Lesson 5:
戇(ngong) 居(gui) - 單純﹐有“傻”﹐“呆”之意 (ingenuous, naive, simple, silly, straightforward)
拾(sap) 戇(ngong) - saying someone is ingenuous, naive, simple, silly, straightforward
無 (mo) 賴 (laai) - 下流﹐“卑鄙小人”的意思 (rascal, jerk)
一(yat) 舊(gau) 飯(faan) - 即是好像一團飯﹐呆呆的樣子
拾(sap) 下(ha) 拾(sap) 下(ha) - “傻下傻下”﹐傻傻地 (silly,dumb)
豬(jue) 兜(dau) or 豬(jue) 嘜(mak) - 意思就是笨 (dumb, stupid)
樣(yeung) 衰(sui) - 很醜的意思 (funny-looking, ugly)
死(sei) 蠢(chun) - 超級之笨 (extremely stupid)
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Baby Bosco

"Hi, my name is Bosco Wong Chung Chak. I was born on December 13, 1980. I was born in St. Teresa's Hospital in Hong Kong and not born in France. I entered TVB in 1999 after I finished high school, but I didn't start filming series right away because I was sent by TVB to do hosting jobs around the studio. In early 2003, TVB aired 'Find the Light', where I shared the main lead role with Ron Ng. Although I was noticed in 'Find the Light' I wasn't recognized until later in the year while playing one of the young pilots in 'Triumph in the Skies'. At last year's TVB Anniversary, I received the award for 'Most Improved Male Artiste'. Thanks to TVB, Miss Lok, and producers for giving me numerous chances to perform. In my journey of acting, I am very happy to have worked with veterans like Liza Wang, John Chiang, Paul Chun, Michael Miu, Power Chan, etc. Liza Jie treats me like a son. She occasionally will bring me homemade soup to my filming set because I always fall ill due to long periods of filming. My 'fake Dads' treat me very well, too! Ha ha! Actually, everybody treats me well. They even love my dog, Kapun! Kapun has become a dog star because he was in 'Under the Canopy of Love'. He was also in my previous series. 'Dicey Business'. He is going to be famous! Ha ha!"
Representative Works: "Find the Light", "Triumph in the Skies", "Wong Fei Hung - Master of Kung Fu", "Wars of In-Laws", and "Under the Canopy of Love".
Personal Note: You can tell by the picture that Bosco was going to grow up to be energetic. Even as a boy, he was very active. Bosco is a very good actor for a youngen. He doesn't overact or exaggerate his actions or facial expressions. However, I am a little concerned for him physically and mentally because he tends to film 2 or 3 series at the same time; I worry that he will start to act 'lazy'--deteriorate and not act at 100%.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Kelly Chen 《Happy Girl》

Release Date: August 25, 2006
After 2005's Mandarin album 《Eternal Sunshine》 and Kelly's 2005 concert, she finally returns with the summer Cantonese album 《Happy Girl》 which features the first single 「毫無保留」 (Without Reservation).
In this new album, you will find compositions by Mark Lui, Justin Lo, Peter Kam Pui Tat, Ronald Ng, Anthony Wong Yiu Ming & Company, Gary Chan, Robert Lay, Vicky Fung Wing Kei, and many more. Kelly's second plugged song from the album will be 「一刀兩斷」 (Once and for All), which is composed by Vicky Fung and written by Lam Jik, and they have found Kenny Wong from 《The Dance of Passion》 to star in the MV. The CD also includes the jingle for both Cantonese and Mandarin versions for 3D Gold in which Kelly is the spokesperson for. Kelly Chen never disappoints anticipating fans waiting to grab the CD on the release date.
Track List:
01. 毫無保留
02. 海豚
03. 面紅
04. 終於開竅
05. 得天獨厚 (金至尊電視廣告主題曲)
06. 寶萊塢生死戀
07. 兒女私情
08. 一刀兩斷
09. 有血有淚
10. Happy Girl
11. 快D快樂 (國)
12. 因為有你 (國) (金至尊電視廣告主題曲)
1. Happy Girl 專輯製作花絮
2. 毫無保留 MV
3. 海豚 MV
4. 一刀兩斷 MV
5. 有血有淚 MV
Get your copy at YesAsia!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
努力耕耘死屍蟑螂乜都扮 馬國明甘做搵錢綠葉王

馬國明捱得住,只因有一個明確目標:「我連工程監督一職都辭去,為o既係追尋拍戲理想,所以做訓練班學徒時,畀人用世界咪鬧,即係全場都聽到晒都好,我同 自己講,畀人鬧o下有乜所謂。做o左三年死屍兵卒,又系黃子華《男親女愛》MV度扮小強,我都冇唔開心,就算今日仲係小角色都唔會離場放棄,可以做到許紹 雄同黎耀祥咁好o既綠葉,為興趣又搵到錢,我好滿足。」
Personal Note: Even in this interview, Kenneth still mentions Benz Hung and Wayne Lai as the better 'green leaf' veteran actors.
*Credits to the-sun
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
These are more slangs used by Hong Kong people.
阿茂整餅 - 冇個樣整個樣「多舊魚」嘅意思
潮州二胡 - 自己顧自己 (gegegugege)
老公潑扇 - 凄(妻)涼
老婆擔遮 - 陰功(公)
非洲和尚 - 乞(黑)人憎(僧)
阿蘭嫁啊瑞 - 大家累斗累
神台貓屎 - 神憎鬼厭
神仙放屁 - 不同凡響
黃皮樹了哥 - 唔熟唔食
屎坑關刀 - 文(聞)又唔得,武(舞)又唔得
亞聾送殯 - 唔聽你支死人笛
壽星公吊頸 - 嫌命長
陳年中草藥 - 發爛渣
山草藥 - o翕得就o翕
十月芥菜 - 起晒心
跪地喂豬母 - 睇錢份上
床底破柴 - 撞晒大板
單眼仔睇老婆 - 一眼睇哂
波羅雞 - 靠黏(指靠揩油)
火燒豬頭 - 熟口熟面
濕水棉花 - 無得彈
海底石斑 - 好瘀(魚)
阿崩叫狗 - 越叫越走
阿崩養貓 - 轉性
年三十晚謝灶 - 好做唔做
年晚煎堆 - 人有我有
賣魚佬 - 有聲(腥)氣
抬棺材甩褲 - 失禮死人
火燒旗杆 - 長嘆(炭)
紙扎下巴 - 口輕輕
Personal Note: To me, I think the funniest one is 潮州二胡 because it actually does sound like that instrument. I asked my mom why it was '自己顧自己', and it does sound like 'gegegugege'. Plus, she did the impression of it. Ha ha!
阿茂整餅 - 冇個樣整個樣「多舊魚」嘅意思
潮州二胡 - 自己顧自己 (gegegugege)
老公潑扇 - 凄(妻)涼
老婆擔遮 - 陰功(公)
非洲和尚 - 乞(黑)人憎(僧)
阿蘭嫁啊瑞 - 大家累斗累
神台貓屎 - 神憎鬼厭
神仙放屁 - 不同凡響
黃皮樹了哥 - 唔熟唔食
屎坑關刀 - 文(聞)又唔得,武(舞)又唔得
亞聾送殯 - 唔聽你支死人笛
壽星公吊頸 - 嫌命長
陳年中草藥 - 發爛渣
山草藥 - o翕得就o翕
十月芥菜 - 起晒心
跪地喂豬母 - 睇錢份上
床底破柴 - 撞晒大板
單眼仔睇老婆 - 一眼睇哂
波羅雞 - 靠黏(指靠揩油)
火燒豬頭 - 熟口熟面
濕水棉花 - 無得彈
海底石斑 - 好瘀(魚)
阿崩叫狗 - 越叫越走
阿崩養貓 - 轉性
年三十晚謝灶 - 好做唔做
年晚煎堆 - 人有我有
賣魚佬 - 有聲(腥)氣
抬棺材甩褲 - 失禮死人
火燒旗杆 - 長嘆(炭)
紙扎下巴 - 口輕輕
Personal Note: To me, I think the funniest one is 潮州二胡 because it actually does sound like that instrument. I asked my mom why it was '自己顧自己', and it does sound like 'gegegugege'. Plus, she did the impression of it. Ha ha!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Baby Kenneth

"Hello, I am Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming, but people like to call me Ma Ming. I was born on February 13, 1974. I graduated from the University of British Columbia in Canada. My major was Mechanical Engineering. In 1999, I was accepted into TVB's Acting Class. Besides acting, my alternate passion is soccer. I love to play soccer and I play all positions. I love Donald Duck a lot, too. Ever since I was a little kid, I liked Donald Duck because he is sneaky, greedy, and selfish...very human-like. I have an enormous collection of Donald things. Whenever I film outside of Hong Kong, I would go and look for Donald stuff. Whatever you can name, I have it. Things like bed sheets, blanket, clothing, accessories, utensils, cups, figurines, dolls, planner, pens, the whole works! Ha ha!"
I love working with veteran actors because I really learn a lot from them. Benz Hui and Wayne Lai have really taught me a lot in acting. My first major role was in 'Triumph in the Skies', where I played Roy Ko Chi Wang alongside Ron Ng, Sammul Chan, and Bosco Wong. We were given the nickname as 'S4' (Solar 4) by the crew members because we played pilots in the show. I really have to thank TVB, Tommy Leung, and other producers for giving me opportunities to act. I will do my best and not disappoint those who support me".
Representative Works: "Triumph in the Skies", "The Driving Power", "Wong Fei Hung - Master of Kung Fu", "Lost in the Chamber of Love", "Scavengers' Paradise," and "Into Thin Air".
Personal Note: Kenneth looks very cute! Ma Ming still smiles like that. You can tell he was going to grow up to be tall because of his long legs. In this picture, he is standing with his mother and his older twin sisters. Kenneth is always very low-key; he tends to stand by the side in group pictures because he is not the main focus. That is what makes him smart; he knows where his position is. Only Myolie Wu and HK fans call him Ma Ming. Mainland China fans refer to him as Siu Ma because they call Steven Ma 'Wai Gor'. Kenneth really is a soccer fanatic. Last year, when the producer and some cast members went on Metro Radio to talk about "Into Thin Air", he was watching a soccer game on TV while they were on air, and he wasn't paying attention to the interview. Both of my younger sisters and I just love him because of his true personality!
Tuesday, August 8, 2006

事後﹐壽星女楊怡及Yoyo異口同聲表示不介意兩男拒絕獻吻,其中楊怡更抵死表示:「拍o野同佢地都咀夠﹐唔介意佢地唔咀我地﹐我覺得咀蒙嘉慧更加有味道 ﹐死啦!唔知係咪潛意識鍾意女仔呢?」此外﹐當記者要求緋聞男友黎諾懿吻賀Yoyo時﹐前者聞言即雞咁腳走﹐而Yoyo就表示:「平時都唔會叫細佬(即黎 諾懿)咀我,佢好怕醜。」
Personal Note: It's so funny! Yoyo and Tavia kiss, while Bosco and Raymond kiss. Yoyo and Tavia are both 玩得之人. Two years ago, when they were promoting "Twin of Brothers", it was also the month of August, so they had a cake for Tavia, Ron Ng, and Nancy Wu. At that time, Christine Ng and Tavia kissed each other. After the kiss, they both jumped apart, and Tavia ran away because they didn't know that their lips were actually going to touch. No wonder Tavia joked and questioned if she is 'brokeback' this time. It was hilarious! It's also funny that they keep asking Yoyo about Lai Lok Yi; they are managed by the same manager, and they are friends who like to do sports. Now, they are rumoured as an 'older female and younger male' couple.
HK 3-Character Sayings
The following are sayings that you would find in Hong Kong television series. These sayings only work in Cantonese because they are slangs.
有姿勢 - 冇實際 (虛有其表) - Impressive on the outside but lacking on the inside
笑騎騎 - 放毒蛇 (笑裡藏刀) - Very cunning
識少少 - 扮代表 (貪功認叻) - Show-off
有早知 - 冇乞兒 (世事難料) - Cannot predict what is going to happen
晨早知 - 中三T (三T,香港最多獎金的賽馬彩池)
擔凳仔 - 霸頭位 (驚死執輸) - First come, first serve
三缺一 - 慘過乞 (麻雀術語) - Mahjong terminology
嘴藐藐 - 打得少 (口花花,撩是鬥非) - Pick up a fight first
搞搞震 - 冇幫襯 (搞事破壞份子) - A person who comes and destroy things
隨口o翕 - 當祕笈 (語不驚人誓不休) - A person who speaks without responsibility 側側膊 - 唔多覺 (得過且過,求求其其) - A person who does not work much
搏大霧 - 唔使做 (使讀作洗;混水摸魚) - A person who does not work
女人心 - 海底針 (女人善變) - Women are unpredictable
有殺錯 - 冇放過 (寧枉莫縱也) - Give it all you got
有異性 - 無人性 (見色忘義) - Leave your friends for the opposite sex
咖喱啡 - 扮阿姐 (泥「魚孟」充石斑)
唔夠班 - 執二攤 (未夠斤兩) - Not qualified
吹吹水 - 唔抹嘴 (吹水,口沫橫飛,愛吹牛皮) A person who exaggerates
人嚇人 - 好易暈 (人嚇人無藥醫, 意思謂俾人嚇慘過俾鬼嚇)
眼光光 - 等天光 (失眠,滿懷心事) - Insomnia; a person who is filled of concern and cannot sleep
趁佢病 - 攞佢命 (趕盡殺絕) - Take them down when they are weak
頭o岳o岳 - 四圍度 (無聊發悶) - A person who is bored and looking around for things to do
有得振 - 冇得o訓 (大禍臨頭。振,顫抖也) - Trouble about to happen
淡淡定 - 有錢剩 (凡事處變不驚;剩,音「靜」) - Literally translated as 'Stay calm and have money left over'
走得快 - 好世界 (工作快等於好) - Translated as 'The faster you run, the better the world is'
走得摩 - 冇鼻「骨可」 (走得慢者,沒好下場) - Translated as 'If you run slow, you will lose your nose'
冇啦啦 - 整笪疤 (「疤」讀「啦」音)
Personal Note: I remember these slangs being used in HK modern series. They are easy to remember and they rhyme, too. They have became everyday language to some people.
有姿勢 - 冇實際 (虛有其表) - Impressive on the outside but lacking on the inside
笑騎騎 - 放毒蛇 (笑裡藏刀) - Very cunning
識少少 - 扮代表 (貪功認叻) - Show-off
有早知 - 冇乞兒 (世事難料) - Cannot predict what is going to happen
晨早知 - 中三T (三T,香港最多獎金的賽馬彩池)
擔凳仔 - 霸頭位 (驚死執輸) - First come, first serve
三缺一 - 慘過乞 (麻雀術語) - Mahjong terminology
嘴藐藐 - 打得少 (口花花,撩是鬥非) - Pick up a fight first
搞搞震 - 冇幫襯 (搞事破壞份子) - A person who comes and destroy things
隨口o翕 - 當祕笈 (語不驚人誓不休) - A person who speaks without responsibility 側側膊 - 唔多覺 (得過且過,求求其其) - A person who does not work much
搏大霧 - 唔使做 (使讀作洗;混水摸魚) - A person who does not work
女人心 - 海底針 (女人善變) - Women are unpredictable
有殺錯 - 冇放過 (寧枉莫縱也) - Give it all you got
有異性 - 無人性 (見色忘義) - Leave your friends for the opposite sex
咖喱啡 - 扮阿姐 (泥「魚孟」充石斑)
唔夠班 - 執二攤 (未夠斤兩) - Not qualified
吹吹水 - 唔抹嘴 (吹水,口沫橫飛,愛吹牛皮) A person who exaggerates
人嚇人 - 好易暈 (人嚇人無藥醫, 意思謂俾人嚇慘過俾鬼嚇)
眼光光 - 等天光 (失眠,滿懷心事) - Insomnia; a person who is filled of concern and cannot sleep
趁佢病 - 攞佢命 (趕盡殺絕) - Take them down when they are weak
頭o岳o岳 - 四圍度 (無聊發悶) - A person who is bored and looking around for things to do
有得振 - 冇得o訓 (大禍臨頭。振,顫抖也) - Trouble about to happen
淡淡定 - 有錢剩 (凡事處變不驚;剩,音「靜」) - Literally translated as 'Stay calm and have money left over'
走得快 - 好世界 (工作快等於好) - Translated as 'The faster you run, the better the world is'
走得摩 - 冇鼻「骨可」 (走得慢者,沒好下場) - Translated as 'If you run slow, you will lose your nose'
冇啦啦 - 整笪疤 (「疤」讀「啦」音)
Personal Note: I remember these slangs being used in HK modern series. They are easy to remember and they rhyme, too. They have became everyday language to some people.
Monday, August 7, 2006
急急急口令! 有d真係好難講得快﹐講都咁上吓就讀錯字。你地試吓啦。
- 掘金掘吉掘雞骨
- 入實驗室o禁緊急制
- 一蚊一斤雞﹐一蚊一斤龜﹐究竟係雞貴定係龜貴﹖
- 街頭3蚊1斤雞﹐街尾3蚊1斤龜﹐街頭買斤雞﹐街尾買斤龜﹐你話雞貴定龜貴。
- 黐線蜘蛛條蜘蛛絲黐住枝樹枝
- 去街市買魚腸﹐見到姨丈﹐放低魚腸﹐問候姨丈﹐執翻魚腸,拜拜姨丈
- 郵差叔叔送信純屬迅速送出
- 床腳撞牆角﹐牆角撞床角﹐你話床角撞牆角定牆角撞床腳?
- 東門東家﹐南門董家。 東董兩家﹐同種冬瓜。 有人說:東門東家的冬瓜大。 誰知南門董家的冬瓜大過東門東家的大冬瓜。
- 圓圓遠遠叫圓月﹐叫來圓月來賞月。 圓圓說:月月圓﹐圓月說:圓圓月。 圓圓說:圓月的眼圓比月圓。 圓月說:圓圓的圓眼賽圓月。 究竟是圓圓﹐圓月的眼兒圓﹐還是圓圓的月兒圓。
- 小王和小黃﹐一齊畫鳳凰。 小王畫黃鳳凰﹐小黃畫紅鳳凰。紅鳳凰黃鳳凰﹐畫成活鳳凰﹐望著小黃和小王。
- 高高山上一枝藤﹐藤條頭上掛銅鈴﹐風吹藤動銅鈴動﹐風停藤停銅鈴停。
- 蔣家羊﹐楊家牆﹐蔣家羊撞倒了楊家牆﹐楊家牆壓死了蔣家羊﹐楊家要蔣家賠牆﹐蔣家要楊家賠羊。
Personal Note: 如果我講廣東話係有懶音嘅話﹐咁讀呢d急口令就唔會有啦。其實幾好玩﹐不過真係講都我唔三唔四都唔知o翕乜!
- 掘金掘吉掘雞骨
- 入實驗室o禁緊急制
- 一蚊一斤雞﹐一蚊一斤龜﹐究竟係雞貴定係龜貴﹖
- 街頭3蚊1斤雞﹐街尾3蚊1斤龜﹐街頭買斤雞﹐街尾買斤龜﹐你話雞貴定龜貴。
- 黐線蜘蛛條蜘蛛絲黐住枝樹枝
- 去街市買魚腸﹐見到姨丈﹐放低魚腸﹐問候姨丈﹐執翻魚腸,拜拜姨丈
- 郵差叔叔送信純屬迅速送出
- 床腳撞牆角﹐牆角撞床角﹐你話床角撞牆角定牆角撞床腳?
- 東門東家﹐南門董家。 東董兩家﹐同種冬瓜。 有人說:東門東家的冬瓜大。 誰知南門董家的冬瓜大過東門東家的大冬瓜。
- 圓圓遠遠叫圓月﹐叫來圓月來賞月。 圓圓說:月月圓﹐圓月說:圓圓月。 圓圓說:圓月的眼圓比月圓。 圓月說:圓圓的圓眼賽圓月。 究竟是圓圓﹐圓月的眼兒圓﹐還是圓圓的月兒圓。
- 小王和小黃﹐一齊畫鳳凰。 小王畫黃鳳凰﹐小黃畫紅鳳凰。紅鳳凰黃鳳凰﹐畫成活鳳凰﹐望著小黃和小王。
- 高高山上一枝藤﹐藤條頭上掛銅鈴﹐風吹藤動銅鈴動﹐風停藤停銅鈴停。
- 蔣家羊﹐楊家牆﹐蔣家羊撞倒了楊家牆﹐楊家牆壓死了蔣家羊﹐楊家要蔣家賠牆﹐蔣家要楊家賠羊。
Personal Note: 如果我講廣東話係有懶音嘅話﹐咁讀呢d急口令就唔會有啦。其實幾好玩﹐不過真係講都我唔三唔四都唔知o翕乜!
Thursday, August 3, 2006
Tavia Yeung Very Enthusiastic to Kiss Bosco Wong

黃宗澤(Bosco)跟楊怡在劉家豪新劇中愛得相當癡纏,劇情講述有夫之婦楊怡,在未離婚前想跟Bosco分手,但最終也難捨難離,以「激咀」收場。這場 戲之前曾兩度取消,前晚第三度拍攝又掛上三號風球,開始拍時也頗順利,不過到「埋牙」咀戲時,竟然橫風橫雨,楊怡即時_急地說:「快d啦!點都要咀埋 佢!」即被Bosco笑她:「嘩!你好猴擒喎!」幸好最終也順利完成。
對於跟楊怡第四度合作,Bosco說:「我唔想再對住楊怡喇!」問他是否只想對住胡杏兒時,在旁的楊怡即點頭取笑他,Bosco說拍激咀戲沒有向杏兒「備 案」:「佢應該請我食飯,d新聞係咁寫我,我幫佢啃dit咁多。(雜誌之前寫你係『軟飯王』嬲唔嬲?)冇,我一向都唔嬲人,但都有少少唔開心。」
*Credits to the-sun
廣東話 4
Lesson 4:
老(lo) 餅(beng) - 老土, 時代過後 (oldie, old-fashioned)
驢(law) - 老土 (oldie, old-fashioned)
木(muk) 篤(duk) - (wooden)
好(ho) 醒(sing) - 聰明 (smart)
死(sei) 蠢(chun) - 非常之笨 (very stupid, dumb)
o拿(na) o拿(na) 聲(seng) - 快 (fast, hurry up)
Personal Note: I sometimes don't pronounce '好醒' as 'ho sing'; I say 'ho sung'. As well as '死蠢', I say 'si chun' instead. The word 驢(law) actually means donkey, but in Cantonese slang, it means old-fashioned. In the movie "Mummy Age 19", Tsui Tin Yau of Shine used it. Benz Hui, Kingdom Yuen, and Mak Dau boy played his father, mother, and brother in that movie. Benz asked, "What does 驢(law) mean?" The little boy replied, "Law, l-a-w呀!" Then Kingdom said, "呵﹐法律". They actually thought it meant 'law'. It was so hilarious!
老(lo) 餅(beng) - 老土, 時代過後 (oldie, old-fashioned)
驢(law) - 老土 (oldie, old-fashioned)
木(muk) 篤(duk) - (wooden)
好(ho) 醒(sing) - 聰明 (smart)
死(sei) 蠢(chun) - 非常之笨 (very stupid, dumb)
o拿(na) o拿(na) 聲(seng) - 快 (fast, hurry up)
Personal Note: I sometimes don't pronounce '好醒' as 'ho sing'; I say 'ho sung'. As well as '死蠢', I say 'si chun' instead. The word 驢(law) actually means donkey, but in Cantonese slang, it means old-fashioned. In the movie "Mummy Age 19", Tsui Tin Yau of Shine used it. Benz Hui, Kingdom Yuen, and Mak Dau boy played his father, mother, and brother in that movie. Benz asked, "What does 驢(law) mean?" The little boy replied, "Law, l-a-w呀!" Then Kingdom said, "呵﹐法律". They actually thought it meant 'law'. It was so hilarious!
Wednesday, August 2, 2006
FloMo @ TVB 35th Anniversary 2002

娛樂大搜查 - TVB 35 台慶頒獎禮場面感人
李浩林﹕恭喜晒! 我都話你一定得㗎啦!
陳慧珊﹕好開心呀! 我投先想出去支持佢但我整緊頭呀!
黎芷珊﹕矣! 好感動呀你﹖
陳豪﹕。。。咁好朋友呀嗎我覺得自然感動㗎啦。係呀其實我都諗住其實應該係比阿比阿林峯㗎。因為輪經驗我都係老人家啦。比後生仔攞啦﹐唔應該我攞嘅。係呀! 哈哈!
黎芷珊﹕陳豪攞獎FLORA而經眼濕濕啦!難怪當佢自己奪‘我最喜愛女主角’獎嘅時候會咁擊動啦! 落返台雖然無繼續喊﹐但係表現非常興奮喎。當見到攞咗‘進步獎’嘅胡杏兒﹐佢更加著躍呀! 論都陳豪黎恭喜佢嘅時候﹐場面即時變得好甜密呀!
陳豪﹕係應該佢贏㗎! 實係做得太好啦!
陳豪﹕更係好開心啦! 同係應得㗎! YOU KNOW﹐SHE’S﹐SHE’S THE BEST!
陳慧珊﹕多數都會㗎啦! 但佢聽朝0600呀!
陳豪﹕係呀! 想呀﹐但聽日要開工所而工作為上。
Personal Note: How I miss FloMo! I wish Flora would film for TVB soon, so they can collaborate together once again. Seriously! Although TVB has over 70 contracted artists, TVB is lacking people in series. The same people film together over and over again.
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Baby Steven

"Hi, my name is Steven Ma Chun Wai. I was born on October 26, 1971. I first entered the entertainment business as a singer in 1993. I also got the award for 'Best Newcomer Bronze' at Jade Solid Gold's Best 10 Awards Presentation. It was the same award that Chi Lam got in 1992. It wasn't until the year 1995 that Catherine Tsang encouraged me to change my career motive and film television series. I really have to thank her for her nurturing; if it wasn't for her, Steven Ma would have been concealed in this industry. In October 2005, I officially signed to become a TVB-managed artiste. 'Safe Guards' was the first series I filmed as a TVB-managed artist. Early this year, 'Safe Guards' earned a high of 40 points on its final week, considering it's a low budget production. Thank you to Lee Tim Sing, the producer, because he also produced my first major role in the series 'The Duke of Mount Deer 1998'. He will be retiring next year, and I have already signed up to be in his last series".
Representative Works: "Healing Hands", "On the Track or Off", "Where the Legend Begins", "Perish in the Name of Love", "Better Halves", and "Safe Guards".
Personal Note: Steven was a cute baby even though he has single eyelids. You can tell it is him though. Steven is a very warm and friendly person. He can't hold in laughter. He likes to burst out laughing when something is funny. Steven is a great singer. Other than Hacken Lee, Steven is the only one whose Adam's apple shakes very much when singing. There is no doubt about it that he is the best singer in TVB. He is also a very shy guy because, back in 1998, he had a secret crush on Ada Choi but never expressed it to her. Later, the media found out and exposed it. Lawrence Ng said that if he had done something, Steven would have had a chance rather than Nicky Wu. Now, Steven and Ada are great friends.
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