Ron's costume fitting from May, 24th 2007
Officially confirmed:
- Raymond Lam as 無情 Wu Qing (Mo Ching) - Emotionless
- Kenneth Ma as 鐵手 Tie Shou (Tit Sau) - Iron Hand
- Sammul Chan as 追命 Zhou Ming (Jui Ming) - Life Snatcher
- Ron Ng as 冷血 Leng Xue (Lang Huet) - Cold Blooded
- Dominic Lam as 諸葛神侯 Zhuge Shenhou (Jue Got San Hau) - The master of the four constables
- Raymond and Kate Tsui
- Kenneth and Selena Li
- Sammul and Vivi Li
- Ron and Cilla Kung
- Dominic Lam and Kristal Tin
Kenneth and Selena will play an arguing couple. Selena is sassy fighter whose weapon is a leather whip.
Since Raymond is crippled in the series, most of the fighting scenes will go to Kenneth and Ron. Sammul will mostly film wire scenes.
Kate will play a doctor.
A little interview of Kenneth and Selena on the day of the costume fitting:
Selena: He is an actor with principles and is very punctual. he is never late, so I don't have to worry about him never showing up. He always reads his lines and prepares ahead of time".
Kenneth: "I will definitely take you out for supper".
Selena: "And he is a little.... Never mind. Ha ha ha...."
Kenneth: "What is it that you are trying to say?"
Selena: (Still laughing) "Nothing, nothing, nothing...."
Kenneth: "Just say it".
Selena: "Nothing, nothing really".
Kenneth: "What do you want to say?"
Selena: "No, I think he is a very tall and handsome 'siu sang' (actor) who is being promoted right now. That is why he will quickly rise to the next level. After receiving the 'Most Improved' award, the next one should be the 'Male Lead' award".
Kenneth: (Embarrassed) "Okay, you should be getting the next 'Most Improved' award".
Selena: " 'Male Lead' award!" (She punches him slightly on the shoulder.)
Kenneth: "You're getting the 'Most Improved' award".
Related post: 《少年四大名捕》 "The Four" Costume Fitting
Personal Note: I kind of guessed that Selena wouldn't pair up with Ron. From the start, it doesn't seem that Ron's character is that big. Funny because when they first started filming "The Master of Tai Chi", we didn't know who was going to pair up with Kenneth. My first reaction was, "I'm only going to accept Selena to be paired up with him". Later, we knew that Selena was confirmed to be in the cast.
*Pictures from the magazine, newspaper, hkimage, and BAPEangel
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