Sunday, November 20, 2022

Clips from "Our Theme Songs" Episode 7

"Big White Duel"

Wish/Can You Hear/Can You See - 譚嘉儀

作曲: 鄺靜欣
填詞: Wayne James
鋼琴: 朱俊傑

Are we just dreaming,
To never stop believing?
You're not alone, come back to me
I'm waiting for you

If time's a healer..
Will it dry my tears?
Next to you, with your hand in mine
I know you feel me here

*I wait for that day
I wish I could say
When we will hold each other darling

Please don't go
Please don't go
When we lie together
Hearts keep time forever
Oh please don't go
Please don't go away
Please tell I'd like to know can you hear me?

Can you see
Light in my eyes
Like a child waiting for Christmas
The stars in the sky
Watch as I sigh
Can you see what they see?

Look at the trees
They're swaying
They feel the touch of the breeze
They overheard
My whispered words
Can you hear what I'm saying?

Maybe I am only dreaming
So what if I'm wrong?
It can't be that long
Before you stop
And feel what I'm feeling
The sun and clouds will always be
As I love you so
Can you see?

Repeat *

I wish you well
One day we'll be happy, happy (oh oh)
So time will tell
Whenever that day should come
The beating of hearts will soon be

Wish you, wish you well
I know we will be happy

So time will tell
Whenever that day should come
The beating of hearts will soon be one

The stars and trees will always be
As I love you so
Can you see?

"Speakers of Law"

"Al Cappuccino"

"Becoming You" - Owen Cheung

甘心替代你 《反黑路人甲》 插曲 - 張振朗

作曲: 陳光榮
填詞: 劉卓輝
編曲: 朱俊傑



如霧如煙 全像遊戲


Repeat *

"A Fist Within Four Walls"

"Never Know You Are the Best" - Aska Cheung & Nancy Wu

從未知道你最好 《城寨英雄》 片尾曲 - 張馳豪/胡定欣

作曲: 張家誠
填詞: 張美賢
編曲: 王梓軒

胡:拿得起 忘不到怎麼傾訴 張:塵封的 全將它關進地牢
胡:騰空出這雙手可會做到 張:重拾笑容重學會擁抱

胡:曾渾渾噩噩由年月虛耗 張:曾寂寂寞寞地暗天昏才獨舞
胡:無從勸告 而緣份這麼虛無 張:誰相信會遇著你 時間剛好

*合:曾行過每段路 遊進夜霧 張:去找消失的國度
合:而幸福總太遠 塵埃滿佈 胡:站近些更難目睹*
張:逃避醉倒 才會心高氣傲 胡:從未知道你是最好
合:難道關上眼才看得到 看得到
難道關上眼才看得到 看得到

Repeat *

張:曾亦跌倒 迷惘急躁 才決定 合:情願一個去住進荒島
合:曾行錯那段路 呈上傾慕 張:你都收不到訊號
合:而夢想總太遠 前方太暗 胡:在哪一處尋樂土
張:逃避醉倒 才會心高氣傲 胡:從未知道你是最好

合:跌進夜霧 憔悴趕路 張:太多傷心感歎號
合:而幸福總太遠 塵埃滿佈 胡:直到傷勢痊癒好
張:緣份已經 無意中開了路 胡:從未知道你是瑰寶
合:憑藉心眼愛才看得到 看得到
胡:曾行錯那段路 呈上傾慕 你都收不到訊號

TVBE Clip (091122)

TVBE Clip (091322)

Related post: "Big White Duel" Medley - Kayee Tam
Related post: "Al Cappuccino" Sub Song 2 (Owen Cheung Live Version)
Related post: "Big White Duel" Sub Song 2 (Kayee Tam & Kenneth Ma Cantonese Duet Version) MV
Related post: "A Fist Within Four Walls" Sub Song MV

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