Thursday, November 8, 2018

Why Was Louis Koo Willing to Duet with Kay Tse?



Ming Pao Clip


Singers Juno Mak and Kay Tse's project of the year was the creation of two characters, 'Tung Chit' and 'Po Ming Sam', linking all the songs and the MVs; the concept is like a movie. Following the release of the singles 《人妻的偽術》, 《勇悍·17》, and 《一個女人和浴室》, recently, there has been another new song, this time even inviting artiste Louis Koo to portray Kay's second husband, 'Lam Ting Ling', and to duet with Kay for the new song 《(一個男人) 一個女人 和浴室》, which was produced by Juno. Kay happily said, "Louis' 'Lam Ting Ling' and Juno's 'Tung Chit' are really different. 'Lam Ting Ling' is a man who is almost perfect. He is considerate, respects his other half, respects love, and accommodates her. This time, we are singing the song as our characters, which differs from the typical way of singing in the past. No longer purely performing a song as a singer. There are characters and emotions. I believe that everyone will feel the same after listening to the song and want such a good husband!"

Claims to Not Be Good at Singing

It was not easy to invite Louis to return to the music industry this time. They actually came to admire each other after Louis shot the film "Sons of the Neon Night", which was directed by Juno. Louis said, "In the entertainment industry, the most important is the willingness to take the first step in trying different areas, being innovative, and not being scared about losing out in order to have a new chapter. Louis, who has classic songs 《男朋友》, 《今期流行》, etc., laughingly said, "I am not good at singing, but 《一個男人》 is not only a pop song but a part of an entire story... a memory. I sang as 'Lam Ting Ling'. It was a performance. There was a plot like a movie, so I tried it. If it really does get shot into a movie, I would also look forward to it".

Refuses to Sing Live

The recording for the duet between Louis and Kay was extremely smooth. The two both found it interesting. Kay even jokingly asked Louis to do stage performances together. After hearing this, he immediately refused, "Can do anything. Do not have me sing live. This song's lyrics are different for every line. There is no repetition. I am already stressed out from holding the microphone!" Kay laughingly said, "Perhaps you would later feel that you really like this song and would really want to sing it for the audience to hear!"


(一個男人) 一個女人 和浴室 - 古天樂/謝安琪

作曲: Bert
填詞: 黃偉文
編曲: Ted Lo
監製: 麥浚龍/陳哲廬

一邊脫衣 一邊卸妝 並沒甜蜜對望
和你卻有默契 水怎放
沒言沒語 已一起跳進缸
香檳喝光 便極純熟 睡哪一邊牀
祈求維繫到 今晚境况

摺起 我的 剃刀
你可 安心放下乳霜
就在世間最亂時 你是最穩的牆
同處一室 常情就是禮讓

滿室鏡子 凝視我倆 很精彩稱不上
默默求上帝 這生也這樣
曾 期望會這樣

陪我 一世背負著 一百種創傷
陪我 一世發夢或淋浴 衰老亦成雙
埋藏浴室裡 真相
是害怕卻又期待 十萬個這樣平淡的晚上
怕你一天背叛我 只可以 冷靜中槍
身處空間 夠溫暖 冷槍何故又迴響
如離開他 得到解脫 在我家 為何自傷
被愛寵 仍然自傷
只盼 這安穏 被你欣賞
太幸福吧 會引起妄想
不過你 也許更想 尋回舊對象

笑婚姻 不外就是 苦極悶極 也都一齊
如常為你 儲半件 蘋果批
算責任 還算約誓

其實我知 你春天 不是現在 等著沐浴 花季
能扮愛妻 奈何 像作弊
你怕給幽閉 新的世界 沒有舊巢 的矜貴
為幸福虛偽 比起 金婚 送的禮物 大概加倍 實際

但願你瞞過上帝 去玩試一試自制
心裡 和誰尚 有著聯繫
明白你溫柔 哪個能代替
願共你還有下世 怕就 過不了現世
先講這一夜 怎麼解救三個 才 談下世
這故事已有些淒厲 在當初說一齊
難道你不執迷 想一世共處一室
想早晚伴你梳洗 分一個櫃
想一世伴我梳洗 不惜一切
我願意 凝視你的身體 天天看個仔細 不管歲月流逝

原來非因 啞忍 顯得淒涼
而是裝快樂 有點牽強

明晨朗日升上 最雪白襯衫我換上
牀頭那扇窗 總看見月亮 問誰願同享 明瞭相戀 悲喜參半
再以合理角色出場 浴室一對璧人 多正常
若這刻 誠實問心 三角 跟 一對 亦也不想
不要揭那一扇窗 為你我 願意掩上
渴望安定 卻有種野心 仍然在長夜 發亮

*Credits to, mingpao, milkhk, and 幻·國 imagine.nation

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