Tuesday, May 14, 2024

《香港探秘地圖》 "Hong Kong Exploration Map" Costume Fitting & Blessing Ceremony



Date: May 14, 2024

Temporary Chinese title: 《香港探秘地圖》
Pinyin title: Heung Gong Taam Bei Dei To
Temporary English title: "Hong Kong Exploration Map"
Producer: Wong Wai Yan

Attending Cast: Wayne Lai, Katy Kung, Karl Ting, Danny Hung, Carmen Ngai, Andrew Yuen, Lisa Ch'ng, Frankie Choi, Strawberry Yeung, Irina Tang, Kelvin Yuen, Keith Mok, Rachel Wong, Leo Kwan, Hero Yuen, and Clare Chan.

Time: 12:30
Place: Tseung Kwan O INNOPARK 77 Chun Choi Street TVB City Studio One Common Room

TVBE Clip (051424)

"Scoop" Clip (051424)

ontv Clip

Mai Dui Dui Clip

Mai Dui Dui Clip

Mai Dui Dui Clip

- 20 episodes long.
- The series will be filmed in different places in Hong Kong, and there will also be different cases, bringing out many of Hong Kong's traditional stories, historical stories, and legends. The series is a small production with different elements but is mainly a comedy.
- The series is about Wayne Lai running a website called 「香港探秘地圖」, discovering famous historical buildings or secret spots in Hong Kong to attract tourists to check in on social media; thus, he hires Katy Kung, who specializes in cracking down on counterfeiting, Karl Ting, who has a director's dream, and the love-minded Carmen Ngai to form a filming crew. The story is lighthearted and humourous, and there are also elements of suspense.
- Wayne will play a witty and humourous character. He likes to look for stories everywhere and explore rumoured things in Hong Kong. He bickers and is irritating; nothing can be done to affect him.
- Katy will play a straightforward girl. She and Wayne are a bickering pair; he is the commander of the 'exploration team' and is responsible for directing their work. She frequently shoot videos, and she always thinks that Wayne is deceiving people, so she always does things to expose him; however, she cannot expose him. She is responsible for many outdoor scenes and has to be specially equipped with long coats, trousers, etc. She is going to schools or mountainous areas to film. She will also have a romantic storyline with Karl, developing an older female and younger male romance.
- Karl will play Man Ban (文彬), a director. The exploration team is led by Wayne, and there is Katy, himself, and Carmen; the four of them will discover different stories in Hong Kong together. The series is a warm small production in which feelings, love, and familial affection are developed through different cases. He will be doing a lot of outdoor scenes in the hot summer, which are usually remote places without air-conditioning. He will pursue Katy, developing an older female and younger male romance.
- Danny Hung will play a homebody who hides at home building computers. His leg has a slight limp. He is Katy's younger brother. He has an older female and younger male romance with Carmen; he pursues her.
- Carmen will play a lively girl.
- Lisa Ch'ng will play Fong Suk Ching (方淑貞).
- Frankie Choi is in a case.
- Irina Tang will play a character who has luck in love.
- Rachel Wong will play Maymay, an anchor who goes beyond the limits to get information. She has many sexy looks. She has many scenes with Wayne. She has to always flirt with Karl and Wayne. She takes the initiative to flirt with Wayne to get information.
- David Do will play a doctor.

Completion Banquet @ TVBE Clip (090324)

Personal Note: The title of the series sounds like a travel programme....

*Credits to on.cc

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