Moses, Tavia, Ron, and Roger are all under the same manager, Garly Chan, so it is easy for them to have functions together. 好期待佢哋下一次嘅合作呀! That also goes for all of them because Moses, Ron, and Roger haven't worked with each other yet. The chances will be slim because they are on different sides. Moses is on Catherine Tsang's side, while both Ron and Roger are on Tommy Leung's side. However, Roger has been filming on Tsang's side lately. Hmm....
Here are also some pics from TVB Blog during the filming of "Moonlight Resonance". Moses is missing a lens on his sunglasses. Ha ha....
Side Note:
I can't wait for their next collaboration in a series. If the series "Lau Sam Ho" is true, I hope Tavia will play Moses' evil concubine. She has always hoped to play a big villain in a series. The details for the series are yet to be confirmed, but it seems as though the cast will be Charmaine Sheh, Susanna Kwan, Michelle Yim, Tavia, Selena Li, Moses, and Kevin Cheng. 一睇名單就知道係女人劇喇! 真棒! But why 有死人鄭嘉穎呀? 真係好頂佢唔順!!! It's an ancient series; he is never in ancient because he is so weird in the costume look. 佢應該拒演喇! 真係面皮厚! 無料又學人地有料, 扮晒嘢!
Hopefully, the series won't just revolve around Charmaine. But Mui Siu Ching likes to distribute the screen time among all of the cast members. If Tavia is evil, then it has to 奸到底! 佢嘅角色一定要好出, 咁先可以有發揮. All I want is for Tavia and Selena to have a character that 'stands out' amongst the other cast members. Let's just hope TVB is smart about this.
*Credits to mingpao, the-sun, 狂愛TVB, and others
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