My husband in the series, Bowie Lam. Before he was an actor, he was a singer and also a drummer. After many years, he steps foot on the stage again, and he is still very powerful and prestige. Scary!
In order to play the role of someone who knows how to play the guitar and knows boxing, Moses Chan purposely lost weight and worked hard at practicing the guitar. Today, he stands on the stage playing the guitar while singing. His superbness is scary!
From my impression, Kenny Wong does not draw any relation with music, but he can unexpectedly learn how to play the guitar so well. Also, he can sing rhythmically and orderly. Very scary inner potential he has inside of him!
Astrid also praised the scariness of how serious Producer Chik is with all of his productions. She praised the tolerance level in the temporary actors on waiting for many hours on set, and willing to memorize the lyrics and go on stage to sing and wave. She also praised the production team for working all night in such cold weather.
Lastly, Astrid said, "To be able to work with people with such fearful endurance, I think my luck is also very scary!!"
Personal Note: I know I've tweeted this yesterday, but I really like these three pictures that Astrid took of Bowie, Moses, and Kenny on her iPhone! :D
I also like how she called Kenny 'Kenny', whereas she called Bowie and Moses by their full Chinese name. ;)
*Credits to
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