Thursday, February 29, 2024

Brian Tse Being a Conductor with a Long-Haired Look, Rosita Kwok Practices for a Year to Play the Cello for the First Time


TVB is about to start filming the heartwarming comedy "Mahjong Orchestra", which stars TV king Shaun Tam and TV queen Ali Lee. In the series, Rosita Kwok is playing Shaun's daughter; she and Brian Tse are respectively playing a cellist and a conductor in an orchestra, which are highly challenging.

Since there are many large-scale orchestral performances, the series crew has specially invited the Hong Kong Amateur Orchestra to assist in the filming. It is known that the producer Marco Law had already asked Rosita to learn to play the cello a year ago. Since Rosita is learning everything from nothing, she needs to learn from a professional teacher, not only needing basic skills but also filmed so that it looks good on stage. Rosita deliberately kept it a mystery during an exclusive interview with and only kept everyone guessing, "All in all, it is an instrument that I have never tried performing in front of the camera! Hope that it will give viewers the feeling that I really know how to play it and am not a novice".

As for Brian, who is taking on the challenge of being a conductor, has a music academy of his own. He has also invited a professional conductor partner to teach him the techniques. In an interview with, Brian said, "It turns out that conducting is really very difficult. At first, thought that holding a baton would be very easy. Also have to spend more time practicing. Took a few classes before. I also have to play the piano. Also have to practice harder. Also, I really like this look. Have to have long hair this time. I have never had such long hair in my entire life...past the shoulders. It's also quite fun, and the character is also a lot of fun because I like music. I also usually like to listen to classical [music], and can also have fun with the orchestra. Greatly looking forward to it". In the series, he will have a romantic storyline with newcomer Karen Wu.

In addition, the series crew has also found "Stars Academy (Sr. 2)" runner-up Janees Wong to assist in the filming. In addition to being a good singer, she is a violinist.

*Credits to

"Happily Ever After?" Theme Song (Full Version)

"Happily Ever After?" Theme Song MV (Full Version)

"The Fallen City" - Mike Tsang

傾城 《婚後事》 主題曲 - 曾比特

作曲: 陳佳明
填詞: 黃偉文
編曲: Chris Polanco/劉易昇/Freddie Lo
監製: 劉易昇

*熱情就算 熄滅了
分手這一晚 也重要
甜言蜜語 謊話嬉笑
都給我一點 不要缺少

話題盡了 也不緊要
繁華鬧市 燈光普照
然而共你 已再沒破曉

#紅眼睛 幽幽的看著這孤城
如同苦笑 擠出的高興
全城為我 花光狠勁 (瓊樓玉宇 倒了陣形)
浮華盛世 作分手佈景 (來營造這 絕世的風景)*

傳說中 癡心的眼淚會傾城
霓虹熄了 世界漸冷清
煙花會謝 笙歌會停
顯得這故事尾聲 更動聽#*

Repeat *(#)

Related post: "Happily Ever After?" Opening Theme Video & End Credits
Related post: "Happily Ever After?" Theme Song MV (1')

*Credits to tvb

"Happily Ever After?" Sub Song (Children's Choir Version)

Cut from "Happily Ever After?" Episode 4

"Gulf of Alaska" - Kwok Suk Hang, Hung Sing Chi, Tse Nga Lui & Choi Man Ting

阿拉斯加海灣 《婚後事》 插曲 - 郭淑衡老師/洪丞之小朋友/謝雅蕾小朋友/蔡旻廷小朋友

作曲: 菲道爾
填詞: 菲道爾/李康寧

上天啊 難道你看不出我很愛他
怎麼明明相愛的兩個人 你要拆散他們啊
#上天啊 你千萬不要偷偷告訴他
在無數夜深人靜的夜晚# 有個人在想他

別再讓人走進他心裡 最後卻又離開他

上天啊 你是不是在偷偷看笑話
明知我還沒能力保護他 讓我們相遇啊
上天啊 他最近是否不再失眠啦
願世間溫情化為一縷風 代替我擁抱他

Repeat *

可若你安排了別人給他 我會祝福他
上天你別管我 先讓他幸福吧

上天啊 這些晚上我對你說的話
你別不小心漏嘴告訴他 我怕會吵醒他

Repeat #

我依舊在 想他

"Gulf of Alaska" - Kwok Suk Hang, Hung Sing Chi, Tse Nga Lui & Choi Man Ting

阿拉斯加海灣 《婚後事》 插曲 - 郭淑衡老師/洪丞之小朋友/謝雅蕾小朋友/蔡旻廷小朋友

作曲: 菲道爾
填詞: 菲道爾/李康寧

上天啊 難道你看不出我很愛他
怎麼明明相愛的兩個人 你要拆散他們啊
上天啊 你千萬不要偷偷告訴他
在無數夜深人靜的夜晚 有個人在想他

別再讓人走進他心裡 最後卻又離開他

Related post: "Happily Ever After?" Sub Song

*Credits to tvb

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Collaborating Again After a Long Time! Vincent Wong Giving a Surprise, Tavia Yeung Supporting Her Husband's Passionate Scenes


Artistes Tavia Yeung and Vincent Wong were filming an outdoor scene for TVB's new series, "Darkside of the Moon", in Kowloon City [last] night. From what was seen on the scene, the two had serious expressions. Vincent was silent from time to time to get immersed into the character; when there was no need to be in position, he also continued to go over the scenes with Tavia...was quite serious. During the filming, Vincent had injured makeup on and a bandage on his face. The plot was about the two having different plans for revenge.

Tavia, who has already not filmed a series for two years, previously had to return to Mainland to work. When she was interviewed, she frankly said that there were no major issues, even laughingly saying, "It has always been very smooth and also okay. Taking care of the children, on the other hand, is more tiring...physically and mentally on call for 24 hours. The mental effort is even greater. (Did you greatly miss your kids when you were in Mainland?) Would also! Thus, when filming in Shenzhen before, would also return to Hong Kong once there was free time. Was also good to just have dinner. My daughter also told me to not go to work for so long; she said that one minute is fine...really felt very sad after hearing that". She also highly praised her husband, Him Law, for helping with taking care of the kids during that time...greatly fulfilled his responsibilities: "Because he is also a big little kid. Give him a hundred points, but he is mainly responsible for pick-ups and drop-offs. There is also a domestic helper and the grandmas at home to help, so I also feel at ease". Tavia laughingly said that, after completing the filming of this series, she will immediately go back home to take care of the kids: "Children grow up quickly. Want to spend more time with them. Luckily, they go to an international school...have not felt too much pressure from homework".

In addition, her husband Him's new series, "Happily Ever After?", premiered [yesterday]. In the series, he and Yoyo Chen have a lot of passionate performances. Upon hearing this, Tavia laughingly said, "Is it very intense? How intense is it?! Used to these things! (Had a big battle with Yoyo!) [If] it can be released in Hong Kong, where could the battle go? Ha ha! There is no problem with these things!" She laughingly said that she would not avoid watching it...would definitely support it. Would also go back to watch the rerun even if [she] has to work. When asked if she would set limits to the boundaries for her husband, she also said, "Why would I have to set them? Such a big person knows what to do. Plus, where could Hong Kong's TV boundaries go?! By all means, bring it on! Ha ha!"

When interviewed, Vincent frankly said, "Yesterday, that scene was about me getting into a car crash in order to help Tavia accomplish some things. Actually, during the filming, felt quite conflicted because the exterior and inner state were very different. Had to have many layers of changes, so had to be very immersed in order to act it out well". Vincent also pointed out that there are not many fight scenes in the series, but there are many car chase scenes: "My character really loves Tavia. In the end, he gets close to [Lin Xia] Wei to get revenge. Collaborating with Tavia again after so long, hope to be able to create sparks and give viewers a surprise. I want to handle the relationships in the series with more depth, so every scene is completed in the best condition; thus, would also be alone now when there is no need to be in position...think about how to do better".

*Credits to

Monday, February 26, 2024

"Happily Ever After?" Opening Theme Video & End Credits

"Happily Ever After?" Opening Theme Video

"The Fallen City" - Mike Tsang

傾城 《婚後事》 主題曲 - 曾比特

作曲: 陳佳明
填詞: 黃偉文
編曲: Chris Polanco/劉易昇/Freddie Lo
監製: 劉易昇

熱情就算 熄滅了
分手這一晚 也重要
繁華鬧市 燈光普照
然而共你 已再沒破曉

紅眼睛 幽幽的看著這孤城
如同苦笑 擠出的高興
全城為我 花光狠勁
浮華盛世 作分手佈景

傳說中 癡心的眼淚會傾城
霓虹熄了 世界漸冷清
煙花會謝 笙歌會停
顯得這故事尾聲 更動聽

"Happily Ever After?" End Credits

"Gulf of Alaska" - Vivian Koo

阿拉斯加海灣 《婚後事》 插曲 - 谷婭溦

作曲: 菲道爾
填詞: 菲道爾/李康寧
編曲/監製: 劉易昇

上天啊 難道你看不出我很愛他
怎麼明明相愛的兩個人 你要拆散他們啊
#上天啊 你千萬不要偷偷告訴他
在無數夜深人靜的夜晚# 有個人在想他

別再讓人走進他心裡 最後卻又離開他

上天啊 你是不是在偷偷看笑話
明知我還沒能力保護他 讓我們相遇啊
上天啊 他最近是否不再失眠啦
願世間溫情化為一縷風 代替我擁抱他

Repeat *

可若你安排了別人給他 我會祝福他
上天你別管我 先讓他幸福吧

上天啊 這些晚上我對你說的話
你別不小心漏嘴告訴他 我怕會吵醒他

Repeat #

我依舊在 想他

Promotional Event 1 @ TVBE Clip (022224)

Promotional Event 1 @ "Scoop" Clip (022224)

Promotional Event 2 @ TVBE Clip (030524)

Promotional Event 2 @ "Scoop" Clip (030524)

Promotional Event 2 @ "Scoop" Clip (030524)

Interview @ TVBE Clip (030724)

Interview @ TVBE Clip (030824)

Promotional Event 3 @ TVBE Clip (031824)

Promotional Event 3 @ "Scoop" Clip (032224)

"Mayanne Blah Blah Blah" Episode 3

Finale Dinner @ TVBE Clip (032324)

Finale Dinner @ "Scoop" Clip (032324)

Finale Dinner @ "Scoop" Clip (032324)

Related post: "Happily Ever After?" Theme Song (Full Version)
Related post: "Happily Ever After?" Sub Song (Children's Choir Version)
Related post: "Happily Ever After?" Sub Song
Related post: "Happily Ever After?" Theme Song MV (1')

"In Bed with a Stranger" Opening Theme Video & End Credits

"In Bed with a Stranger" Opening Theme Video

"Same Couch" - Vivian Koo

同枕 《再見.枕邊人》 主題曲 - 谷婭溦

作曲/監製: 劉易昇
填詞: 楊熙
編曲: 黃兆銘

在 在燈關上之後
是你仍然逗留 枕邊未回頭

在 電話關上之後


"In Bed with a Stranger" End Credits

"In Bed with a Stranger" - Joey Law & Jinny Ng

再見枕邊人 《再見.枕邊人》 插曲 - 羅天宇/吳若希

作曲/監製: 劉易昇
填詞: 楊熙
編曲: Johnny Yim

身邊的你 猶如回憶內當初的你
怎可捨棄 像有軌跡必須一起
回眸來身邊的你 就算昨日再沒道理
望向我不想抽離 完全不覺有天別離

*仍是你 再遇到你 不需天天再力疲
重遇你 半夜等到晨曦 只需有你

#枕邊 只想抱著你 (只想有著你)
枕邊 只想抱著你 (只想有著你)

Repeat *

獨個睡以後 夢裡亦會想起
就算沒法睡 夜裡亦會記起
沒你在以後 就算後悔也剩低一張被

Repeat (#)


終找到你 重頭填寫幸福的標記
不用日期 來年全部也給你

Promotional Event 1 @ TVBE Clip (022624)

Promotional Event 1 @ "Scoop" Clip (022724)

Promotional Event 2 @ TVBE Clip (031124)

Promotional Event 3 @ TVBE Clip (032524)

Related post: "In Bed with a Stranger" Sub Song (Joey Law Live Solo Version)
Related post: "In Bed with a Stranger" Theme Song & Sub Song

Sunday, February 25, 2024

"Happily Ever After?" Sub Song

"Gulf of Alaska" - Vivian Koo

阿拉斯加海灣 《婚後事》 插曲 - 谷婭溦

作曲: 菲道爾
填詞: 菲道爾/李康寧
編曲/監製: 劉易昇

上天啊 難道你看不出我很愛他
怎麼明明相愛的兩個人 你要拆散他們啊
#上天啊 你千萬不要偷偷告訴他
在無數夜深人靜的夜晚# 有個人在想他

別再讓人走進他心裡 最後卻又離開他

上天啊 你是不是在偷偷看笑話
明知我還沒能力保護他 讓我們相遇啊
上天啊 他最近是否不再失眠啦
願世間溫情化為一縷風 代替我擁抱他

Repeat *

可若你安排了別人給他 我會祝福他
上天你別管我 先讓他幸福吧

上天啊 這些晚上我對你說的話
你別不小心漏嘴告訴他 我怕會吵醒他

Repeat #

我依舊在 想他

"In Bed with a Stranger" Theme Song & Sub Song

"In Bed with a Stranger" Theme Song

"In Bed with a Stranger" Theme Song MV

"Same Couch" - Vivian Koo

同枕 《再見.枕邊人》 主題曲 - 谷婭溦

作曲/監製: 劉易昇
填詞: 楊熙
編曲: 黃兆銘

在 在燈關上之後
是你仍然逗留 枕邊未回頭

在 電話關上之後


就如木偶默然地放手一雙眼已走 (就如木偶默然地放手在大門之後)


Repeat *



Repeat (#)


在 在燈關上之後

"In Bed with a Stranger" Sub Song

"In Bed with a Stranger" - Joey Law & Jinny Ng

再見枕邊人 《再見.枕邊人》 插曲 - 羅天宇/吳若希

作曲/監製: 劉易昇
填詞: 楊熙
編曲: Johnny Yim

身邊的你 猶如回憶內當初的你
怎可捨棄 像有軌跡必須一起
回眸來身邊的你 就算昨日再沒道理
望向我不想抽離 完全不覺有天別離

*仍是你 再遇到你 不需天天再力疲
重遇你 半夜等到晨曦 只需有你

#枕邊 只想抱著你 (只想有著你)
枕邊 只想抱著你 (只想有著你)

Repeat *

獨個睡以後 夢裡亦會想起
就算沒法睡 夜裡亦會記起
沒你在以後 就算後悔也剩低一張被

Repeat (#)


終找到你 重頭填寫幸福的標記
不用日期 來年全部也給你

*Credits to TVB Music Group

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

《武林》 "Martial Arts World" Costume Fitting & Blessing Ceremony



Date: February 21, 2024

Temporary Chinese title: 《武林》
Pinyin title: Mo Lam
Temporary English title: "Martial Arts World"
Producer: Joe Chan

Attending Cast: Ben Wong, Samantha Kong, Chow Ka Lok, Ricco Ng, Lisa Tse, Kaman Kong, Judy Kwong, Kayan Yau, Timothy Cheng, Stephanie Che, Hugo Wong, Felix Ng, Helen Ma, King Lam, Sunny Dai, Eric Tang, Joman Chiang, Michael Wai, Mikako Leung, Mok Wai Man, Frankie Choi, Hero Yuen, Chung Chi Kwong, Edith Au, Aurora Li, Andy Siu, Wong Wai Tong, Leo Kwan, Clementine Sze, Tony Yee, Man Yeung, Eddie Li, Carlos Koo, and Nicole Wan.

Time: 12:30
Place: Tseung Kwan O INNOPARK 77 Chun Choi Street TVB City Studio Five

TVBE Clip (022124)

TVBE Clip (022224)

"Scoop" Clip (022324)

ontv Clip

ontv Clip

Ming Pao Clip

stheadline Clip

hk01 Clip

TOPick Clip

- There is location filming in Taiwan.
- The story starts from Chow Ka Lok's and Ricco Ng's characters. These two youngsters are originally ordinary people who never knew that martial arts existed in this world. Later, by mistake, Chow Ka Lok discovers that Lisa Tse, whom he likes, is from the martial arts world. In order to pursue her, he becomes her disciple. Because of an accident, Ricco gets 50 years of martial arts skills from an outsider and becomes a marial arts master. Thus, the two enter the marial arts world.
- In this fictional martial arts world, the incomparable masters will also hide their identities, becoming ordinary people from all walks of life. However, when bad people who know martial arts appear, they will join forces and have a sense of justice and be willing to help others.
- Some characters were inspired by characters from martial arts novels.
- The series will have a lot of fighting scenes, but the centre of the story is not about the birth of incomparable masters, but about propagating a chivalrous spirit. When Chow Ka Lok and Ricco enter this world, the most important thing is not learning martial arts, but learning the spirit of chivalry, knowing what martial ethics and persistence are, and putting them into daily life so that young people know that, if there are things that need to be insisted on, they need to keep at it.
- Ben Wong will play Kwok Seung Mo (武), a teahouse owner. He is a martial arts master who hides under the identity of a tea leaves merchant. He considered the best or second best fighter in the series. He mainly uses his fists and legs, even using a heavenly dragon sword at the end. He is an advocate of suppressing the strong and aiding the weak and warning people to refrain from doing evil and punishing the wicked, and he has a sense of justice. He and Samantha Ko are a former couple; he has been in love with her for many years and wants to get back together. He is a person with principles. When Samantha forces him to do something and he is unwilling to do so, she would prank him and makes things difficult for him. There is a scene where he runs around naked, wearing only his underwear. He is also called 「郭大俠」; he is somewhat similar to Guo Jing.
- Samantha will play Sin Tan Tan (單單單), a hidden master who is a beautician on the surface. She uses her magic hands to do facials for her clients, excelling at a beauty restoration move; however, she is actually a martial arts master who is good at wielding small dual knives. She has many action scenes. She fights more in the latter part. She practically only has scenes with Joman Chiang and Chow Ka Lok. She has fight scenes with Ben, Joman, and Hugo Wong. She does not have much of a romantic storyline. She and Ben are exes; she has love and hate for him, and the two even have a fight scene. There is a man in her heart, but they are not together. She is Chow Ka Lok's aunt (i.e., his mother's younger sister); she treats him like as son. She is also called 「Single姐」.
- Chow Ka Lok will play Nip Fei Wan (聶飛雲), a taxi driver who is skilled in wielding 18 kinds of weapons, learning how to use a sword, dual knives, and a stick. His character starts from the bottom; he goes from not knowing how to fight at all to slowly learning martial arts. He will have scenes that show off his figure. He has a one-sided love for Lisa; he passionately pursues her. He is Samantha's sororal nephew.
- Ricco will play Wong Hei Chi (王羲之), a traffic warden who is also a hidden master. He is good at using his fists. He gets enlightened from a certain incident, becoming a person who knows how to fight. He clashes a lot with Chow Ka Lok because he always gives him tickets; they are a bickering pair. He has a romantic storyline with Kaman Kong; she makes him grow. He and Kayan Yau are not a couple, but their relationship will cause the audience to misunderstand.
- Lisa will play a martial arts master who wields a sword. She is already a good fighter at the beginning. She has the most scenes with Chow Ka Lok because she has a lot of things that she has to teach him. Chow Ka Lok will pursue her, but she does not have much of a feeling toward him.
- Kaman will play Chor Siu Fu (左小虎), who uses her palm, as she does the Baguazhang. She, Kayan, and Aurora Li are good besties.
- Judy Kwong will play a fighter girl who wields a stick. She is taught a kirin stick technique by her master, Sunny Dai. She has four fight scenes.
- Kayan will play the hidden master among hidden masters, but she does not know that she is a master. She returned from a foreign place. She is already very incredible without having to move. She does not have many fight scenes.
- Timothy Cheng will play Mo (毛).
- Stephanie Che will play Ricco's mother.
- Felix Ng will play a popular prostitute.
- Eric Tang will play a martial arts master. He has long hair and a pair of sunglasses, and he is hiding at another place. He has the most scenes with Ben, and they are mostly fighting each other; they are a master and an apprentice who have fallen out. He is an antagonist.
- Joman will play a crazy woman. She uses a butcher's knife. She is Samantha's junior. She has more scenes with Samantha and Chow Ka Lok.
- Mikako Leung will play Michael Wai's wife.
- Clementine Sze will play Yu Mung (余夢).
- Jack Hui will guest-star.

Completion Banquet @ TVBE Clip (072624)

Completion Banquet @ "Scoop" Clip (072624)

Completion Banquet @ "Scoop" Clip

Personal Note: Seems to be in the same vein as the producer's previous works, "Death by Zero" and "Treasure of Destiny"....

Surprised that Lisa is the second female lead.

*Credits to, mingpao, stheadline, hk01, and topick

Sunday, February 18, 2024

"Happily Ever After?" Theme Song MV (1')

"The Fallen City" - Mike Tsang

傾城 《婚後事》 主題曲 - 曾比特

作曲: 陳佳明
填詞: 黃偉文
編曲: Chris Polanco/劉易昇/Freddie Lo
監製: 劉易昇

熱情就算 熄滅了
分手這一晚 也重要
繁華鬧市 燈光普照
然而共你 已再沒破曉

紅眼睛 幽幽的看著這孤城
如同苦笑 擠出的高興
全城為我 花光狠勁
浮華盛世 作分手佈景

傳說中 癡心的眼淚會傾城
霓虹熄了 世界漸冷清
煙花會謝 笙歌會停
顯得這故事尾聲 更動聽

*Credits to tvb

Saturday, February 17, 2024

"The QUEEN of News" Sub Song (Selena Lee Live Version)

"Crystal Clear" - Selena Lee

Crystal Clear 《新聞女王》 片尾曲 - 李施嬅

作曲: 江暉
填詞: 呂喬恩

Feel the earth on the hill
I couldn't make it clear. I'm so confused
Face to face, It's still a stranger face
Can't recognize who's in the mirror, blurred and faded

*Feel the heart silently
Through which I can see myself, It's crystal clear
I found a mirror somewhere in my heart
Beautiful, it's beautiful, deep inside my heart

#Try to brighten up your eyes
Cos' the truth will never lie
Dust swiped away and make it clear in my mind
It's hard yet still have gotta try
Cos' the truth will never die
For always, All the way, All the time*
In the darkness, see the real you with your eyes
Remember it's you, that is you#

Repeat *#

It's you

Related post: "The QUEEN of News" Sub Song (Full Version)

*Credits to 抱起月亮看人間_ and 我要學開挖土機_夜鬼版

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Moses Chan and Kenneth Ma Are the Epitome of Bliss, Collude to Urge Bosco Wong to Get Married


ontv Clip

TVB's 'Three Big TV Kings', Moses Chan, Kenneth Ma, and Bosco Wong, had good results last year.

'Doting Husband' Moses and Kenneth, who just became a married man last year, have a justifiable reason to show off their bliss with their wives in front of others and behind closed doors. The bachelor Bosco is collaborating with the two to film the new series "Law Enforcers". The three cool guys gathered together and could not help but talk about the issue of starting a family. Moses and Kenneth advised the 43-year-old Bosco to end his life as a bachelor as soon as possible. Although he sees other people being paired up, Bosco is not envious at all: "My family hasn't rushed [me], and my mom hasn't rushed [me]. My relatives have asked when [I] would be getting married. I just said, 'Not getting married! [You] have no idea how happy it is to be alone!' Can concentrate on working and making money...ha ha!"

Although he is single, Bosco frankly said that he has always had a habit of handing out red pockets, laughingly saying that the most important thing is that everyone is happy. Speaking of his excellent cooking skills, he frankly said that he is already prepared to cook a banquet for his relatives and friends during the New Year: "Would have Buddha Jumps over the Wall no matter what, and things like abalone, fish maw, and sea cucumbers. Because I don't have to work for a few days, some friends are coming over to exchange New Year's greetings. Also can't get away with making ten or eight dishes!"

TV King Shares Insight on Making a Baby

As for the newlywed Kenneth, he is anticipating six figures for handing out red pockets this year: "In our line of work, would hand out red pockets even if we are mot married. Also handed out five figures in the past. Handing out double red pockets this year, but it is happy money. Handing it out, but would make it back".

Speaking of the excellent results of his series, "The QUEEN of News", last year, in which he even won the title of TV King of Malaysia, he surprisingly took the opportunity to publicly display affection again: "I think that the biggest harvest was really taking a good wife (Roxanne Tong)! (Asking Moses for advice on making a baby when working?) Will ask him for advice, but there is really no pressure. Would not be very anxious. As long as my wife is healthy and happy, already very content".

Moses won TV king again after 16 years earlier. He said that winning the award both times felt very different: "When [I] was younger, would put a magnifier on awards and think that awards represent everything. At that time, it should have been more luck, but have confidence in myself now...believe in my own ability. Actually, whether there is an award or not is dependent on luck. [Even if you] do well, [if you] do not have the support of viewers, it is useless". He, who goes about things steadily and surely, is rather conservative when it comes to accepting new work challenges, including shooting movies and filming Mainland series. Not only is [he] satisfied with [his] current job, but [his] coffee business is also gradually getting on the right track. He feels that a stable environment is already not bad: "Will continue to do better in filming. Want to work with different teams and actors. Hope to be able to shoot classic series. In terms of business, making steady moves...will only make a move [if] there is an opportunity. Have five coffee shops now. Will definitely expand, but acting cautiously.

*Credits to

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Bosco Wong Becomes the God of the Kitchen and the God of Wealth During the Lunar New Year; Moses Chan Passes on Secret to Successfully Having a Baby; Kenneth Ma Making Money for Powdered Milk


Ming Pao Clip

Moses Chan, Kenneth Ma, and Bosco Wong respectively became the TV kings of Hong Kong, Malaysia, and the Greater Bay Area at "TV Awards Presentation 2023" last year; the results were on par with one another. In 2024, the Year of the Dragon, the three TV kings hope to continue last year's strong fortune, joining forces for the first time to form an iron triangle in the web series "Law Enforcers" produced by Shaw Brothers. Along with the other cast members, [they] look forward to creating the strongest sparks and also wish everyone good health and good luck in the Year of the Dragon!

Moses, Kenneth, and Bosco are collaborating in the web series "Law". Since the filming work has already officially started, they have not flown to another place to celebrate the Lunar New Year. Taking advantage of the three-day holiday from the first to the third days of the Lunar New Year, they can warmly spend the holiday with their family. Kenneth married Roxanne Tong at the end of last year. After getting married, he is spending the New Year for the first time as a married man and handing out double red pockets. Bosco loudly said, "This year, I can justifiably ask for a red pocket from you!" Kenneth said that there is not much of a difference in the feeling between celebrating festive occasions before and after marriage because, before he became a married man, he had already handed out red pockets when work resumed; however, he also followed his wife's instructions and helped tidy the house in accordance with traditional Chinese customs. When exchanging New Year's greetings with relatives and friends, did [they] get blessed to have a baby soon? Kenneth laughingly said that he is already used to hearing it and has an open-minded attitude toward the plan of making a baby: "On the first day that we announced that we were dating, there were already people urging [us] to get married. On the first day of announcing [our] marriage, there were also people urging us to have a baby! Chasing for a Dragon boy or a Dragon girl? My wife and I are both leaving it to fate. There is no pressure".

Kenneth Ma: The Biggest Gain Is Taking a Good Wife

As a father of three children, Moses openly passed on to Kenneth the secret to successfully having a baby: "It's very simple. Three words: 'Work slightly harder!" Kenneth said that he understood; for the time being, he will first work hard to earn money to support his family to prepare for having children in the future and make money for powdered milk. Looking back on last year's great harvest in his career and love life, Kenneth said that the biggest gain is getting married and taking a good wife. His New Year's wish, as always, is for everyone to be healthy and for the family to be safe and well.

Having a rare three-day New Year holiday, Moses is playing with his children and taking them to their relatives' and friends' homes to exchange New Year's greetings to let his children know about traditional customs: "When Kenneth has his own children, believe that [he] will be particularly anxious about festive occasions because, as a parent, really want the kids to still remember the context and atmosphere of festive occasions when they grow up, such as Lunar New Year, Christmas, and Easter, so they understand the meanings and experiences in them".

Bosco Wong: Spends the New Year with Family if He Does Not Have to Work

Among the three TV kings, only the 43-year-old Bosco is still a diamond bachelor. He, who has always been filial, would stay in Hong Kong most of the time to spend the New Year with family if he does not have to work, and show off his skills as the kitchen god at home: "On the second day of the New Year, always go to a relative's house to exchange New Year's greetings. If there is time, I would be responsible for frying cakes. Would also make a large pot of a vegetarian dish ahead of time and braise abalone and sea cucumbers to share with [my] family. Unfortunately, busy filming a series this year, so do not have time". He expressed that he would also transform into the God of Wealth and hand out money when he plays mahjong with his family during the New Year, laughingly saying that, even if he wins money, would later hand out red pockets to make his family happy.

Moses Chan: Observe a While Before Expanding Business Domain

Moses, who was able to win TV king again as the hot favourite last year, hopes that the Year of the Dragon continues to bring good luck, wishing everyone good health and that all circumstances are favourable. [He] also hopes to keep up the good work, including the web series "Law", which he is participating in, achieving good results, and will continue to personally take care of his coffee business, maintaining a stable development in both fronts in the New Year. The most important thing is that the economy makes a turn for the better and everyone makes a lot of money: "I will cherish every job opportunity and stick to [my] post. In terms of [my] business, since the current economic environment is not too certain, need to have a prudent and stable attitude and must make clear calculations and balance the expenses and costs before considering whether to expand the business domain".

Loving Father Turns into a Strict Teacher

Moses is a good father who takes great care of his family. Of course, [his] New Year's wish is for his children to quickly grow and make academic progress. It turns out that he is not only usually a specialist in play, but he would also help his children with homework if has time: "My wife, Aimee (Chan), and I take turns sharing the responsibility of educating the children. Firmly believe that, if the parents follow up on the homework, the children's results would be better because the most important thing is laying a good foundation and knowing how to study on [your] own so that [you] can make up for [your] shortcomings. Definitely have to learn Chinese". When preparing for school exams, Moses would share his usual method of memorizing dialogue when filming series with his children to help them improve their ability to understand because, as long as [they] understand the meaning, [they] will be able to naturally absorb it, which is better than relying on rote memorization. He laughingly said that he occasionally turns into a strict teacher: "Normally, I can happily play with my kids in a relaxed manner, but when being their teacher, would become very strict and demanding. The purpose is to cultivate a correct attitude toward learning; however, the most important thing is that it is already enought that they are safe, healthy, and obedient. Of course, also hope to always be affectionate with my wife".

*Credits to mingpao

Friday, February 9, 2024

"Happily Ever After?" Promotional Clips 1-7 & Trailer

"Happily Ever After?" Promotional Clip 1

"Happily Ever After?" Promotional Clip 2

"Happily Ever After?" Promotional Clip 3

"Happily Ever After?" Promotional Clip 4

"Happily Ever After?" Promotional Clip 5

"Happily Ever After?" Promotional Clip 6

"Happily Ever After?" Promotional Clip 7

"Happily Ever After?" Trailer

Related post: 《婚後事》 "Happy Ever After?" Costume Fitting & Blessing Ceremony

*Credits to tvb, 陳-Nicnick, and 津彩生活

"In Bed with a Stranger" Promotional Clips 1-4

"In Bed with a Stranger" Promotional Clip 1

"In Bed with a Stranger" Promotional Clip 2

"In Bed with a Stranger" Promotional Clip 3

"In Bed with a Stranger" Promotional Clip 4

Related post: 《再見.枕邊人》 "Goodbye, Bed Partner" Blessing Ceremony

*Credits to tvb

2023 Top Ten Highest Rating Series



1. "The QUEEN of News" 26.9 points
2. "The Invisibles" 25.5 points
3. "Narcotics Heroes" 24.7 points
4. "Unchained Medley" 22.1 points
4. "A Perfect Man" 22.1 points
4. "Treasure of Destiny" 22.1 points
7. "Secret Door" 21.8 points
8. "Let Me Take Your Pulse" 21.7 points
9. "Night Beauties" 21.6 points
10. "Mission Run" 21.3 points

2023 Highest Single Episode Rating Series
1. "Narcotics Heroes" 30.1 points
2. "The Invisibles" 28.7 points
3. "The QUEEN of News" 28.4 points
4. "Unchained Medley" 24.7 points
5. "Night Beauties" 24.4 points

Saturday, February 3, 2024

"The QUEEN of News" Sub Song (Charmaine Sheh Mandarin Version)

"Crystal Clear" - Charmaine Sheh

透徹 《新聞女王》 片尾曲 - 佘詩曼

作曲/填詞/編曲/監製: 江暉

心累了 想哭了
被模糊的眼眶 是空洞的
不記得 那遙遠的時刻
回頭看 這世界到底怎麼了

聽見了 那聲音
從遠處的呼喚 多麼熟悉
在心靈深處 那純白的身影
在星空下 唱出了 縈繞的旋律

閉上眼看看世界 敞開心慢慢瞭解
每寸每分滴滴點點 截然不同的視野
紛紛擾擾無法停竭 能不能讓時間凝結
就讓我能徹徹底底 回到原點
心放空了 終於開始看透了
一塵不染的 透徹的

Live Version

"Crystal Clear" - Charmaine Sheh

透徹 《新聞女王》 片尾曲 - 佘詩曼

作曲/填詞: 江暉

心累了 想哭了
被模糊的眼眶 是空洞的
不記得 那遙遠的時刻
回頭看 這世界到底怎麼了

聽一聽 那聲音
靜靜的心跳 緩緩的氣息
在心靈深處 遇見當初的自己
是純白的 絢爛的 真實而美麗

*閉上眼看看世界 敞開心慢慢瞭解
每寸每分滴滴點點 截然不同的視野
紛紛擾擾無法停竭 能不能讓時間凝結
就讓我能徹徹底底 回到原點
心放空了 終於開始看透了
一塵不染的 透徹的*

聽見了 那聲音
從遠處的呼喚 多麼熟悉
在心靈深處 那純白的身影
在星空下 唱出了 縈繞的旋律

Repeat *

Related post: "The QUEEN of News" Sub Song (Full Mandarin Version)

*Credits to youku and and 4K ENT-Production hk

"Lo and Behold" Sub Song 3 (Live Version)

大個之後 《愛.回家之開心速遞》 插曲 - 陳浚霆

作曲: 葉澍暉
填詞: 黃厚霖

Related post: "Lo and Behold" Sub Song 3 Preview 4
Related post: "Lo and Behold" Sub Song 3 Preview 3
Related post: "Lo and Behold" Sub Song 3 Preview

*Credits to P L and chau ma fei

Friday, February 2, 2024

《執法者們》 "Law Enforcers" Blessing Ceremony


Date: February 2, 2024

Temporary Chinese title: 《執法者們》
Pinyin title: Jap Fat Je Moon
Temporary English title: "Law Enforcers"
Producer: Virginia Lok

Attending Cast: Bosco Wong, Moses Chan, Kenneth Ma, Lawrence Ng, Jessica Hsuan, Jeannie Chan, Him Law, Moon Lau, Michael Wong, Jacky Cai, Sharon Chan, Tiffany Lau, Oscar Leung, Regina Ho, Hubert Wu, Tony Hung, Yvette Chan, Dominic Lam, Raymond Cho, Tsui Wing, Kyle Lee, Oscar Tao, Ronny Lay, and Poon Chi Man.

Place: Former North Kowloon Magistracy

TVBE Clip (020224)

"Scoop" Clip (020224)

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More Forms Clip

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More Forms Clip

More Forms Clip

Shaw Brothers Clip

Shaw Brothers Clip

- 25 episodes long.
- The series is about the police force, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), and the Department of Justice (DOJ) investigating cases together.
- Bosco Wong will play Chow Chun Kit (周俊傑), a Senior Inspector of Police. He, Moses Chan, and Kenneth Ma investigate cases together, going against the major antagonist Dominic Lam. He is in charge of the fight scenes. Lawrence Ng is his superior. He and Jacky Cai are husband and wife, but they have a painful love; they go through many twists and turns, and they get separated by death, as he tragically loses his wife. He is a fierce detective but is also a doting husband; his greatest weakness is his wife.
- Moses will play a prosecutor in the DOJ. He mainly has court scenes. The dialogue is extremely difficult; he has to memorize a lot of laws and regulations. He has a romantic storyline with Jessica Hsuan.
- Kenneth will play 「高主任」, a chief investigator of the ICAC. He does not have many action scenes. He does not have too much of a romantic storyline. He and Jessica have a romantic storyline, but Jessica will also have a relationship with Moses. He, Moses, and Jessica are already old friends at the beginning. Jeannie Chan takes the initiative to pursue him.
- Lawrence will play a Deputy Commissioner of Police. He and fellow Deputy Commissioner of Police KK Cheung compete to become the number one brother. He is not an antagonist, only using professional and legitimate means to win merits. He has more scenes with Bosco; he is Bosco's superior and master. He is responsible for ordering Bosco to go and fight. He has some actions but not much. He does not have a romantic storyline, only focusing on solving cases. He has fewer scenes with Jessica. There is a scene where Jeannie arrests him.
- Jessica will play Lee Nga Man (李雅文), who starts as an architect and then joins Poon Chi Man's company. She experiences a lot of things, which causes her to have some changes. She is not an antagonist. She also has a dark side, but it is not considered serious. Her romantic storylines revolve around Kenneth and Moses (more with Moses), but it is not known whether there is a love triangle. She and Moses will have a romantic storyline; the line is also slightly related to Kenneth. She does not have many action scenes.
- Jeannie will play Chow Yan Ting (周欣婷), a senior investigator of the ICAC. She mainly has scenes with Kenneth; she is his subordinate who has a crush on him, and she makes coffee for him. In the first ten episodes, she and Kenneth mainly investigate cases together; their romantic storyline is lightly mentioned.
- Him Law will play Cheung Kin Pong (張建邦), a passionate cop; however, after experiencing many things, his personality begins to drastically change and ends up going on a path of no return. He becomes evil due to being fixated on his own opinions. Although he and his superior, Bosco, have a deep brotherhood, they eventually go their separate ways, forming an opposing situation. He is particularly fascinated with firearms. He mainly has scenes with Lawrence and Bosco.
- Moon Lau will play a complex character with a lot of good and evil and grey areas. She is neither in the law enforcement department nor an antagonist. She will frequently cry and get abused by others. She has the most scenes with Oscar Leung, not only in terms of a relationship between a man and a woman, but they are also good partners; they will experience life, separation, and death.
- Jacky will play Ho Tin Yu (何天茹), a Senior Inspector of Police of Customs. She is rather tough. She and Bosco are already divorced in the beginning, so they argue every time they see each other.
- Sharon Chan will play a Superintendent in the Human Resources Department. She arranges many police officers with potential to do operations, but it is not that simple. She does some improper things; some of her thinking is wrong. She has scenes with Bosco, Oscar, and Lawrence. She officially films in March.
- Tiffany Lau will play a lawyer in the DOJ.
- Oscar will play Dominic's son. He received a high level of education.
- Regina Ho will play a rebellious young girl.
- Hubert Wu will play Bosco's informant; he mainly has more scenes with him.
- Tony Hung will play an extremely heartless scumbag lawyer. He mainly has scenes with Dominic.
- Yvette Chan will play a rich girl and a member of a girl group. She and Regina have a passionate love for K-pop; they will dance K-pop. She and Regina get kidnapped together.
- Dominic will play a world-class billionaire with power and money. He is a villainous business tycoon. He is a major antagonist who wrestles with law enforcement.
- Oscar Tao will play Fung Lok Lam (馮樂霖), a constable.

Poster Shoot @ TVBE Clip (060224)

FYI: The official English title of this series is "Prism Breaker".

Related post: "Prism Breaker" Completion Banquet
Related post: Moses Chan, Kenneth Ma, and Bosco Wong Competing as Three Kings, Gods of "Prism Breaker" All Get Entangled with Attractive Women
Related post: Moses Chan Receives a Cake from Bosco Wong and Virginia Lok to Celebrate His Birthday, Highly Praised by Jessica Hsuan as a Good Man with Bosco Not Being Included
Related post: Moses Chan and Kenneth Ma Taking Time Off for Their Beloved Wives, Solitary Bosco Wong Gets Attacked
Related post: Moses Chan and Jessica Hsuan Fall in Love Again, Brothers Him Law and Bosco Wong Fall Out

Personal Note: The usual stacked cast for a Shaw Brothers series!

Does Jessica even know how old Ma Ming is? They don't have that much of an age gap....

*Credits to, mingpao, stheadline, hk01, am730, skypost, topick, moreforms, and shawbrotherspictures

"Lo and Behold" Sub Song 3 Preview 4

Cut from "Lo and Behold" Episode 2198

大個之後 《愛.回家之開心速遞》 插曲 - 陳浚霆

作曲: 葉澍暉
填詞: 黃厚霖

Related post: "Lo and Behold" Sub Song 3 Preview 3
Related post: "Lo and Behold" Sub Song 3 Preview