My new series, "Iron Horse Seeking Bridge"
"I will soon be starting a series, and it is called 'Iron Horse Seeking Bridge'. Take a look at my costume for the series. I think it is very cute! Ha ha!! The filming of the series should begin on May 11th, but I am not finished filming 'Beyond the Realm of Conscience' yet. Thus, I believe the two series will overlap at least for one to two weeks!! But it doesn't matter!! I will be playing a doctor in the new series because the series is a kung fu series. Thus, in the series, I will be treating the injured people. I think it is very funny! This series will be my hundredth, thousandth time playing Kenneth Ma's girlfriend!! Ha ha!! I'm just kidding! Actually, I'm very happy to work with Kenneth because we have worked together many times; therefore, we have great chemistry. I believe the filming of this series will be very happy!!"
On a different note, Ella Koon was on a TVB game show hosted by King Kong and Vivien Yeo, and Ella expressed that Kenneth is the best guy to kiss because he had so many bloopers during the filming of the kiss.
It was the scene in "Survivor's Law II" where they got married in the court. Kenneth was originally supposed to kiss Ella twice. However, the kiss scene was not rehearsed, so Ella took a step backward after the first kiss, and Kenneth (must have closed his eyes) leaned in and fell forward. The entire cast and crew laughed out loud. That is why that kiss is memorable to Ella.
官恩娜憶吳卓羲強吻 「愕然不浪漫」
Ella 在節目中大談熒幕情侶及緋聞話題,才拍過兩套劇集的她,自言接吻戲經驗少,先後才與吳卓羲、馬國明拍過咀戲,追問緋聞男友吳卓羲當時沒有帶她入戲?她為擺脫與對方的話題,主動拉馬國明落水,指拍《律政新人王Ⅱ》時與馬國明有一場法庭接吻戲,由於事前大家沒夾過,結果她後退時令他失重心向前跌,引得全場捧腹大笑,亦令她印象深刻。
Related post: Selena Li Calls for Ma Ming
Related post: "Iron Horse Seeking Bridge" Costume Fitting @ TVBE Clip
Related post: 《鐵馬尋橋》 "Iron Horse Seeking Bridge" Costume Fitting Pictures
Personal Note: Again, everybody loves Ma Ming! Ha ha.... Ella loves kissing Ma Ming! He is such a gentleman!
*Credits to tvb, the-sun, mingpao, and takungpao
wa....so many MaMing posts! haha...
ReplyDeleteiread all of them while i was suppose to study for finals haha...but didnt have time to comment...
kenneth is so adorable...haha...ella chose him? haha..that is so cute. Selena n kenneth again....is cute as well...actually wanted some KenNancy!
kenneth looks really good...hopefully the real "look" for the series isnt weird!
Ma Ming was at the 512 event and his look was exactly like the one at the fitting. That should be the hairstyle for the series. He is going to look very good! Ha ha...