Sunday, February 8, 2009

Selena Li's Character in "Beyond the Realm of Conscience"

Update: character description to date; may be subject to change later.

In "Beyond the Realm of Conscience", Selena's character, Man Bo Yin (萬寶賢), is not evil because Tavia Yeung's character will be the most evil of them all. Also, Man Kim Fung (萬劍鋒) is evil. Selena will also have a lot of quarrel scenes with Tavia. Selena's character comes from a very wealthy family. She also has a straightforward personality. Whatever she does not like, she will speak her mind. There is a possibility that her character will die after being pregnant or after giving birth. Perhaps the audience will think that Selena's character is evil, but she is actually not evil.

FYI: In most of Selena's series, her name often does have the character Bo (寶) in it.

Personal Note: The script of "Beyond the Realm of Conscience" has to be out. Why else would Selena know so much about her character. Ha ha.... From the description, it seems as though Tavia and Selena's characters are going to 'explode'! Ha ha.... I wonder if Man Kim Fung (萬劍鋒) is the character name of her father? Will Kwok Fung be playing her father again? Also, from her costume fitting look, I did get a 'good' vibe from it, and her look does not seem evil to me.


  1. i really like reading stuff about the characters for this series, but i dont know if it will be the same when i actually watch the series... haha...

    is moses playing this emperor:ānzong ???
    this emperor seems like such an awesome guy so i hope it's him... haha... i want moses to be the nice smart king this time... :P

  2. Moses will be playing an Emperor in the series, but I'm not sure which emperor in history will he be playing. I, too hope he will be a smart king. He doesn't have to be nice, just smart is good enough. Ha ha...

  3. oh you mustve missed my twitter update when i said little lawrence ng said he's playing 小李怡 (moses' childhood) in this series... haha... is the site that i gave you the one for 李怡..? there's a page at chinese wikipedia for the king, but i just want to make sure... :P

    but he played the mean guy in WTLB and then the kinda stupid guy in PITNOL... i think it's time he gets to be an awesome king... haha... :D

  4. I did see your twitter update about little boy Lawrence Ng playing Moses young. How come it says that this Emperor's name is 李忱 and later changed it to 李怡.

  5. oh ok...
    yea, that's the part i dont get... the 忱 and the 怡... hmmm... maybe i should ask my dad... haha!!! :P

    ok... just asked and he said the emperor changed his name from 怡 to 忱... and i asked why and he said people change their name when they grow up... so it's him..? this awesome emperor..! :D

  6. Finally, Moses is going to be a good and smart emperor. Ha ha...

  7. Thank you! :) I knew that there was a fan gathering, I even wrote a quick message for that.. but I didn't know these information about her character! :P

    I was soooooo hoping that her character would be evil.. But at least, it is written this way that the audience THINKS she's evil, but she actually isn't.. and I hope she will not die too early, maybe at the whole end would be good.
    Yeah, I think Kwok Fung will play her father, so he's evil?

    Yep.. always 寶... 萬寶賢 (here), 方寶琦 (Easterly), 郭寶樂 (To Grow With Love)..

  8. Well, I don't know if Mang Kim Fung (萬劍鋒) is going to be Selena's relative, Mang Kim Fung is evil.
