Saturday, July 31, 2010

"Growing Through Life" Promotional Clip 4

Narrator: "Some people say that everything has a price".

Damian Lau: "Whether something is useful depends on whether it has any worth".

Narrator: "Ideals can be bought".

Raymond Lam: "You just used a little bit of money to buy out such a small factory, but the home appliances factory is my father's heart and soul!"

Narrator: "Family ties also have a price".

Cecilia Yip: "Does he know who his wife is?!"

Raymond Lam: "You just did it for money! Money! All you think about is money!"

Dominic Lam: "You bad boy, where is your conscience?!

Bosco Wong: "I am not your son!"

Narrator: "When you trade for benefits, you lose your soul. Is it really worth it?"

*Credits to 雪子Yuki

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