Kelly Chen accepted Cha Siu Yan's telephone interview yesterday. Kelly is now 7 months pregnant, and she has gained 17 pounds. Kelly was told that whomever she wants the baby to resemble, she should look at that person more. Kelly laughs, "I'm afraid my baby will resemble Chai Gau! I am watching every episode of 'Rosy Business', so I'm afraid that my son will look like Chai Gau or Sheren Tang!" They suggested that Kelly should look in the mirror more often so that the baby would resemble her. Kelly says, "I look so horrible right now, so I dare not to look [in the mirror]! (Why don't you look at your husband's picture?) "He's more handsome in person!"
For Kelly's first pregnancy, she hasn't had any 'morning sickness'. She eats three to four meals a day, and she would practice yoga. She also talks to her baby. She says that her husband, Alex, would make weird noises to scare the baby.
Personal Note: Ha ha.... Even Kelly is watching "Rosy Business"! It's not that surprising since Kelly enjoys watching TV series, especially when it's a Sheren series. I guess Kelly doesn't want her baby to look like other people. She doesn't mean Wayne Lai is scary-looking. Ha ha....
*Credits to mingpao
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