Thursday, June 6, 2019

"Be Your Dawn" & "Mommy I Love You So" (Full Version) - Linda Chung


"Be Your Dawn" - Linda Chung

做你的晨曦 - 鍾嘉欣

作曲: 鍾嘉欣
填詞: 程啟迅
編曲: 鍾楚翹/Johnny Yim
監製: Johnny Yim

I love you
做你的晨曦 讓我呵護你
流露自然美 分享喜與悲
讓曙光燃起 親一親 溫暖著你
媽媽即使激氣 也總會諒解你

臨睡先關燈 明瞭未
來吧一起躲進 綿被
難道是 遭遇很不開心
故此夜深 不願早瞓
為何 懶得早起

I love you
願每天晨曦 為我守護你
名列是其次 盡過努力來爭氣
讓曙光燃起 在世間毋畏 高飛
你 在母親眼內 無人可跟你比

若辛酸 童言 如常無忌
營造驚喜 贈以小把戲
無條件 輸出愛 無悔地
從我內心湧起 回首跟你飛

做你的晨曦 讓我呵護你
旁人是其次 但你特別如胎記
沒法子 兒嬉
媽媽膚色都衰老 仍忘不掉你
是你 並没人 能媲美

願每天晨曦 為我守護你
前程未知道 但我在未來等你
像你般 年紀 
媽媽早已懂做人 道理

我母親 也教導 相親相愛
你也將 會發現 一生所愛
這輩子 到最後 不必感慨
最真摯 瞬間的 數十載

Oh mommy
I will love you forever


"Mommy I Love You So" - Linda Chung

Mommy I Love You So - 鍾嘉欣

作曲/填詞: 鍾嘉欣
編曲: 鍾楚翹/Johnny Yim
監製: Johnny Yim

I love you
Till the day I die
To the mountains high
To the ocean wide
Mommy loves you so
Till the time I fly
To heaven watching above
Mommy loves you so forever and ever

I'm so excited to meet you
And see the amazing things you'll do
Sometimes I don't feel like I'm ready
But I know that you are a gift from heaven
I'll cherish you

I love you
Till the day I die
To the mountains high
To the clouds above
Where heaven shines upon us
When the days get dark
When the world steals, my oh my
I will be there for you
For the rest of your life

Till I know your words forever
In making me a better person
Though I always drive her crazy
But now I'm growing up
And mommy still says

Till the day I die
To the mountains high
To the clouds above
Where heaven shines upon us
When her heartbeat stops
Mommy still says there's no place I'd rather be
Mommy she loves me forever

Till the day I die
To the mountains high
To the clouds above
Where heaven shines upon us
I give you my all
I don't need anyone but you
My baby, my precious little one
My sun, my joy my hope and love
I'll love you forever and ever
Cuz mommy what mommy says is true

Oh mommy
I will love you forever

Behind the Scenes

Related post: Family Is Ranked First, Linda Chung Has No Fixed Time for Return to Filming Series

*Credits to 鍾嘉欣Linda Chung

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