Lam Yeuk Fei challenged Iron Fist four times. She finally gave up when he saved her from falling off a cliff (episode 5).
The scene where Iron Fist and Lam Yeuk Fei were tied up and locked in a cell (episode 8) was very, very cute.
Iron Fist and Lam Yeuk Fei Trapped (starts at 6:45)
Iron Fist: You should help out! Maybe we can help each other and untie the rope.
Lam Yeuk Fei: I have no energy. (From being afraid of spiders.)
(Iron Fist rolls over to help Lam Yeuk Fei.)
Lam Yeuk Fei: What are you doing? Are you untying the rope or are you taking advantage of me? Go away! (She headbutts him and rolls over.)
Iron Fist: At this point, what are you thinking?
Lam Yeuk Fei: Untie ah, untie...only the rope!
(Iron Fist starts to untie her rope with his mouth.)
Lam Yeuk Fei: Ah! You bit me!
Iron Fist: Sorry! 人有錯口. (Ha ha... 人有錯口 instead of 人有錯手.)
Lam Yeuk Fei: Are you done?! Eww, stop getting your saliva all over my hands!
(Iron Fist unties the rope.)
I can't get enough of the series. I just finished episode 11, and it is great! I don't know why HK is not watching the series. The ratings went down 2 points to an average of 28 points. Hopefully, it will go up. Can't wait for the next promo on October 12 (Sunday).
"The Four" Episode 11
"The Four" Episode 12
"The Four" Episode 13
"The Four" Episode 14
I thought Lam Yeuk Fei was been kinda fussy, but overall, this bit was kinda cool (and cute as well).