"The Four" Episode 19
"The Four" Episode 20 (starts at 14:10)
Yeuk Fei: Iron Fist, I don't give you permission to die! You cannot die! You promised my father that you would take care of me. You have to take care of me for the rest of my life. Do you hear me?! You cannot die! (She is dragged away by the guards.) No.... Iron Fist!
Iron Fist: (To the guards) Don't hurt her.... Don't hurt her!
Then, Chasing Life and others come to the rescue. They bring along evidence to prove that Iron Fist is not the murderer. Since Iron Fist is proven innocent, Yeuk Fei runs to him and they end the scene with a loving hug.
When Iron Fist returns to his home, he finds out that Yeuk Fei is hiding in the kitchen making congee for him.
Iron Fist: When I was about to be executed, I remember you saying that you will be able to live on without me....
Yeuk Fei: Really? Did I say that?
Iron Fist: You also say that you need me to....
Yeuk Fei: No! I didn't tell you to take care of me for the rest of my life. You must have been hearing things because you were heavily beaten up. You must have heard wrong.
Iron Fist: I heard wrong?
Yeuk Fei: Yes.
Iron Fist: That's all right. Then I don't have to take care of you for the rest of your life.
Yeuk Fei: Hey, hey! I say you don't have to, but you promised my father to take care of me.
Iron Fist: Do you want me to take care of you? Huh? According to Chasing Life, what a girl says is not what a girl wants.... To be honest, no matter if you want or not, I will still take care of you for the rest of your life.
Yeuk Fei: (She laughs.) Yee.... (She nudges him slightly.) Yee.... (She nudges him harder.) When did you learn Chasing Life's tricks?
Iron Fist: What tricks?
Chasing Life: When did you pick up my charming tricks?
(Yeuk Fei tries to leave, but Iron Fist holds her.)
Then Iron Fist's father suggests a wedding to chase away the bad happenings. Chasing Life agrees and even wants a matchmaker to pick out a lucky wedding day.
Iron Fist: (Very sweetly.) Stop playing with Yeuk Fei la.
Yeuk Fei gets back to the pot of congee to avoid the embarrassing situation.
Chasing Life: Hey, look! I have never seen the sassy, little princess' face that red before.... Hey, look at you! (Points at Iron Fist.) Your face is red, too!
Personal Note: Ma Ming and Selena are supposed to be having a magazine article together, but I guess the issue is not out yet. I can't wait to see the pretty pictures!
"The Four" Episode 21
"The Four" Episode 22
*Credits to tvb.com and tudou
thank you for posting this
A bit sad a first, but then it gets cool.