣
未懼風雨撲面過 愛海中漫遊
只想跟你 愛下去百世亦不夠
同偕白首 哪管身邊再多爭鬥
世界淪陷未退守 能伴你走是成就
生生世世 讓我陪著你走 煩囂中戰鬥
Related post: "TVB Anniversary Showtimes" ("Finding Her Voice")
*Credits to 星夢娛樂
"Thoughts of Love" - Stephanie Ho
我會想念他 《牛下女高音》 片尾曲 - 何雁詩
作曲/編曲: 張家誠
填詞: 張美賢
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
段段亦是真心唱過 一首最愛的歌
陪伴過 寂寂無名的我
做夢或是一起上課 歡笑有這麼多
緣份似 來過又錯過 曾想講未說清楚
*我會想念他 定會相逢嗎
逝去的青春 來抓緊著尾巴
我要找尋他 力竭與聲沙
還在唱 唱出心底念掛 (唱出心裡牽掛)
段段又在心底裡播 一首最愛的歌
人在遠 像未曾離開過
熟練或是一些唱錯 感覺也似當初
誰是我 傻過又笑過 茶杯中那小風波
Repeat (*)
成年後告別童話 習慣向上爬
閉上眼睛 再見回憶中那個他
我太想念他 定會相逢嗎
再美的歌聲 和他總有偏差
夢裡都是他 沒著上婚紗
離別了 卻始終最牽掛
"Finding Her Voice" Sub Song 2 (Full Version)
"Until the End" - Hugo Ng
你比我重要 《牛下女高音》 插曲 - 吳岱融
作曲/編曲: 朱俊傑
填詞: 邱善薇
監製: 何哲圖/朱俊傑
從 没寄望 這生可閃閃發光
而 你經過 換來期望
誰 似你不分晝夜 風雨也伴我
這種温馨感覺 我心窩裡迴盪
誰 用秘技 令陰天都充滿驚喜
如 某齣戲 令人回味
誰 教我不管勝敗 失意也別賭氣
誰令我常念記 平淡故事也變動人 因有著你
*天高海闊 抱住你已抱住所有
繁忙中讓我帶著你 寂靜看宇宙
沿流星出走 看漫天星宿
未懼風雨撲面過* 愛海中漫遊
不惜一切 愛下去有你便足夠
同偕白首 哪管身邊再多爭鬥
世界淪陷未退守 你擁緊我就足夠
生生世世 讓我攜著你手 煩囂中戰鬥
曾 被冷待 委屈只可收進心裡
而 你的笑 緩和疲累
還 教我堅守信念 將我痛傷消退
誰共我同面對 徨亂歲月裡 縱漫長都撐下去
Repeat *
仍願意堅守 煩囂中戰鬥
不畏艱辛愛到盡頭 風雨中緊扣你雙手
今天的我 抱住你已抱住所有
繁忙中共你結伴過 就是我以後
繁華中緊守 再累都緊扣
未懼風雨撲面過 愛海中漫遊
只想跟你 愛下去百世亦不夠
同偕白首 哪管身邊再多爭鬥
世界淪陷未退守 能伴你走是成就
生生世世 讓我陪著你走 煩囂中戰鬥
Related post: "TVB Anniversary Showtimes" ("Finding Her Voice")
*Credits to 星夢娛樂
Sunday, October 6, 2019
"TVB Anniversary Showtimes" ("Finding Her Voice")
Part 1
Part 2
"Finding Her Voice" Sub Song 1 MV Preview
"Thoughts of Love" - Stephanie Ho
我會想念他 《牛下女高音》 片尾曲 - 何雁詩
作曲/編曲: 張家誠
填詞: 張美賢
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
段段亦是真心唱過 一首最愛的歌
陪伴過 寂寂無名的我
做夢或是一起上課 歡笑有這麼多
緣份似 來過又錯過 曾想講未說清楚
我會想念他 定會相逢嗎
逝去的青春 來抓緊著尾巴
我要找尋他 力竭與聲沙
還在唱 唱出心底念掛
"Finding Her Voice" Sub Song 2 MV Preview
"Until the End" - Hugo Ng
你比我重要 《牛下女高音》 插曲 - 吳岱融
作曲/編曲: 朱俊傑
填詞: 邱善薇
監製: 何哲圖/朱俊傑
天高海闊 抱住你已抱住所有
繁忙中讓我帶著你 寂靜看宇宙
沿流星出走 看漫天星宿
未懼風雨撲面過 愛海中漫遊
不惜一切 愛下去有你便足夠
同偕白首 哪管身邊再多爭鬥
世界淪陷未退守 你擁緊我就足夠
生生世世 讓我攜著你手 煩囂中戰鬥
FYI: The second episode of "TVB Anniversary Showtimes" averaged 10.4 points.
Part 2
"Finding Her Voice" Sub Song 1 MV Preview
"Thoughts of Love" - Stephanie Ho
我會想念他 《牛下女高音》 片尾曲 - 何雁詩
作曲/編曲: 張家誠
填詞: 張美賢
監製: 何哲圖/韋景雲
段段亦是真心唱過 一首最愛的歌
陪伴過 寂寂無名的我
做夢或是一起上課 歡笑有這麼多
緣份似 來過又錯過 曾想講未說清楚
我會想念他 定會相逢嗎
逝去的青春 來抓緊著尾巴
我要找尋他 力竭與聲沙
還在唱 唱出心底念掛
"Finding Her Voice" Sub Song 2 MV Preview
"Until the End" - Hugo Ng
你比我重要 《牛下女高音》 插曲 - 吳岱融
作曲/編曲: 朱俊傑
填詞: 邱善薇
監製: 何哲圖/朱俊傑
天高海闊 抱住你已抱住所有
繁忙中讓我帶著你 寂靜看宇宙
沿流星出走 看漫天星宿
未懼風雨撲面過 愛海中漫遊
不惜一切 愛下去有你便足夠
同偕白首 哪管身邊再多爭鬥
世界淪陷未退守 你擁緊我就足夠
生生世世 讓我攜著你手 煩囂中戰鬥
FYI: The second episode of "TVB Anniversary Showtimes" averaged 10.4 points.
Backless When in Close Physical Contact with Male Dancers! Selena Lee Extremely Awkward When Showing Beautiful Legs
Artiste Selena Lee's acting skills have exploded in the series "Barrack O'Karma". She is sexy in a qipao as the dancing girl and full of fashionable beauty in a flight attendant uniform as Alex. In tomorrow's episode, Selena will have a jazz dance scene in a sparkling, backless dress, in which every single movement is quite sexy.
When she was interviewed by, she admitted that, before filming, she specially found a teacher who teaches sexy dances to learn kicks and other moves. She frankly said, "Like reading the English poem before, I also put in a lot of effort...listened to recitations on the Internet. Before filming this dance, learned dancing this time. Such a big girl and [I] don't know how to dance these dances...too sexy! In addition, it took place at the Twilight Nightclub; it was all men below [the stage]. During filming, my legs were exposed. Although there was no undressing, it was still very awkward. Even the male dancers who danced with me had close physical contact with me".
When talking about netizens asking questions while watching with quite the intensity, Selena said, "The netizens said that they only have to listen to my voice, and they would know it is Coco or Alex. I am also very happy to hear this...would really wake up from smiling".
*Credits to
Artiste Selena Lee's acting skills have exploded in the series "Barrack O'Karma". She is sexy in a qipao as the dancing girl and full of fashionable beauty in a flight attendant uniform as Alex. In tomorrow's episode, Selena will have a jazz dance scene in a sparkling, backless dress, in which every single movement is quite sexy.
When she was interviewed by, she admitted that, before filming, she specially found a teacher who teaches sexy dances to learn kicks and other moves. She frankly said, "Like reading the English poem before, I also put in a lot of effort...listened to recitations on the Internet. Before filming this dance, learned dancing this time. Such a big girl and [I] don't know how to dance these dances...too sexy! In addition, it took place at the Twilight Nightclub; it was all men below [the stage]. During filming, my legs were exposed. Although there was no undressing, it was still very awkward. Even the male dancers who danced with me had close physical contact with me".
When talking about netizens asking questions while watching with quite the intensity, Selena said, "The netizens said that they only have to listen to my voice, and they would know it is Coco or Alex. I am also very happy to hear this...would really wake up from smiling".
*Credits to
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Friday, October 4, 2019
First Day of Filming for "Colleagues Do Great Things", Bobby Au Yeung Avoids Talking About Portraying a Superintendent Role
Bobby Au Yeung has returned to TVB once again to film the grand production "Colleagues Do Great Things", to the anticipation of series fans; however, because of the rather sensitive nature of the series using the police as its theme, this series even held its costume fitting behind closed doors. [Today], Bobby went to TVB City for the first day of filming. He, who plays a Superintendent, kept avoiding talking about what role he was playing, simply glossing over it: "Just playing these kinds of roles as usual! Roles that are right for me...those that [I] am good at. You guys guess!"
Bobby expressed that, this time, he is collaborating with his old partner, Joey Meng, again. The first scene on the first day of filming was a sleeping scene, saying that it was so comfortable. He said, "Remember filming 'With or Without You' with Joey back then the most. We did not know each other but already had to film a bridal chamber scene for the first scene. I embarrassingly asked Miss Meng if I could touch her hand; she also graciously told me to touch".
He and Joey are playing a bickering couple this time, but do not know whether there are intimate scenes: "It doesn't really matter nowadays. We have become good partners". When asked whether there were action scenes, he laughingly said, "Running, jumping, and chase scenes are inevitable; however, no matter how intense they are, there should not be a need for wires because I am basically some-hundred pounds. It is dangerous; no one is willing to take the risk".
*Credits to mingpao and
ontv Clip
Ming Pao Clip
Bobby Au Yeung has returned to TVB once again to film the grand production "Colleagues Do Great Things", to the anticipation of series fans; however, because of the rather sensitive nature of the series using the police as its theme, this series even held its costume fitting behind closed doors. [Today], Bobby went to TVB City for the first day of filming. He, who plays a Superintendent, kept avoiding talking about what role he was playing, simply glossing over it: "Just playing these kinds of roles as usual! Roles that are right for me...those that [I] am good at. You guys guess!"
Bobby expressed that, this time, he is collaborating with his old partner, Joey Meng, again. The first scene on the first day of filming was a sleeping scene, saying that it was so comfortable. He said, "Remember filming 'With or Without You' with Joey back then the most. We did not know each other but already had to film a bridal chamber scene for the first scene. I embarrassingly asked Miss Meng if I could touch her hand; she also graciously told me to touch".
He and Joey are playing a bickering couple this time, but do not know whether there are intimate scenes: "It doesn't really matter nowadays. We have become good partners". When asked whether there were action scenes, he laughingly said, "Running, jumping, and chase scenes are inevitable; however, no matter how intense they are, there should not be a need for wires because I am basically some-hundred pounds. It is dangerous; no one is willing to take the risk".
*Credits to mingpao and
Thursday, October 3, 2019
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