Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Louis Koo Wins 'My Favourite Male Singer', Sings "Boyfriend"


ViuTV Clip

More Forms Clip

More Forms Clip

Youku Clip

When presenting 'My Favourite Male Singer', Jan Lamb announced that it was Louis Koo! Louis walked out from the side of the stage; everyone screamed, and all the singers stood up! Louis laughingly said on stage, "I really like to sing but don't know how to sing. Very odd. A miracle appeared. Walking up to this stage and winning this award, really have nothing to say". He continued, "Thank you to the people who voted. You guys do not have to stand up...as though I am winning a 'Lifetime Achievement Award'. 'My Favourite' is not attained overnight. What everyone likes the most is not my song. Last year, I became the president of the [Hong Kong] Performing Artistes Guild (HKPAG). The first responsibility was wanting to help the music industry and using the rest of [my] time to eat with singers and understand the music industry's changes and difficulties. However, their fire has never been put out. I am very happy. As a newcomer, must remember that dreams, every day and every moment, should not be forgotten. Whether you succeed or not, have to lose out as a person. Remember that trying is already the half of success".

Afterward, he laughingly said that he and Jan had to bring up the atmosphere. Jan told him to sing; Louis said that he would sing, and then later told Joey Yung, Kay Tse, Hins Cheung, and Juno Mak to come up to the stage. They told him to sing 《今期流行》, but he said that would be singing a gentler song, and then [he] started the key to sing 《男朋友》; everyone cheered.

*Credits to on.cc, moreforms, youku, and Hong Kong Toolbar

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