Saturday, April 17, 2021

"Shadow of Justice" Promotional Event 2




"Scoop" Clip

ontv Clip

Ming Pao Clip

stheadline Clip

Does Not Know Where the Rival Station Is, Bobby Au Yeung: Also Have to Look at a 'Ratings Lucky Star''s Performance

Joe Ma, Bobby Au Yeung, et al. promoted the series "Shadow of Justice". The crew invited a motorcycle team to help out. Upon seeing the motorcycles, Bobby was so fond of them that he could not take his hands off of them. Mentioning that the series has good feedback, Bobby laughingly said that Joe has a lot of fans, and believed that it would get better and better. Viewers look forward to the two's official scenes together. Bobby said that there are only 20-plus real scenes together, and most of them fall in the second half. He said that he had suggested that the producer swap the two's roles but was rejected. It would be better for him to film the series seriously, and did not want him to think about being a villain. Joe laughingly said that he also wanted to switch. Was a G4 member before entering the industry, but don't know why the producer did look for him to act it out.

Asked about the recent momentum of the rival station, would Bobby be pressured as a 'Ratings Lucky Star'? Bobby said, "Rival station? Where? (ViuTV!) I am still staying in the '80s...only thought of ATV. Don't put me in constraints. Also have to look at a 'Lucky Star''s performance. Joe is also a 'TV King'; it doesn't mean he is just because everyone says he is. However, [he] is even a god now!"

Joe and Jeannie Chan have a romance with an age difference. He said that the entire relationship is very mature, and believes that viewers will accept it. Bobby laughingly said that his and Joey Meng's relationship is not explained at all; [his] and Joey's relationship is like that of besties. Bobby revealed that he has a lot of besties in private, having to talk on the phone every night, laughingly saying that everyone looks for him only when she is unhappy. [His] besties include tall, short, fat, and thin; thus, his wife is very at ease.

*Credits to tvb,, mingpao, and stheadline

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