Friday, June 14, 2019

Kenneth Ma Not Going on a Trip, Would Rather Earn Extra Money




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Kenneth Ma, Jess Sum, and Yeung Chiu Hoi attended an event for a leather goods brand last night. Kenneth expressed that he has completed the filming of his series, so he can finally come out to make money. Without realizing it, he has already filmed three series continuously, and he will be filming a new series in August. He should not be going on a trip, as he hopes to take the opportunity to accept more jobs during this time. It is rare for him to have the time and to not have to make arrangements with the series crew, so he hopes to earn more extra money. During this time, he will also be going to Mainland to do stage performances. When asked whether he will be singing, he laughingly said, "Just being idle at work!"

When asked whether he had paid attention to the response after the broadcast of the new series "Big White Duel", Kenneth said that he has not taken notice yet. On premiere night, he had to work, so he has to watch the rerun afterward: "'Big' is different from the housewife series in the past. I also want to see the viewers' response. However, the first two episodes are explaining the characters...have to watch a few more episodes before commenting. If you were to ask me about my feelings toward the first few episodes, it would be that it was very cool. (Filmed you to look very cool?) No. It was filmed such that everyone looked very cool".

*Credits to mingpao, 毛毛蟲,, stheadline, hk01, bastilleent, moreforms, youku, and 置酒而卧

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