Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Returning to Work at Any Time! Eliza Sam Reveals That Son Likes to 'Pour Tea'



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Thirty-four-year-old artiste Eliza Sam gave birth to her son, Jacob, this March. Today, she officially returned to work, attending an event in Central. She, who had a slim figure, did not look as though she had just given birth at all, but she frankly said that she still had to slim down a little bit more: "Want to lose a few more pounds. Able to button up the last button of my jeans now, though it's a little tight. Just gave birth two and a half months ago. Have also rested enough. Ready to return to work at any time. Was very happy to sit and get my makeup done at the makeup table today. All the feelings came back. (Will you film series?) Everything is fine with me. (Would you miss your baby after getting out the door?) Would! Did take another look and sniffed the smell of my baby, but there has to be a balance between work and family".

Eliza revealed that her son Jacob's Chinese name is 'Ng Chu Hin' (吳主軒), which was named by her father-in-law and mother-in-law, and it means that there is God in the heart. When asked whether she has become familiar with changing diapers and powdered milk, she praised her son for being considered easy to take care of. She and her husband, Joshua, are also working together in splitting up the work to take care of the baby, and have even felt how great motherly love is during this time. She laughingly said, "Joshua is the best at changing diapers. My son is very polite...likes to 'pour tea'! Has manners! (You are breastfeeding now?) Doing both (breastfeeding and powdered milk)". She also mentioned her birthing process, as she chose a natural birth. The process went smoothly: "The baby was very good to me. Didn't even get an anesthesia needle in time, and [I] already gave birth. Went to the hospital at 10am. Was hurting at 3pm, and already gave birth at 7pm. (Have another one?) Take care of this one first. (Want a son and a daughter?) Not that fast, but want to in the future". She also said that her good friends, Leanne Li and Linda Chung, also visited the baby. She laughingly said that she is scared that her son will have high requirements due to seeing so many pretty girls. When asked whether she wants to become in-laws with her friends, she laughingly said that she will wait until her son goes to school, and will talk about it then.

*Credits to, tvb, mingpao, appledaily, stheadline, hk01, am730, bastilleent, moreforms, youku, and 置酒而卧

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