A Blast from the Past: "Healing Hands" Costume Fitting
Steven Ma, Flora Chan, and Bowie Lam at the costume fitting of "Healing Hands". I guess Flora was supposed to be a doctor in part one. Tang Tak Hei must have changed his mind for the real filming of it.
TBC - 《玫瑰戰爭》 "War of the Roses" - 《風華背后》 "Behind the Queen of Yarn" - 《璀璨之城》 "The Radiant City" - 《黃金時代》 "Golden Era" - 《美麗有罪》 "The Sin of Beauty" - 《造星帝國》 "Star-Making Empire"
Series Trailers & Promotional Clips
Click to watch series trailers & promotional clips!
Just wonder do you remember the date of this news?Thanks.