Monday, May 27, 2024

Roger Kwok Having a May-December Romance with Hera Chan in a Grand Production


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The filming of another grand production, "Golden Forest", is about to begin. This series is a co-production with a Mainland platform. The entire series is 25 episodes and will be going to Mainland for location filming.

The story of "Golden" revolves around a wealthy family inheritance and struggle. In the series, Roger [Kwok] is the chairman of a listed company, and he has three sons, played by Matthew Ko, Andrew Chan, and Joey Law. The wives of Matthew and Andrew are Regina Ho and Yvette Chan respectively. Joey has a romantic storyline with Him Law's younger sister, Rosita Kwok. What is more of a breakthrough this time is that the female lead, Hera Chan, will have a May-December romance with Roger; Hera is Roger's second wife. As for the Miss Hong Kong champion Hilary Chong, who is filming a series for the first time, she will be playing Roger's well-behaved daughter. Other actors in the series include Mimi Kung, Kaman Kong, et al.

Accompanying His Son to England in August for the Start of School

At the end of last year, Roger and his 16-year-old son, Brad, went to a British music academy for an interview, and his son was successfully admitted. In an interview [today], Roger admitted that, when he accepted the filming of this series, he had already taken a leave of absence from the series team, and will be accompanying his son to England in August to prepare for the start of school: "I have to go with him for two weeks at the end of August. Hope that my scenes can be completed before then! If not, have to film again after returning from England". He also said that, this time, the new series' combination is fresh, especially the May-December romance with Hera: "I have filmed the same series with her, but there were no scenes with each other. Hope that we can get immersed as soon as possible!" In the series, he has three sons and a daughter. His eldest son is Matthew; he laughingly said that it is a great challenge for him because he has never had such a big son.

As for Hera, who is playing Roger's second wife, she said, "I haven't filmed a series for half a year since finishing the filming of 'No Return'. Know that filming starts soon, so have also kept exercising every day...working harder so that I can get into work mode as soon as possible. It is a very valuable challenge for me this time, but I will not put too much pressure on myself; rather, hope to get completely devoted to this role". Talking about developing a May-December romance with Roger, she said, "I have really never experienced it in real life, but I think that there are also many kinds of love. Continuing to try to understand the love of this character now. (Does this look need to be more mature?) My look has also not been all decided yet, so still don't know how it'll be".

Hilary Chong Feels Pressured Filming for the First Time

Hilary, who is filming a series for the first time, has a lot of scenes, playing Roger's treasured daughter who is well-behaved and acts cute. She said, "When I saw Daddy (Roger) for the first time, he asked what I should be called. At that time, I was already so nervous that I was stuttering. He told me to just treat him like a Daddy...was really very friendly. Because I always watched his series when I was young, I never thought that, one day, I would be able to interact and work so closely with him, so really greatly looking forward to it". Asked if there is a lot of pressure to film a series for the first time, she said, "A little! Everyone also said that it's my first time and to relax, but I don't want to drag everyone down, so I have also done a lot of preparations. The producer also gave me a lot of advice, such as talking with a dried plum in [my] mouth would be even clearer, or reading the newspaper while biting on a cork to make my articulation even clearer. I will also be writing a diary for my character, thinking about how her mentality is and how to express her emotions. When [I] received the script, also practiced in front of the mirror to see if the expressions are appropriate and natural".

Rosita is playing Him's younger sister in the series, and she has a romantic storyline with Joey. She said, "It is also my first time collaborating with the two of them; however, because the scripts have not all come out yet, I am also looking forward to how it develops. (There are many female characters in the series?) It is also my first time collaborating with them, so the combination this time is very fresh". Joey laughingly said, "Matthew and I have acted as brothers, and was also being his younger brother, but my real age is actually older than his, so the feeling is quite interesting. This time, the character is also quite different from me...rather more chill and does not really care about worldly affairs!"

Andrew Chan Wants to Create Sparks with Yvette Chan

Andrew is playing Roger's son in the new series "Golden" and is also a married couple with Yvette. Andrew said in an interview [today]: "Extremely looking forward to it because also have not had the opportunity to go out and film series after joining the series 'Lo [and Behold]'. This time, there are also more scenes. It's my first time working with Yvette in a series. Hope that we have sparks!"

He also pointed out that, after receiving the news about filming this series, the cast and crew of "Lo" were happy for him and were supportive. He said, "I also shared it with Kelly Gu. She said that, [if] there is anything, can discuss it with her. I also don't want to make the 'Lo' team lose face. Hope to use what I learned here". Talking about playing father and son with Roger, he said excitedly, "When I was studying in the US, also bought the DVDs of his series in Chinatown to watch. Hope to be able to learn from him this time".

Regina plays a young daughter-in-law of a wealthy family in the new series "Golden". Apart from being a couple with Matthew, she also has an emotional relationship with Him. She said in an interview with, "I have worked with both of them, so I am very confident that we will have chemistry. Plus, in the series, the family has a lot of people, and there are also a lot of different female characters. I also like working with more different people because I feel that there would be different sparks from filming a series with different people; it would be a lot of fun like that". Talking about having to scheme against one another again, she said, "Well, it is inevitable. No one is innocent in these big family struggles. It is also a new attempt. I have never been a member of a wealthy family. I am also greatly looking forward to it. Can be a young daughter-in-law of a wealthy family".

*Credits to

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