Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Filming Delay of "The Queen of Castle" Leads to a Schedule Conflict, Maggie Cheung Has No Choice but to Reject the Series to Keep Her Word


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Maggie Cheung suddenly pulled out of the new series "The Queen of Castle", [so] the series crew got Jessica Hsuan to take over in a hurry.

An Agreement to Collaborate Again if Fated To

It is known that, because "Queen" is a co-production with a Mainland platform, all units are also attaching great importance to it. In order to ensure the quality of the shoot and that the process is smooth, the series crew will also not start filming until 80 percent of the script has been out. However, because [they] could not keep up with the progress of the scripts, the filming of many scenes needed to be postponed. The shoot was initially expected to commence at the end of April, but it was postponed until officially starting [today]. In the end, even the female lead had to be changed. In addition, the series crew originally planned to shoot a large-scale wedding in Europe, initially choosing the romantic city of Prague. The scene requires the accommodation of a grand manor and castle. However, the filming date has collided with the summer holiday, and the reservations are full. The filming date has been changed again, being forced to postpone filming until September. By then, Maggie has other work arrangements and is unable to turn it down due to contractual issues, so [she] had no choice but to pull out of this series. had an exclusive interview with Maggie [today]. She frankly said, "Mainly a problem with the schedule because I already agreed to other work arrangements in August and September. Because there are many filming locations this time, the series crew's preparation time and the date for the start of filming could not be accommodated. I also could not go back on my word for my work afterward. In the end, [my] manager had no choice but to decline the invitation to perform. If there were no commitments and work obligations, we would not have made this decision. I also had no choice but to disappoint everyone". Speaking of netizens also greatly looking forward to her filming series, she laughingly said, "It doesn't matter! Sometimes collaborations are also up to fate. I greatly understand that everyone wants to do well on the matter; it's the right thing. They also have to go to Foshan and Europe to film. Being so rushed does make things very difficult. It's very unfortunate since we also made an effort to accommodate. However, it doesn't matter; there's always a chance to collaborate".

Ruco Chan Cherishes Acting with Jessica Hsuan

Ruco Chan, the male lead of "Queen", said in an interview that he had worked with Jessica many years ago, but there were no scenes with each other. He said, "Jessica is an actress I really wanted to work with when I joined the industry, but back then, when I had more scenes, she had already left TVB. We also previously met and greeted each other on the street. Will cherish the entire process of being able to work with her again this time. See that her condition is also extremely good. This combination of me and her is very fresh, so greatly looking forward to it". Kenneth Ma expressed, "Actually, I am also guest-starring this time. Have not officially started working, but Jessica and I just finished filming 'Prism Breaker'. In the series, she, Moses Chan, and I are former classmates. Also had quite a bit of scenes together. We collaborated quite happily".

Related post: Maggie Cheung Taking on the Challenge of Playing a Medical Goddess, Accompanied by Dual TV Kings

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