Besides the smell of sweat, for every man, there may be another scent. "I am a bit sweet and a little bit bitter kind of man", Moses laughs.
After bitterness, does not always come sweetness, but today, Moses Chan is famous.
At the age of 31, he entered the entertainment business as a young man. For 8 years, he was cast in a category III movie revealing his buttocks; he played a numerous evil characters, and the most 樣衰 of no-namers. In the end, he still gets himself to a rising position with the role of 'Cho Pei' in "Where the Legend Begins" as the evil character. Continuing that, the role 'Siu Hin Wah' in "Family Man" stabilizes his position. After much suffering, Moses went through more than a little bitterness. In this person's eye, he has succeeded, and it is worth a drink to. He smiles sweetly.
Throughout the interview, Moses Chan kept a soft laughter as if he was giving them out for free. He laughs happily. Laughter is a natural reaction, even if it encounters any wounds containing questions, the answer will always be full of blood. But in the end, you will not forget to add a couple sounds of laughter. "Actually, I'm a very miserable man! Ha ha ha ha".
Actually, I am too! Ha ha ha ha.
「Don't worry, it will resemble a French movie」
Yes, Moses Chan knows he is famous. Even with a stable girlfriend, he
, too, like many other artistes, does not like to talk about his love life. Everybody can see that TVB is promoting him. He is filming series back to back, he is rumoured with the two 'dong ka fa dans', Flora Chan and Sonija Kwok. In one allegation, it was said that the female pursued him, and now he is nicknamed as 'Fa Dan Killer'.
Moses laughingly says that he has already looked past it and does not have any special feeling.
"I entered the business in 1994. The director persuaded me to film 'Twenty Something'. He told me, 'Don't worry, we'll film it like a French movie, it will look very natural even if you don't wear any clothing'. After that being said, I believed it and took on the role. But who knew that, on the first day of filming, there would be so many sexual scenes! Ha ha.
Before the movie was aired in theatres, I told my friends not to go watch it. Even until this day, I'm not used to seeing my bare naked butt on the big screen. With this experience, the biggest relief is that I've already filmed the worst that there is to film because I've done it when I first entered the business. So, anything after that is no big deal".
「How to continue to be evil」
After filming that movie, I thought to myself, "Such a big sacrifice, should I be getting this year's best actor award?" I was indulging in the wildest fantasy. People would laugh to death. Ha ha!
After that, there were some people who noticed me, and I was able to film a couple of movies where I was the main lead, but at that time, I was very arrogant. People would give me a numerous chances, but I didn't even say 'thank you' nor did I even buy them a cup of coffee. They probably thought, "Why should I give you a chance?" Shortly after, I started to get supporting roles and evil roles. I played many of those roles. I thought to myself, "If I continue to be evil, there would probably be a chance that I can't go back".
「A wish I can't accept」
During those days, he decided to throw himself out. He took on all roles and he would spend all of his money. Since he does not have fame, then all there is left is money. He says that he was already used to it, he depended on his 6'1" body in exchange for money. "In my modeling days, when I arrive at a show, all they would tell me to do is stand there. I would stand there the whole night. When I was done standing, they would tell me to leave. It was very boring. It was so easy but people would pay me to do so, what was I suppose to do?"
Moses Chan is too modest, even in asking him about his one wish, he could not answer it.
"A wish? Um... I don't know! I can't accept it. It's not that I've never thought about, it’s just that I dare not to think about it. The entertainment business is really weird, the more a person wants to be famous, he'll never be close to fame; on the other hand, the chance will be given to a 戇居居 ABC who doesn't know what's going on. Ha ha!
「Please look like a person」
During those days, the more I work, the more the bad luck followed. There were no jobs in both modeling and in movies. I was jobless for half a year. After that, I opened up a little store selling quartz accessories. I called everybody in my address book, trying to sell accessories for a thousand dollars a piece. "I really am no good at marketing. I would call up my friends, and I would not know what to say to them. I would think to myself, "You have to buy this! You have to buy this!" Of course, I only sold a few. Until one day, a good friend scolded me. "It doesn't matter what kind of job you do, but when you speak to me, please sound like a normal person, and be more humane". That is when I realized that I was not suitable for that kind of job."
「Gaining weight to look less cunning」
With jobs lessening everyday, manager Clarence Hui signs him over to TVB. At that time, he swore an oath inside his heart, "This is that last chance I'm giving myself. If there isn't any result, I will never step foot in the entertainment business".
In order for his image to enter the house more easily, he gained 10+ pounds to look less cunning. In television, his life became more like a daily routine; he was focused in filming series. In 2000, he was noticed in "Healing Hands II". After that, he helped TVB film many series. After the success of "Where the Legend Begins" and "Family Man", TVB plans to air "Take My Word For It", "Perish in the Name of Love", "Back to Square One", "Love Again", etc.
「Cho Pei ah! Come buy a fish」
"Even though I have entered the business for 8 years, people do not speak to me when I go to the market and buy groceries, but now, I go to the market to buy a fish...the boss lady would say, 'Chan Ho! Don't leave!' The vegetable lady over at the next stall would yell out, 'Cho Pei ah...Chan Ho, I'll give you some free vegetables, come and buy some from me!' Afterward, a bunch of housewives would surround me and say, 'You've come to buy groceries? May I have your autograph?' I don't know how to leave their surroundings. But inside my heart, I am happy". At least Moses' last chance was not wasted.
"There are a lot of people who need to take the wrong step. With no wrong, they will never learn". All of a sudden, Moses is touched.
「Wrong early, Quit early」
Moses Chan, born in Hong Kong, father a doctor, mother a Chinese doctor, and has 2 older brothers. His father passed away when Moses was 12 years old. His mother was afraid that her sons would misbehave, so they all immigrated to Australia. But Moses did go bad. In his early teens, he would take a couple hundred dollars and would stay out for a couple of days. He and his friends would hang out at pool halls, go to discos, smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, and pick up girls. These days lasted for a while. After he got older, he went to a club and asked himself, "Do I really belong here?"
"It was like all of a sudden I realized that I wasn't a person who was willing to let myself live like that. I know I look like a player and my friends often ask me, 'You can't drink? Doesn't seem like it!' They ask me if I smoke cigarettes. I tell them that I have quit when I was in my early teens. Ha ha!"
"Being bad early doesn't necessary mean it is a bad thing. It may be a chance to let myself realize it at an early stage".
「Loving without character」
When it comes to his love life, Moses says that he knew early on that he is used to loving without character.
"Hey, you'll naturally lose or have no character when you like someone. I used to always put love on the top of the list. I can put down everything just to go dating. In the end, I was always the one being dumped because I spoil my girlfriends too much. That's why there's no character. I've experienced going out with 2 girls at the same time. I let the person who loved me get hurt. After this experience, I've learned not to make the same mistake again. Of course, vice versa, I've experienced being hurt as well."
Asking Moses to recall his deepest love wound, not speaking of details...just talking about feelings. He described it as bleeding non-stop.
"Once, she tells me [to break up], my whole body is shaking, my breathing starts to accelerate. After that, I can't breathe. I sit down hoping to calm down. In my heart, I just want to run out of the house, but I can't because I can't move an ounce of my body. I think non-stop to myself, 'Why would you break it! All my trust for you is gone!'"
「Chocolate as healing medicine」
A month later, I wouldn't do anything but eat chocolate non-stop. I was so sad that the chocolate was tasteless, and I didn't even get fat. That was the one time I realized I'd eat chocolate every time I'm sad."
「Love, no forward just backwards」
Moses explains that his longest relationship lasted for 7 years. He says that this relationship is not in the past tense nor is it in the present tense. He does not want to talk about the details, but he does not mind sharing how two people get along.
For a relationship to last, they each must compromise. That is a must. The most important is that they have to put endless effort into the relationship. You can't expect it to grow naturally. If you leave it, it will not grow, it will just wither. A relationship is like muscle: if you don't work out, it will just go flabby.
"When I date, I would talk to her on the phone, sing her a song...sometimes I would make her a photo album with all of our pictures together. Or the simplest is to help her wash dishes. That is already enough to make her happy. And for two people to be together, you must include a little bit of romance".
「Listening to Memories」
During the whole interview, Moses kept his laughter. With his soft voice, half-good and half-evil eyes, and big laughter, if I were a young girl, I would have fallen heads over heels for him.
When Moses was in his teens, he liked to stay out late and eventually caught the flu. The flu damaged his voice box making it sound very hoarse and scratchy. Before entering TVB, he underwent a surgery to have his voice fixed.
"Shortly after the surgery, my voice was very high-pitched. It sounded as though I was a transsexual. It was very scary. I thought, 'Oh no, I shouldn't have had it done'. Luckily, a month or two later my voice turned back to normal".
It was this voice box surgery that made him realize that he misses the hoarse voice because he says that it helped him in his entertainment career. Before the surgery, he did not hate his scratchy voice.
"There were many fans who that liked that voice. They thought it was cool and special and it had a lot of character. After the surgery, I think I must have lost some fans. Ha Ha! I do miss that voice sometimes".
*Credits to mingpao