Monday, December 30, 2024

"Battle of Marriage" Opening Theme Video & End Credits

"Battle of Marriage" Opening Theme Video

"Touched Again" - Edwin Siu & Jinny Ng

再度能感動嗎 《奔跑吧!勇敢的女人們》 主題曲 - 蕭正楠/吳若希

作曲/監製: 劉易昇
填詞: 楊熙
編曲: Freddie Lo

吳:累吧 夢想都放下
放棄了星光燦爛 下半生都給了他
蕭:你現在 為我動容嗎
我角色不可變化 成名下每天亦難

擔起責任 總未算太差

留住他 還是拋開他

"Battle of Marriage" End Credits

"Better or Not" - Vivian Koo

好好過不好過 《奔跑吧!勇敢的女人們》 片尾曲 - 谷婭溦

作曲/監製: 劉易昇
填詞: 謝文雅
編曲: 葉祟恩

不攻自破 不屬我就路過
這一刻 不等如將來

不可代課 生死劫誰能避過

*童話美好 城堡裡漫步

#童話再好 逃不過命途
流著淚也許亦不減少你的 歉意

心一轉 秒速盛載

縱然面對不好過的 好好過

Repeat *


Repeat #

遺憾地最終公主不可與他 跳舞

Promotional Event 1 @ TVBE Clip (123024)

Premiere Dinner @ TVBE Clip (123124)

Premiere Dinner @ "Scoop" Clip (010124)

Promotional Event 2 @ "Scoop" Clip (010425)

Promotional Event 2 @ TVBE Clip (010525)

Promotional Event 3 @ TVBE Clip (011325)

Promotional Event 3 @ "Scoop" Clip (011625)

Promotional Event 4 @ TVBE Clip (012025)

Interview @ "Scoop" Clip (012425)

Related post: "Battle of Marriage" Sub Song 2 (Full Version)
Related post: "Battle of Marriage" Sub Song 1 (Jinny Ng Version)
Related post: "Battle of Marriage" Sub Song 2 (Live Version)
Related post: "Battle of Marriage" Sub Song 2 @ End Credits
Related post: "Battle of Marriage" Theme Song MV
Related post: "Battle of Marriage" Theme Song (Full Version) & Sub Song

"Battle of Marriage" Theme Song MV

"Touched Again" - Edwin Siu & Jinny Ng

再度能感動嗎 《奔跑吧!勇敢的女人們》 主題曲 - 蕭正楠/吳若希

作曲/監製: 劉易昇
填詞: 楊熙
編曲: Freddie Lo

吳:累吧 夢想都放下
放棄了星光燦爛 下半生都給了他
蕭:你現在 為我動容嗎
*我角色不可變化 成名下每天亦難

擔起責任 總未算太差

留住他 還是拋開他

吳:現在 自尊都放下
為何臉色都變淡 懷疑自己虧欠他
蕭:我現在 是愛別人嗎

Repeat *

隨便他 無謂追趕他

Repeat #

Related post: "Battle of Marriage" Theme Song (Full Version) & Sub Song

*Credits to TVB Music Group

Sunday, December 29, 2024

TV Awards Presentation 2024 Promotional Clips

Moses Chan

Nancy Wu

Owen Cheung

Jacky Cai

Hera Chan

Joey Law

Mimi Kung

*Credits to kung_mimi, 紫晶靈玲, 胡定欣官方國際影迷會, palice_rev, audience_capture, and lawjoey

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Friday, December 27, 2024

"Battle of Marriage" Theme Song (Full Version) & Sub Song

"Battle of Marriage" Theme Song (Full Version)

"Touched Again" - Edwin Siu & Jinny Ng

再度能感動嗎 《奔跑吧!勇敢的女人們》 主題曲 - 蕭正楠/吳若希

作曲/監製: 劉易昇
填詞: 楊熙
編曲: Freddie Lo

吳:累吧 夢想都放下
放棄了星光燦爛 下半生都給了他
蕭:你現在 為我動容嗎
*我角色不可變化 成名下每天亦難

擔起責任 總未算太差

留住他 還是拋開他

吳:現在 自尊都放下
為何臉色都變淡 懷疑自己虧欠他
蕭:我現在 是愛別人嗎

Repeat *

隨便他 無謂追趕他

Repeat #

"Battle of Marriage" Sub Song

"Better or Not" - Vivian Koo

好好過不好過 《奔跑吧!勇敢的女人們》 片尾曲 - 谷婭溦

作曲/監製: 劉易昇
填詞: 謝文雅
編曲: 葉祟恩

不攻自破 不屬我就路過
這一刻 不等如將來

不可代課 生死劫誰能避過

*童話美好 城堡裡漫步

#童話再好 逃不過命途
流著淚也許亦不減少你的 歉意

心一轉 秒速盛載

縱然面對不好過的 好好過

Repeat *


Repeat #

遺憾地最終公主不可與他 跳舞

Related post: "Battle of Marriage" Theme Song Preview

"Battle of Marriage" Theme Song Preview

"Touched Again" - Edwin Siu & Jinny Ng

再度能感動嗎 《奔跑吧!勇敢的女人們》 主題曲 - 蕭正楠/吳若希

作曲/監製: 劉易昇
填詞: 楊熙
編曲: Freddie Lo

吳:累吧 夢想都放下
放棄了星光燦爛 下半生都給了他
蕭:你現在 為我動容嗎
我角色不可變化 成名下每天亦難

擔起責任 總未算太差

留住他 還是拋開他

*Credits to JinnyNg吳若希

Monday, December 23, 2024

"Call of Destiny" Sub Song (Hera Chan Version)

"Disappeared You" - Hera Chan

消失的你 《異空感應》 片尾曲 - 陳曉華

作曲: 劉易昇
填詞: 楊熙

其實我人群裡 來和去 已很累

明明在附近 但消失的你
離開了 無形地壓迫讓我下沉
為何未道別 便失去了你
浮沙裡 留下我一直疑問

Related post: "Call of Destiny" Sub Song (Hera Chan Live Version)
Related post: "Call of Destiny" Sub Song (Full Version)

*Credits to herachann

Kelly Cheung Severing Her Relationship with Him Law in New Series


ontv Clip

Kelly Cheung and Him Law have announced that they will be competing with one another, recently being handpicked to go to Shenzhen with Owen Cheung to film the new series "Imitation of Life". In the series, Kelly and Him have a falling-out and are breaking relations with each other, accepting the acting challenge.

It is reported that "Imitation" is about the female lead Kelly being unjustly imprisoned and even almost dying because her elder sister had embezzled public funds, later being rescued by the head of a commercial espionage centre, who trains her to become a spy who is cold on the outside but warm on the inside. She uses the organization to carry out a series of plans for revenge against those who are rich and cruel in the city. The plot is tight and suspenseful. A group of actors have currently gathered on set to try out their costumes and read the script in preparation for the official start of filming within a few days. Kelly's role this time is very challenging; more than a hundred sets of costumes have already been prepared for her to make a grand appearance.

Getting Revenge with Ruthless Tactics

In an exclusive interview with, Kelly expressed, "Really have many different looks this time. Him's family is the target of my revenge; he is even my ultimate target. This character is a great actor...would have different sides when facing different people. Cannot be said to be very villainous, but is definitely very ruthless and vicious! I even have to deal with a lot of action scenes, and will also be shooting in the water in the winter". Talking about Him and Owen, she said that she had worked with them separately in the past...have great chemistry and even have a close personal relationship.

As for Him, he has put a lot of thought into this character's look, having hair extensions and a smart casual look to act as a rich second generation in the city. He said, "My character would do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, causing someone's family to be ruined! I love and hate Kelly; the relationship is complicated. Luckily, I have dealt with many similar family series in recent years...considered to have somewhat of a grasp. (What do you think is the most difficult?) Finding a breakthrough point. Don't want to give people the feeling that it is exactly the same as before!" In order to get immersed in his performance, he frankly said that, even if there are none of his schedules during this time, would also not be asking for time off to return to Hong Kong.

Owen Cheung Protecting the Woman with All His Might and Is Always Ready to Fight

In an interview with [today], Owen shared his role in "Imitation": "My character mainly protects Kelly, helping her by her side. I am a law enforcement officer. After [I] resign, [I] come into contact with Kelly because of work. Of course, I do not know that she is a spy, so [I] have always been protecting her. Before she has taken action, I had already taken action. Before her life is in danger, I had already gotten her life out of danger! (Then that means that there is great agility and a lot of action scenes?) Whether there is a need to fight or not, I am also ready". It turns out that this series also has Celina Harto and Juliana Kwok taking part; it is not known whether they have a romantic storyline with Owen.

*Credits to

Judy Kwong Is Unscrupulous in Series Filming, Jacky Cai and Elaine Yiu Stirring Up Sisterly Feud Again


TVB artistes Elaine Yiu, Jacky Cai, Ruco Chan, Kelly Fu, Yvette Chan, Judy Kwong, et al. secretly held a blessing ceremony in Mainland for the new series "War of the Roses" [yesterday]. This series will officially start filming early next month. Apart from the aforementioned actors, it is known that there is also a 'heavyweight' female character taking part, which is quite mysterious. This series is adapted from a novel by the artiste Momo Wu. The plot is about the incidents that occur in the entertainment industry and the upper class society, which includes the feud of several sisters.

Jacky and the female lead Elaine play female celebrities in the series this time. After being separated from many good sisters for many years, they each have their own lives; some have already married into wealthy families, while others are living a simple life, but they accidentally get involved in a scary incident. In an exclusive interview with, Judy frankly said, "In the series, I am a female celebrity who would do whatever it takes to achieve her goals, which is very different from myself. I am not as scheming, so it is a big challenge. While I was reading the script, there were many parts that also piqued my curiosity, so it's also quite interesting".

*Credits to

"Call of Destiny" Sub Song (Hera Chan Live Version)

"Disappeared You" - Hera Chan

消失的你 《異空感應》 片尾曲 - 陳曉華

作曲: 劉易昇
填詞: 楊熙

#藍藍的天 為何這天塌下來
從來不知 明明身邊你在
何時分開 為何不知記下來
如像昨天# 不曾存在

明月照人潮退 哪天可以重聚
遙望愛人離去 昨天未可追
期望你重來過 能令我可不再流淚
其實我人群裡 來和去 已很累

*明明在附近 但消失的你
離開了 無形地壓迫讓我下沉
為何未道別 便失去了你
浮沙裡 留下我一直疑問

Repeat *#

Related post: "Call of Destiny" Sub Song (Full Version)

*Credits to moreforms and 4K ENT-Production hk

Friday, December 20, 2024

TV Awards Presentation 2024 Nominations - Final Top Ten

TVBE Clip (122024)

"Scoop" Clip (122024)

"Scoop" Clip

"Scoop" Clip

"Scoop" Clip萬千星輝頒獎典禮2024|最佳男女主角-最佳劇集等12個獎項提名全城投票-投票者更有機會獲得獎品-p100007

'Best Male Newcomer' and 'Best Female Newcomer' are for artistes who have been in the industry for less than five years.

The voting period goes from December 20th @ 4pm to January 12th @ 12am HKT.

The awards presentation will be held in Macau on January 19th, 2025.

Best Series
01. 愛‧回家之開心速遞
02. 飛常日誌
03. 婚後事
04. 逆天奇案2
05. 反黑英雄
06. 法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖
07. 企業強人
08. 巾幗梟雄之懸崖
09. 廉政行動2024
10. 黑色月光

Best Actor
01. 馬國明 (飛常日誌)
02. 羅子溢 (婚後事)
03. 陳展鵬 (逆天奇案2)
04. 鄭則仕 (神耆小子)
05. 張振朗 (反黑英雄)
06. 黃宗澤 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
07. 陳豪 (企業強人)
08. 譚俊彥 (企業強人)
09. 黎耀祥 (巾幗梟雄之懸崖)
10. 王浩信 (黑色月光)

Best Actress
01. 蔡思貝 (飛常日誌)
02. 陳自瑤 (婚後事)
03. 姚子羚 (反黑英雄)
04. 蔡潔 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
05. 蔣祖曼 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
06. 張曦雯 (企業強人)
07. 龔嘉欣 (企業強人)
08. 胡定欣 (巾幗梟雄之懸崖)
09. 楊茜堯 (黑色月光)
10. 林夏薇 (黑色月光)

Best Supporting Actor
01. 朱敏瀚 (飛常日誌)
02. 張頴康 (逆天奇案2)
03. 袁偉豪 (反黑英雄)
04. 林景程 (反黑英雄)
05. 姜大衞 (企業強人)
06. 蕭正楠 (巾幗梟雄之懸崖)
07. 羅天宇 (巾幗梟雄之懸崖)
08. 何廣沛 (黑色月光)
09. 馬貫東 (黑色月光)
10. 阮浩棕 (異空感應)

Best Supporting Actress
01. 吳若希 (旁觀者)
02. 劉穎鏇 (飛常日誌)
03. 郭柏妍 (飛常日誌)
04. 高海寧 (飛常日誌)
05. 劉佩玥 (逆天奇案2)
06. 傅嘉莉 (反黑英雄)
07. 王敏奕 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
08. 陳曉華 (巾幗梟雄之懸崖)
09. 黃翠如 (黑色月光)
10. 楊卓娜 (黑色月光)

Best Informative and Special Topic Programme
01. 東張西望
02. 流行都市
03. 大灣區美味好玩攻略
04. 美食新聞報道
05. 早D知早D醫
06. 猜猜我是誰
07. 2024巴黎奧運
08. 無窮之路IV - 一帶一路
09. 呃錢
10. Grand住去大阪

Best Variety Programme
01. J Music
02. 中年好聲音2
03. 獎門人感謝祭
04. Mayanne小喇叭
05. 聲夢1+2
06. 福祿壽訓練學院
07. 芷珊約您
08. 直播靈接觸
09. 剪裁魔法師
10. 與天地對話

Best Male Host
01. 區永權 (東張西望、瞬間直擊半小時、 呃錢、歡樂滿東華2024)
02. 鄭衍峰 (奧運智‧識‧玩、巴黎奧運潮什麼、2024巴黎奧運、萬千星輝賀台慶)
03. 錢嘉樂 (獎門人感謝祭、大師兄感謝祭、相約澳門「京」豔之旅)
04. 周奕瑋 (娛樂頭條、Grand住去台北、感動味蕾美食餐廳100強 - 關西篇、萬千星輝賀台慶)
05. 鍾志光 (典籍裡的中國、2024巴黎奧運)
06. 方力申 (拍檔廚房、2024巴黎奧運)
07. 許文軒 (娛樂頭條、勁歌金榜、中年好聲音2、萬千星輝賀台慶)
08. 林正峰 (玩轉深中懶人包、明愛暖萬心、獎門人感謝祭、學是學非學毒害)
09. 林溥來 (東張西望、開卷、2024巴黎奧運 、百年一金庸)
10. 梁思浩 (直播靈接觸)

Best Female Host
01. 陳貝兒 (2024香港小姐競選決賽、無窮之路IV - 一帶一路、香港同胞慶祝中華人民共和國成立七十五周年文藝晚會、萬千星輝賀台慶)
02. 陳庭欣 (東張西望、慈善星輝仁濟夜、博愛歡樂傳萬家、萬眾同心公益金)
03. 陳懿德 (東張西望、福祿壽訓練學院、自駕德島、萬千星輝賀台慶)
04. 車婉婉 (中年好聲音2、中年好聲音3、 萬千星輝賀台慶)
05. 朱凱婷 (東張西望、福佑香江 同心邁向2024、2024巴黎奧運、萬千星輝賀台慶)
06. 馮盈盈 (HOME即是識、校園好聲音 - 唱響中國、2024香港小姐 女‧遊記、玩轉澳門更多Fun)
07. 何沛珈 (東張西望、早D知早D醫、2024巴黎奧運、2024香港小姐競選決賽)
08. 麥美恩 (Mayanne小喇叭、大師兄感謝祭、2024香港小姐競選決賽、萬千星輝賀台慶)
09. 吳幸美 (東張西望)
10. 黃翠如 (Grand住去台北、拍檔廚房、相約澳門「京」豔之旅)

Most Improved Male Artiste
01. 陳浚霆 (愛‧回家之開心速遞)
02. 周吉佩 (龍舞雲祥年初一、校園好聲音 - 唱響中國)
03. 鄭衍峰 (奧運智‧識‧玩、巴黎奧運潮什麼、2024巴黎奧運、萬千星輝賀台慶)
04. 張馳豪 (反黑英雄、聲夢1+2、剪裁魔法師)
05. 孔德賢 (本尊就位、2024巴黎奧運、萬眾同心公益金、玩轉澳門更多Fun)
06. 林正峰 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖、異空感應、明愛暖萬心、獎門人感謝祭)
07. 林景程 (妳不是她、逆天奇案2、反黑英雄、黑色月光)
08. 冼靖峰 (神耆小子、J Music、亞洲超星團、一路繁花)
09. 黃庭鋒 (妳不是她、奧運智‧識‧玩、2024巴黎奧運、2024英雄聯盟全球總決賽)
10. 阮浩棕 (異空感應、家常便飯爭霸戰)

Most Improved Female Artiste
01. 陳楨怡 (狀王之王、巾幗梟雄之懸崖、玩盡澳門無限Fun、剪裁魔法師)
02. 陳曉華 (巾幗梟雄之懸崖、異空感應、玩轉深中懶人包)
03. 陳懿德 (東張西望、福祿壽訓練學院、自駕德島、萬千星輝賀台慶)
04. 傅嘉莉 (神耆小子、反黑英雄、法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
05. 何泳芍 (開卷、J Sport、2024巴黎奧運、港女野人奇異記)
06. 關嘉敏 (逆天奇案2、巾幗梟雄之懸崖、福祿壽訓練學院)
07. 林秀怡 (流行都市、獎門人感謝祭、吃貨橫掃深圳、吃貨橫掃港深珠)
08. 羅毓儀 (神耆小子、異空感應、巾幗梟雄之懸崖、大灣區美味好玩攻略)
09. 李旻芳 (東張西望、呃錢)
10. 戴祖儀 (飛常日誌、法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖、 2024英雄聯盟全球總決賽)

Best TV Song
01. 這個家 (愛‧回家之開心速遞) - 姚焯菲
02. 飛常日誌 (飛常日誌) - 周吉佩
03. 傾城 (婚後事) - 曾比特
04. 阿拉斯加海灣 (婚後事) - 谷婭溦
05. 後悔萬年 (逆天奇案2) - 陳展鵬
06. Lost in the Night (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖) - 蔡潔
07. Come with Me (企業強人) - 鍾柔美
08. 就算天空塌下來 (巾幗梟雄之懸崖) - 古巨基
09. 黯月 (黑色月光) - 戴祖儀
10. 無界 (2024巴黎奧運) - 群星

Best Male Newcomer
01. 周百恩
02. 張馳豪
03. 廖家爵
04. 吳兆麟
05. 譚輝智

Best Female Newcomer
01. 陳懿德
02. 梁敏巧
03. 廖慧儀
04. 潘靜文
05. 曾文心

My Favourite TVB Drama (Greater Bay Area)
01. 愛‧回家之開心速遞
02. 飛常日誌
03. 婚後事
04. 逆天奇案2
05. 反黑英雄
06. 法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖
07. 企業強人
08. 巾幗梟雄之懸崖
09. 廉政行動2024
10. 黑色月光

My Favourite TVB Actor in a Leading Role (Greater Bay Area)
01. 馬國明 (飛常日誌)
02. 羅子溢 (婚後事)
03. 陳展鵬 (逆天奇案2)
04. 鄭則仕 (神耆小子)
05. 張振朗 (反黑英雄)
06. 黃宗澤 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
07. 陳豪 (企業強人)
08. 譚俊彥 (企業強人)
09. 黎耀祥 (巾幗梟雄之懸崖)
10. 王浩信 (黑色月光)

My Favourite TVB Actress in a Leading Role (Greater Bay Area)
01. 蔡思貝 (飛常日誌)
02. 陳自瑤 (婚後事)
03. 姚子羚 (反黑英雄)
04. 蔡潔 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
05. 蔣祖曼 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
06. 張曦雯 (企業強人)
07. 龔嘉欣 (企業強人)
08. 胡定欣 (巾幗梟雄之懸崖)
09. 楊茜堯 (黑色月光)
10. 林夏薇 (黑色月光)

My Favourite TVB Variety and Informative Programme (Greater Bay Area)
01. 獎門人感謝祭
02. 萬千星輝頒獎典禮2023
03. Mayanne小喇叭
04. 福祿壽訓練學院
05. 拍檔廚房
06. 中年好聲音3
07. 2024香港小姐競選決賽
08. 無窮之路IV - 一帶一路
09. 與天地對話
10. 萬千星輝賀台慶

My Favourite TVB Drama (Malaysia)
01. 愛‧回家之開心速遞
02. 婚後事
03. 逆天奇案2
04. 反黑英雄
05. 法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖
06. 企業強人
07. 巾幗梟雄之懸崖
08. 廉政行動2024
09. 黑色月光
10. 異空感應

My Favourite TVB Actor in a Leading Role (Malaysia)
01. 馬國明 (飛常日誌)
02. 羅子溢 (婚後事)
03. 陳展鵬 (逆天奇案2)
04. 蕭正楠 (神耆小子)
05. 陳山聰 (反黑英雄)
06. 張振朗 (反黑英雄)
07. 黃宗澤 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
08. 陳豪 (企業強人)
09. 黎耀祥 (巾幗梟雄之懸崖)
10. 王浩信 (黑色月光)

My Favourite TVB Actress in a Leading Role (Malaysia)
01. 陳自瑤 (婚後事)
02. 蔣祖曼 (逆天奇案2)
03. 姚子羚 (反黑英雄)
04. 蔡潔 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
05. 張曦雯 (企業強人)
06. 龔嘉欣 (企業強人)
07. 胡定欣 (巾幗梟雄之懸崖)
08. 楊茜堯 (黑色月光)
09. 林夏薇 (黑色月光)
10. 陳曉華 (異空感應)

My Favourite TVB Variety and Informative Programme (Malaysia)
01. 東張西望
02. 獎門人感謝祭
03. 萬千星輝頒獎典禮2023
04. Mayanne小喇叭
05. 拍檔廚房
06. 福祿壽訓練學院
07. 中年好聲音3
08. 2024香港小姐競選決賽
09. 與天地對話
10. 萬千星輝賀台慶

Press Conference @ TVBE Clip (010625)

Press Conference @ TVBE Clip (010825)

Poon Choi (Day 1) @ "Scoop" Clip (010925)

Poon Choi (Day 1) @ "Scoop" Clip (011025)

Poon Choi (Day 1) @ TVBE Clip (011025)

Interview @ TVBE Clip (011025)

Interview @ TVBE Clip (011025)

Poon Choi (Day 2) @ TVBE Clip (011125)

Poon Choi (Day 2) @ "Scoop" Clip (011125)

Press Conference @ TVBE Clip (011125)

Interview @ "Scoop" Clip (011125)

Interview @ "Scoop" Clip (011125)

Interview @ "Scoop" Clip (011225)

Press Conference @ TVBE Clip (011425)

Press Conference @ TVBE Clip (011625)

Interview @ "Scoop" Clip (011825)

Related post: TV Awards Presentation 2024 Nominations

Personal Note: The 'Most Promising Newcomer' award being changed to 'Best Newcomer' this year....

Monday, December 16, 2024

"Battle of Marriage" Promotional Clips 1-9

"Battle of Marriage" Promotional Clip 1

"Battle of Marriage" Promotional Clip 2

"Battle of Marriage" Promotional Clip 3

"Battle of Marriage" Promotional Clip 4

"Battle of Marriage" Promotional Clip 5

"Battle of Marriage" Promotional Clip 6

"Battle of Marriage" Promotional Clip 7

"Battle of Marriage" Promotional Clip 8

"Battle of Marriage" Promotional Clip 9

Related post: 《奔跑吧! 勇敢的女人們》 "Run! Brave Women" Costume Fitting

*Credits to jinnyng, 林瑋澄, tvb, and edwinsfc

Monday, December 9, 2024

"Love in Go Park" Promotional Clips 1-3

"Love in Go Park" Promotional Clip 1

"Love in Go Park" Promotional Clip 2

"Love in Go Park" Promotional Clip 3

Related post: 《戀上西沙》 "Falling in Love with Sai Sha" Blessing Ceremony

*Credits to Gigi 炎明熹 資訊星球

Friday, December 6, 2024

"Dream in Heng Qin and Macau" Sub Songs 1 & 2 (Full Versions)

"Dream in Heng Qin and Macau" Sub Song 1 (Full Version)

"Dream Encounter" - Lin Xia Wei & Ruco Chan

當我遇到 《尋夢琴澳》 插曲 - 林夏薇/陳展鵬

作曲: TY Terence/KW朱敏希
填詞: 楊熙
編曲: 徐洛鏘
監製: 劉易昇

林:當天空未夠高 或有些願望你未能做到
陳:當天色未夠好 換個位或下一秒會遇到

*林:曾得到 #曾失去 曾苦惱
陳:曾比較 曾不滿 曾失意
才明白學會拋開 從前 先可以遇到

林:想願望 想實現
未曾怕 夢很遠 行前先可以遇到
陳:想願望 想實現
合:未曾怕 夢很遠 原來終可以遇到#*

林:一早準備更好 待你一踏入你便能望到
陳:當手握著最好 或更多並未可以發現到

Repeat *#

"Dream in Heng Qin and Macau" Sub Song 2 (Full Version)

"Soul Figure" - Nancy Wu & Shaun Tam

靈魂人物 《尋夢琴澳》 插曲 - 胡定欣/譚俊彥

作曲/填詞/監製: KW朱敏希
編曲: Y.Siu

每趟旅程 也會接連 引發更多故事
每個進程 卻會引來 沿途無數非議
怎能夠禁止 這一連串天意
憑你睿智 應該膽敢再試

*每有困難 放棄鑽研 哪會看懂世事
每個偉人 奮鬥過程 無人能亂去定義
I'll be here with you to help chase your fantasy
I got your back so just go for it
我伴你 去達到勝利爲止

能出走發掘你的無窮潛力 和奧祕
每步也陪同著你探索夢境 數萬里
將格言銘記 做人不可隨意跪地

能擔當世道裡的靈魂人物 仍有你
我樂意隨時爲你每次冒險 去集氣
像你般獨有的 找不到可媲美*

Repeat *

能解鎖結局那位靈魂人物 唯有你
我爲你從旁吶喊永遠扮演 你助理
讓每位路過的 不可再低估你

Related post: "Dream in Heng Qin and Macau" Sub Song 2 MV Preview
Related post: "Dream in Heng Qin and Macau" Sub Song 1 MV Preview

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Competing for TV Queen with a Normal Attitude and Hoping for Her Elder Sister to Win an Award, Tavia Yeung: 'Happier Than Me Winning'


Ming Pao Weekly Clip

Ming Pao Weekly Clip

Ming Pao Weekly Clip

Ming Pao Weekly Clip

In the finale week of the much-discussed series "Darkside of the Moon", viewers have nothing but praise for 'Yu Moon Yuet', played by Tavia Yeung in the series, showing off her acting skills in her plan for revenge. Returning to her mother company to film a series after six years, she expressed that she had considered and worried too much beforehand; however, encountering a good script is hard to come by. "When the producer (Chung Shu Kai) looked for me, telling me to come back to film a series with the theme of female revenge, I was very surprised at the time because, after female artistes have children, they usually play the roles of good wives and good mothers, but he was actually very bold to look for me to play a dark character...was also quite interested. Plus, was already very tempted after discussing the script...really wanted to play it, but after I accepted the role, also became a bit vicious when facing [my] children. Started to get invested in creating the character and had a lot more ideas".

Was worried that [she] would be given the cold shoulder by the viewers after not filming series for a long time. "First of all, don't think about what viewers expect. Instead, have to do a good job of myself because I give everyone the impression that I have had children and have been away from the cameras for a period of time. Instead, I have to think about how to push myself to improve...have to be invested in the role both externally and internally. Afraid of everyone thinking that I have regressed. Plus, the outline of the story this time is close to a certain drama, so there was even more pressure, but the good thing is that Hong Kong has very few female-led revenge series. Viewers have seen me play a villain, but they have not seen me portray a villain with many complex emotions. I slowly gained confidence that [I] could play the role well". The signature villainous laugh in the series was highly praised by viewers. Tavia said that it did not need to be too much and had to be expressed naturally. "Some actors may need to practice in front of the mirror many times, but I think that, in certain scenes, when you want to show something special, then [you] would practice in front to the mirror. However, in modern series, I rarely practice in front of the mirror because I feel that, [if I] practice too much, would get restricted by my own eyes, so I have never practiced in front of the mirror. On the contrary, the script gave me the personality and background of my character; the mentality was already written out in every scene. Instead, I felt that there was no need to do too much for the eyes. You have experienced so many things; the things that you want to express will be expressed from the heart".

Even her husband, Him Law, also teased her for acting out her true colours. Tavia laughingly said, "My husband said that I was acting out my true colours this time. Said that it turns out that I have been acting for almost ten years, playing the role of a good wife and a good mother. Have just woken up now and have gotten to know me! Ha ha!" Returning to TVB to film a series after six years, the mentality this time is already different. "The mentality was very different when [I] was not married. Two or three years after [I] got married, I also came out to film 'Modern Dynasty', but [I] have not returned to TVB to film a series in six years. I think that the biggest difference is that there were many restrictions before. You could not choose. Regardless of whether it was good or bad, you also had to do it because, after you do it, you can gain experience and learn in the process. You may even film a series where there is no choice in the outdoor scenes, and there is also no sleep, and [you] have to keep going without rest or sleep. Now, everything is also very flexible, whether it is in terms of the resources or the working time. Many things are coordinated to a certain is not as tough".

Last year, Charmaine Sheh returned to film "The QUEEN of News", which caused Charmaine to win three TV queen titles. This year, Tavia has also made a strong return. Many netizens expressed their high expectations for her to win TV queen again; however, Tavia said, "Actually, from back then to now, I just like to do one thing well, so [I] have also always had a normal attitude. Have never done more due to wanting to win awards or even promote myself. I am a rather lazy person. Just want to create characters in series to make the viewers like them, remember the characters that I played, and are able to say out the name. Being able to compete with others for a seat in the awards is the approval and recognition that is given to me by the viewers, which is more important than anything else because, even if you do not win an award, it does not mean that you did not do well. Just like this series, the feedback is already very good and even has a level of discussion. I feel that it has already exceeded all of my expectations".

On the contrary, Tavia said that she would rather her elder sister, Griselda Yeung, be able to win an award; she would be even happier. Also could not help but cry during the interview upon the mention of her elder sister. "Really very happy this time. It was an unexpected gain because I have never acted in the same series with my elder sister. In the past, she may have made a cameo, but it was the first time for [us] to interact in the same series, and also acting as the characters of two sisters. I originally thought that the viewers might not like it. Might think that it is like a married couple acting...very nitpicky and find it very revolting, but was surprisingly accepting of it, especially in emotional scenes, which came from the heart. Actually, my elder sister really likes to act. She often tells me that she really wants to encounter characters that allow her to perform. This time, in the series, our communication was very heartfelt. Remember one scene, which was actually not too touching, but maybe I was too immersed in the performance...don't know why [I] was suddenly very touched in the series. I remember that, after the filming, I could not help but cry; however, that scene was actually very simple. It was merely because I was able to act with her, very naturally showed the feelings of two sisters. Thus, [if] you ask me, 'Want to win an award?' Actually, I want my elder sister to win an award. If she wins an award, I would be happier than me winning. I hope that she can let viewers see even more different sides of her in series".

*Credits to mpweekly

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Kenneth Ma Raises the White Flag When Competing for TV King, Sin Tik Kei Encounters 'Dad' Again: 'A Decade Is Like a Day'


TVBE Clip (120724)

ontv Clip

stheadline Clip

am730 Clip

touchwoodTV Clip

As One Clip

More Forms Clip

More Forms Clip

More Forms Clip

More Forms Clip

Hong Kong V Clip

Artistes Kenneth Ma, Lee Lung Kei, and Sin Tik Kei attended 24 STORAGE's second anniversary celebration in San Po Kong as three generations. As a loyal fan of Donald Duck, Kenneth has collected 8,000 or 9,000 related items. In addition, he also has other collections, so he has put some items into a storage unit. Asked if he was forced to his wife, Roxanne Tong, to 'evict', he said, "No. I am willing to do so because I really have too many things. Apart from Donald Duck, there are also figurines and photo albums of Noriko Sakai, Kumiko Goto, Leslie Cheung, and Takuya Kimura. She also left a lot of room for me at home. Of course, girls need more room".

Kenneth, who has been rumoured to be a father from time to time, was asked whether Donald Duck will be passed down to his baby in the future. He said, "Have not thought that far because now there is no baby yet. Really do not have any announcements for the time being, and it's also not that it's not the time to announce yet. Leaving having a baby to fate". He also revealed that his wife, Roxanne, is not filming series, but would also shoot ads from time to time. Also has to shoot an ad today. As for filming series, has to wait for the right role.

Talking about the annual anniversary's awards presentation, he is once again competing for 'TV King' with "The Airport Diary", but is 'surrendering' in advance and said, "This year, it should be none of my business. Only have 'Airport' this year. It seems as though there were no series released. I even thought that I should not have been nominated". He also frankly said that he has no preferences for TV king and TV queen because they are evenly matched. He said, "I selfishly think highly of Edwin Siu. He should get TV King, but has never had the luck to get it. He did a great job in 'No Return' but is not nominated for this series; I also don't really understand it".

Kenneth's 'daughter', Sin Tik Kei, appeared in an anime cosplay look. When she was eight years old, she worked with Kenneth in "Survivor's Law II" and acted as his adopted daughter. The father and daughter have finally reunited. She said, "I encountered Kenneth at TVB in 2018. He still recognized me. Kenneth is also just as young...a decade is like a day". Sin Tik Kei has been developing in Taiwan in recent years. Apart from participating in a girl group, she has been serving as a cheerleading goddess for a baseball team.

*Credits to, stheadline, am730, 田木集作, 娛壹 As One, moreforms, and 香港V

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Tavia Yeung Does Not Desire to Become TV Queen, Praises Lin Xia Wei for Being a Pleasant Surprise as a Villain


ontv Clip

Artiste Tavia Yeung returned to her mother company to film the anniversary series "Darkside of the Moon". After the series aired, the feedback was good. She also admitted that she has reaped a lot from this series, receiving many jobs and acting offers. Talking about series fans hoping that she wins TV queen again this year, she said that she does not film series to win awards and highly praised her rival, Lin Xia Wei, for being a pleasant surprise. In real life, she is just like her also a 'tough girl' who is capable of everything that others are not capable of!

TVB's anniversary series, "Darkside", starring Tavia, had its finale [tonight]. Since the series aired, many actors in the series have been praised for their acting skills, especially 'Yu Moon Yuet', played by Tavia, who had a tragic childhood and was even raped, and constantly plotted her plan for revenge. 'Killer eyes' became her exclusive term and was highly discussed. The role this time is full of darkness, and series fans are also hoping that she 'scores twice', taking the TV queen throne again at the anniversary's awards presentation to be held in January of next year.

Looking at the nomination list for the anniversary's awards presentation that was announced [yesterday], Tavia's biggest rivals are Kelly Cheung, Yoyo Chen, and her co-star 'archenemy' Lin Xia Wei. She frankly said that Xia Wei's character in the series was more difficult to handle emotionally: "She suprised me so much. Have never seen her play a villain! In terms of pressure, she should have had more, especially in terms of the emotional interpretation...she had to put in a lot of effort and also had to take many things into account. (Not afraid of the outside world comparing the two of you?) Not scared. They are two completely different things". She frankly said that she does not film series to win awards. The good response from the viewers has already made her happy and satisfied and said, "To be honest, I really hope for a series award. Winning it would be the best encouragement". Talking about "Darkside" already becoming the 'No. 1 Hong Kong series' when it was released in Mainland, she frankly said, "I also did not expect it. Hope that there will be even more good series soon and break records again!"

Working Is More Relaxing Than Taking Care of Her Children

Tavia's 「Moon姐」 in the series spent 18 years seeking revenge. The character has an independent personality. In real life, she is also a 'tough girl'; she loves to do many things by herself: "Just like when I had to move house while working this time. When there was time, would go back to Hong Kong to handle it and take care of my two children. (There was no time to rest?) Would not. Actually, when I was carrying my son, also had to move house. Although there was help, I also did my best to tidy up the entire house. Even tidied up until the day before giving birth. (How come there is so much will power?) Think that I can do it! Also want my children live more comfortably. Able to [if] thinking like that!"

Mentioning that her husband, Him Law, said that she is full of old ailments and is very pained about it, Tavia immediately revealed, "Had to fly to Beijing for work earlier. A few days before leaving, I wanted to hug my son, but it was so painful that I could not move! (Was very scared?) Yes. Immediately went to the doctor for a few days in a row. When filming series back then, rode a horse and fell down before, and also did not know how to exert [myself], so now [I] have 'mommy's thumb' and 'tennis elbow'. The only way to improve it is exercise". However, have to educate and take care of her children, so Tavia does not have enough time every day, let alone exercise. No wonder she jokingly said, "Really feel that travelling abroad to film series is more relaxing than taking care of [my] children. Ha ha!"

She, who is a self-proclaimed 'tiger mom', has her own way of arranging extracurricular classes for her children: "Will only fill Mondays to Fridays now, and let them play more on the weekends and Sundays. Hope to have a happy childhood. I think that studying really depends on the children's fate with books. As a parent now, can only do your best to provide them with what they need. If comparing academic studies with health, I worry about their health more. Scared of them randomly eating things, as there are a lot of germs!" However, as the children grow up, she is also starting to let Him and her family divide up the work in a cooperative manner.

*Credits to

Tavia Yeung Is Not Afraid of Being Dual TV Queens with Lin Xia Wei, Supporting Husband Him Law to Win an Award and Matching Their Outfits


TVBE Clip (120424)

"Scoop" Clip (120424)

ontv Clip

stheadline Clip

stheadline Clip

am730 Clip

am730 Clip

More Forms Clip

More Forms Clip

More Forms Clip

TVB's anniversary series, "Darkside of the Moon", aired its finale tonight. The two female leads and TV queens Tavia Yeung and Lin Xia Wei, along with the executive producer Chung Shu Kai and the producer Kwan Man Sam, treated the cast and crew to dinner to enjoy the finale at a restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui in the evening. Tavia thanked Chung Shu Kai on stage for giving her the opportunity. The filming this time left her with good memories. She even aksed the producer on site to film a sequel; Chung Shu Kai immediately laughingly said that he originally had no plans to do so, but now had to look at the viewers' reaction, and revealed that the most unforgettable thing was that, during the filming, two of the series crews were infected by Priscilla Wong at the same time, causing them to get sick with a cold, jokingly saying that it was because of this that she did not dare to show up tonight. As for Xia Wei, she thanked Director Kai for giving her a challenging role, causing her to have a new breakthrough.

The two TV queens were interviewed together. As for "Darkside" coming to its finale, Tavia said that she had already repeatedly watched it many times, so she was not reluctant to part with it; however, Xia Wei expressed that she was reluctant to part with it: "Very happy to be able to try acting as a villain this time. Apart from finding it fun, could also finally act with Tavia. Tavia also highly praised Xia Wei for acting well in the role of the villain and told her to stop playing a good person, and even suggested that the two of them play villains together in the future. Talking about the two both being nominated for 'Best Actress' at "TV Awards Presentation 2024" for "Darkside" and the two becoming competitors competing for the award, Tavia expressed that they were not competing: "Every actor also works hard to do a good job of herself. I have also not taken part in a major event like TVB's awards presentation for a long time, so I am treating it as a reminiscence and preparing to go with the mentality of seeing [my] friends". Xia Wei is very happy to be able to be nominated together: "It proves that the viewers really like the characters. The happiest thing is that the character can be executed and the viewers like it".

Mentioning that the battle for TV queen this time includes many opponents, such as Nancy Wu, Kelly Cheung, et al., Tavia admitted that she was not familiar with some of her opponents. Asked if she would accept dual TV queens, she said, "Afraid of what? If the company is willing to do it, why would we be afraid of getting it?" Xia Wei expressed that the company has many outstanding works this year, so the viewers are actually the big winners. The two expressed that they would vote for each other, and the other vote would be for Nancy. As for 'Best Actor', Tavia expressed that she would definitely be voting for her husband, Him Law. Talking about Xia Wei also being nominated for 'Best TV Song' for her duet, 《當我遇到》, with Ruco Chan, she frankly said that her beloved dog,「金豬」, passed away when she was recording the song, so it was very difficult to bear at the time, frankly saying that the nomination was a blessing from 「金豬」, but she laughingly said that she is not too confident about winning the award: "Already very happy to take part. Ruco and I have collaborated so many times...finally have a duet that we can sing when doing stage performances...ha ha!" She also pointed out that the song that she prefers to win the award is "Darkside"'s song.

Talking about the preparation for the outfits for the awards presentation, would Tavia be matching her outfit with her husband, Him? She said, "If he is winning, then would be matching. (Showing your chests as a couple partnership?) I'll think about this suggestion. You were the one who said whether the chest would be revealed or not. (Your husband often shows off his chest muscles.) We belong to the group with actual ability. We don't need to. I also don't have the ability in this regard". As for Xia Wei, she frankly said that she has been busy preparing for the opening of a new store recently and has only gotten five hours of sleep every day, so she has no time to think about her outfit.

*Credits to, mingpao, stheadline, and moreforms

Monday, December 2, 2024

"Call of Destiny" Sub Song (Full Version)

"Disappeared You" - Windy Zhan

消失的你 《異空感應》 片尾曲 - 詹天文

作曲/監製: 劉易昇
填詞: 楊熙
編曲: 劉易昇/Freddie Lo@Wa Music Studio

#藍藍的天 為何這天塌下來
從來不知 明明身邊你在
何時分開 為何不知記下來
如像昨天# 不曾存在

明月照人潮退 哪天可以重聚
遙望愛人離去 昨天未可追
期望你重來過 能令我可不再流淚
其實我人群裡 來和去 已很累

*明明在附近 但消失的你
離開了 無形地壓迫讓我下沉
為何未道別 便失去了你
浮沙裡 留下我一直疑問

Repeat *#

Related post: "Call of Destiny" Sub Song Preview 2
Related post: "Call of Destiny" Sub Song Preview

TV Awards Presentation 2024 Nominations萬千星輝頒獎典禮2024|最佳男女主角-最佳劇集等12個獎項提名全城投票-投票者更有機會獲得獎品-p100007

The winners will be decided by the "TV Awards Presentation 2024" judging panel, TVB's employed artistes, and viewers.

One can vote for up to three selections for each award.

The voting period goes from December 2nd @ 4pm to January 12th @ 12am HKT.

The awards presentation will be held in Macau on January 19th, 2025.

Best Series
01. 愛‧回家之開心速遞
02. 妳不是她
03. 旁觀者
04. 飛常日誌
05. 本尊就位
06. 狀王之王
07. 再見‧枕邊人
08. 婚後事
09. 逆天奇案2
10. 神耆小子
11. 反黑英雄
12. 法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖
13. 企業強人
14. 巾幗梟雄之懸崖
15. 廉政行動2024
16. 黑色月光
17. 異空感應

Best Actor
01. 丁子朗 (妳不是她)
02. 周柏豪 (旁觀者)
03. 馬國明 (飛常日誌)
04. 謝東閔 (本尊就位)
05. 孔德賢 (本尊就位)
06. 王浩信 (狀王之王)
07. 馬德鐘 (再見‧枕邊人)
08. 羅子溢 (婚後事)
09. 黎諾懿 (婚後事)
10. 陳展鵬 (逆天奇案2)
11. 方力申 (逆天奇案2)
12. 黃智賢 (逆天奇案2)
13. 鄭則仕 (神耆小子)
14. 蕭正楠 (神耆小子)
15. 陳山聰 (反黑英雄)
16. 張振朗 (反黑英雄)
17. 張頴康 (反黑英雄)
18. 黃宗澤 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
19. 袁偉豪 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
20. 陳豪 (企業強人)
21. 譚俊彥 (企業強人)
22. 黎耀祥 (巾幗梟雄之懸崖)
23. 陳山聰 (廉政行動2024)
24. 王浩信 (黑色月光)
25. 馬志威 (黑色月光)
26. 陳家樂 (異空感應)

Best Actress
01. 馮盈盈 (妳不是她)
02. 王敏奕 (旁觀者)
03. 蔡思貝 (飛常日誌)
04. 陳嘉慧 (本尊就位)
05. 姚子羚 (狀王之王)
06. 黃智雯 (再見‧枕邊人)
07. 張曦雯 (再見‧枕邊人)
08. 陳自瑤 (婚後事)
09. 王敏奕 (婚後事)
10. 林夏薇 (逆天奇案2)
11. 蔣祖曼 (逆天奇案2)
12. 樊亦敏 (神耆小子)
13. 姚子羚 (反黑英雄)
14. 朱晨麗 (反黑英雄)
15. 蔡潔 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
16. 蔣祖曼 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
17. 張曦雯 (企業強人)
18. 龔嘉欣 (企業強人)
19. 胡定欣 (巾幗梟雄之懸崖)
20. 張曦雯 (廉政行動2024)
21. 楊茜堯 (黑色月光)
22. 林夏薇 (黑色月光)
23. 陳曉華 (異空感應)

Best Supporting Actor
01. 歐瑞偉 (愛‧回家之開心速遞)
02. 黃庭鋒 (妳不是她)
03. 馬貫東 (妳不是她)
04. 羅天宇 (旁觀者)
05. 馬貫東 (旁觀者)
06. 朱敏瀚 (飛常日誌)
07. 吳偉豪 (飛常日誌)
08. 洪永城 (飛常日誌)
09. 徐榮 (飛常日誌)
10. 韋家雄 (本尊就位)
11. 金剛 (狀王之王)
12. 林子聰 (狀王之王)
13. 羅天宇 (再見‧枕邊人)
14. 羅天宇 (婚後事)
15. 張頴康 (逆天奇案2)
16. 高鈞賢 (逆天奇案2)
17. 袁偉豪 (反黑英雄)
18. 黃子恆 (反黑英雄)
19. 鄧智堅 (反黑英雄)
20. 林景程 (反黑英雄)
21. 黎澤恩 (反黑英雄)
22. 馮皓揚 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
23. 林盛斌 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
24. 林正峰 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
25. 關楚耀 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
26. 姜大衞 (企業強人)
27. 蕭正楠 (巾幗梟雄之懸崖)
28. 羅天宇 (巾幗梟雄之懸崖)
29. 尹揚明 (黑色月光)
30. 郭鋒 (黑色月光)
31. 何廣沛 (黑色月光)
32. 楊明 (黑色月光)
33. 馬貫東 (黑色月光)
34. 林景程 (黑色月光)
35. 阮浩棕 (異空感應)

Best Supporting Actress
01. 車婉婉 (妳不是她)
02. 吳若希 (旁觀者)
03. 連詩雅 (旁觀者)
04. 胡蓓蔚 (旁觀者)
05. 戴祖儀 (飛常日誌)
06. 劉穎鏇 (飛常日誌)
07. 郭柏妍 (飛常日誌)
08. 高海寧 (飛常日誌)
09. 王子涵 (狀王之王)
10. 賴慰玲 (婚後事)
11. 羅冠蘭 (婚後事)
12. 鄭淽月 (婚後事)
13. 馮盈盈 (逆天奇案2)
14. 劉佩玥 (逆天奇案2)
15. 傅嘉莉 (神耆小子)
16. 傅嘉莉 (反黑英雄)
17. 何沛珈 (反黑英雄)
18. 蔣家旻 (反黑英雄)
19. 王敏奕 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
20. 戴祖儀 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
21. 陳曉華 (巾幗梟雄之懸崖)
22. 陳星妤 (廉政行動2024)
23. 林凱恩 (廉政行動2024)
24. 黃翠如 (黑色月光)
25. 楊卓娜 (黑色月光)
26. 譚凱琪 (異空感應)

Best Variety Programme
01. 不正常愛情研究所
02. 勁歌金榜
03. J Music
04. 玲玲友情報
05. 中年好聲音2
06. 亞洲超星團
07. 永遠抱緊 梅艷芳
08. 福佑香江 同心邁向2024
09. 肥媽李鼎打大佬
10. 獎門人感謝祭
11. 萬千星輝頒獎典禮2023
12. 不如食豪D
13. 慈善星輝仁濟夜
14. 除夕倒數迎金龍
15. 龍舞雲祥年初一
16. 2024國泰新春國際匯演之夜
17. 新春保良迎金龍
18. 尋找世界另一個我 台灣篇
19. 騰龍運鑽花車匯演
20. 最緊要許冠傑音樂特輯
21. 博愛歡樂傳萬家
22. Mayanne小喇叭
23. 聲夢1+2
24. 福祿壽訓練學院
25. 全港運動 全城躍動 第九屆全港運動會開幕典禮
26. 芷珊約您
27. 直播靈接觸
28. 香港婚後事
29. 永遠在乎 鄧麗君
30. 葉振棠80話當年
31. 學神爸媽Get Set Go!
32. 萬眾同心公益金
33. 拍檔廚房
34. 2024 TVB年中節目巡禮
35. 濠玩夏水禮2024
36. 明愛暖萬心
37. 奧運智‧識‧玩
38. 葉麗儀萬般情懷55年
39. 森林女王
40. 他和她的喵店長2
41. 校園好聲音 - 唱響中國
42. 星光熠熠耀保良
43. 我們家的料理
44. 我推的野男LIVE!
45. 2024香港小姐 女‧遊記
46. 大師兄感謝祭
47. 奧運健兒大匯演
48. 中年好聲音3
49. 荃頌荃盛
50. 相約澳門「京」豔之旅
51. 家常便飯爭霸戰
52. 2024香港小姐競選決賽
53. 剪裁魔法師
54. 香港同胞慶祝中華人民共和國 成立七十五周年文藝晚會
55. 善心滿載仁愛堂
56. TVB同行創新節目巡禮2025
57. 2024英雄聯盟全球總決賽
58. 一代鬼才 黃霑
59. 與天地對話
60. 萬千星輝賀台慶
61. 讓我們重新認識陳慧嫻
62. 尋夢琴澳
63. 歡樂滿東華2024

Best Informative and Special Topic Programme
01. 東張西望
02. 娛樂頭條
03. 流行都市
04. Hands Up
05. 關注關注組
06. 開卷
07. 周六聊Teen谷
08. 搶食著數特攻隊
09. 典籍裡的中國
10. 去到邊 食到邊
11. 荷蘭筍工
12. 北極潮什麼
13. 窺心事
14. 大灣區美味好玩攻略
15. 古靈精怪 台灣篇
16. 網紅甜卡
17. 2024風生水起
18. 2024開運救兵
19. HOME即是識
20. 積金無咁易?
21. J Sport
22. 一個好人
23. 玩盡澳門無限Fun
24. 吃貨橫掃深圳
25. Grand住去台北
26. 齊撐照顧者 我哋支持你
27. 怪宿宿
28. 美食新聞報道
29. 早D知早D醫
30. 台灣萌萌的
31. 沙特阿拉伯潮什麼
32. 動物森友島
33. 玩轉深中懶人包
34. 一路繁花
35. 猜猜我是誰
36. 尋醉蘇格蘭
37. 學是學非學毒害
38. 感動味蕾美食餐廳100強 - 關西篇
39. 巴黎奧運潮什麼
40. 2024巴黎奧運
41. 瞬間直擊半小時
42. 奧運健兒展風采
43. 港女野人奇異記
44. 吃貨橫掃港深珠
45. 少訊同行50年
46. 無窮之路IV - 一帶一路
47. 解風福岡
48. 玩轉澳門更多Fun
49. 百年一金庸
50. 瑞士潮什麼
51. 呃錢
52. 冲遊泰國10
53. 自駕德島
54. 澳門25個第一
55. 一條麻甩在汕頭
56. Grand住去大阪
57. 意料之踪
58. 獨嘉登機指南
59. 一個香港‧十種玩法 過節篇

Best Male Host
01. 安德尊 (流行都市)
02. 區永權 (東張西望、瞬間直擊半小時、 呃錢、歡樂滿東華2024)
03. 陳展鵬 (尋找世界另一個我 台灣篇)
04. 周吉佩 (龍舞雲祥年初一、校園好聲音 - 唱響中國)
05. 鄭衍峰 (奧運智‧識‧玩、巴黎奧運潮什麼、2024巴黎奧運、萬千星輝賀台慶)
06. C君 (Grand住去台北、Grand住去大阪)
07. 錢嘉樂 (獎門人感謝祭、大師兄感謝祭、相約澳門「京」豔之旅)
08. 周奕瑋 (娛樂頭條、Grand住去台北、感動味蕾美食餐廳100強 - 關西篇、萬千星輝賀台慶)
09. 蔡景行 (關注關注組、怪宿宿、美食新聞報道、獨嘉登機指南)
10. 鍾志光 (典籍裡的中國、2024巴黎奧運)
11. 鄧梓峰 (關注關注組、新春保良迎金龍、 萬千星輝賀台慶、歡樂滿東華2024)
12. 方力申 (拍檔廚房、2024巴黎奧運)
13. 何振然 (J Sport、2024巴黎奧運、萬千星輝賀台慶)
14. 何晉樂 (J Music、Music Break)
15. 許文軒 (娛樂頭條、勁歌金榜、中年好聲音2、萬千星輝賀台慶)
16. 孔德賢 (除夕倒數迎金龍、萬眾同心公益金、玩轉澳門更多Fun、善心滿載仁愛堂)
17. 洪永城 (早D知早D醫、瞬間直擊半小時、澳門25個第一、意料之踪)
18. 姜皓文 (與天地對話)
19. 金剛 (濠玩夏水禮2024)
20. 黎諾懿 (香港婚後事、自駕德島)
21. 林子善 (一個好人)
22. 林正峰 (玩轉深中懶人包、明愛暖萬心、獎門人感謝祭、學是學非學毒害)
23. 林溥來 (東張西望、開卷、2024巴黎奧運 、百年一金庸)
24. 林盛斌 (積金無咁易?、濠玩夏水禮2024、與天地對話、萬千星輝賀台慶)
25. 火火 (我推的野男LIVE!)
26. 李家鼎 (肥媽李鼎打大佬)
27. 李思捷 (福祿壽訓練學院)
28. 森美 (HOME即是識、聲夢1+2、萬眾同心公益金、善心滿載仁愛堂)
29. 梁思浩 (直播靈接觸)
30. 陸浩明 (不如食豪D、2024巴黎奧運、我推的野男LIVE!、Grand住去大阪)
31. 麥長青 (大灣區美味好玩攻略、一路繁花)
32. 冼靖峰 (J Music、家常便飯爭霸戰、一路繁花)
33. 蕭正楠 (呃錢)
34. 譚俊彥 (尋找世界另一個我 台灣篇、相約澳門「京」豔之旅)
35. 丁子朗 (萬千星輝頒獎典禮2023)
36. 王祖藍 (福祿壽訓練學院、奧運健兒大匯演、一條麻甩在汕頭)
37. 王鎮泉 (娛樂頭條)
38. 黃庭鋒 (龍舞雲祥年初一、奧運智‧識‧玩、2024巴黎奧運、2024英雄聯盟全球總決賽)
39. 黃耀英 (東張西望、直播靈接觸)
40. 余文樂 (與天地對話)
41. 阮兆祥 (獎門人感謝祭、除夕倒數迎金龍、大師兄感謝祭、福祿壽訓練學院)
42. 袁偉豪 (學神爸媽Get Set Go!、剪裁魔法師)

Best Female Host
01. 陳貝兒 (2024香港小姐競選決賽、無窮之路IV - 一帶一路、香港同胞慶祝中華人民共和國成立七十五周年文藝晚會、萬千星輝賀台慶)
02. 陳庭欣 (東張西望、慈善星輝仁濟夜、博愛歡樂傳萬家、萬眾同心公益金)
03. 陳懿德 (東張西望、福祿壽訓練學院、自駕德島、萬千星輝賀台慶)
04. 陳若思 (HOME即是識、港女野人奇異記)
05. 車婉婉 (中年好聲音2、中年好聲音3、 萬千星輝賀台慶)
06. 支嚳儀 (龍舞雲祥年初一、我推的野男LIVE!)
07. 蔡思貝 (與天地對話)
08. 朱凱婷 (東張西望、福佑香江 同心邁向2024、2024巴黎奧運、萬千星輝賀台慶)
09. Maria Cordero (肥媽李鼎打大佬)
10. 馮盈盈 (HOME即是識、校園好聲音 - 唱響中國、2024香港小姐 女‧遊記、玩轉澳門更多Fun)
11. 何沛珈 (東張西望、早D知早D醫、2024巴黎奧運、2024香港小姐競選決賽)
12. 何泳芍 (開卷、J Sport、2024巴黎奧運、港女野人奇異記)
13. 胡蓓蔚 (我推的野男LIVE!、一路繁花)
14. 高海寧 (2024香港小姐 女‧遊記、Grand住去大阪)
15. 江美儀 (大灣區美味好玩攻略、一個好人、2024香港小姐 女‧遊記、一個香港‧十種玩法 過節篇)
16. 關楓馨 (萬眾同心公益金、玩轉深中懶人包、家常便飯爭霸戰、歡樂滿東華2024)
17. 郭柏妍 (大灣區美味好玩攻略、尋找世界另一個我 台灣篇)
18. 賴慰玲 (香港婚後事、2024香港小姐 女‧遊記)
19. 林秀怡 (流行都市、獎門人感謝祭、吃貨橫掃深圳、吃貨橫掃港深珠)
20. 劉穎鏇 (學是學非學毒害、奧運智‧識‧玩 、2024巴黎奧運)
21. 梁凱晴 (吃貨橫掃深圳、萬眾同心公益金、吃貨橫掃港深珠、星光熠熠耀保良)
22. 梁敏巧 (東張西望、呃錢)
23. 梁芷珮 (北極潮什麼、沙特阿拉伯潮什麼、巴黎奧運潮什麼、瑞士潮什麼)
24. 李旻芳 (東張西望、呃錢)
25. 廖慧儀 (網紅甜卡、港女野人奇異記、吃貨橫掃港深珠、美食新聞報道)
26. 黎芷珊 (芷珊約您、歡樂滿東華2024)
27. 麥玲玲 (玲玲友情報)
28. 麥美恩 (Mayanne小喇叭、大師兄感謝祭、2024香港小姐競選決賽、萬千星輝賀台慶)
29. 宋宛穎 (早D知早D醫、新春保良迎金龍、星光熠熠耀保良、澳門25個第一)
30. 吳幸美 (東張西望)
31. 倪嘉雯 (Hands Up、HOME即是識、美食新聞報道)
32. 彭慧中 (流行都市、吃貨橫掃深圳、吃貨橫掃港深珠)
33. 潘靜文 (J Music、明愛暖萬心、荃頌荃盛、歡樂滿東華2024)
34. 潘盈慧 (娛樂頭條)
35. 薛家燕 (玩轉深中懶人包、2024風生水起、家常便飯爭霸戰)
36. 杜如風 (解風福岡)
37. 汪明荃 (慈善星輝仁濟夜、奧運健兒大匯演、萬千星輝賀台慶、歡樂滿東華2024)
38. 王敏奕 (感動味蕾美食餐廳100強 - 關西篇)
39. 黃翠如 (Grand住去台北、拍檔廚房、相約澳門「京」豔之旅)
40. 黃紫恩 (不正常愛情研究所、怪宿宿、台灣萌萌的、直播靈接觸)
41. 胡美貽 (關注關注組、窺心事、瞬間直擊半小時、港女野人奇異記)
42. 胡定欣 (剪裁魔法師)
43. 游嘉欣 (肥媽李鼎打大佬、慈善星輝仁濟夜、積金無咁易?、玩轉澳門更多Fun)
44. 姚子羚 (一路繁花)

Most Improved Male Artiste
01. 陳浚霆 (愛‧回家之開心速遞)
02. 周吉佩 (龍舞雲祥年初一、校園好聲音 - 唱響中國)
03. 鄭衍峰 (奧運智‧識‧玩、巴黎奧運潮什麼、2024巴黎奧運、萬千星輝賀台慶)
04. 張馳豪 (反黑英雄、聲夢1+2、剪裁魔法師)
05. 焦浩軒 (愛‧回家之開心速遞)
06. 周百恩 (愛‧回家之開心速遞、巾幗梟雄之懸崖、福祿壽訓練學院)
07. 蔡景行 (反黑英雄、美食新聞報道、福祿壽訓練學院、獨嘉登機指南)
08. 朱樂洺 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
09. 馮皓揚 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖、我們家的料理、獨嘉登機指南)
10. 何晉樂 (愛‧回家之開心速遞、J Music、Music Break、聲夢1+2)
11. 許文軒 (娛樂頭條、勁歌金榜、中年好聲音2、萬千星輝賀台慶)
12. 孔德賢 (本尊就位、2024巴黎奧運、萬眾同心公益金、玩轉澳門更多Fun)
13. 林正峰 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖、異空感應、明愛暖萬心、獎門人感謝祭)
14. 林俊其 (反黑英雄、黑色月光、關注關注組)
15. 林景程 (妳不是她、逆天奇案2、反黑英雄、黑色月光)
16. 吳兆麟 (婚後事、反黑英雄、福祿壽訓練學院、意料之踪)
17. 吳天佑 (飛常日誌、流行都市)
18. 吳子冲 (逆天奇案2、神耆小子、企業強人)
19. 施焯日 (反黑英雄、關注關注組、玲玲友情報)
20. 冼靖峰 (神耆小子、J Music、亞洲超星團、一路繁花)
21. 曾展望 (愛‧回家之開心速遞、Mayanne小喇叭)
22. 黃建東 (本尊就位、反黑英雄、黑色月光、福祿壽訓練學院)
23. 黃庭鋒 (妳不是她、奧運智‧識‧玩、2024巴黎奧運、2024英雄聯盟全球總決賽)
24. 黃耀英 (東張西望、直播靈接觸)
25. 丘梓謙 (愛‧回家之開心速遞、再見‧枕邊人、反黑英雄)
26. 阮政峰 (愛‧回家之開心速遞、旁觀者)
27. 阮浩棕 (異空感應、家常便飯爭霸戰)
28. 容天佑 (逆天奇案2、反黑英雄、廉政行動2024)

Most Improved Female Artiste
01. 陳楨怡 (狀王之王、巾幗梟雄之懸崖、玩盡澳門無限Fun、剪裁魔法師)
02. 陳熙蕊 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖、黑色月光)
03. 陳曉華 (巾幗梟雄之懸崖、異空感應、玩轉深中懶人包)
04. 陳星妤 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖、廉政行動2024、周六聊Teen谷)
05. 陳懿德 (東張西望、福祿壽訓練學院、自駕德島、萬千星輝賀台慶)
06. 支嚳儀 (龍舞雲祥年初一、我推的野男LIVE!)
07. 趙頌宜 (Music Break、聲夢1+2、福祿壽訓練學院)
08. 趙璧渝 (再見‧枕邊人、逆天奇案2、法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
09. 莊子璇 (J Music、2024香港小姐競選決賽)
10. 傅嘉莉 (神耆小子、反黑英雄、法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)
11. 古佩玲 (愛‧回家之開心速遞)
12. 何沛珈 (神耆小子、反黑英雄、東張西望、2024香港小姐競選決賽)
13. 何泳芍 (開卷、J Sport、2024巴黎奧運、港女野人奇異記)
14. 關楓馨 (黑色月光、玩轉深中懶人包、家常便飯爭霸戰、歡樂滿東華2024)
15. 關嘉敏 (逆天奇案2、巾幗梟雄之懸崖、福祿壽訓練學院)
16. 郭珮文 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖、福祿壽訓練學院、剪裁魔法師、自駕德島)
17. 林凱恩 (再見‧枕邊人、逆天奇案2、廉政行動2024、流行都市)
18. 林秀怡 (流行都市、獎門人感謝祭、吃貨橫掃深圳、吃貨橫掃港深珠)
19. 羅毓儀 (神耆小子、異空感應、巾幗梟雄之懸崖、大灣區美味好玩攻略)
20. 李旻芳 (東張西望、呃錢)
21. 李芷晴 (愛‧回家之開心速遞、本尊就位、再見·枕邊人、企業強人)
22. 梁超怡 (黑色月光、周六聊Teen谷)
23. 梁凱晴 (吃貨橫掃深圳、萬眾同心公益金、吃貨橫掃港深珠、星光熠熠耀保良)
24. 梁敏巧 (東張西望、呃錢)
15. 廖慧儀 (黑色月光、港女野人奇異記、吃貨橫掃港深珠、美食新聞報道)
26. 倪嘉雯 (反黑英雄、法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖、HOME即是識、美食新聞報道)
27. 潘靜文 (J Music、聲夢1+2、荃頌荃盛、歡樂滿東華2024)
28. 邵初 (愛‧回家之開心速遞、巾幗梟雄之懸崖、2024香港小姐 女‧遊記)
29. 鄧凱文 (周六聊Teen谷、東張西望、大灣區美味好玩攻略)
30. 戴祖儀 (飛常日誌、法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖、 2024英雄聯盟全球總決賽)
31. 曾文心 (反黑英雄、J Sport)
32. 尹詩沛 (旁觀者、逆天奇案2、法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖、企業強人)
33. 黃婧靈 (妳不是她、周六聊Teen谷、冲遊泰國10)
34. 王嘉慧 (逆天奇案2、黑色月光、東張西望、剪裁魔法師)
35. 黃紫恩 (不正常愛情研究所、怪宿宿、台灣萌萌的、直播靈接觸)
36. 黃瀅仴 (黑色月光、Hands Up、直播靈接觸、我推的野男LIVE!)
37. 胡美貽 (旁觀者、反黑英雄、瞬間直擊半小時、港女野人奇異記)
38. 游嘉欣 (慈善星輝仁濟夜、肥媽李鼎打大佬、積金無咁易?、玩轉澳門更多Fun)
39. 阮嘉敏 (逆天奇案2、法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖)

Best TV Song
01. 這個家 (愛‧回家之開心速遞) - 姚焯菲
02. Officially Missing You (妳不是她) - 劉芷君
03. What A Wonderful World (妳不是她) - 戴祖儀
04. 孤島 (旁觀者) - 吳若希
05. 保存‧紀念‧回憶 (旁觀者) - 谷婭溦
06. 飛常日誌 (飛常日誌) - 周吉佩
07. 本尊不是我 (本尊就位) - 冼靖峰
08. 講真呢鑊有啲傑 (狀王之王) - 王浩信 ft. 陳昊廷/文佐匡/侯雋熙/彭家賢
09. 同枕 (再見‧枕邊人) - 谷婭溦
10. 再見枕邊人 (再見‧枕邊人) - 羅天宇/吳若希
11. 傾城 (婚後事) - 曾比特
12. 阿拉斯加海灣 (婚後事) - 谷婭溦
13. 我的天下 (命轉皇后) - 黃洛妍
14. 一早注定 (命轉皇后) - 何晉樂
15. 逆襲 (逆天奇案2) - 周吉佩
16. 錯過‧再實現 (逆天奇案2) - 炎明熹
17. 後悔萬年 (逆天奇案2) - 陳展鵬
18. 一家之主 (神耆小子) - 尹光
19. 但願人長久 (神耆小子) - 蕭正楠
20. 難得有情人 (神耆小子) - 冼靖峰/羅毓儀
21. 甜蜜蜜 (神耆小子) - 樊亦敏
22. The Crossroads (反黑英雄) - 鄭世豪
23. The Break of Dawn (反黑英雄) - 王灝兒
24. 空白 (反黑英雄) - 吳若希
25. 倖存 (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖) - 林智樂
26. Lost in the Night (法證先鋒VI : 倖存者的救贖) - 蔡潔
27. 鐵血丹心 (射鵰英雄傳之鐵血丹心) - 譚輝智/黃洛妍
28. 千愁記舊情 (射鵰英雄傳之鐵血丹心) - 譚輝智
29. 四張機 (射鵰英雄傳之鐵血丹心) - 黃洛妍
30. 流遍大地 (企業強人) - 古淖文
31. 在一起 (企業強人) - 谷婭溦
32. Come with Me (企業強人) - 鍾柔美
33. 成長的證據 (玫瑰的故事) - 吳若希
34. 就算天空塌下來 (巾幗梟雄之懸崖) - 古巨基
35. 紅蝴蝶 (巾幗梟雄之懸崖) - 黎耀祥/胡定欣
36. 月亮 (黑色月光) - 金伯利‧費思
37. 黯月 (黑色月光) - 戴祖儀
38. 遇感 (異空感應) - 孫漢霖
39. 消失的你 (異空感應) - 詹天文
40. 英雄傳奇 (說英雄誰是英雄) - Plan V
41. Hands Up (Hands Up) - 姚焯菲/鍾柔美/詹天文
42. 我們的名字 (中年好聲音2/中年好聲音3) - 〈中年好聲音〉 1-3季學員
43. 隆重登場 (中年好聲音2) - 〈中年好聲音2〉 學員
44. 閃耀/Shining (亞洲超星團) - 〈亞洲超星團〉 練習生
45. 無界 (2024巴黎奧運) - 群星
46. Will You Be My Lover (我們家的料理) - 姚焯菲
47. Proud to Be a Woman (2024香港小姐競選) - 王灝兒/鍾柔美/詹天文
48. 五味之家 (家常便飯爭霸戰) - 薛家燕/蕭秀香/關楓馨/冼靖峰/阮浩棕
49. 走過天與地 (與天地對話) - 王玥
50. 靈魂人物 (尋夢琴澳) - 胡定欣/譚俊彥
51. 當我遇到 (尋夢琴澳) - 林夏薇/陳展鵬

TVBE Clip (120224)

"Scoop" Clip (120524)

"Scoop" Clip (120824)

Personal Note: TVB did not have many of its own series this year, but they still managed to come up with so many nominations....

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Tavia Yeung Refused to Be a Frog at the Bottom of a Well: Could Not Find a Breakthrough When Having to Do Set Things


hk01 Clip

Following 2018's "Another Era', Tavia Yeung has returned to her mother company to film "Darkside of the Moon" after six years. Since choosing to leave the company in 2016 and due to starting her own family, it has indeed been rare for Hong Kong viewers to be able to see her performances again. Starting from graduating from the training class in 1999, Tavia stayed in TVB for 17 years before leaving. During this period, she went from starting at the bottom to becoming the only TV queen chosen by the people.

In 2012, Tavia won 'Best Actress' at "TV Awards Presentation 2012" for her role as 'Hong Chi Kwan' in "Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles". Asking her if this was the most important turning point in her performing arts career, she shook her head and denied: "You think that it was the turning point because I won many awards, but I think that I want to have roles to challenge even more. On the contrary, during the period of 'Beyond the Realm of Conscience', it allowed me to be able to make a transformation because not making a transformation was out of the queston. I cannot be an ignorant girl, a young girl, or a good person all my life. During that time, it was a bigger turning point. There were many things that opened [my] mind because of 'Beyond'...did not have to worry too much. Although I am not an idol, I also had a burden, which was being afraid that [if I] am being a bad person, [I] would get egged".

As for another turning point, Tavia expressed that leaving TVB was also one of them. "I thought that it was time to step out because, if you stay at TVB for too long, you would be like a frog at the bottom of a well...unable to see the outside world. Only having a fixed occupation, and having to do set things every day, but cannot seem to find any breakthroughs. The opportunity came at a time when I felt that I could try jumping to another level of life. Could plan my marriage, could see how to start a family, and also wanted to try [my] hand at this performing arts industry and see what could happen". Tavia said that the company is like a protective shell, but she wanted freedom more and wanted to try out which level she could get to.

As for whether she had been frozen by TVB, she confidently expressed, "Never. To be honest, I have never been frozen. If I were frozen, shouldn't be this tired...ha ha. Really, the contract just ended. After it ended, could think about other things, plan my life, take a break, and spend time with my family".

After leaving the company, Tavia quickly started a family with Him Law. The two also met while filming "The Hippocratic Crush" in TVB. She expressed that the two's love has never been grand and spectacular. Met the right person at the right time. Later, also had two children appear one after another. Even her husband also says that a trickle flowing for a long time will suffice. "Actually, there is nothing particularly grand and spectacular between me and him, but that's it, and it's even less now. He often says that nothing has to be done...a trickle flowing for a long time. I say that I am almost 'turning off your tap'. When nothing is done, the column of water will get thinner and thinner, and you are just letting it flow".

Of course, Tavia is not really dissatisfied; she just hopes that this long-lasting relationship can be more nutritious. She said, "A trickle flowing for a long time, but don't be so boring. You also need to add a little colour to it, right? Bland and tasteless is not good either. Ha ha".

*Credits to hk01

Saturday, November 30, 2024

"Dream in Heng Qin and Macau" Sub Song 2 MV Preview

"Soul Figure" - Nancy Wu & Shaun Tam

靈魂人物 《尋夢琴澳》 插曲 - 胡定欣/譚俊彥

作曲/填詞/監製: KW朱敏希
編曲: Y.Siu

每趟旅程 也會接連 引發更多故事
每個進程 卻會引來 沿途無數非議
怎能夠禁止 這一連串天意
憑你睿智 應該膽敢再試

每有困難 放棄鑽研 哪會看懂世事
每個偉人 奮鬥過程 無人能亂去定義
I'll be here with you to help chase your fantasy
I got your back so just go for it
我伴你 去達到勝利爲止

能出走發掘你的無窮潛力 和奧祕
每步也陪同著你探索夢境 數萬里
將格言銘記 做人不可隨意跪地

能擔當世道裡的靈魂人物 仍有你
我樂意隨時爲你每次冒險 去集氣
像你般獨有的 找不到可媲美

*Credits to tammerz

Friday, November 29, 2024

"Call of Destiny" Theme Song MV

"Encounter" - Steven Suen

遇感 《異空感應》 主題曲 - 孫漢霖

作曲/監製: 劉易昇
填詞: 張楚翹
編曲: 劉易昇/Freddie Lo@Wa Music Studio

光 一轉身已散失 捉不住
影 一追趕變更深 前行仍無盡處
人間太大 萬個可能

看 誰路過都像迷離在鏡中
偏無法 憑道理將全貌看通

*怕 變化不可探知
信 線索不止到此
命裡創傷 為何沒法制止

心 早知扭轉結果 差一步
身 偏偏不免跌倒 仍然難避苦惱
靠天意帶路 如若什麼都知道

Repeat *


Related post: "Call of Destiny" Opening Theme Video & End Credits

*Credits to TVB Music Group

Goes All Out for Comedy and Corny Phrases to Cajole Lin Xia Wei, Kenneth Ma Generously Shares Two Key Points of a 'Simple Theory of Loving the Wife'


TVB Clip

TVB is releasing the telemovie "Dream in Heng Qin and Macau" after 20 years; it will be broacasting on TVB Jade tomorrow at 8:30pm.

Lin Xia Wei, who plays the 'lonely middle-aged woman' 'Si Si' in "Dream", and 'Chow Wing San', played by Ruco Chan, are colleagues and a bickering pair. Although they fight to the death in business matters, 'Wing San', who is a warm guy, extremely cares about 'Si Si' in private, even helping 'Si Si' expose an 'online dating scam'. Kenneth Ma is responsibe for playing the online AI scammer 「阿King」. Kenneth, who plays two characters this time, will also play the successful person 'Tung Cheuk Yin'. 'Tung Cheuk Yin' and 「阿King」 even have an inexplicable and mysterious connection....

Although Kenneth has rarely filmed comedies in recent years, as long as it involves comedy, he has an outstanding performance! This time, Kenneth's comedic skills have exploded once again, being 'Timothy Cheng', a 'domineering CEO', and a 'Korean drama-style warm guy' at the same time, giving it his all to cajole Xia Wei.

Regarding his role, Kenneth admitted that it was extremely fun and laughingly said that he extremely enjoys filming comedies: "Also came up with the role's interpretation with the producer because we felt that online scammers should often use their voice to deceive people first, so [we] thought of the music lover Timothy Cheng as the prototype. Thus, when I said the dialogue, would also be like a radio sweet-talking and being gentle. Was also quite interesting and quite fun. I have also not acted out things with comedic feeling for a long time. Although I am not great at acting, actaully quite enjoy doing comedy. Hope that the viewers will watch the outcome happily". Apart from the 'presentation' (the voice and body language), the 'love phrases' of Kenneth's character are also quite corny and funny, including "No matter where you are, my heart also has you" (「無論你喺邊,我個心都係有你」), "Loving someone is having to be irrational" (「愛一個人,就係要冇理智」), and the era-defining "Do not care about eternity...only care about what was one had" (「不在乎天長地久,只在乎曾經擁有」), which cajoled Xia Wei to the point of fainting.

When asked whether Kenneth is also a master at cajoling his wife in real life, Kenneth threw out a 'simple theory of loving the wife': "Usually, I am not really good at cajoling girls, but I think that the most important thing is to be sincere. As long as you are really good to that person, I believe that she would feel it. For example, as a husband, if [you] do not have to work, would accompany the wife more. Wherever the wife has to go, you would drive her there. Just accompanying her to do things in [our] daily lives and spending as much time as possible with the wife. I always feel that, as long as the husband and wife are accompanying one another, would be happy. Would be very happy even if [they] do very simple things". Regarding this, Producer Lam Hang added, "Beause the scenes where the swindler Kenneth appears are all imagined by Xia Wei. Well, Xia Wei's character really likes watching Korean dramas, so put some elements of Korean dramas into it".

"Dream in Heng Qin and Macau" Part 1

"Dream in Heng Qin and Macau" Part 2

"Dream in Heng Qin and Macau" Part 3

"Dream in Heng Qin and Macau" Part 4

"Dream in Heng Qin and Macau" Part 5

"Dream in Heng Qin and Macau" Part 6

FYI: "Dream in Heng Qin and Macau" peaked at 16 points (1,040,000 viewers).

*Credits to bastillepost and tvb

Thursday, November 28, 2024

"Darkside of the Moon" Promotional Event 5


"Scoop" Clip (112824)

"Scoop" Clip

ontv Clip

Ming Pao Clip

stheadline Clip

stheadline Clip

stheadline Clip

More Forms Clip

More Forms Clip

More Forms Clip

Tavia Yeung Moves to an 'Imperial House' Not Because of the Good Feng Shui, Only One Reason for Moving House...

Tavia Yeung and Mat Yeung, who were both from the same training class and are old buddies, attended a promotional event for the anniversary series "Darkside of the Moon" today. The male lead in the series, Vincent Wong, made a rare appearacne, but he had to rush to a radio station to record a programme and did not accept media interviews.

Regarding the series' finale, Tavia said that she would not be reluctant to part with it because she had watched it many times before and feels happy that it is finally the finale: "Gained a lot from this series. There was a lot of response and more work". She admitted that she has already received many scripts. Asked whether she would follow the example of Wayne Lai and only film one series a year, she said, "One series a year is okay because I need a lot of time to take care of my children. [If] there is a suitable script, would also want to film, but have to take my children to school. It is also a headache for me. (Leave it to your husband, Him Law, to take care of it?) He also has to work".

She laughingly said that she has to leave it to Mat to take care of her children. Mat immediately said, "It is not only one series a year for me. It is ten series a year for me. I have to make money". Tavia pointed out that he could take the opportunity of taking care of her children to learn how to be a parent in the future. Mat laughingly said, "You tell Lisa (Chong) to learn. I am asking Him how to hea the wife". Asking the two whether they wanted to work together again, Tavia snidely said to him, "He films ten series a year...don't know if there is time. I have to call Lisa and ask her. Is she your girlfriend or wife?" Mat expressed that he would tell her later. Tavia asked again, "Are you married yet?" Mat could not bothered anymore and said, "You side with outsides rather than your own".

As for it being reported that Tavia and her husband moved house for feng shui. Tavia said that it was too exaggerated: "We have also moved for over a year. Said that ours is an imperial house...think too highly of us and too lowly of rich people. The main reason is that it is convenient for the children to go to school, so [we] moved. (Said that the house is excellent for the TV king?) (The most important thing is that it feels comfortable to be in the house, and the location is suitable. Do not look at feng shui things". She also laughingly pointed out that she was mad about the report writing her age incorrectly. Mentioning that Vincent has rarely promoted the series in Hong Kong, she had good words for him: "He just has a new company. He is also busy. He is responsible for promoting our series in Mainland! We are promoting in Hong Kong".

*Credits to, mingpao, stheadline, and moreforms

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

"Call of Destiny" Sub Song Preview 2

Cut from "Call of Destiny" Episode 2

"Disappeared You" - Windy Zhan

消失的你 《異空感應》 片尾曲 - 詹天文

作曲/監製: 劉易昇
填詞: 楊熙
編曲: 劉易昇/Freddie Lo@Wa Music Studio

藍藍的天 為何這天塌下來
從來不知 明明身邊你在
何時分開 為何不知記下來
如像昨天 不曾存在

明月照人潮退 哪天可以重聚
遙望愛人離去 昨天未可追
期望你重來過 能令我可不再流淚
其實我人群裡 來和去 已很累

明明在附近 但消失的你
離開了 無形地壓迫讓我下沉
為何未道別 便失去了你
浮沙裡 留下我一直疑問

Related post: "Call of Destiny" Sub Song Preview

*Credits to tvb

Monday, November 25, 2024

"Call of Destiny" Opening Theme Video & End Credits

"Call of Destiny" Opening Theme Video

"Encounter" - Steven Suen

遇感 《異空感應》 主題曲 - 孫漢霖

作曲/監製: 劉易昇
填詞: 張楚翹
編曲: 劉易昇/Freddie Lo@Wa Music Studio

光 一轉身已散失 捉不住
影 一追趕變更深 前行仍無盡處
人間太大 萬個可能

信 線索不止到此
命裡創傷 為何沒法制止

"Call of Destiny" End Credits

Promotional Event 1 @ TVBE Clip (112424)

Promotional Event 1 @ "Scoop" Clip (112524)

Premiere Dinner @ TVBE Clip (112624)

Promotional Event 2 @ TVBE Clip (112924)

Promotional Event 3 @ TVBE Clip (120924)

Promotional Event 4 @ TVBE Clip (122424)

Promotional Event 4 @ "Scoop" Clip (122424)

Related post: "Call of Destiny" Sub Song (Hera Chan Version)
Related post: "Call of Destiny" Sub Song (Hera Chan Live Version)
Related post: "Call of Destiny" Sub Song (Full Version)
Related post: "Call of Destiny" Theme Song MV
Related post: "Call of Destiny" Sub Song Preview 2
Related post: "Call of Destiny" Sub Song Preview